HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-12-29, Page 2,. i� fit, tl1'y1,941/ ,, Y ec If J th f u a 1 .t,:'aY' CPU ttiitAYli Y'ID@:'RfAA19 fakes "i' * URA.gbi iN d 'D'1AbCS. ¥r. A.. S. Sseinecl , ,ik „Osaka: Av@., Tomato, rntto, awes: "1 bald tool attacked 417 f'retAuat'znly with astute muscular rlestaratetiare. affectieg m'" slutuldere awl arms. I used South <'luie k':tll Rh,'uitla- iee (Jtu•s and foetid immediate relief after a dome nr two. My family have used tion remedy with the meet Nabs. factory results. I tldii?: it trillt' a vary efFioacians t wily for this vier '>u'e'vu,leut ailment." Sold by A. L. Ihauult')n. Preservation W'itltott4 e leenticttls, In a bulletin of the Welst Z irginirl .ex- periment station Mr. Hite describes a series of ezperiulents which he neade for the presentation of Milk with a preseetre arty soy Tteat l57411tt 0savtr4Y. ' Last night I slept a Solea fab q., and wakened with rt starts, Anil wondered what the pain meld be that pressed upon my hart, Ii stabbil sobs it 41 a+*uia batik—the ; crewels of y esterda i-, The flags, mall cheers, and marching, awl the boy that went away, My boy. t.)1h, well 1 Mince those gates. of death when I was more than blest; Wht'n kindly people laid a living babe I t4) a lmuy breast; Too glad to sleep, too weak to speak, x p blessed hint where he any, My nestling bird, God's grleious gift, my boy that went away. • of from 5 to 90 tons per square Molt. At 1\Iy bay, the enol of five days some of the satnl'l,�:a And then x dreamed how lie should were perfectly zlweet,,but luuo ease were grew up. scholarly and good, , •all the 'injurious bacteria killed, and, on And I should it beside Itis fife (por- the whole, the experiment eau hardly be i, chaeta+ ill widowhood). regarded Its a success. Great diffieulh•y j His fire is where the bugles call, and was eaperieneed ixl.procuring cylinders aus'wringbullets fly. stlillcieutly strong to withstand the, ; 'PI•c1 a crimson rain, o'er all the plain, great pressure. In some oases low of whore the suffering, wounded, moderate pressor° for several days, was lie. tried, WING[IAN TINES D NEW YORK MILLIONAIRES. i t oy ,a fru,' pet Ildis rotating trdvertiremesttm o „•:,,1trs ami btoketw, saving that atocoyy voulel. € r'” „td+through rp•ruLttion, realizethat tl • richest st nx zt in America have i mntautoed life in a htl1nbir' va a;� ante have Italia their torten through ',tcu k•e'eeltan�a speoulati,nu,. glen sake Jar tloul<t, who worktdl ar a d ^cud+ rh t k in a small taws at 1110.tk) to week to sty tot t ,ztic'th year, tort commenced to ottt�e, ate with lti r .•_nail Navin; of *2'00.00 in 'Yell Street, lett at b s, death T,antinions of dollars 7 wtt't<ell Nage who wurktdl as u grocery boy a . $NA* iliti•11 nt 1 1 itiillions of dollars is is stiwealth. f titins; the morkt•t,. talthou,•,11 NO years o* ase, au: t o all' thousands Inds of others, who are ezrioyin • tai the luaurics life can Offer,; whieh Is alto t their nuc c e ss it, speculations. `1`o the shrewd speculator the same ol)Iior trititic v are open today as to others in thepast the Mm tTlm`t .et wont can be bought lrad sol is 10 ,bares on f''r• margin, znaldzzg till tlet1ur8. Any ho ly it tc t t attxl ate to how spc etlatfiou are con 1tit•tmd troll gc•t lnio)•znution and mattke' iii ter• free of charge upon application. by lotto• t*EOUGP, NKAI,I,itrll BANI ll.� fi• 131;o'lf)aii3, C'D_ ,+or t)ATCD STOOK. 1'+xd 11ANtti 13iill.. C i BROADWAY, 1W Volum arrow. Oaneextl tk4ta e, f Tl attezitioml of Mery Department to hived R* t' rntes has beau osllgd to tans frequency with whilnit Melees attaaibuted Vox Over mete reties Anel will he suffer? --if I thought—bat • no 1t cannot be An Old and r' We11-Tried Remedy—Mrs leTo destiny so cruel as to mete such. woe ' W?li 11e* '$ Paoehilra Syrup has been used to 1110. • for o r :est , •; . ',v iiiillionsof mothers • for 111... t •.' .,tet-, teething, with (Forgive my words, a mother's love eau perfects see c:,.. • .. . ja,*;tile cliild,soft- neer be said or sun; ens 1: ;:• ;1•t-, . ri train, cures wind At once the lovi,,of the brooding dove, colic, wet. le the feast remedy for liar- ora lioness With young.) nccea. it is pleasant to the taste. - -Sold y g } • by druggists in every part of the world, * ,. * * * Twenty -jive cents a bottle. Its Value is Downl plunging pain, at duty's call; Incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. away with, every fear, Winslow's Soothing .Syrup, and take we For "Queen and Country" first of an,. other kind. our cry, though love be dear, And may our Father keep the lads, and bless each parent nest, And our Queen doth know (fcr she hath sons), we've given her our beat— Our boys. Wiugiiam. Isabella, Allen Warwick. We often crush down our impulses,r Dot realizing that a impulses are apt to be just the quick longings of our natures to f,1fr1 their ideals.—January Ladies' lame Journal Children Ory for CAt',� a Perfect health is that condition of the body when. digestion is so perfect that the physiological balance between the destruction and construction that goes on' ceaselessly in cell life is daily kept normal,—E. B, Warman. `ttS 9TTLE !LLS OIE. Positively cured by these # a ao They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Ilcarty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, 2 au -ca, Drowsf- &less,. Tad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the' Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small PM. email Doses �Drrl&a Priem Substitution the fraud: of the day. See you get Ca: Nc 's, Ask for . Carter's, Insist and: demand• Carter's Little Liver Pills. • 3 [The above appeared in the Toronto •, Daily Globe on Deeeniber 22nd;]—Eel'. Trees. neem TIrr DocrOhs. Mr. B. M. Bowler, Cambridge, Kings Co., YT. S., saysz "I was troubled with a raining sore in my ear, for which I tri d all kinds of doctors, but could not get cured. 1 was recommended to try Burdock Blood Bitters, which I did, and the sore was completely healed." to the use of theme foods is noticed in n the newspaper press. As the use of 1 soon geode is. ou the ineroaso, it is thought to be desirable that the facts as to this matter sha111d be known, so that Olio," steles may bo taken to safeguard the g health of the customers, and :a circular o has been issued to all the medical. inert in Canada, asking for iuforinatiou on di tate subject. The medical profession is asked to state whether any eases of ill - b Hess apparently attributed to this source has come under their netioe in recent years, whether the eitses lead terminated fatally, whether the syulptons painted to metallic or ptomaine ppisoning. I£ the latter, the profession is 'requested to state whether the defect was owing to imperfect sealing of the eau or a slight ohmage or decomposition in the contents on account °Vase. The. profession is 1 asked to make suggestions with a view , tto bettering existing °auditions its re- cards tinned foodstuffs. I0:"I9S I3LAUTX. a— nte A.GNEW'*P' OINTMENT STOt.l SKIN, 1t1:1r-tare 0.1rayrav Statistics. The f.:l1-wine. statistics z;elatinx to the Mutual Piro Iiirur'aiioe 01mm1muies et this comity we take from the Govcr:i- muent report of 1893. and they relate to the business Clone 1 y these oo.ltpa'.iies for the year ending December 31st, r898:—MoKennon — Policies. in force, 2,017; haw and renewals, 451; amount at Tisk, $2,911,575; value of i:rcrium notes, 183,005; a"stssments levied, $'4,- 417; oaa'.i receive:I on fixed payments, 8.2,52; losses dining year, $9,780; ex- penses of management, $943. Usllonw AND Ii3BBE1T—PO11.e1QS in farce, 2,200; new and renewals, 798; amount ,at risk, v$8,0.20,635; valve - on premium notes, 892,147; assessments levied, 88,194; losses cur ng year, 0,950; expenses. of management, $720. HAY—Policies in force, 1,751; new and renewals, 501; amount at risk, 0.958,445; value of premium notes, $105,359; assessments levied, 88,974; cash received on fixed payments, $501; lasses during year, $3,- 744; expenses of management, $785, Wase WAwescstl—Policies in force, 2,983; new and renewals, 1,089; amount at risk, 83,055,323; value of premium notes, $136,858; assessments levied, $4,- 773; losses during year, $2,I5f; expenses of management, $1,097. Howxott—Poli- cies in force, 2,822; new and renewals, 902; amount at risk, $4,113,585; valueof premium notes, $185,745; assessin'euts levied, $877; cash received on fixed pay- ments, $7,135; losses during the year, $9,957; expenses of management, $1,735. There can be no poorer sail for a childplant to grow in, than the soil of pretense. To learn • to conceal is a sor- ; 'T roevful lesson indeed for a child. To learn to conceal honest poverty, as though ashamed of it, is the host soi- ro- 'fnl of the sorrowful lessons in this line, for it is to so little purpose, and is unnecessary . afterward. — January Ladies' Home Journal. An Enormous Sale. To all who have felt the evil effects of deranged kidneys it is interesting to h know that Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills are meeting with enormous sale and unparalleled success • in this +listri c, et Backaches and aching kidneys. die s. y are fast becamiug a thing of the past r ' Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills fire auown. One cent a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers. • Prisoners in the penitentiary fir y about the only ones that live up to their convictions.—Kansas City Star. Mother's Favorite, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and urpentine is mother's favorite remedy or Croup; bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds and sore throat. It has by far the largest sale of any remedy .for coughs and colds. It is pleasttut to the taste, prompt in action and is au absolute safeguard against consumption and pneumonia. 25 cents a bottle. Family size 60 cents. Mr. H. Smith, of Hay, Huron Co., veon the priz�i offered by, R. Cunning - am, of Guelph, for the. best fat animal fai o ageor breed,xh' • open to exhibitors y g from Huron and Bruce counties only, at the c Guelph Fat S St , ek Show. ow. He also won the Halliday silver cup for the best animal of any age or breed; and a cream: separator for the best fat animal, of any age or breed, on the grounds. The heaviest animal exhibited weighed 2195 iP What between building and renewing the organ, and adding stops to the organ, and tuning the organ, the organ will cost every year in interest on capital and current expenditure enough money to - have kept a missionary in foreign parts or, to have supported a minister in a poor district of the city; and what it costs in anxiety to the organist and to the con- gregation in chronic irritation would, if reduced tomoney value and multiplied by the number of orgalu'idden churches, clear the debt off every foreign mission in the whole Anglo-Saxon world. Jan Maclaren ounds. BF,A.1,103 1 FAIL. Last winter my ear boaled and I tried everything to cure it but nothing did ine , any good. Some one recommended Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It healed up fny esir entirely and my hearing came bank. Lizzie Farlinger, Cornwall, Ont. At Thedford a two-year-old soli of M. W. Davidson was killed by swal- lowing a bean. UTANTED—SEVEEIAL PERSONS P011. Y Y District Otlice Managers in this province• to soancrpseoeprsentWIcn their own y u0r0ropundain weuoyrly. Desiraboenlpyoyymenwith, ttnsual se1£iddenRemedxnhege. 8.EA Park, 320 Claxton Building, Chicago, ' 1 a ItL'BMISIII:S--LEAv NS ITLTLY WIiiT1 AND Iiia ALTIIY. . Skin diseases of everynature, 'front the inmost pimple on the flesh to the most distressing eczema, salt rheulli and tetter, are naick y, pleasantly azld per- manently cured by Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment., in disease where outward ap- plioataions make a cure Dr, Agnew's Ointmentnever fails. Ona applioatioe. gives instant relief. Sold by -A. L. Ham- ilton. • T The Geo. E. Trickett c San Co., of Hamilton, followed their annual enstom of distributing Christmas gifts to the employees. One man received a build- ing lot and a cheek for $200. STO For Infanta and Children. The fee• simile is �n glgnatzie , `�every R. wrr 48eh 'Walkerton jail had 75 mates during the year, 66 males and 0 .feiniales. Their religions convictions were as follows Romnan, Catholic 8, Cantrell o f, England 0, Presbyterian 1'7, Methodist 15, other denominations: 24 males and 5 females were married; 33 men and• 7 woolen were temperate. The cost of mainten- ance of the jail was $2,146.72s. The cost of the daily retiens of the prisoners was 6 cents. _..�..� The Crow of Croup. It strikes terror to.. a mother's heart, to have he child dwake upat. i ht with zxg t a croupy cough, Child can scarcely speak, can hardly breathe''—seems to be choking. There is no'titne for delay—apply hot. poultices to the throat And upper part of the chest, and give Dr. Wood's Norway Pine. Syrup -nothing like it for giving prompt relief=will save ` a child when nothing else. will. Mrs. Wru. Toting,. Franie, Ont., says: "One year ago' our' little 'boy had a severe attack ,of irlfianamation of the lungs alld croup, which left a bad wheeze in 'his chest, "We were .advised to use Dr. Wood's I OrwayPine Syrup,which we did, and it. cured • him completely, "Now we always - keep this remedy itt. the house, as it excels all others,for the severestkincsofcoughs or colds." Laxa-tive; Pills nre:the most per- fect remedy knots -n for the cure of Con- 1s ipition, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Sick ,adache. :Do not gripe or sicken. 'What at -ore appropriate name .eou] d be appliedto that most • .nsidious :and uni- versal of diseaes—Catarrh----vhieh .af- fects nine hunched in every thousatia of our people. D'�•Agnew's`! ; �,�';� tail�'der h r ent is allowed ber the thousands of nnse- lJ.r I Hefted testimonials" that have been te- proved itself a wonderful power ' i oeived by those who have suffered from (the Catarrh Malady in all its forms, and 1i'44...-ler.f 'A ;Orden...»1.adove of peace in 4for periocis of suffering, whether the bait of a few days of Influenza or Cold *, ,,, t� in the Head to the cure of stubborn and ' j.. ' i..% •� •. a•F... i �th., deep-seated Catarrh of the 'Head and It it:.rat e t lite worth 1It31it --it ing disease. Nose, covering the almost i iorediable eriod of fifty yearte help* in a hurry and it elites- Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal p"0 Apart from the splendid evidence of curative powers of I)r, Agnew's permanently- relief' in 10 to been for many years before t hal Powder received from people 04) inntetthe surest, most harinniees, raazks and conditions of men, front ost wed ems oom�i and go and hard- most permanent treatziae, i a= In theet to the judge on The mmoat eminent nose and x '. s1 week pteeee 1mt conte now claimant Hay Pe rer,Coid in the tartfar t catarrh presents itrrelf, Ilafluhel1Zat, Clttarr'hS ion tde fry, and aubilhent ' and T'onieil ttii. to th a wog ]fit 02 pw weak taw 41, Mies concede it the greatest unqualified endures: - practical faith in tt daily plramtiee. tart'hei P wddr attacks the disease, removes the 'cause,' cleanses and heals the parts, gniekly and permanently. The treatment is simple, the applications are easily made, perfect- ly painless, and in: ten to sixty minntes after applying, relief follows. It's so wonderfully searching,, and yet so sooth- ing, comfort comes like. magi°, Mrs. M. ,Greenwood, of 204 Adeliado street west, Toronto,says, insubstantita- tion of the claims of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder: 'tI am so well pleased with I3r. ° Agnew's Catarrhal Powder and the good results derived from it, that I hardly know . how to ex- press myself. For years I was a great sufferer froin Catarrh in the Bead and Throat. I tried many remedies without getting relief until I began using Dr. Agg*new's Catarrhal Powder: A. few applications gave me great relief. I con tinned using. it, and now every vestige of the trouble has gone, and words fail me to 'express the gratitude I feel at be- ing freed from this loathsome disease." Dr..ew's Cure for the Heart stops palpitation, smothering, shortness of breath, paints about the heart, gives. re- lieves 1n 80 irliututes Dr. AglIeW's Ointment. -•-•When the skin ateetas esi * frofzn i grill disavows, ens F ,, "e d will giro ' `rill ,�►�r 'I.. ■ I ■ r"1 / 1\ \'k \N'. \\\�\\ \\\\aQe\\ ee\O V\`a : < Castoria, is for Infants and Children. (Astoi-ht is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, i,'aregoric, Drops and Soothing; Syrups, It contains. neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant, Its guarantee is thirty years' use by ].Millions of .. 7FTatbers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverish- tress, Castoria cures DiarrIt ea and Wind Colic. Castoria, relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and o Platnlency. Castoria assimilates the rood, regulates the Stomach and Dowels of Infants and'Cbildren, giving Healthy and natural sleep,. Castoria is tiro Cltiklreu's Panacea—Tile Mother's I+'r iend, Castoria, Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." - D7a, G. C, OSG00D, .4owa11, Mass, Castoria, Castoria Is so well adapted to children. that I reeomzuend it as superior to any pre+ scriptiou known to Inc." It. A. Ancona, 15. D, ,Brooklyn,.V; F THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY .•WRAPPER. TME 'CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK 'CITY. i'!e-.•'rc�5; ?.?etr,:R; :$ : ..,=• aee.''3,eyie'se,a•n^.+rhet moi'...,,.all,a'fMR+�'!;R4i,lf+.$batriiYra)ta� WEAK,SE1 . ,. 260,000 CiLTRED IN 20 2,.. CURES GLiiARAN dE D OR AfO PAYi . \'tea'. • $I®00 IN G��0 CAI, TC1Utui o Mi, SEL -ABUSE, Linis.i1ON ;, VA.HC0-" CELE, COINCEALED CE /,.1145, STRICT. �: LIRE GLEET, , 5YPn11.US,, STUNTED PARTS, LOST 111MANZr00e), IMPOTEN CY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT- URAL, DISCHARc;; S, ETC. The Neyi ti3et:led Tr at lent is the S; ft %F `a liit.,,4�zr 1,y'tl the Age µ arr;avogstrn�cx. FOR CU PkYL `°E n1i`a 8E'�'SES Greatest . Thousands of young and middle aged :nen are annuall c,it t , a Iiia datura grave t ,, CJ el>li �.n .• 1 la, E.:1,. 1 f l . l) S. '. fi'l'l• N�, fbS ri f 41 Tir .Ou horn any of trap T 1.",TJi1tg symptoms eonet;lt,t)n bolero 33 is t ,n Iota Art ' r 1 nn- vnus and weak, dcsyor.ciont and gloomy, npne•s betor,' the cy.:o with davit cfr, l -r, ander 18010, wait hac . 1-1iacy4 trrl.tahla,p,a1t,tation of the h,•att, 1.iwi:r', 1 dr 11„r4 atm o ,• sees t.[ n 4 to ilti2t• inn pimples 1 i i n t Isnttn or os p the rase, ors nergy f. 1 4 Tr' ghee rvurn r expression, porn , t,•:u+n v, 1lCminax;. distrustful Jr' ac Cir<•rs:y c,n h err^nrr 7 n' "'Ili' ,nr•rn- k .Cse, restl'•s i 1.1 .il 9, ch.tn•tr:a••l,, )non.lar, woe .% 1.,uahou,l, atl.at.0 es.„33,no a... ,,ri.i:hu- E ' turo'(luta,, both) 3'.,4s. Taw.: loose: avre t.,luatetc. YOU fiAi'' `SEMINAL W. AKAfC 11 v. O1JR NSW MI TtiOAJ x H13ATMENT alone can h ,1 r you, and ria !:o a roan of you. tinder its infiu- , �-'”' - ^o sumo the brain-for:ernes active, the blood purified 1$ .. 13 so: that all piuiplea, rdotchrs and ulcers c:isapr/ear; • ;F . the nerves become strong as stool, se that nclrvous- reee. bashfulness e.nd drspondeney dlaapl)ear: the eyes become alright, the fa=•o full and clear, energy returns to the both-, and the moral,physical ), end so,.ua +ieystente are iiialgorcrtod; all drains, ;y Ceasn'-numoro vital waste from'ttio system. The F, various organs become natural and manly. • You rel yourself a pian and (know marriage cannot bo ,,. a failure. We invite all thnafflicted to consult us hfie confidentially and trioofchar^e. Don't lot quacice one fakirayoe you of your turd earned dollars. t, Iseao.,1 cute you or nopui. ' .• IIAs YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED2 , SYPIiIL'S is thouinstprevalent find most anions T u 0i) dl,tmasn. It salts tate wry lite blood of the „I '.tom 1 A.etlmand nnirssentirely eradicated frotn"the Sys- I 5 •m will a7Tuat the offspring.: Beware of Mercury. SEu)1DITAuY sloop DISEASE. I;, only suppresses the, sytaptoms -our NOW Mn rfloD positively cures it for ever - YOUNG OR MlD0LU-A0 ED MAN—You've 104 a gay life, ar+indulged ie the follies -7• 4 e. youth. Self-abuse or later excesses have broken down your system. You Leel the 11... d symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, physically and sexually yon aro not, the man. - you used to be or should bo. Lustful practices.roap rich harvests. Will y.,u hood the g -danger signals. ? READER, Aro you avictim? .Have you lost hope? Aro you contemplating marriage?. �1 Has your blood boon diseased? Have you any weaknessi our New Method I Treatment will cure you. what it has done tor-othors 1t will do for you. Consultation �. ) Free. No matter who has treated you:*write for an honest opinion Tireb01 Cirargo, Charge reasonable. Books Free —"The Golden Monitor" .(illustrated), on Diseases of _ Eton. Charges postago, 2 cents. Se1a4yIod. Book on "Diseases of Women" Free. A63`•N•0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN ,CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medtolaosent C 0 D No names on br 4s or envelopes. 'Evoryth;ng confideatfal. Question' Itst and Cost Of Treat ,m011:, FREE. h ORS. KENNEDY 86 IKERGAN "'o � a � � 7 A .tit: MONEY'S MONEY „„.,,, fix' 1 Any man -who wears the J. ID. King Co.'s labbers finalestubPro tnonev B- °lacy ill • ;that will jingle in his pocket, * °' e_ Search the world over and. I :1.: ..1, 4, � �`• - will finch nothing better than k 'rl y . 3'Ot91 Rtr1�l)trrs, because ,r:c;k f� ''y• »; �' ' there is notlnn.g better: 'gu. r� `”-l Any progressive dealer eat. tell I yoti alt about Stub Proof) ii not, write to 1 the J. ID. King Co., and they will tell you,. i You aft afford to be without them, because they are the 'rAM best. See that Stub Proof is sort on the %of each shoe. The IU G O,, I.iln'itecl, °<oonto. Montreal. "VVinni eg. The Times, $1,00 till Apittlary,la' 19t1.