HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-12-09, Page 13ladles will visit.
way Nursing
mart with treats.
arose on "The r
The members ezebSeged
efts and hmch was s
and. al
in stock
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Mrs. Evelyn Flynn return.
edM her home after spending
the past week with her
daughter and son-11144w Mi.
and 'Mrs. Bin O'Brien and
family at Drigden.
Mr: Jack Corbett who has
been confined to his home
owing to illness is someWhat.
Several area residents en-
joyed a bus trip in company
with. Exeter residents on
Saturday to the market at
Noble Grand Bertha
MacGregor presided for the
meeting of Amber Rebekah
Lodge on' 'Wednesday eve-
'nings-assisted by the Vice
Grand Gladys Coleman who
gave the report of the visiting
committee. Elizabeth Riley
reported for the C.P.T. com-
mittee stating arrangements
were made for the shut-ins
treats at Christmas.
Bertha MacGregor report-
ed on the United Nation
meerieg held recently at
Clinton. Arrangements were
made for the Christmas party
to be held on December 16th
following the meeting, with
an exchange of gifts. Several
cards of thanks were re-
ceived. Euchre bingo.. was
played and refreshments
served by the social commit-
Following a turkey din-
nor the U.C.W. of . Chisel-
burst held their Chrintmas
meeting in the Fellowship'
Church. The tables were
Hall of Hensall United
tastefully decorated and a
Christmas tree presented a
splendid appearance. There
were .25 attending. The Pres-
ident Dorothy Bdntnell open-
ed the Meeting with prayer
and a rias poem. Mrs.
Coleman had ameag-
ingful Christmas worship and
the, menoliert sang several
Christmas krinns, through-
out the worship. Mrs. Dan
Kerslake favoured with
Christmas Select-kill at the
Rev. McDonald gave the
- message "Our Christmas
Celebrations' talking on how
to put Christ into Christmas.
The roll call was answered by
naming a gift we could
remember receiving in child-
hood. An invitation was re-
ceived to the general meeting
of Hensall U.C.W. The group
will now be known as Unit 03
of Hensall U.C.W. A thank
you was received from Jean
Cole, who had been previous-
ly honoured by her mother
with a life membership and
The January meeting was
reviewed and the slate of
officers for the coming year
are as follows. Leader: Mrs.
Dorothy Brintnell; Asst Mrs.
Harold Parker; Secretary -
Mrs. Jack Brintnell: Asst.
Mrs. Ted Roberts; Treasurer
Mrs. Alvin Cole; Pianist Mrs.
Alf Ross; Program. Mrs. Cole
and Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell;
Friendship: Mrs. Dick Taylor
and Mrs. Alf RIM; Social
411111. Cold,.
nett, Mary Kinsman; Church
in Society: Mrs. Harold Park-
er and Mrs. Bellttriee441100;
Christian Development: Mrs.
Gerald Glenn; Leaders hip%
Mrs. earn Coleman;' Nomi-
nation; Mrs, Freda Boa.
The exchange of gifts
briought the afternoon to 111.
mso. Mabel Glenn, Exeter
sakedtheOrticefor the social
which followed for the after-
noon tea which was provided
by Fred* Boa. —Beatrice
Munn, Laureta Riley and
Phyllis Parsons.
An enjoyable evening
was spent at, the Hensall
Legion/1111-When a number of
neighbours and friends
assembled in honour. of Miss
Darlene Uyl, bride-elect of
this week. Miffs Julie McClin-
they conducted- contests and
re_adtheladress to the bride.
MianaDeanie Mcainchey
and Vennesa Stewart pre-
lented the gifts. Miss Uyl
made a fitting reply thanking
everyone for the beautiful
gifts. The shower was ar-
ranged by Mrs. Clarence
Over 30 area seniors erten•
ded the Recreation Christmas
party in Stanley Township
ball on November 2Sth.`
were eight tables of euchre,:
with high prizes-going to Miss
Jean McEwan and Mrs. B.
Stephenson, consolation
prizes to Mrs. Scotchrner and
Mrs. R. Turner. Lone hand
prizes were won by Mrs. M.
Broadfoot and Mrs. Ida God-
kin. The large number of door
The Brucefield United
Church Women met on Dec.
1, starting with a pot luck
dinner. The meeting opened
with worship conducted by
Mrs. Stoll and Mrs. Sillery.
The thyme being Christmas.
after a story on the origin, of
several carols many were
sung 'with Mrs. Donna 'Mc-
Beath at the piano.
Mrs. Stoll took the chair for
the business, with Mrs. Jean
Taylor acting as secretary in
the absence of Barbara Mof-
Reid, Mrs. I. Ferris and Mrs.
McCftnchey. Lunch was
rived and a social hour
enjoyed. The hall was beauti-
fully decorated for the occa-
sion, The hride.elect Miss
Uyl was also honoured with a
shower from relatives at the
home of her aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. Arend KIkkert,
R.R.#2, Zurich: uurnv v,v.w:
The Christmas meeting of
Unit IV was held, in • the
Fellowship Hail of the Men-
sal] United Church on De-
cember 3rd at 2:30-p.m. with
sixteen members and one
visitor present.
Mrs. Nan Britton presided
for the meeting and opened
with a Christmas poem fol-
lowed with the singing of the
carol "While Shepherds
watched their flocks by
Mrs. Hazel Luther was in
charge of the Devotional
reading a poem dealing with
the real meaning of Christ-
Mrs. Dorothy Mickle was
secretary for the meeting and
Mrs. Susan Purdy was host-
ess. The collection was taken
and dedicated.
Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt. trea-
surer gave a splended report
of the group for the , year.
Mrs, Mary Roobol. card con-
venor, reported the cards
sent out for the past month.
The group was reminded
about the General Meeting
Monday evening, December
7th at$ p.m. to be held in the
auditorium of therhurch. The
carol ',V Little Town of
Bethlehem" was sung. Mrs.
'Shirley -tether gave a lovely
Christmas message entitled
'Onending Pilgrimage" . She
spoke of the Shepherds going
to Bethlehem where Jesus
was horn and the wonderful
workof Jesus while he was on
earth. Jesus being the "Sav-
ior of the World".
Mrs. Hilda Payne a guest
at the meeting 'spoke for the
communications committee
of the Church about "The
United Church Observer"
and hoping eventually every
member would take this great
In closing Mrs. Britton
read a poem and between
each verse a carol was sung.
Before the lunch was ser-
potluck supper last Thursday
evening, with 11 former
Members joining them' at
beautifully decorated tables.
Eleanor McAsh was surpris-
ed with a decorated cake in
honour of her birthday and
the singing 'of Happy Birth-
President Doris Wilson
opened the meeting which
followed 'with the poem
"Birthplace" and welcomed
the guests. She reported on
° the November executive
meeting. Helen Taylor was
trice TayleaoDates were set
ved Mrs. Florence Slade read
a letter from Dr. Knight
thanking the Sunday School
children 'for the money they
sent to help buy garden seeds
for the people of Africa.
During the social hour a cup
of tea and"Christmas cookies
were Served'.
Mr.' and Mrs, Robert
Chaffe and Sally, of Mitchell
visited on Sunday with Mts.
Chaffe's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Corbett.
Visiting with Mrs. Wilds
were Henry and Marie Wilds.
Dianne Wilds and friends.
Amanda and Irma Wilds.
Ken Dagen.
Mrs. Taylor, Vera Pin-
combe. Thelma Russell visit-
ed Louise Mitchell. also her
grandsons Jim and Barry
Iva Ridley and Illa Dunn
visited Vera Laramie.
Joan Betteridge and Violet
Bishop visited Irene Kalb-
Mr. and Mrs. William
Westlake and Mr. Wallace
Matins visited Miss Mary
Mabel Stanlake and Illa
Love of Exeter visited Mrs.
Leah Keyes.
Doug and Eva Triebner and
Tom and Noella .Triebner
visited their mother Mrs.
Steve and Mike Soepboer
visited Alice Rozendall. Her
husband Don also visited with
Mrs. Finkbeiner spent
Sunday at the home of her son
and family at Crediton.
Mrs. Mary Parlmer spent
ihe_weekend with her sister
Mrs. Helen Thomspon.
Bethel Reformed Ladies en-
tertained Abe residents with
Christmas carols and bingo
last week.
The regular meeting of
the Legion Laties' Auxiliary
Was held, on Tufsd.ay evening
with the President Alice Neil-
ands presiding. Donations
were made to "The Day Care
The service for the sec-
ond Sunday in Advent was
conducted by Rev. Stanley
McDonald in Hensall United
Church on December 6. The
second Advent candle was lit
by Glen Slade representing
the young people of the
congregation and reminding
the congregation that a gift is
at the heart of Christmas.
The service opened with a
carol sing and the Senior
choir sang the "Nativity
Tale" by Belyen with Mrs.
Donna St. John taking the
solo part. The children were
shown a collection of Christ-
mas symbols, bells. a star,
and other, things and then
reminded that it is not these
things that make Christmas
but the birth of Jesus Christ.
The sermon was entitled
"Shalortie. my -friends,
Shalome". Shalome signifies
something even greater than
the joy of Christinas—it Mc-
eludes the joy and the peace
and the highest fulfillment of
Centre at li.uronview, Minor
Hockey and free sharing fer
children at the Hewn
Arena." Plans were Ilearged
to purchase gifts for life
meridiem and. the veterenS•at
Westml0Ster. Hospital, 'The
Christmas. May all the
people experience Shalome at
Christmas. The sacrament of ,
Holy Communion was admin-
istered following the sermon.
Welcoming worshippers
Rick McGee and ushers+ were
David and John' Rowcliffe,
Edison Forrest and Ken Mc-
Lean. The United Church
women met following the
service for their annual meet-
The families of the Hensel'
gran& of the Canadian
Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary
entertained their families to
an enjoyable afternoon on
Sunday when slides were
shwon followed by gifts,
treats and lunch served by the
The draw for the money
doll sponsored by the Ladies
Legion Auxiliary will be made
Dece tuber 23rd. 1st prize
S50. second prize S2S. The
doll is on display in the
window of William's Hair-
Christmas me r local Hensall
Christmas party in
Stanley attracts seniors
prizes were won by Mrs.
Ruby Webster, Mrs. Hill,
Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. G.
Coleman, Mrs. Mcginchey,
Mrs. M. Reid; Mis. Thelma
Utter, Mrs. Edna Cox, Mrs.
Eileen Consitt, Mrs. L. Pen-
hale, Harry_ Baker and Ken
Dates have been set for the
Christmas tree bonfire--Jan-
uary 8th, and the Winter
Carnival—Satirday. Febru-
ary 6th at seven.
Varna United Church
Women held their annual
appointed to Cortimunity.
Bruce fl eld meeting Friendship, replacing Sea-
for the dessert euchre. Wed.,
opens with potluck April 21; plant sale, May 1; •
anniversary supper. Sept. 22
and thank-offering meeting
fatt. Special donations were
made to the allocation, Alma
College and War Memorial
Children's hospital.
Thank you's werereceived
from the Christian Blind
Society and the day care
centre. Two poinsettia have
been purchased for the
church. Officers for 1982--
1983 are: past. Ares. - Jean
Taylor, press--Beatrice Stoll.
2nd vice - Barbara Moffatt.
treasurer -Marjorie Broad-
foot, sec. - Mrs. Cliff Hender-
son, kitchen corn. Eileen
Townsend, Jean Henderson,
social corn. - Madeline Rath-
well, Evelyn Falconer, manse
corn. - Doris Sillery. Gayle
Pepper. Myrtle Taylor'.
Stewardship and finance -
- Joan Allan, NorMa McGreg
or, chtirch in society - Anne
Broadfoot, Shirley Har-
greaves, leadership and de-
velopment-Evelyn McBeath.
Eileen McGregor and Joyce
Wand out _Reach -
Doima McBeath and Jean
Taylor. church in society -
Marion Hill.
Nominating corn. - U.C.W..- The Sunday School Christ-
Pres. one from each unit. plus man concert is on Sunday
leadership development corn. afternoon at 2:00. Everyone is
Marjorie Broadfoot and Jean welcome to come and see the
Taylor. ,- children perform.
on Oct. 7. A decision was
made to bring articles. for Dr.
Bridgman's work in Zaire and
Angola to the January meet-
ing. Included in the list are
school supplies, vegetable
seeds, knitting and crochet-
ing supplies. layettes, dress
materials, good used clothing
and medical supplies. Detail-
ed lists are at the bark of the
church for those who missed
the meeting. ' ,
Marjorie Stirling and Lyn-
da Postili. assisted by Doris
Wilson, led the worship, with
the reading of the Christmas
scriptures interspersed with
carol singing and accompan-
ied by quiet orgareinusic' by '
Marjorie. Myra Postill sang'
the Coventry Carol. She
shows considerable promise
of having her father's talent
for singing, although she has
not started voice training yet.
The filmstrip "Merry Christ-
mas, World" was shown. The
meeting concluded -with the
singing of Silent Night in the
darkened church and prayer,
by Marjorie.
(Telephone Henson 2624462)
Second Sunday in
Advent celebrate
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