HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-12-09, Page 12.10 " 413 "11 ir s'N StZ*N ° N., 6 • 41 t # (,iat 1 sr " Tilt • 4 k N -t • . • •• 11 ° ROLLING STONES — Some Seaforth and area and roil band , the Rolling Stones in concert at teenagers, and other individuals who still think.— the Pontiac Silverdome Dec, 1. they are, were among the approximately 80,000 (Photo by Campbell) people who watched "the world's greatest rock Happy Citi BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE A 545.350 Wang data: word processing system has been purchased by the Huron County Board of Education. Purchased from Robinson and-kennings of London. the computer system will be located in the administration building here. Board officials areonsure-oftitedelivery date. but it will arrive in a maximum of two to three months. It was decided to buy this sytem after looking into it and another system handled by a Toronto firm, Included in thipurchate price is a full training packager Teaching staff and students will also have access to the computer. A draft policy for technical education in Huron secondary schools was approved by the board. The *Policy sets out students have the right to select shop courses as any, other secondary school course. "that directors of technical departments be given the opportun- ity of recommending to students that certain related shop credits be taken in the same year or that certain shop credits be taken as pre-requisites to others". the board will" Provide a minimum of four shop areas in its composite schools, the maximum number of shop areas will dependon student enrolment in technieaVdredits. capital expenditure, availability, of qualified staff, and balahce of programjn the-school. and finally. where only four shop areas are provided, the subjects offered shall be, auto mechanics and/or farm mechanics, building construction and/or woodworking, drafting and/or metal fabrica- tion, electricity andi or electronics. The four composite schools in Huron are South Huron District. High School in Exeter. Central Hurim' in Clinton. Goderich District Collegiate Institute, and F.E. Madill in Wingham. Approval was given to recommendations by the management committee fro-items to be Egmondville UCW has pa names officers for '82 Replacement Insulated Windows that will keep out the cold winter winds. For FREE estimate on complete sales and installation phone Huron Structures James Farm and Commercial Buildings Brian Donald Insulated Concrete Walls Sanderson Thompson, Pole Frame Structures 807-9200 Seaforth 52 B RUSSELS 887-9200 --`011111111111111111.1 -`191ilak 'WM 1 included in the 1982 capital forecast. Director of education John Cochrane told trustees approval of these items, does not give approval to complete the projects. "That will be dealt with at budget time," said Mr. Cochrane. Items to be included in the 1982 capital forecast are; replacement of 19,101 square feet of roof at South Huron;-District High School in Exeter. replacement of 47.340 square feet of roof at Seaforth District High School, replacement of 43,740 square feet of roof of Henson Public-School, (all roofs over 20 years of age,) and replacement of eight school buses over seven years of age. a new oil boiler for Colborne Central School. and a new gas boiler for Mensal! Public School. In other business, the board approved; Supporting a resolution from Dufferin County Board ' of Education urging the Minister of Education to introduce immediate measures which will make public the projected cost of Bill 82 on special education, also to decide on a cost sharing formula; Supporting a resolution from Elgin. County Board of-Education objecting to the with- drawl of preferential fees for municipally- owned commercial vehicles. Presently the Huron Board of Education pays 592 a year for licensing its 46 board-owned vehicles. Under the revised fee schedule, the board will pay 58,659 for licensing its vehicles. Alt 1 W.J. FEENEY Construction Ltd. omplete Building Seniic Renovations, Additions, Custom Homes Dublin Ph 345-2405 We're here to hel Jack Malcolm Parts Manager Parts Department Hours: 8 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. We carry a full . stock of IH service parts to help keep 'your equipment at top efficiency. Bill Campbell Service Manager Service Department Hours: 8 a.m.- 5p.m. Our service staff has been factory trained to give you the top quality service you expect. 527-01 20 Seaforth \ A gift \ suggestion Seaforth Women's . Institute *". BOOK Is Available ass.111•111/•41 THE HURON EXPOSITOR ors SALE Pikc,„ _cool a, G. G. Goettlers It is worth the drive riaatai. el~"19 9 -72717:71F-TtrZT 27 • 7: :27 27,77.'7- 171 -7'77,-7 THE HAP E nen rR 11 s have Xmas party work as president for the Coflee mite -sialiares for a year and especially for the snack were provided by the Christmas party. Legion Ladle_s. The U.C. W. of Egmond- vine held their December meeting and potluck dinner with a good attendance. The 'retiring president opened the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Marion Rose. A donation of $25 will be sent to the War Memorial Appeal. A donation of 550. will be sent to Alma College. A motion was made by Lois Moore to bring a donation at the January meeting to be sent to Zaire. Hazel McGonigle gave the treasurers report: Margaret Stephenson gave a report on Visitation and a card and gift is to be sent to Doris Carnochan. A poem was read by Miss Elford. Linda Wilson took up the offering. Miss Elford gave a Christmas pr er. The slate of officers for 1982 were installed by Mabel Strong followed by prayer. Olive Papple opened de- votioris with a poem, ' The Priceless Gift of Christmas. Tyndall. Olive Papple gave a Scripture was read by Alice reading followed by a solo by Dawn Papple. 'Marion Rose. gave a Christmas reading. A thank 'you was extended to Jer.n Lunn for outstanding service as social convenor. Olive !Papple closed the meeting with prayer. A social hour followed. Prizes lone hands - Jean Lunn, twenties crocipole - David McKnight, first prize euchre - crocinole. Merilyn McKnight, tow euchre - Belle Papple: low crocinole - David McKnight, nearest birthday - Doris Carnocha'n. Miss Elford was presented with a gift. Executive for 1982 is: past, president - Florence Elford, president - Lois Moore, vice president - Edna Wilson, secretary ; Wanda Dietz, treasurer - Hazel McGonigle. Convenors: church in society - Margaret Stephenson, christian development - 1Dawrr Papple, world out- reach - Mary Helen McLach- lan: leadership development - Merilyn McKnight, -group leaders - Helen Nott, Ruth Smith. Thelma Broadfoot, Olive Papple. communicat- ions, Wanda Dietz, cards - Margaret Stephenson, offic- ial board, Lois Moore, manse - Ruth Smith, Social - Doris Carnochan, Marion Rose, flowers - Jean Durst. pianist - ?Anna Scott. press secret- ary 'Edna Wilson. There was a presentation made to Mrs. Elsie Hender- son at the Sunday morning service by Sarah Carter and Margaret McQueen. The pre- sentation was given to Elsie in appreciation for the num- ber of years that she had played throughou the build- ing and at the nday serv- ices. Anothe presentation was made to Rev. Wittich for needy children' and families. Lakeview Mennonites The Seaforth "Happy Cit- izens" held their Christmas party in the Legion Hall on Dec. 3rd. 95 people sat down to a turkey supper prepared by the women and very ably served by the men. Hazel McNaughton wel- comed everyone and Rev. James Broadfoot asked the blessing,. After the meal some spec- ial prizes were given out 'Amity cup • Mrs. Eel* Moore, lady young in holt - Mrs. Papple, man young in heart - Joe White. Edith Dunlop played the piano for some carol singing. Mrs. Carrie McGavin very ably introduced the guest speaker Bev. Broadfoot of St. Thomas Anglican church. Rev. Broadfoot in his delight- ful manner told some after dinner jokes then spoke on "God's glory in Christmas." Mrs. Mary Riley, thanked the speaker and Lorne Den- nis thanked the ladies. toured Huronview•an Sunday afternoon singing. Sunday evening hymn singwas held. Music Appreciation was held on Monday afternoon. Small children added to the program presented by Brenda Huizinga "from Au- burn and M. Morrison from Blyth. The Christmas story was told very -effectively with their small children acting out the roles. It was thoroughly enjoyed by the Over 90 Club. Mrs. Mary Mcivor in her wonderful way recited "Somebody's mother." Small gifts were Rivet+ to. December birthdays: Harold, COlernilli. Helmer Ida. Greta Kerr. Anon* Crozier took mem- bers back to childhood by reciting "Twas the Night Before Christmas." Helmets' Snell on the violin and Margaret at the piano tle- ighted with some old time music. Greta Kerr and Mae Smith looked after ta euchre '20 tables in play. Lad es high r Mrs. Deli Dennis. 11441 lone hands - Mrs. Amy Wiggins. ladies low - Mrs. Evelyn Willis, wens high - Russel Carter. men's lone hands- Bert Walters, illetiS low - Harry Palin-lucky tallies Mrs. Ruth Papple, Mrs. Carrie McGavin. Hazel McNaughton closed with a Christmas verse and wished everyone a "Merry Christmas." Ivan Forsyth in his able manner thanked Hazel McNaugbton for her The Fireside Fellowship Group of First Presbyterian Chtirch held their Christmas meeting at the Manse Dee- eMbec I. The president, Viola Law' son. 'opened the meeting with a poem. "Christmas Season". "O Come All Ye Faith- MI" was sung followed by a scripture.' 'lesson ' by Bob "Silent Night. Holy Night" was the next carol sung followed by the offer- Mg and prayer by Rev. T.A. Duke. Minutes of the November meeting were read by Henr- ietta „Brown. Peg Grieve, read the Treasurer's report. Coffee hour will be held following the morning ser- vice on Sunday. December 20 with the Friendship Circle in diarge. A donation of 5300 is being given to the Sunday School to help with the children's Christmas. Another donation of S25 is being given for a Youth Reflecting. Series. The decorating committee. to charge of decorating the Church. can buy more Christ- mas decorations if they are needed. Edith McMillin gave a reading "OW Recipe" and Viola Lawson real "An autobiography of a InAaS tre0.°' The Keyes and the Cos- , lords are in charge of the January meeting. Rev. T.A. and Mrs. Duke were thanked by Viola Law- son for their hospitality to the grou. The p y also received. a card advising them that they AVM receive a turkey for Christ- mas from 'the Fireside Group. Elsie Henderson honoured Huron board of ed buys computer system, will fix SDHS roof Fireside decorates First Church to SEE THE FANTASTI BUYS ! 0:0 GO r E1 ilLER LIN FREE December Hours DELIVERY I. 34542250 Mon. to Sat.9:30.bp In Fri tit 9.00 P.m. SERVICE Give a Gift of Furniture Go ahead. Take your car to the city and fill 'er up with packages. But rememBet: you'll also be filling it up with gasoline . . maybe even twice for one trip. Add THAT to the cost of the presents you buy! Pius-consider this: they may cost more to begin with. Shop at home and bank at home saves time. Saves wear and tear. Saves money. And you'll find just as large a selection of merchandise right here in Seaforth Go ahead. Fill 'er up. At HOME! uron xpOditliter