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The Huron Expositor, 1981-12-09, Page 9
Santa anti his helpers " The SPS float in Saturday's Santa Claus parade. Seaforth welcomes Santa The Penguins proved to many that they are for real last Sunday night as they upset the previously unbeat- en Hawks by a 7-4 score in Seaforth's Industrial Hockey League. The win moves the birds into a second-place tie with the Rangers, who were shel- lacked 8-1 by the Canadians. Brett Finlayson, George Reeves and Tom Johnson all scored two goals each to pace the Pens. Dave Longstaff added a single tally in a winning cause. Kevin Bennett. Joe Dick, Jim Roberts and Ron Quipp replied, for the Hawks, who still ' cling to top spot by a single point. CANADIANS 8 RANGERS 1 As previously mentioned the Canadians rolled over the Rangers during last Sunday's middle game. The score is somewhat deceiving because the Rangers _Iced just six players. The Canadians halted a four-game losing streak with the Victory. Steve Smith 'paced the winners by netting the hat trick. Frank Flanigan scored' twice with Tom Devereaux. John Lansink and Jerome Aubin getting the others, Mike Flanigan notched the lone Ranger goal, BRUINS 4 FLYERS 1 , The Bruins scored a pair of shorthanded goals to down the Flyers .4-1 -during last Sunday's late game. • Jim Nash led the Bears by scoring two goals. Brian Nigh and Marc Rob- inette had the other Bruin markers. Nash and Robinette both produced shorthanded scores JOANNE EPRIMEAUI MacGREGOR Mr. Frank MacGregor is pleased to announce the graduation of his wife JoAnn front the University of West- ern Ontario with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology. She has accepted a posit- ion in Pathology at the University of Western Ontar- io where she is currently doing research on Alzheim- er's Disease. Joanne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Primeau of Seaforth. CAROLYN MeCLURE, daughtef of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClure graduated Nov- 6 from the two year accounting program at Fan- shawe College, London. She is continuing her studies in Business Adminisfiation - accounting, in order to obtain more credits towards her R.I. A. (Registered Industrial Accountant). STARTS WED. TO TUES., DEC. 9111-15111 Sun.-Thurs. Ona Showing P.M. -Fri.-Sof. Two Showing%1& 9 New Year's Eve- Party COMMERCIAL, HOTEL, SEAFORTH Dance starts 8 p.m. LIVE ENTERTAmit ENT, Lunch included at 1 a.m. $6.00 per Person tuttattittuttuutuntittuttunua 527-0180 Now do you STUFF, a PIZZ its a STOCKING? \S* use ' PIZZA TRAIN GIFT CERTIFICATE EAT IN OR TAKE OUT CALL HOURS YOUR ORDER IN sun Thurs. Ws" • i2 midnight AHEAD OF TIME Fri. & SAL It% tit.. 2a.m. 527-0180 outttiuntimutititunniviumut .ii lauur 31nut3ation New ilear's 'fug MN Unit Jinn (Ain er.""eieer,.eti ,Eth, A( 6 /1WOL 7.• c9g"Ok. fr ti4e0 ewee. Awed. ©© teeere6y4. f f'P fcleeel k":404fic .14...4 (%4.t," ,Pe/.Z kiwted ‘.91,1wieoi Ka,podt wear ,Aa4r4 4 .144,4064r4 93.24:1-7Zi4 tv, Kieede Kiecehie Y rtorr/or ,,,,,r. t%,,. d/wv.ydevil 'de eftroilft do .q..eLsoirs44offtfriewee • v. The Legion News Bob & Beit/ s Variety Radio Shaek Dealer 5274680 open 9 a.m. 'till 11 p.m. 7 days a waltie Seaforth- RADIO SHACK GIFT IDEAS WE HAVE Strawberry shOrtcake dolls and card games. CALCULATORS Regular Scientific Metric For all your needs Home School Work EC-273 AUTO POWER 56-683 SHUT OFF Reatilar 26.95 SHACKYOUR RADIO S - HEADQUARTERS *1 6*95 MOWER-1k 111111 latetTE T urs., Dec. 10 Fri., Dec. 11 Fri., Dec. 11 Fri., Dec, 11 Fr!. ,Dec. 11 Sat, Dec. 12 Sat., Dec. 12 Sat- , Dec. 1.2 Sun. , Dec. 1 3 Sun., Dec. 13 Sun., Dec. 13 Tues., Dec. 15 Tues., Dec. 15 Wed., Dec. 16 HE HURON EX `t tS EVENT Broomball Zurich vs Atoms Brussels vs Jr. Ringette Mitchell vs Sr. Flingette ThoOtord vs.L Centenaires Story HQUI'' Public Skating Wingham vs Pee %Nees Public Skating Lucan vs Centenaires 1.H.L. Wingfie ,i-i vs 'B. 4 a.i.is Slyth vs Micij Broornball PipAce Vanastra Arena Vanestra Arena Vanastra Arena Vanastra Arena Hensel! Library Vanastra Arena Vana,stra Arena Vanastra Arena Hensall 6:30 Vanastra Arena Vanastra Arena Vanastra Arena ng TIME 7:30-12, 6:30 p.rtt„ 7:30 8:30 8:45 p, m. 1:30 2:30 1-3 p.m, 6 p.m. 2.4 3:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 8:15 P.m- 8-11 p.m. In IHL play Members asked to sign up Penguins over Hawks faced in the shootout. and he was outstanding- during the course of the tournament. The Seaforth squad then crunched Sarnia 12-6 Sunday morning before bowing 6-2 to Watford in the consolation final later that'day. The final game was a rough and chippy affair. The locals put on good pressure in the third period but it ,was a case of too little too late and the Watford team was a deserving winner. Games Sunday night Dec. 13, 1981 6:30 Bruins vs. Canadians; 8:00 Flyers vs. Penguins; 9:30 Rangers vs. Hawks. Don't let greed take over Erica Burns of Clinton was all bundled up to watch the parade. People About 150 citizens spent a special evening of music and carols with the Kincardine Community Choir at Seaforth District High School Sunday. The event was sponsored by the booster club for the SDHS Girls Trumpet Band, which would like to thank everybody who helped in any way and those who attended. Mr: tordon Rimmer president of the board of Seaforth. Community Hospital together with Mrs. Charles Friend vice president, Judd Walker finance committee chairman. trustee. Mrs. Donald McKercher, administrator Gordon McKenzie and Mrs. Ruth Pepper, food supervisor were in Toronto last week attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Hospital Association. to lift the Bruins to the big win. Especially sharp was Jerry Martin, who stopped many point-blank drives to thor' oughly frustrate the Flyers' scorers. 1.H.L. Notes: The 1.H.L. sent a team to Thedford last weekend for the first of a number pf no-hit tourna- ments this winter. The club lost to London 3-1. Saturday morning, before downing Wyoming 4-3 later that night. The game was won in a shoot out with Bill O'Shea scoring the winning goal. Ross Govier stopped all three shots he From the chief BY HAL CLAUS CHIEF OF POLICE Christmas is a happy time for most people. We all try to be on our best behaivour, we go out of our way to -be .• friendly, we buy gifts for nUr loved ones. 1.1ofortImately greed is part of nature, through •media advertising we are continually bombard- ed with suggestions of things to buy. things we can't live without. Greed is evident in both the 'merchant and the consumer. The danger here is that the merchant With huge seasonal inventory, bank financing at high • rates of interest, will attempt to dose a sale even if it means taking a cheque from a person not known by the merchant. Passing. N.S.F. cheques is considered a white collar crime, or a crime where no one gets hurt. This is false, passing bad or N.S.F. che- ques is fraud and it is expensive. We all pay the penalty in higher prices at our local stores. The cheque passer runs the risk of a criminal record and the mer- chant runs the risk of having his margin of profit sadly eroded, My warning into the merchant; "Be cautions in BY GORDON SCOTT, P.R.O. This week has been a very busy week at the branch. Our Ladies Auxiliary have been working all through the week with various banquets and rm not too sure next week will be any easier. The members say thank you girls. We hid a memo given to us. by our Entertainment airman Jack Muir remind- ing us the New' Year's Eve dance tickets are now on sale until December 15th for Legion members and will be offered to the after that date if any are still available. Please order your tickets from the following members: Jack Muir, Jack Eisler, Don Jefferson or Gary Osborne. The price is $1,2* per ticket. Our early bird campaign is now in its last •month and at the end of November we have 75% paid up members. If any of you members out thire - can't get down to the branch, please send your remittance to Al Nicholson. Ken Cardno, Bob Watson, Gar Baker or Larry Broome. The winners of the Novem- ber early bird draw were Tom Williams, Jon Fraiser and Ron Ward. There are a number-of memberthip cards back from Command waiting to-beliickeiti up at the bar, so please drop in and get yours. in charge. These euchres are proving very popular and I'm told the next one will be Wednesday, December 16th. Our sports chairman will be back again with you. Last week we heard that Angus MacLean has had an operation and is recuperating in Toronto. General Hospital. We hope you will be home Last Wednesday the sports again $0012. Angus. chairman had a very success- • ' At the going down of the ful stage euchre with Ken sun and in the morning we Coombs and Peter Malcolm will remember them. New members join Legion Auxiliary BY BARBARA SCOTT P.R.O. The Legiotaadies Auxil- iary December meeting was held with 27 ladies present. Thank you notes were read for 40th wedding anniversary gifts given to two members- last month, also from others. ' Two generous donations were also received and Christmas cards from auxil- iaries in the Zone. A poem was -read by the secretary, written by Linda Ellis. The membership commit- tee submitted two names for membership and these were' passed being Penny Lansink and Mary C. McLean. Donations are to be made accepting cheques, • know your customer, get at least two different types of identi= fication". Shoplifting is theft. There are many reasons why people steal. The unfortunate part is that the people (young and aid) who steal, do apt 'have to steal out tilr neeesSity. Most cften it is greed and among • young people it can becoMe a meNThey will compete with eaCh. other just to see who can steal the most or the iar.kesiittm. We can prevent many-of,fhese thefts from our stores -b§- being observant. Store cleilzs'must be vigilant. stand beside a customer, ask if you can show theta some- thing, be professional in your approach and the .potential potential shoplifter will leave and go where the picking is easier. Store owners and clkks are reminded to ' know thir tights. If you are positives a person has stolen an item in ' the store, then let them walk out; follow them and tell them they are under arrest. YOu may then hold them, but you must turn them over to the police immediately. DO not search a suspect. Re- member you may Y tite as much force as is absolutely necessary to affect the ar- rest. Nursing Home and $60 to Kilbarchan Nursing Home. The usual donation was also serif to the local Canteen fund at Westrnin ster Hospi- tal. Tice auxiliary is one of the most regular to donate to this fund. After the close—of the meeting the ladies adjourned to the Copper Cafe restua- rant to enjoy dinner. Mrs. Santa Claus gave a small gift t6 each lady present. Don't forget the children's cohcert on Dec. 200ratitteslY me if any of the children would like to take' part. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to 'you all.