HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-12-09, Page 60 A snowman highlights the Topnotch flog "FtigneaeNx WHY PAY MORE? ousE *Full Size Box & o f 198 *Complete 5 Pc. Bedroom suite $397 *Stereo Component System $139 *4 Pc. LiVing Room Suite '$457 *Glide Rocking Chair •. . . . $174 *Solid Wood 5 Pc. Dining Suite . $249 *Davenports 1136 *Waterbed (any•Size) $259 *BRAND NEW ',FACTORY FRESH *1ST QUALITY 4'0-1 4-Ay MORE ' HOME FURNiSHINGt, v v H Pay * Cash * Cheque * Visa * Master Card (FURNITURE WAREHOUSE' Oaen Dally 10 9 Saturdays b$ 6 1/2 MILE EAST OF McDONALIVS STRATFORD • 273-3060. Easy Budget Terms r MI U M M I M M Your Personal WILL BE SURE To reach, your friends, neighbours and relatives When you place them in Zhe riuron fxpositor Phone 527-0240 Bill and Wilma Jones and family extend Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and the New Year. SEASON'S Greetings with best wishes for the Holiday Season and the aiming year to all out friends. — The lones. Sea forth. Among the many sincere good wishes sent to you for a Merry Christmas please include ours! Mary and Bill Janes. Greeting& will be published in the Expositor for 20 words December 16 and 23 Nursery schocilers dressed like Christmas presents for Saturday's parade. After a coffee break, Ex- ceptional Ed and Sheila Clarke, Student Services Co- ordinator for the Huron County Board of Education, continue their ongoing dis- cussion on special education. Ed - Me and you have Exceptional Ed, part 5 What at high school? Twelve days of Christmas on the Horticultural Society's parade float. Fair Queen contestants, including queen, LisaNewe y, top, in Saturday's Santa Claus parade. '1 An Misted gift is remembered long after the occasion Nothing can match the lasting beauty of jewellery. And if it's from Anstett's ail the more sixicial. Because a gift from Anstett's is Of the finest qualify, and offers you th(ktruest value. AtAnstett's, you can count ort finding thel5erfeagiriforkiny Occasion. if ifs from Anskes it s ou're special' Patricia Anstatt • Manager of Anstett Jewellers, St. Marys Cathy Anstett • JEWELL EQS 8 Albert Street, Clinton 26 Main Street South, Seatorth 284iMain Street, Exeter 203 Dorham Street East. Walkerton 135Queen Strtret East. St MOrys ANSTETT already talked about some of the special education pro- grainS in this county. what else is there? Mrs. Clarke - At the second- ary school level, (realizing 'Ed's limitations) that is high school students-. ranging in ,age from 13 to 18 there is now a school resource teach- er at Central Huron Second cry School in Clinton. 'Ed - Just. one teacher? Mrs. Clarke - Yes • one teacher at • that level at resent. We , hope, to have one in each secondary school in the near future. Ed - Yea welt, what does thit teacher do? Mrs. Clarke - This teacher' provides extra support help for the' student with except- ional needs in the normal stream- Ed -in Ohla: (Looking thought- ful) What else is there? Mrs. Clarke - Besides the remedial and learning ex- ceptionalities progaMs, I mentioned the Area Re- -source Teacher, Speech and Language to you. Ed - Oh ya, they work in art-osci-ambulation? Mrs. Clarke - Not quite, they meet With, children in the Schools to help them Aearn to pronotifite words correctly. and to help them with patt- erns of spoken language.. Eachteacher goes to approx- imately six schools, visiting once a week. They're an important part of our special education team. Ed - Boy, there is a lot more involved in special education than a person first imagines. Mrs. Clarke - Yes, and Bill 82 will involve still more at- tention to all aspects of special education. Ed - You've lost me. What's Mrs.ili 82yCe:l:rke 1 Oh dear, I'm sorry. Have I not mentioned that Ed - No, but please explain it to me. Mrs. Clarke - Well in De- cember:of 1980, the provin- cial government legislated Bill 82, a bill on special education, Ed Provincial government. Is that those people at Queen's Park in Toronto? I have heard of them. —Mrs. Clarke -- Yes it is. Anyway, the government has set down rules and regulat- ions on how bill 82 is to be Set up in each board of edurat- ion's jurisdiction. `ch, the area they work for, for exam- ple our board covers Huron County. Ed - Right. What does this' bill have to do with you? ,Mts,Clarke - Welix Student settingServic up and tarrying. esactsasadYisos in Out the bill. As I said earlier. Bill 82 is a bill on special • education, which is what we have been discussing. Ed - Oh dear, I'm afraid have so much more to learn about this spechil education and Bill 82. Do you have the time to explain it some Mere? Mrs. Clarke • I do havoa , meeting shortly, tintld- wit;' perhaps continue this tomor- row? Ed - That would be super. Young' winter dampers on the Optimist float.