The Huron Expositor, 1981-12-09, Page 5a THE HURON EXPOSITOR PROOMBA 19$ M.. POLICE DEPARTMENT — The police committee has approved the choice of Chief Hal Claus for a new part-time secretary and by-law enforcement officer for the Seaforth Police. Department. She's Pamela Soontiens of R.R. 5, Seaforth. Her husband's name is John, and the Soontiens have three children: Brian, Kathy and David. They have a farm near Beechwood. Mrs. Soontien's first day on the job was Friday. Council is expected to pass a by-law, affirming its police committee's choice, at its next regular meeting Dec. 14. (Photo by Campbell) ACW gives gifts to girls Christmas. Mrs. Ann Agar introduced Mrs. Edith Nott whiy spoke on table and door decorations Mrs, Nott had taken a course"' from-Steven Hildebrand local florist, this • fan- Charlotte Duke closed with prayer. Grace was sung. . Lunch was served by Edith McMillan and./Mae liabkirk. 50 at Forresters party Now R.S. Box Ltd. THE OISHWASHER THAT REALLY SAVES YOUR ENERGY Kite hofAlds by VIOISA IR TI ENERGY SAVER V _ New KitchenAld -Energy say& V dish- washers not only clean up your dishes without drudgery they save on your electrical and water heating bill as well. 'They heat their own water in every complete cycle to assure superior cleaning power but use less energy, lets water and !esti time than ever bei4ta Come in and see the full line of new KitchenAid dithwoshers at: Risk Aimb 11(11151. nox Ltd" seiiitorth $2:7-06430 visits CWL part 4PC=.6-_o diener , a home for wayward girls. Plans were made to cater to a turkey dinner for the Lioness Ladies Dec. 15. An antique auction will be held in the spring. Mrs. Elsie Dinsmore won , the mystery prize. Classified Ads pay.dividends , • Delegations were re- ceived by Hibbert Council at a meeting_ Dec. 1 concerning the cutting down of trees on road allowances. The delega- tion requested that special or single trees nor beeliniinst ed. that roads through 'bush lots not be touched, and that beneficial trees should be planted along road allota antes. Council replied, that the single trees removed had proved a road hazard, that roads through bush lots had been suitably marked, and that programmes for obtain- ing trees for planting on lot line allowances, were obtain- able from the conservation authorities. The Police Village of Dub- lin trustees requested the township landfill site be opened through thi-Whiter`" months, to enable the garb- age collected in the village to be placed in the landfill site. The trustees did not wish• to re-enter into an agreement with Seaforth for the use of their site, but that our own site in Hibbert Township be used. It was agreed that the site would be kept open on the last Saturdays in January, February. and March on a trial basis, and that the trustees could set their col- lections up on the ke dates. Both trustees and council 'realized that the "weather man" would have to co-oper- ate *Inv theft dates. Reeve Swart and Thomas Schoon- derwoerd were appointed to the Concerned Citizens' Com- mittee of the Town of Sea- forth, with a mandateto bring in reports, suggestions and price estimates for the con- struction, if possible, of a new arena. • Salary negotiations were entered into with the road department, and council agreed to parity with the crews of the County of Perth, the staff would thus `receive $8.65 per hour, and the Road Superintendent $21420.00 per year. Fringe benefits include a bisic Blue Cross plan. 75 per cent 0.11.I.P., and 0.M.E.R.S. A new policy was agreed to for the admini- strative staff, with the clerk and his wife operating as a team, at 'a joint salary of $27,000.00 with fringe bene- fits less the Blue Cross. Council agi•eed not to take any increase in its honorar- iums, remaining at $900 for the reeve, $800 for the Deputy Reeve and $700 for councillors. Mileage and half day meetings were left for a policy decision of the P.I.C. Committee (which is coin- ( prised-of heads of council). but all day meetings were to be $75.00. drainage commis- sioner $750.00 per annum (same as 1981), landfill site operator $4.25 per hour, caretaker for office $4.50 per hour, !hall caretaker $40 per month with $10 for caretaking, after rented-meetings (except council and Woinens' Insti- tute meetings):"flie clerk was instructed to send' a letter to the Hon. Claude Bennett, Minister of Housing and 'Municipal Affairs, register- ing objection to the proposed three-year term of office. Copies to gal° Hugh Edig6 holler. Bill Davis and County of Perth. Road vouchers ,for $10997.78 were authorized for payment and $36391.38 of which $24,000.00 were tile drainage payments. , Engi- neers were appointed for repairs and improvements on the McGrath Drainage Works "B" branch and Main drain, and on the Campbell Drain :w..0441:044z000404-mo4p: -6 I Someone you lovp ztA would love a Lovely Figurine' this Christmas from I4SAFORTH JEWELLERS Collection by Doulton or Hummel at 10% off our already low low price 14K GOLD NECKLACE & EARRINGS Seaforth 527-0270 Open 6 days & Friday evenings' ',WAt04030*P VO:400404P44.0 MORN -4992 7)4 in (184 cm) ft Logan Township Council began the second year of its current term of office et the meeting held on December 1. Rev. Arthur Horst of St. Peter'a Lutheran Church, Broxibagen addressed the council. Herr-jeered to Mar- tin Luther who said that the church is God's, right head and the state His left hand. Pastor Horst urged the Mtn- cOlOre to work for the good af all concerned with 'honesty and integrity. Each member of council spoke briefly About the a- chievements of the past year and plans for the coming year. Reeve Carl Vock stated that the tewnship's machin- ery storage shed has been completed, more roads have been surface treated, the construction work planned for 1981 has been completed and a property has been purchas- ed to ensure a gravel supply for the future. He reminded council.that the reserves for capital expenditures which made itynssible to purchase this property will have to be built up again. He also made Correspondent MRS. CECOIA RYAN 345-2M8 The December meeting of the St. Columban C.W.L. was held Dec. with a buffett- style, potluck lunch. The kitchen of- the church hall was beautifully decorated with Christmas decorations... age Works. Zoning change by-law was approved for properties in the village of Dublin, from resi- dential and agricultural to commercial. Last date of appeal bee. 30, 1981,. Tile Fifteen ladies met in the centennial room of First Church, Dec. J for their regular meeting. President Ann. Agar opened with a prayer, read a paem "Christ- mu Blessings. Mabel Crauch chose the hymns for the meeting. 'Mae Habkirk read the scripture. gave the Meditat- ion and prayer. A thank you from Mrs. Mae Campbell was read. The ladies had made. 12 calls to visit the sick during the month. The offering was received during the business period. Mrs. Dorothy Scott and Mrs. Glad Reith are to look after the boxes for the shut-ins at Santa including a tree with lights, ornaments, tinsel etc. Mrs. Mildred Cronin led with a grace prayer'and after every- one had their fill of a wide selection of casseroles, sal- ads. meat and desserts, Santa arrived and distributed gifts to each lady present. A fey carols were sung and drainage by-law 'for $32,400 and tile drainage borrowing by-law (to be sent, to 0.M.13.) for 5400,000.00 were given three and two readings. The council and village trustees discussed jointly, a Correspondent MARY MERNER 482-7143 The Canadian Foresters held their Christmas gather- ing on Sunday, Dec: 6thr- About 50 'people met at Nobles Bowling Alley in Sea- forth at 3 p.m. to spend the afternoon bowling: Everyone returned to the hall for a pot 1:00 p.m. end during April to November at 8:00 p.m. in the Township Hall in Bornholm. The sanitary landfill site will be open on December 12 and 19 and January 2, but not on December 26 which is Boxing Day. Appointments were made to a number of area boards and encteittnes for the year 1982: Miteteil and District Planning Board: Dan Con- nolly and Joe Waite; Kitchell lindDiStriet Men* and corn- Minh)! Centre Board: be Waite; Mitchell and District Protective Inspection Com- mittee: Cul Vecit; Mitchell and District Committee of Adjustment: Laverne Roiph; Santa left. Mrs. Angeline Swart, president, conducted a short business meeting. Six ladies who have belonged to the Catholic Women's Lea- gue for 50 years were presented with pins by Rev. Fr. aostveen, assisted by Mrs. Madeline Murray, membership convenor. Shut- ins will be remembered at Christmas with' a gift. The complaint about a commer- cial operation being carried on in a residential area, and the owner was,requested to stop this practice. The com- plaint arose from observa- tions ' and a letter luck supper-. While simper was being prepared Anna Dohnage con- ducted a sing-song of Christ- mas songs with the children. About 65 people, enjoyed a bountiful supper., Following supper Santa arrived and handed out ;5 bags of candy to all the children. A good time was 'had by all. • Mitchell Agricultural Sociity: Carl Vock; Perth County Safety Council: Robert Davey; Monition Fire Area Board: Joe Vandenbetir. Ken Brawn and Tup Nicholson; Monkton Community Centre Board: Gordon Young with three others to be appointed; Upper Thames. River Censer- Vation Authority: Laverne. Gardner; Maitland Valley Conservation Authority: Joe Vandenimk; Aisable- Osiyfielti ConserViition Authority:, Carl Wick. Appointments for 1982 / were als9 made to a number - of Positions within the town- ship:. Weed inspector: Cyril Brown; Animal Control OF& mystery prize was won by Mrs. Rika Van Bakel. VISITS Miss • Cathy Ferguson, Guelph visited on the week, ed with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nolan, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cronin. Local freelance broad- caster Karl Schuessler, R.R. 1 Bornholm has prepared a program titled "Our Fellow Creatures" for CBC radio. The half hour segment examines the relationship of man to the animal world in Christian and Indian tradi- tions. Karl has brought to- gether poetry, legend_anill history to show the wide use of animal symbolism to con- tole Classified Ad Deadlines willbe moved ahead to ter, 'Richard T. MAO** Animal Evaluator: Tern Reidy; Fence Viewers: .1.1sou. ardPartsidges. Robert oak, Allan %won, Hubert Kolk- rim and John Van Berk; Dog tieencing Meer; Howard Jackson; Sanitary Lando Attendant: Martin Roc i; caretaker of Township Heil: lit$10111lagen; Logan Township Recreation Com- ngttne: Joe Vaadenberk. Ed- win John Van Rork Wien Chaffo. Gary Josling, Iten 1°101 and rad VO4; Logan Township Library Aloud: Carl VOCIL, Mrs. Ed- win Telmer, Mrs. Earl Oppen- hauser, Mrs. Keith McLAgan Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ryan and Jason visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ryan and boys in Melbourne. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kelly and Brian of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan on Saturday evening. Mrs. Ken The firm of Ward and Alpfigeove, Charterori Ac- CO#044t$: was appointed as auditor and the fir* of Mountain.. Mitchell., Hill. Monteith, Hastings and Bur- dett was appointed as Own- aniP soilcisee. ftned accounts $21.0.32;.:11 Were*PrFoi for payment stud ineindcd pay- ments for road construction end. municipal drain assess, Plans to rnari allowances. General mounts were ap- proved in the am9nnt of $90;186:20- and included Tile Drainage Debenture pay- ments, the ,balance of the Elms-Logan Fire Area Board requisition.' and the second half of the Huron-Perth County Roman' Cathcilfe Sep- 'irate School 13.0ard,requisi- tion. The council accepted a drain petition from owners of land at Lots 26 and 27,. Concession 1. A second drain petition was also accepted for a proposed municipal drain on Lots 129, 30 and 31, Concessional and 5. - Tenders for the Construc- tion of the Regan Municipal Drain were opened and the contract was awarded to Hansford Open Drains for the sum of $6.472.88. A by-law .amending the Township Zoning By-law was ..aptiroved. This by-law allows the change of zoning for part of the Darrell Adams propel- ty north of Mitchell from residential to institutional uses. All property owners within the area will be receiv- ing a copy of the bylaw. A Ratings by-law 'for a tile drainage debenture of $21,600.00 was passed. • The next meeting of Council will be held 'on December 21. at 1:00 p.m. A potluck supper proceed- ed the, Dec. meeting of- the A.C.W. of St Thomas Angli can Church with PreS. MrS. Frances Teatero in the chair. The meeting opened with a prayer read by Mrs. Grace Cornish. After the minutes were read by, Sec. Mrs. Joyce Lee and Treas. reportby Mrs. „. Corrie Snowdon roll call was answered with stocking stuf- fers for the Children's Xmas party Dec. 6. A Xmas story was read by Mrs. Conde Snowdon, Mrs. Audrey. Mac- Lean and Mrs. Grace Titford. • Instead of exchanging Christmas gifts, presents were brought ter be sent to Saint Monica. House in Kit- reference to the revision 01 the Mat plan which is now in_pregteee and hoped that the experience gained in the pant wpt be of assistance in drafting a more meaningful document for future plan- ning. • Deputy Reeve Laverne Gradnor and Councillors Joe -Vsndeab i, e, OP, Joe Waite ant Gordon Tolingiveipreased their stniahlrtlon with the 4etrievenreutl of the past. year. Several councitldrs coMMOntedonthe practice of some farsacts who are work- ing.. the lend ,con the road elloivence where no fences exist. wind the fact that Bell Telephone has not been watched carefully enough when installing cables and may have caused damage to some drainage .syStenis. All members of the council were pleased with the results of surface treating of roads and would like to see the program continue, Council will . meet on the first Tuesday and third Monday of each month dur- ing December to ' March at St. Columban Hibbert asked to preserve trees First Church ladies to give to shut ins Classified -Ads Local broadcaster on CBC Sunday vey religious truth. The donkey and lamb are fea- tured. The program can be beard on CBC stereo's celebration on Sunday. December 13 at 10:05 p.m. dial 100.5 FM. The hour-long program in- cludes music with Christmas- themes ' and Taverner's Arias DIA, the Lamb of God. Sung by the Elmer Iseler Singers. HOLIDAY . DEADLINES Because our Christmas issue will be printed a. day early 4 p.m. Friday, December 18 5, I 1.