HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-12-02, Page 21Let the Want Ads -h • TRITOWN BOOKKEEPING AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete business ser- vice, sales, purchase and disbursement journals, accounts receiveable, payable. payroll, finan- cial statements. Also time sharing and in- house terminals avail- able. Also farm and individual service. LAWRENCE BEANE 52 HuronSt. Clinton Phone .2.3524 19-34-tf 19 Notice THE Citrus Oranges & Grapefruits FROM-FLORIDA have now arrived. Pick ups can be made at the school from 8:30 to 5:00 or phone for deliv- ery: 19-34-1 Casey VanBakel's Electrical and Plumbing . RESIDENTIAL AND FARM R.R. 2 SEAFORTH Phone 527-1558 19-34 tf VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 31/2 miles east of Exeter. 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats Processed exactly the way yod like it: • ' 19-34-tf HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves 262.2619, Hensall Doug Carethiis 237.3734, Dashwood Vktor Hargreaves 482.7511, Clinton Barry Miller 236.2717, Exeter and 229-6205 Klrkton 19-344 c SCROLL'S ABATTOIR ,and Freezer Meats ._„ CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING N & ot Essmg Monday Beal* Tuesday - Pork , CALL 262.2041 (After Hours 2624732) RETAIL ORDERS Sides of beef 1.55 a lb. Pull processed Regular beef patties 10 lb. bag 1.39a lb.! k. ) Wed,, 3 p.m. SOL S 0.m.. 1 p.m. MILL HE NsALL, Inn% 2412.20414 Custom Slaughtering Processing Kill Day Wednesday ti Im#1r2: z DASHWOOD 2 3 7-3 6 7 7 Madame Anna's Card and Palm Reading and Advisor will advise you on all problems inch as love, marr- iage, health, business. Phone for appointment 271-7392 19-34-5 Complete Custom Framing Needlepoint. crewel. photo, oil, paintings, etc. Regular or non-glare slasS Ready to hang. 48 hr. service HAROLD TYNDALL Clinton 482-7409 19-34-1 ARE you living with a drink-n ing problem?' Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 19-32x3 '20 Auction Sales PREGNANT and distressed? Married or Single. Free con. fidentialsupport. Call. collect Birthright 432-7197 or after .6 Em. 527-0115 19-344 Snowmobile Sale '1976 Elan 250 $750 1977 Olympic 300 $875 1977 Olympic 340 $950 1977 Everest 440E51,050 1978 Nuvik 340 $1,050 1979 Everest 440 $1,495 1975 Olympic 340 $650 Free HELMET OR CASE OF OIL WITH EVERY MACHINE SOLD BEFORE DEC. 5/81 HANK'S SMALL ENGINES SALES AND SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 11-18-1 •••••••••••••em • a • • • • R.G, Gethke GENERAL AUCTIONEER Serving Perth and Huron Counties with many years of experi- ence. For reliable service at reasonable rates. Call 347-2465 Whet 20-344 • • 11,000•010000000.0000 • • • • • • • • • ire • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Auction Sale of household effects in'the village of Cromarty . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5,1981 AT 1 O'CLOCK for Mr. and Mrs. Sid Whitbread. recently transferred. Atlanta kitchen cook stove with bread warmer (new); Speed Queen harvest gold electric stove (new); Kenmore parvest gold refrigerator . (new); chrome table and 4 'chairs; Voyageur air tight stove with fan and screen; antique Quebec wood' stove; fireplace accessory set; heechwood end table; 9 piece cherry dining room suite; 3 of 9x12 carpets; 4 piece den sleep suite; 12" RCA B&W. T.V.; book shelves; cross-bow electric broom; 2 aquariums with supplies;' 2 electric radios; glass shelving; 10 speed bicycle; ash tray stand; 8 cu. ft. Kenmore freezer (new); set of TV trays; antique wardrobe; 4 piece Colonial style bedroom suite in very good condition; 4 ft. electric baseboard heater; small wardrobe with full -length mirror; pine rocking., chair; chrome and glass table and plant stand; chrome collapsible love seat set; small file cabinet; clothes dryer; lawn mower; small tiller; miscellaneous tools; garden tools; weigh scale and animal cage. Auctioneer and proprietor not responsible for &eel- dents on day of sale. PROP.— MR. AND MRS. SID WHITBREAD AUCTIONEER LARRY GARDINER --20:34- . Property Auction Of 1% storey home to be sold by Public Auction at 162 St. Andrew St.. in the Town. of Mitchell on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5,1981 AT I:00 P.M. PROPERTY:This 1% storey aluminum sided home is fully insulated. carpeted throughout and is heated with a gas furnace. It also features 3 bedrooms upstairs; single car garage; 100 main floor family room with, sliding doors leading onto large patio deck; aluminten windows; paved drive; single ear garage; and a garden shed. This home is situated on a 62' x 175' lot, close to downtown and schools and is tastefully decorated throughout. The interior of this home must be seen to fully appreciate its value. TERMS: 10% down day of sale with balance due in 30 days. Selling Subject to a reasonable reserve bid. For property inspection please call Steve Chessell at "3484007. STEVE AND MICHELLE CHESSELL -..-Prolirietors DOUGLASIACOM— Auctioneer 3936214 ef 20.34-1 Tender Bulk stipulated sum ten- ders will be received by the undersigned until 12 neon, local time, Tues- day, December 15, 1981 for Huronview Home heating renovations 1981 Clinton, Ontario. Plans and specifica- tions are available from Snider. Reichard and March. 37 Allan St.. West, Waterloo. Ontario upon, refundable deposit of $50.00. The lowest or any tenders shall not neces- sarily be accepted. MR. WAYNE LESTER Administrator 21-18-1 Remember/ It takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. RIGIWA SALES ARENA "LADIES WEEK" eat the Winghon Gun & SportShop That's right this week we are offering reduced prkee en all merchandise In the gm: shop. New and used guns of every description, all types of ammuntion, a fine soloed:mot quality and general pmprmile heves, archery equipment, gun cases, traps, and ffehing gear. BULK GOODS Cookies, baking goods, dried fruits and all types et peanuts. New and used furniture, winter eloddsg, work boots, rubber boots, gifts items, tool, etc. THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 Open Mon. - Sat. 9 - 6 p.m. Fri. Niles dB 9 p.m. CASH, CHEQUES, VISA, MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED LOTS OF FREE PARKING --48ar WINGRAM SALES ARENA Tender for Fuel for manse and church St. Peter's Church, Brod, hagen. Please reply by ' DECEMBER 15' to Tim Alce, R.R' 1, Dub in. 21.31-3 CLASSIFIED AOS PRODUCE RESULTS! Tender Wanted 21 Tender Wanted Tender For Janitorial Services Seaforth Transformer Station Ontario Hydro Sealed tenders, clearly marked "Tender for Janitorial Services, Seafortb T.S.", will be received' by the undersigned until 12 noon. lecal time, on December 15, 1981. The work involves janitorial duties for the control building located at the SeafOrth 'Transformer Station, Highway /18, one mile east of Seaforth. Tendering documents and OutlineOf Services required,' may be obtained from the operator on duty at the above location. The lowest or any tender, will not necessarily be accepted. ONTARIO HYDRO C. °imam*, P..Ettg. " Stettin Mk*. Sept., 1075 Wellington Rd., LONDON, ONTARIO 21-334 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH. *ONTARIO • NOK 11;VO (519).527.1.458 . , 22 .Legal Notices PloncE-TacitgtnrraRS, Ii 00.01WAS In theestate of j( R0144141-101.19T4d retired carpenter. single, deceased. AJl persons having claims as creditors and heirs against the estate of the above mentioned. late of the Village of Dublin in the County of Perth who died at the said Village of Dublin on the 20th day of January 1972, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of Decem- ber 1981. After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. Dated at Toronto this 23rc, day of November 1981. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, ADMINISTRATOR 145 Queen Street, West, Toronto, Ontario MSH 2N8 22,3.4-1 24 Card of Thanks A sincere thank you to friends, neighbours and fam- ily for flowers, gifts and visits while 1 was. 'a patient in Seaforth Community Hosp- ital. Thanks to n the kind nurses. Dr. Malkus and Dr. Wong and also Pastor Horst. It was all very much appre dated. Rachel Riehl 24-34x1 I would like to thank my friends, neighbours and rela- tives for their (visits, cards and flowers that I received while a patient in Seaforth CommunityHospital. Special thanks to Dr. Maikus, Rev. Vanslyke and the' nursing staff Who were so good to me. Mrs. Ethel Heist 24-34x1 ital for their kindness . and ,.. care shown while I was a patient. Also, thanks for prayers, cards, flowers and get well wishes from family. friends.. Knights of Columbus and Father Caruana. Much. ' appreciated. James Kelly 24-34x1 Classifieds on next page 26 Personal 26 Personal Celebrating 254rears of Marriage, Paddy and Helen Woods of Park Avenue:- Were surprised by their children who hosted a silver anniversary party in their honor, November 7. Many friends and relatives gathered at the celebration held at the Italian Canadian Club in Guelph to honor the couple who have spent most of their 25 years of marriage, in Georgetown. Helen Horan and Patrick Woods both of Dublin, Ontario, were married November 3. 19;56 at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in DuhlhiAthey)ater moved to Georgetown where they had tireelchildren, Kieran. Patrick and Kieran is snow Married to John , McDonald of Guelph' end Patrick is living in Georgetown with his wife, Terty. Bette-Anne is employed with Mctroland Printing and Publishing Ltd., in the Acton and CeorgetoWn Operation. \ Well-known in the community, Paddy it * retired firefighter after serving 19 years las a: volunteer with the Georgetown brigade, He is employed by'the Town ofilalton Hills. Helen is a teacher at St. Francis of Assisi school in Georgetown. 26-344 Ii -FUEL OIL FURNACJE Repair and te-- 24HoSiService PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345.2235 - 19:34-tf I 21 tiadipe# Vdisoriales BANKRUPT FLORIST-AND GREENHOUSE STOCK TO BE SOLD BY TENDER Rathwell & Associates, Agents, have been instructed ,ro sell by Tender, approximately $30,000.00 worth of retail florist inventory. Included dry flowers, silk flowers, wall hangings, arrangements. baskets, Christmas detorations, ceramic vases, bud vases, wicker baskets and trays, fertilizer. and many more items related to this business. • ALL TENDER OFFERS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO RATHWELL'S BY 10:00 A.M. ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1981. Tender forms and Anittlittons- -are available at. Rathwell & Associates. FORFURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES. Bruce Rathwell • Manager 519-527-1458 21-34-1 Madeeee 7.1.10C1 'a le AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS butes and donations to chari- ties and lovely cards received during our loss of a loving wife, mother, 'grandmother and great grandmother. Special thanks to all who were so kind: while a patient in South Huron Hospital and to Rev. Stan McDonald, ladies of Unit 4 for their lovely lunch and all who sent food to the house, to the pallbearers and O'Connor FuneraL.Home. Roy Consitt & Family 24 34x1 2.4 Card of Thanks . . . • the family of the late Monica E. Calwill wish to elpress their sincere thanks to rela- tives. neighbours and friends for the beautiful thriven, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society,_ Heart Foundation, Clinton Public Hospital, and for the many sympathy cards re- ceived during our recent bereavement. A special thanks to Dr. Poorly and the staff of Huronview, the nurs- ing staffs of Seaforth Com- munity Hospital and the 3rd and 4th floors of Stratford General Hospital, Dr. Ueder- wood of Seaforth and Drs. Quinlan and Lindsay of Strat- ford, and to all those who visited Monica during her recent illness. Many thanks to Rev. Mullen of Brucefield the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, and Unit 1 of the 1f.C.W. 'of Brucefleld United Church for all their supportat this time. Your kindness will always.beleinembered. John. Bill and family 24-34'1 The family of the late Mrs. Alice Costello wish to express their sincere thanks to, rela- tives, friends. neighbours. the staff of the Seaforth Hospital, the C.W.L. Special thanks 'to Father Caruana for their kindness during our recent bereavement. Your thoughtfulness will always be gratefully remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Costello & Family 24-34x1 We would like to express our. thanks for messages of con- gratulations. cards and' gifts for our 25th wedding anniver- sary. Special thanks to our family,. to, -the band-and to MM.. Laura Rock for provid- ing lunch. Ross & Jean Anderson 24-34-1 24 Card.of Thanks I wish to -*Ink relatives, Mends and nelghbe*.fne cards and treats and for fin* Me. *Aile warp in seaforth Community - P- ita'. Special thanks to. Dr. the nurses for their kindness and care. • Andka McGrath 24-301 We wish to thank all our family and friends for their visits, cards and gifts while we were in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Under- wood and O.B. nurses. It was greatly appreciated. Nellie & Lori Van.Bakel 2,43411 I would like to thank Dr. Underwood and the nurses, and my family and friends for the flowers. treats-and cards while I was in. the hospital. It was appreciated. Thank you very much. Irene Bisback .24-34-1 The family of the late Mrs. Myrtle Kercher would like to express their gratitude for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended to them during their recent bereave- ment. Sincere thanks to the Michael P O'Connor Funeral Homeand ambulance service for their care and concern. Special thanks to Rev, Tom McDonald for his comforting words at the funeral service on Monday and at the burial on Tuesday and to the Chiseli hurst Ladies of the Hensel! United Church for the lovely lunch. Thanks to Dr, Gans and to the nurses at. South Huron Hospital who were so kind to mother during her very brief stay. To the neigb- boars of Doris & Ross who brought food to our homes. Thanks also, to those who paid their respects at the funeral homeloss, Margaret do Jim Jordan, Doris. Sven- More t9 Notice 20 Auction Sales 20 AuCtion Sales 20 Aktion Sales 21 Tender Wanted Richard tobb Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482.7898 • 20-304 SATURDAY, DECEM- --111EJL.‘ 10 A.M.-An- tiques. furniture and appliances at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton. , Consignments, welconie. 20-33-1 4101 4111b 11111, ONTARIO'S largest farm machinery consignment sale, Norwich Ontario, Friday, De- cember 11, 1981, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Fri- day each month). Approxi- mately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424.9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. 20-34x1 Every , week more and 'more people discover what — mighty jobs are accom- plished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, appliances. motorcycle, riding lawnmower, canoe, van, etc. to be held at RICHARD LOW'S BARN, CLINTON, ONT. , the contents of the Stribbons house plus additions. SAT. DEC. 5, AT 10 A.M. 1975 Dodge van, V8, selling as is; 1978 Honda 125S motorcycle, run 1099 miles, as is; fibreglass canoe with paddles -and life jackets; Lawn Flite 10 hp riding • lawnmower with_ electric start, electric lawn tractor, two wheel trailer w/4 small wheels, quantity Qf used aluminum windows, desk w/drawer, 2 good electric cash registers.. adding machine, portable typewriter small chain saw, tape recorder: FURNITURE AND •ANTIQUES,—Nordheimer upright piano, colour T.V. (floor model); 9 piece dining room suite w/Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, buffet, china cabinet and six chairs; solid oak desk with drawers • (real nice):' library table, kitchen side board, dressers w/mirrors; two' round dining, tables iv/centre pede- •stala; Victorian love seat side chair and rocker; five matching dining chairs, chest of drawers; frig and stove, only three years•old;ilisliwasher; chrome table and chairs; chesterfield and chair; continental. single bed plus other beds, small tables; lamps, tredle sewing machine, guitar, odd chairs, copper boiler, old floor model radio; milk cans; pressback rocker; Empire cook stove;' annex heater; oil lamps; broiler oven. nearly- new; small appliances; antique white limoge diShes w/gold rim plus others not mentioned. TERMS CASH Auctioneer- RICHARD LOBE 20-34-1 liel• 41111* gen 420. votr I I I I 22 legal Notices NOTICETO CREDITORS In the estate of Chrietorp_rVerne Dile All persons having claims against the Estate of Chris- topher Verne Dale. late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, deceased who died on the 27th day of October, 1981, are hereby notified to, send in full particu tars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 1/th day of Deceiiiber. 1981. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth this 23rd day of Novembet"1981. MCCONNELL STEWART DEVEltEAUX Seater* Ontario Solicitors for the executors 22433-3 The families of the late Linda Fischer wish to express their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness shown to, them during Linda's lengthy illness and at the time of her, death. A 'special thanks to home care staff whe assisted us to proVide care in the home, to the doctors,...nurses and staff of--Wingham hosp- ital who gave such toying care to Rev. Sivarifor,his comfort- ing words; to Barb and Max Watts, the pallbearers, and flowerbearers, neighbours. relatives and friends for the floral tributes, expressions of sympathy, memorial dona- tions and food sent to our homes, including the lovely lunch at 'the chinch following the service provided- by the ladies of the 17th and bound- ary unit. As Linda's life touched so many. we are now touched by your many acts of kindness which will be a lasting comfort in the years to come. 24-34x1 I would like to thank my friends and relatives for their cards and visits and also the Session for the nice basket of fruit 'I received while a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Also special thanks to Dr. Rodney and nurses of Seaforth Hospital. It was deeply appreciated. Ernie Whitehouse 24.34x1 Bill. Connie and Tim Devereaux would like to think the businessmen for the beautiful keepsake' plate they received. This was greatly appreciated. 24-34x1 -- Thanks go to Dr. Underwood, cer. Judy. Ruth & Bill Jeffery We would like to..thank Dr. Lindsay and Dr. Fuller as 24-34-1 relatives, friends and neigh- well as the Seaforth Ambu- hours for their many acts, of lance, nursing staff of Strat- thoughtfulness, floral tri- ford General Hospital and Seaforth Community Hosp- ,fitgack,,...