The Huron Expositor, 1981-12-02, Page 18anastra 0 owe Birthdays celebrated in Constance community mirk ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN LIFE and Mortgage Insurance Plans 4101, iso INCOME Averaging and Deferred Annuities • Tax Deductable R.R.S.P. NEW Non-Smokers Rates Available- REPRESENTING 1.0 INCOME Flexible Te1.527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada for 22 years Business Director TTh BE BE WISE ADVERTISE - Buy this space to-day! Phone 52.7.-0240 SEAFORTH INSURANCE 39 Main St. S. Seaforth .Home .Business .Far:m .Auto .Life Sickness &. Accident . Investments 5 27-1 6 1 0 -FA RM SUPPLIES-N 50:P0) Feed Seed Fertilizer Farm Supplies Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils Seaforth Co-=gyp 527-0770 CARPENTRY--\ FLANAGAN - CARPENTRY • Custom Built Houses, • Additions. • Renovations, • Aluminum Siding. • Sheds. Peter Flanagan 527-1399 ,=CARPENTRY-----\ MURRAY HENDERSON CARPENTRY Renovations, Additions, Sheds. Framing, Any Home Improvements FREE ESTIMATES 527-0731 ( APPLIANCES__ APPLIANCE & REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized factory Warranty Seriiiteand repairs to kE VINATOR & INGLIS APPLIANCES Service and repairs to all makes HORNE'S MAJOR APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE 5-27-0636' Seaforth PIANO PIANO TUNING 4 • Repo rt • Rebudd,rvg • Keys Recovered • Dam00.Choseft BRUCE PUISIFER 348-9223 Mitchell (7-FUNERAL HOME Funeral Director K.J. Cardno • 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527-0885 Time for fitnesS is time on Your Side. 40 paRnaPatrIon1 A13 •••• THE HURON EXPOSITOR. DECEMBER 2, 1981 Vanastra school flogt wins parade Correspondent NANCY tirrroN Chad Thibeaull of the Lady Diana Nursery is cele- brating his birthday on Dec. There are three new child- ren this week: Shawna Wal- ker. Paul McLean and Jenni- fer McLachlan. The theme from now until Christmas is Christmas. They are planning a Otristtnas party., The new theme at Special. Nursery is also Christmas. The children are learning the colours red and green. They will be taking part in the day care Christmas program, and they are practising. Last Tuesday (Nov. 24) Sanya Ferrell celebrated her birthday. VANASTRA PUBLIC SCHOOL For the past five years the school has entered a float in the Goderich Christmas Par- ade and has always place in the top three. This year the. theme was "The Most Im- portant Image of Christ- mas," and the float placed second in the school cate- gory. The children on the coat were: Rosemary Linton, Scott Linton, Tabatha Car- vell, Johnny Carvell, Mary Meller, Jean Bernard. Hea- ther Brownridge, Tammy Dowell, Adam Dowell. Paul Handy, and Susan Lenher. Your tax dollars are used to support the services of T.V. Ontario (Cable 2). In late January T.V.O. is pre- senting a series of eight one-hour program, on -Learning About Children." They will run on consequ- tive Wednesday nights. be- ginning Jan. 27, at 9 p.m. Each program will also be aired on the Saturdays fol- lowing the Wednesdays at 3 p.m. For those unable to view T.V.O. at home we ate prepared in run the series at the seh9q1.. °"'. For those who. really want to get involved T.V.O. is also offering a "Parent's Aca- demy" based on the series. For a S15 registration fee parents will receive a set of . viewing guides for the series. a set of "fun to do" multiple choice questions, individua- lized comments and the academy newsletter. We are prepared to, run this program at the school for parents in the community and for friends of parents in Vanastra ifthere is sufficient interest. Please call the school today (482-7828) if you are interested in joining our group. Everyone is welcome. V ANASTRA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. B. Bakker of the Stratford CRC will lead the communion service on Sun., Dec. 6. During the next few weeks the children of "Come Alive" will be making Christ- mas decorations and practis- ng for the Christmas pro- gram Dec. 18. The refugee fellowship evenings have been cancel- led due to lack of interest. The first advent candle was lit by the Sunday school. LIONESS The Vanastra and District Lioness would like to thank Correspondent MARY MERNER 482.7 143 Mrs. Florence Mai% ain visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George McElwain. Lynn and• Steven of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier and Lori of Kincardine also visited with the McLiwains all those who attended their annual Christmas bazaar on Sat., Nov. 21. both those whose who came to sell and those who came to buy. We feel that it was a ver!, when they celebrated Lynn, Steven and Lori's birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son spent the American Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rey- nolds. Bob and Nancy Jo of Southfield. Michigan. Les and Cathy Graves and Mindy of St. Thomas and Ron successful: and hopefully en• joyable afternoon fur ever) - one. Those groups attending this iyears bazaar were: Tuckersmith Da. Care Centrti. Huron Da. Centre. Fran of Mitchell were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson. David. Darren and Luanne . Bob Thompson of Western University in London spent the weekend at his home. He visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson, Leisa. Cheryl and Willie. Tuckcrsmith Ladies Club. The Clinton Hospital Auxil- iary. Vanastra Christian Church. Brucefteld United Church Sunday School-, Van- astra Guides, and Vanastra and District Lions. Individuals with tables were: GlOria Allaway and Vicki Guertin. Karen Whit- more., Elaine Shropshall, Es- ter Handy. Janetflunking. Judy Mellor and Moira Rob- Melvina Ericson,- Mrs. Frank McDonald; and Mrs. Shirley Snell. These tables offered a variety -of very beautiful crafts and bake goods to suit every taste and pocket book. The profits are to 'be -donated to the Clinton Hospital Buildingjund, and the amount will bZ announc- Rev. Wittich conducted the Sunday morning service with Mr. Frank Bissett assist- ing at the organ. The choir sang the anthem. Each Step' of the Way. Many musicians assembled on Monday after- noon to play for Old Tyme Music. As well as our regu- lars Marie Flynn, Wilson McCartney. and Warren Whitmore, Jim ruddock. the residents enjoyed the music of Ray Canteton and Joe Boland. As well as Joe Boland': we had Hank Green from Exeter visiting us dur- ing Old Tyme Music. On Tuesday afternoon. the ed later. Winner of the door prize was Brian White of Seaforth. Winner of the baby quilt raffle was Kathy Simpson of Goderich. PONS „ The Lions Club will be holding its annual .Christmas Dance Dec. 4. with music supplied by Shattncm. Danc- ing Will be from 9 ji,Xn. to 1 a.m. at $12 per couple. and lunch will be Murray-Hohn- ner's hip of beef. All Pro- ceeds will go to the Clinton Hospital Building Fund. BINGO The bingo results for Tues., Nov. 24 are: first share the wealth. Marg Edwards of Exeter; second stare the wealth, John Hart ceramic class again met. Wednesday afternoon the residents spent the , time playing the very nnnitlar game of bingo. kir. Lovett. G. Peck, T. Smythe, B. Columbe, M Garrow, M Van Camp. and M Sproat enjoyed a shopping trip to Goderich on Thursday after- noon: Also on Thursday after- noon, Ed Stiles filled the halls of Normal Care with his beautiful organ- music. Sympathy is expressed to the family of Gertrude Ben- nett. Huronview would like to welcome 'Alfred Glazier, from of Clinton; third share the wealth, Lynn Armstrong of Clinton; and jackpot, Anita Faber of Kippen. COMMUNITY TID-BITS Did you biciw? That the Glasgow Restaur- ant is in the process of genius a Bauer licence. There has also been a great deal of redecorating done. That the Vanastra Arena still has lee time available. Call the Seaforth Recreation Department for more infor- mation. That the Vanastra Bowling Lanes will be open Dec. 15._ That there is a young peoples group meeting every Sunday evening at the Lin- ton's. home. Come out and see what we are all about. Clinton and who is living in Normal Care and is visiting us On Vacation Care. About 50.0 attend open house at Hemingways Approximately 500 people attended an Open House held Wednesday, No- vember 25 at Neloway Farms at RR2, Brussels. On view for the public was Neil and Donna Heming- way's pew naturally ventilat- ed hog finishing and manure storage and handling faeil- ities. Donna reported they were very pleased with the positive interest, expressed from guests who had travellaid from different points M southwestern Ontario. with the majority from within a 30 mile radius of Brussels. The opeh house-was held to enlighten, people on new technology in the hog indust ry and to alleviate any doubt in the public's mind as to-the environmental safety of the operation. It was also an attempt to bring the consum- er closer to the "roots" of the industry. The winner of the draw for the ham was Wm. Thornton of Gorrie. Rev. Wittich at Huronview r -Expert Interior 8, Exterior Decorators ' Wallcoverings Kern Paints ' , Window Shades 112 Armstrong Carpets \-. `141-LDEBRAN-D Ph• one 527-1880. 15 Main St . Seaforth 1—HEATING G73AILEY8 Lennox and Dual-Aire Furnaces,,,,, Sheet Metal *fork. Specialists in 'Engineered Heating Systems 262-6319 Kippen, Ont., CARPENTRY"'—\ • House Renovations • Additions • Siding • Any Home Improvements BOB REGELE 527-0715 ( SURVEYOR Christian R,.Kiar ' • -k rn held Ontario 42 West Street Goderich, Ont. Zenith • 4-2250 FLORIST -N Hildebrand Flowers 15 Main St. to.;-.... Seaforth frbn- Office 527-0555 Fr Complete Floral Service Lk ) with a personal touch. ...f REFINISHING Furniture Refinishing All Hand Stripped We Bus Old Furniture Ian. coirdition) Tables Chairs Dressers etc 273-4312 Collect Ask for Ron .327-0714 After 7 30 p m & ask for Mike , - T V & STEREO-. A7111171N ete L ^e ' E . E N .Eli "0-• AND PE sEAviCE sA,.ES & Seoforth Electronics 17 Sparling St.. 527-1150 r—APPLIANCES—\ Appliance and Ref rigel-ation REPAIR 'SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482.7032 c"-- DECORATING GARY BANNON Painting, Decorating __Paperhanging DrywaliTaping Interior & Exterior FREE ESTIMATES Phone 527-1582 Seaforth, Ontario Help your Heart Fund Help your Heart FEED MILL_ FLEM!NG FEED MILL • Bulk Pelleted Feed. • Fast unloading elevator • 2 pits open 24 hrs. a day CLINTON 482-3438 CARPENTRY J Carpentry *Concrete Forming and Finishing *Framing *Drywall *Roofing *Cabinet Making John Ryan 527-1520 MUFFLERS---,‘ Mufflers guaranteed- as long as you own the car SF WORTH NIOToRS LTD, \.. 527.1010 r•—•ELECTRICAL Th Geo. A. Sills & Sons HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING - HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Ishnric S2" Its20 Suatorth "—IMPROVEMENTS MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone 52 ',eon Free Esfirnaies F or 5,,dinry Alurn,num and Vinyl Aluminum VVIndOwS Doors A wrungs Railings R "—CHIROPRACTOR SEAFORTH CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE Thomas J. Devereaux 25 Goderich St'. W. Seatorth, Ontario Phone Bus. 527-1242 'Res. 527-1942 Mon. - Fri. 8-12:00, 1 ,8:00 Tues , Thurs 8.12:00 1:30 - 8:30 Wed 8-1 Sat . 9-1 • ,p—SHARPENING—N All types of saws, knives and scissors sharpened • Sperialiiing in Carbide sass s and tools STAY SHARP SALES AND SERVICE Gordon Blanchard RR4, Walton 527.1806 CAR CARE _ GORD1 GULF Licensed Mechanic Service to at/ rrldikes of cars HOUSE CALLS AVAILABLE 527-03p, To.the Unfit If you just sit You won!' quit Being unfit a CLEANER CARPETS EAMA.TICi the total demi . service 524-2260 t.lphoistery Cleaning 'Free Estimate NOV. AND DEC. 10% OFF `527-0660 527-0962 Lortie R.S. Box Evenings 527-0962 CONSTRUCTION Construction OFING & SIDING PAINTING EAVESTROUGHING FARM BUILDINGS CONCRETE-WORK 7 Years' Experience Guaranteed Workman- ship Free Estimates Lyle Ward 527-1411 SEWING cFwv+46 m SL PSRVIAIM I. 1 -0, 1 00 1S. f11.f ovh ,tp E nd TS 139 9.. SEN AND SA" I ( ENTRE I TO. 149 Downie St 12_0oors south of Hudsonst Stratford. 271-9660 / ' OPTICIAN David -Th Langstaff Ltd. Optician ti7 Main Si. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS AND OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Mod Promptly HOURS Mon., Tues.. Thurs.. Fri.. 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Wednesdays Sat.. 9 - 12 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527.1303 1„,..._DECORATING Graves Wallpaper & Paint Featuring PAINTS Canadailainco&velmrinpgosrted Wall • 527-9550 Seatorth Fitness is a national issue. ‘rik can it Body Politics. • 4,1 minapornon • FUNERAL HOME Whitney -Ribey ,Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 GOderich St '. Seaforth Phone 527-1390 ,Sincere and .courteous service f,-.ACCOUNTANTS, ATKINSON, INNES. LEACH & NEILL , Chartered-ACCountants Accounting, Auditing. Tax Planning and Tax Returns 20 Goutnlock S27.1331 SEAFORTH ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL and FARM WIRING CALL li 41-111 1 Er pm Brodhagerf L Electric GARY DILL 345-2442 JOHN. ELLFGSEN 345.2447 Res, 527-1784