The Huron Expositor, 1981-12-02, Page 6Ex 7eptiona! Ed, part 4 hat's remedial? PSE- z THURS., FRI. & SAT. NOVEMBER 26, 27, 28 C... ki sod sev• 20% Oil TOUR °SEISMS SHOPPING Spectra Swaim on ell Swifts* Winter COATS A.-- JACKETS Many siwirts • fabrics! 20%0 mare a ALI. OCCASION DRESSES In Amieratiosee Nen Ow SOO Steil% 20% ON MANY GIFT ITEMS TO crioosa FROMI Oeld 1 Illmor Plated Warellory Oleses. Purses. Sharees. Necks Peaty New. Niehtles. News Comte. is.,. Nips, runtime eadtairsieeles 20' OFF % ALL OFF MERCHANDISE IN STOCK ALTERATIONS AT COSTIU Cimituess ressenys man III re Demerit • GIN Certificates wettable' 8dighoffer's kitchen IN OUR MEN'S DEPT. A large wlertlen MEN'S SUITS h. NNW styles end shears. r I—. I SPORT COATS I. tawar. Ceraurey. Velour end T wee 111. tmardinetinm Punt WNosh4 Geis 20 OFF IN OUR bIT 6000i4 MONIS REST. / • Metrhing ° Meow a Congeners. Kew' ....d litenbets. Nebel, nursers. Ibex Ilionkets. Quarts/ Seel Spreads., I. piece Seth Seta Shawn Curtains Penes Tee f ewe Vate Teble Chaim. terse whatien of Towle' 20%0F, the co-opetatod MA/ BRUCE SMITH Sales' Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 139-Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont.-NOK INO WIIIIIBus: 348-9975 Res: 348-9975 41s. the co-oper.4106,.,. CIO INSURANCE AND FINATEilAi SERVICES' LEFE*HOME•AUTO•BUS1NESS•PARM Hunter were re-elected to three year terms on the loan committee, while Clifford Parker was elected to a one year term. Mr. Parker had DRYWALL KNOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter. Bakos Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-139$ or - 527-0606 been appointed to the loan committee earlier this veer to replace the late Norman Counter. 1SP 6 440k ShOwn from left to right Mow Nos 92798. 92795. 92799. 92796 Timeless beauty has become crownless! No protruding setting crown. Slim, fashionable styling. Come in and see our outstanding selection Of these and other fashionable Bulova timepieces. 8 Albert Street, Clinton 26 Main Street South, Seaforth 284 Main Street, Exeter' ,203 Durham Street East, Walkerton 135 (queen Street East, St. Marys King St., Waterloo ANSTETT JEWELLERS WE KNOW THERE ARE SOME OF YOU OUT THEREI And we have 2 excellent exempleithet have been here too long, end we are going to Take our loss and move these two cars out! OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111 111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111111111111 tall111111111 4rilak:„ • • f 9000 MILES (15,000 KM) Absolutely birmatiful 11011 CORDOBA In Heather ton. Inside and out. Economical 311 VI, automatic. power storming, power brakes, individual seats. tinted glass, radloovhite walls, wheel discs. dual mirrors. 30 day 11111% warranty. Lk. No. REID 377. 36,000 MILES (61,000 KM) 157$ LEBANON two door sport coupe. inillaIdinsl $4'00,14 lan- dau roof. radio. economical 3111 Vill;-asitontatIc, power steering. power brakes. white walls, wheel discs, one owner, pal. yellow. 30 day 111% warranty. Lic. No. NNW 72$. FREE 1982 LICENSE on either of these 2 can ONE WEEK ONLY - *FPO EXIlien DEC. 8,101 pONTIAC-OUICK CADILLAC. GMC TRUCK 37 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524.5391 • in Area Churches First -PRESBYTERIAN Church 59 Goderich St. W., Seaford' SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1981 Advent II 11:15 Worship Service, Sunday School & Nursery Sacrament of Holy Communion Organist: Carter Mrs. Carol ST. THOMAS AngliCan Church The Rev. James R. Broadfoot B.A., Min.,. Seaforth SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1981 Advent II 10 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon Sermon: Thy Word 0 Lord Has Guided 4:30 p.m., Parish Christmas Party with pot luck supper SUNDAY SCHOOL & NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING MORNING WORSHIP NORTHSIDE. United Church 54 Goderich St. W. Seaforth SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1981 Second Sunday in Advent 11 a.m. Church Servce, Church School & Nursery 12 noon Pot luck sandwich lunch and Church School Concert Rev. J. G. Vanslyke. Minister Margaret Whitmore Audrey McLlwain Organist - Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader The facts of life There are a lot of funny ideas about God floating around now adays. You've probably heardrthern from your friends at work, or picked them up from. T.V.. or the movies, or from songs you hear on the radio. But how do you get straight answers to your honest qUestions about life? How do-you separate the facts from fiction: , At BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH we want to share those facts. 14u-tutting corners, no Skipping tough topics. You'll learn that your life and family arc important to God. He cares...He really does. So get the real fedi of life at: BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH Water Street, EgmondvIlle Pastor Archie Robertson P Without the fiction Area congregations are invited to lake advantage of the church directory to announce their church services each week. church directory announcements arc available for a minimum of 26 consecutive weeks in units of two column inches at $2.25 per unit, Changes in copy may be made each week but must he received before noon on Tuesdey. EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 2, 1931 I amSyears old. I think I've been good. I would like a girl monchicni. I have two baby sisters and they want 2 Rattles. My brother would like race cars and he is good. sometimes. He is 3 years old. My phone number is 527- 0710 in case you want to Salk tome. love Christine I'd like goalie_ pads I would like goalie pads, goalie gloves and stick. I would also like drive com- mand ancr'sronco fourwheel- er and a t4se recorder. Thank-you for tht gifts last year. I will leave wino thing for you to eat. RnyLaintsnt 150 North MainStreht My mommy is having a new baby MY name in Alynn Pale and 1 ins 2ker' years old. 1 have tried my best to be a good boy all year. For Christmas this year I would like a ..Tonka, truck; a Bert and Eriiie and a few story books. My mommy is having a new baby by Christmas so would you please bring it something too. P.S. I and leave you some milk and cookies. Thank you. Alynn Dale Egmondville Ont. num Dear Santa: My Mom is writing this because I am only 4 yrs. old. My name is Chad. Thank you for last years presents. This year I would like Keycars. Smash-up Derby and a Race Car Set. I would also like a Water car and truck. I will leave you an orange. apple and a glass of milk. I will try to be good. love Chad Lamont Age 4. 150 North Main St. We'll leave carrotts My name is Karen. 1 am 6 years old. I have a brather Michael who is 1' i years old my sister Shelly is 9. For Xmas this year l would like, My Pretty Pony, a Sindy Doll. Michael would like a Fischer and Pryce Work Bench and a truck Shelly would like a _Cassette Recorder, a Ken Doll, and Barbies horse Dal- las. Thankyou for the toys last year. We will leave you a treat and some carrotts for the reindeer. Love Shelly, Karen and Michael Nigh. The scene opens with Ed slowly awaking from his night spent in the back seat of his car. Stiffly Ed sits up and looks around. It takes him a minute to figure out where he is. h dawns on him and then he remembers he is to meet with Sheila Clarke. Co-ordinator of Strident Ser- vices fur the Huron County Board of Education. Ed - (Jumping up) Gee Willi Lets, I better get going. ,No time for any laps today. Ed gets his car going. which takes more than one try, and turns his vehicle in the direction'iof Clinton. He stops at Bartliff's Restaur- ant, freshens up in the washroom and then quickly runs to the Board of Educat- ion office. Ed - (Walking into the Student Services office) Hel- lo, is Mrs. Clarke about? There is no one in the outer area, but Mrs. Clarke hails Ed from her office. Ed - Good morning. Ma'am. I have a lot of questions for you today. ,We talked about that there special education withdrawal that didn't hurt. Tell me more, huh! Mrs. Clarke - Good morning, Ed. of course we can talk more about the withdrawal program. There is partial withdrawal, which can be for two reasons. One is rernedi- ial. Ed - What's remedial? Mrs. Clarke • Remedial is where the student receives a quick update. This is for cases when a student has been absent from school ,fir one reason or another Ed Like they've been home sick or strumming? Mrs. Clarke, - Yes. r: Then there is the special pregram fur exceptional studerts which can be on 'a teMporary basis or for an entire ,year. Ed - Tell me more about that. Mrs. Clarke - Be patient Ed. there is a lot to explain. The program I just mentioned takes the student-requiring more support about "the-- regular classroom levelpa,tof:, . the classroom for specific periods to provide assis- tance. Ed - Above huh, do they go to classroom upstairs. Mrs. Clarke - (Startled) No. oh no. I mean that an exceptional student needs more help with his or her studies. Ed - Gotcha. Please conti- nue. What else is there? Mrs. Clarke - Well I have mentioned that in Huron County there are 15 special learning needs classes. These classes are self- contained within regular school buildings. Ed - Self-contained, self- aontained. now what does that mean? Mrs. Clarke - The Special learning needs classes have their own separate class- room. I'd like to point out that they use some of, the same facilities as do the regular classes. Ed - Such as?. Mrs. Clarke - The special learning needs classes use the library, the gymnasium, some school= yards and also some students take part in regular classes and extra- curricular activities. Ed - (Stroking his'long. white moustache) What does that extra word mean? Mrs Clarke - Extra-curricu- lar. Well that means school activities that take place after regular school hours. Ed decides it is time for a coffee break. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accom- plished by low cost Huron• Expositor .Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. Chad Lamont tells Santa he'll try to be good. De'spite tough year Credit Union alive and well BY JAMES FITZGERALD Despite a turbulent year which featured record high interest rates, the Clinton Community Credit Union. which serves a wide area of Huron County. is in good shape and paid a record 11 per cent dividend on share accounts. That's the essence of the message at the Credit Union's, Annual Meeting last week in Clinton. where 5 7 members were told that in- come was up $550,000 from last year to 53.508,048, most- ly because of the record high interest-rates-on loans. Because many members moved money out of their share accounts into guaran- teed income certificaes. the Credit Union paid out a record S1.660.490 on thiise short term l notes. an increase of 5540,000 over last year. whiclinierint their net income for share accounts dropped $250,000 to $838,819 in the fiscal year ending September 30. Jim Schnaar, a chartered accountant with the auditing firm of Ward Mallett, told the members the Credit Union, which has a branch in Exeter. ' was in sound financial shape. unlike .some other Unions in-,a the province, particularly in the Windsor Chatham ar,, - where no dividents wee paid. Mr. Schnaar. in explaining the audited statement, said the Credit Union's overall assets had grown by 5989,000 to $26,018,598 this year. but the amount in share accounts dropped S3 million, while term deposits jumped S3.6 million. With such a large amount of term deposits. it made if difficult fordirectors to estab- lish interest rates on loans. The provisions for losses on loans jumped $244,000 from the $127,000 of last year, partially because of the poor economic. -conditions, and, bankruptcies. but mostly be- cause-of new rules by the Ontario Depogit and Share Corp., which requires the Credit Union to put more into -a--reserve,'"'vccount, even though many of the defaulted loans are collectable. Chairman of the board. Ernie Williams. reported' that the switch to a fully compu- terized system went smoothly last spring., Mr. Williams also explain- ed the problems, with Credit Union Central which had grabbed headlines in the daily media recently. He said it was mainly a problem of cash flow because Central had most of their money tied up in long term, low interest yeilding Hydro bonds, but as the interest rate falls. the problem will disappear. Although total income and loans to members set new records, the total member- ship slipped 230 from last year to 7,330 this year. A new member, Mason. Bailey of Blyth, was elected to the board of directors in a, lively contested election, re.> placing Milford Durst who retired, and Antoine Garon was re-elected for another two year term. Richard. Lobb and Jim ilippi*,+02.,'