HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-12-02, Page 5• Bauer E am' 171 N C. • 41, ea (01- • C 0 a. 4at of 0 v.) 2 . • C . a. mar 401 0. g oo• *4-te 44 4r) c 0 .= 0-a rb, ep o • ale 4.* Vim 10 ale an a) 6.1 .. 10 F) V A N IC. 0 Ltd. • •• el) ego su 10 "91 ray PP via Go (1) O▪ ar. ul In •0, • = et. 4.4. • 0 0. NEI 3 44. 41) C • Ck ▪ 1.1 = m Irt• 44C °C, O z 0 0 • no -S Clk CP •mt ▪ ="' 0. "0 0 = = AO IA a. • &I• (A 1:1 m.., NI o DI0 O▪ 4:3 = ea ten -9 • O MCI 0 11. V▪ ' • 413. t) lot "Ff A. M C4 = g O 41 ,4s to d. 4,01 Graves Wallpaper and Paint • Seaforth Medical Clinic • Hetherington Shoes • Copper Cafe • Vincent Farm Equipment i; Sills Nome Hardware • Seaforth Automotive • • 9*. • Campbell's Crown Hardware • VII: Elliott Service*, Ltd. • Triangle Discount s Anstett Jewellers • Box Furniture • Toronto Dominon Bank r SPECIAL NIGHTS PIM SPECIAL, CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NIGHTS 6-9 p.m. Ladies Night Tues., Dec. 15 Leave the kids with dad, ladies and come out and browse thru Seaforth stores at your leisure. Men's Night, Wed. Dec-16- Special help at participating Seaforth stores to help gentlemen shoppers find just the right gift_ Children's Night Thurs., Dec.17, Plenty of help for the small fry as they shop for the whole family WIN $2000 in BONUS BUCKS Wed., Dec. 23 -1 p.m. After the Santa Claus Parade Hot chocolate and hot dogs for sale oh Main St Proceeds to Town and Country Homemakers, servin g all of Huron County Travel. Service • Tom • CAROLLERS /MIK DOWNTOWN CAROLLERS- Choirs from three local churches will sing on Main St. Sat., Dec. 12. For7that old fashioned holiday atmosphere, service and prices, shop Seaforth for Christmas. • Frank Kling DevereaUx, Chiropractor • Canadian Tire Corp. • Bob and Betty's Variety • Hildebrand Flowers .•Ball-Macaulay Ltd. Shoii these Seaf M eorth rchants ANTA CLAUS Y. FR E Illlllll llllllll WIN $100 in BONUS BUCKS Fri., Dec. 4 - 7 p.m. WIN $100 * $100 in BONUS BUCKS in BONUS BUCK Fri., Dec. 11.- 7 p.T. Fri., Dec. 18 p.m. HOURS CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS. FOR YOUR coyvgNIENCE Dec. 2, 3 til 5:30 p.m Dec. 4101 9 p.m. Dec. 5 til 5:30 p.m. Dec. 7-10 tl 5:30 p.M Dec. 11 til 9 p.m. Dec. 12-14 til 5:30 p.m. Dec. 15-18 til 9 p.m Dec. 19 til 5:30 p.m. Dec. 21-23 til 9 p.m Dec. 24 and 31 5.13-.m .4, 7/111111 FREE PARKING- ' You won't need to feed the parking meters for all of December in downtown Seaforth For an old fashioned holiday time full of values and. fun, shop in Seaforth and enjoy these fun filled events, brought . to you by participating Seaforth merchants FR E for FREE ..PONY RIDES FOR THE KIDDIES, . Sat , Dec .19 leaving from Victoria Park, beginning at 1 p m (Weather permitting) Give your kids some old faShioned, Christmas entertainment SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN Sat., Dec. 5, Seaforth's annua Lions Santa Claus parade. Parade leaves the arena at 10 a m Bands, floats and fun. Santa will give treats to the kiddies at Larone-Spittal 11a.m. to 12:30. CHR=ISTMAS.. BONUS BUCKS Win a total of '500 in BONUS BUCK PRIZES, five chances to win. Fill out the entry forms at participating Seaforth merchants and drop them in the specially marked box. No purchase required WIN BONUS BUCKS to spend at any participating store. DRAWS at the Town Hall, Seaforth Lots THE HURON EXIT IT R. DECEM•BER' I Aef , 4 tAr; ti 6 ...i-vi'vt. , SCHOOL PROJECT ,.., Food is b,0,19,9-C011eCted Wa.prgoot by stigiente.of 'St_ Columban sdhopj, • it will he olven,to the Seaforth office ,of the .Huron. County Christmas .Bureau for rOdIsttibution when it opens in the old Plu.msteel store on South Main Street next week. 'Some of he many students involve:tin the project are (left to !VW- C011een ?Oak! ay, Jean Ryan, Paul Menheere, Mary Maloney, Marg Ryan. "(Photo by ampbeto Correspondent MRS. CECIUARYAN 34S-21128 A large.crowd attended the annual Father Stephen Eck- ert Council of the Knights of Columbus turkey bingo at the St. Columba!!! Church hall on Sunday, Nov. 29th., Following are the winners of a freshly, killed turkeys Sherri Maloney; Bob Duffy. Mrs. John Paul Rau, Mrs. Dan O'Rourke, Mrs. Tom 'Murray, Mrs. Charles Rau, Leon Maloney. Mts. Jack Deering, Moira Robinson, Joanne Erougton. James Kelly, Mrs. Jack Dearing. The first Share the wealth was won by Mrs. Jack Deer- ing and Jim Kelly, the second by Mrs. Jerry Flanigan, the third by Roy McGonigle, and the fourth by Brenda Laws. Three door prizes were won, by Marie Palin, Mrs. Ray- mond Murray and Mrs. Mary Moylan. The proceeds from this Mingo will be used for the annual 'K. of C. children's Christmas party- PERSONALS '- M ail e e-skOrrs, from Elliott, Lake anal Frank Claessens. .Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs, Matt Claessens. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swart. Kim and Mark visited on Sunday with Mrs. Anne Swart in Delhi. Mrs. Mary Melady return- ed home from Brighton where she.was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Melady. She also visited with Mr. Frank Mel- arty in Peterborough, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maloney returned 'home after spend- ing a week in St, Petersburg, Florida. The weather was sonny and warm while they were there. Mr, and MM. Jim Subject and family from Kitchener and Mr: and Mrs. J.D. MacRae. Jenny and Ian from London visited -on the weekend with fvfr:and Mrs. Clarence Ryan. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the relatives and friends of Miss Mary Purcell whose funeral was Monday morning at St. Columban R.C. Church, IvIcKillop 4 4-11 Club report of achievement night iby Marg Ryan. Parents and friends turned. out for 4,H Achievement held on Wed. Nov. 25 at the Seaforth Public school. In a skit our group "The Eitch 'n Chicks" showed the purpase of the PMIII CI IF IF Al T $25995 an trade MD01150 DRYER MDG 1150 Automatic and timed drying control along with icito cycles, three heat selections, interior drum light, family size porcelain enamel drum, end of cycle signal, and a front mounted lint collector. CHRISTMAS DRAW Draw for, approximately 15 lb. Grad. A turkey every week 'until Christmas. One ticket for every $100.00 purchase. Tickets remain for • every draw. You may be' lucky. "Merry Christ- max", WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S DRAW Mts. Joyeo Minot, Staff.", Ont. •••••••• • —2. $ 3 995 an trade MWG 1150 WASHER MWG 1150 SPIRALATOIR agitator plus five cycles, five wash/rinse temperature selections, three wash and Spin-tOmbinations, bleach dispenser, self. cleaning lint filter and an energy saving water level control Moffat - Washers - Dryers Ranges - Refrigerators all at Special" Prices while they last Over 400 Appliances In Stock Other Automatics From 5 399" & Trade I ' Drysdale Major Appliance Centre jPhone 262-2728 Open Fridays till 9 p.m. Open Mondays In Dec. - We do our own service - Henson, Ontario "The Place To Buy Appliances" Tamara Nelson of Mount Hope. Numerous local people at- tended the wedding in St. Peter's Lutheran church on Friday evening of Rose Roi to Wayne Wurdell, with the reception folloWing in the Mitchell and District corn- munity centre. Congratulat- ions are extended to the young couple. Mrs. Elmer Ford the form- er Georgina Brodhagen, and Mrs. Alice Beuermann, both formerly of Brodhagen are patients in the Stratford General Hospital. We wish them a speedy recovery. WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240. — SEAPORT'', f people win turkeys At K f C bingo in St. Columban egg in cooking which acts as a binder, leavener, thickener and emulsifier" Our group did a skit from the TV show. "Morning Break." Anne Ryan played the roll of Jim Swan, Colleen Maloney as Carol Campbell and Marg Nolan as the guest. .11141r13.40g1F51dernOnsitra- ted Cream !Offs which con- tain aitionr food groups: Awards: were given to each girl who successfully com- pleterkthe past club. The girls who :received' spoons arse:. Marg ITlcftnell,, Colleen mai. oney. AnneNarie Maloney, Mary Murray, Suanne Mur- Correspondent MRS. HERMAN LEONHARDT 345.2419 The red carnation on the altar in St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Brodhagen on Sunday were placed there by the confirmation class. The Bass of eight children was confirmed at the morning worship service. The child- ren are Bradley Saline-, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Baillie; Paul Bauer, son of Mx. and Mrs. Albert Bauer; Perry Beuermann, son of Mr. -and- Mrs. Robert Beuer- mann; Douglas Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert, Murray Kummer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kummer; Michelle Braecker, daughter of ..Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Braecker; Susan Gloor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gloor; Heather Ritz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rapien. ,Many visitor's and the, sponsors of the class joined the congre- gation, ,to attend the confir- mation service. The two baskets of flowers ray. Marg Nolan, Linda and 'Lisa Poppe. Anne and Jean Ryan and Marg Ryan. Suanne Murray received the county honours award for complet- ing six clubs. Principal wins St. James Separate School principal. Ray Contois of 218 Arras CfreS. in Mitchell was the/ winner in a draw held, at the Stratford mall for a free "weekend at Cranberry.' Cranberry vacatkat Villas of Colliligwood is represented in the Stratford/St: Marys area by Harry E. Waghorn Real Estate in the chancel on Sunday were, from the wedding of Rose Roi to Wayne Wurdell on Friday evening, and were placed in the chancel in honour of Bradley Baillie a nephew, on his confirmation day and Wayne's parents Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wurdell on their 41st wedding anniver- sary on Monday November 30th. Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beu- ermann had as guests on Sunday following Perry's confirmation, the sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scholl of Monkton and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Koehler oft, tendon., Other guests w'ere the Gary Koehler family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moore and family of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt, and Kim, Mr. and Mrs. Don Patterson. Allan Koehler, Pat Flanagan, Marilyn Koehler and Glen Beuermann, Pastor and Mrs. Arthur Horst and Stephen, Mr—and Mrs. Don Pfeifer and Tracy. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert on Sun- day were Doug's sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gilbert and family of Wartburg, Mrs. Melinda Gilbert of Stratford and and Mrs. Walter •Muefge. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Baillie for Bradley's confirmation on Sunday were the sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell and Mrs. Wilda Baillie of R.R. 1, Monkton. Others guests were Robert and Ruth Pauli of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hulley of Monk- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ludington and family. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Braecker on Sunday were the sponsors for Michelle. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blocklinger of Toronto. Other guests were Miss Ruth and Melanie Blocklinger of Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Don Woods of Seaforth and Mr's. Melanie Braecker, Guests with Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Rapien on Sunday were Heather's sponsor Mrs. Lor- aine Nelson of Mount Hope, and cousin's Kimberley and Eight children confirmed at rodhagen Lutheran Church