The Huron Expositor, 1981-12-02, Page 4INFORMATION ABOUT FUNERALS awards an orchestra. dinner and miscellaneous gifts: Was told by education director William Eckert. he wouldhe meeting with repre- sentatives from a Stratford group attempting to imple- ment either a French immer- sion program or French school in Stratford, The perfect Christmas gift „. is staring you Five Alive [Frozen] Safety ssociato, Other grade It %cl vs inners received awards At a recent meeting of the Pt rth Counts Remember I ,Acs but a moment to p.., an E positor Want ad Dial 2 0240 Board of Education In other business the Board Approved a IS per cent salary increase for six board office secretaries. effective Jan. 1. 1982 Salaries range from 512.315 to 514.815. up from a range of $10.-OS to 512.885 Approved a banquet to be held in Sept 1982 This sear's banquet cost 53,015.34. The total includes !#. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ROSS RIBEY How do I make a condolence call? To express sympathies and console the surviving family men . here are some helpful dos ...and don is to - sou 1 It sou re • ' sure whether or not sou should make the c.i 'hen do it The family will certainly appreciate ' •• 2 The purl i the call is to express ssmpaths and niter T rs not to make it a long social e Dress Fit % and tastetulls Black clothing is not necessary 4 It the sc , rig family he a good ••,-ner' A sir/1p', m sorry about (the der eased ) is appropriate .1.,ng w ith a firm handcla .,:p or brief embrace b Leave attc- oterIng your, help to the family Call back • less days The family will appreciate your thought ,...ness • ' We welcome sour questions and comments prn.atel‘ or publicly thr),agh this column WHITNEY-R1Y FUNERAL HOME 87 Gederich Street, West Seaforth, Ont. NOK 527-1390 members wish to talk tine Size 113s Produce of 1..) S.A. Canada No . 1 (Badis Attached) "Serving You Better — Saving You More" StiPPLiEti AND SERVICED BY Ettir)TT MARR 3 CD A4 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 2, 1981 BY STEPROINIE ifk-ygsQUE Four students from St . Mary's School at Hesson Correspondent gus. JOHN TEPOLENAN US*2348 Constable Beattie. from the O.P.P. Detachment at Sebringville. was the guest speaker at the Citizenship Dublin P.T.A. held their annual turkey bingo Nov. 2' when winners of turkeys were: Kim McLaughlin. Rachel Contois. John Eckert. Colleen Appleby, Mrs. Harry Reynen, Mrs. Gladys Pryde. Miss Grace Heleno, Dorothy Davis, Anita Chessell, Kay Norman and Jane Van Horn (2). The 520.00 special was won by: David Van Bakel and Father Carrigan. and Anita Chessell (split). Share of the wealth $51.25 went to Mrs. Joanne Schoon- derwoerd. Door prizes were donated by Stacey Bros.-won by Kathy, Louwagie; MacRae' s Market won by Mrs.' Nellie Poppe; Ruby's Meat-won by Marie Eickmeier; Goettler Furniture-won by Mrs. Ken Flannigan. A 550.00 grocery basket was won by Miss Heleno. The Dublin P.T.A. execu- received farm safety awards at a meeting of the Huron- Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. and World Affairs meeting of the Staffa Womens, Institute. held in the township hall on Wednesday evening. No- vember 25. with lb members present. Constable Beattie was most interesting. ex- tive would like to thank everyone for coming out and making the event such a success. Correspondent DON MacRAE 345-2842 Dublin and District Dia- monds held their annual card party at St. Patrick's Com- munity school. Winner for high men was Mike Coyne of Seaforth, on a split with Mike McLaughlin Low Man was Gilbert Murray. Ladies high was Miss Nel Doyle of Mill St., South. Ladies low was Mrs. Dorothy Haggarty. About 30 members attended and 'later had lunch, or was it supper? Thanks to Father Carrigan for the use of the hall. Lion Hank Kramers, zone They were: Anthony Hatd. grade 4: Valerie Basler grade S. Julie Denstedn grade "' and Barbara plaining the laws and rights of a citizen lie also said that he had been with the Provin- cial Police for IS sears:\ He now visits the schools in Perth County and talks to oser 8.000 children ever% sear. Con- stable Beattie was introduced and thanked bs Mrs Charles Douglas Mrs Norman Har- burn presided. opening with a poem. My Last Will and Testament Roll call was answered bs telling whs sou think Canada attracts people from other countries. Mrs. William Mahon gave an tnteresttng report of the Area Convention and Mrs Charles Douglas reported on the District executive ban• chairman, visited Blyth Lions Club on Thursday night for an official visit. His back-up crew was Lions James Snow- don, Ernie Fleming, Don MacRae and Leo Advisor Jas. Paratchek. Lion Hank dis- tributed 5. 10 and 20 years pins to Blyth Lions. Dublin and District Lions pennant was recovered and president John SteWart presented Lion Hank with a small pennant.. from his club. Further -pro- jects were discussed and ideas exchanged. A delicious -remit beef dinner was served by the ladies. Dublin and District Lions held their ,regular dinner meeting in the Dublin Com- munity Pavillion with presi- 0 ()rads grade b Mrs Donna Cowles pre sensed the awards On behalf of the Perth C aunts Earm quet held reebritiv at Fullar ton The president Mrs John Miller. presided for the bus' ness. welcoming Mrs Charles Friend and Mrs 1 at IC' Burchil1, to'our group Merit bers were reminded of the upcoming 4-H achievement nights, at Kirkton on Decent ber 9 and at Mitchell on December IS Mrs. Norman Harhurn gave several good plant hints. and the meeting closed with the singing of 0 Canada Mrs. Lloyd Cameron Bill Cameron and Barb Temple man attended a Jungle Lore Course, for Cub Leaders at Central United Church on Saturday. dent Mery Shewan in the chair. Ten Lions roared their way through a delicious turk • ey .dinner catered by Mrs. Jerry "Patti" . Fuhr., and served by Lion Jerry. COrre- spondence was read,, .and acted upon, future—Projects were discussed, more on these projects will be set up later. Visitors with Mrs. Theresa Costello were Mrs. Jean Grohok of +London...Mr. and Mrs. Doug McGilvray and family, Chatham. Carol Ann Krauskopf of Guelph. Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. Win turkeys at Dublin PTA bingo Staffa WI hears OPP Constable Beatti: Diamonds have card party right in the face! o's Phone 527-0240 For Subscription Rates ureic k(fxpositor 3%4 a •,•••••••• HPRC students et *safeiv YOUR LOCAL SUPERIOR'-MARKET OFFERS WEEKLY SPECIALS, SUPERMARKET PRICES, SPEEDY CHECK OUT, FRIENDLY SERVICE r FARM FRESH PRODUCE ',' PLUS THE BEST MEAT MONEY . CAN BUY. WE GUARANTEE IT ! Straight or Crinkle Clit .McCain's SUPER-FRIES 1.23. Vacuum Packed Regular, Filter or Automatic Grind MAXWELL' COFFEE '~ Schneider's "Touch of Honey" COOKED CHICKEN 900 0. box 4.19 "Fresh" Grade A [31/2 • 4 lb. Ave.] ROASTING CHICKENS - Schneider's Sliced SIDE BACON SOO Ir.' pkg. ►Produce of U .S.A. Canada No. 1 RED EMPEROR GRAPES SkiPPV Creamy or Super Chunk Schneider's [3 Varieties] Schneider's (11 Varieties) Use the CONVENIENCE of our rear entrance with FREE PARKING provided. VAN CAMP'S 14 oz. tins WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OLIANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REOUIREMENTS • Prices effective until Saturday, December 5, 1981. With Pork in Tomato Sauce