The Huron Expositor, 1981-11-25, Page 9tr r \ THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOV MaER 26, Ag; Joyce told about different people she knew and hunt they dealt with their prob- lems, giving various handi- capped In the area Mrs. Doug Fraser presided for the business. Minutes were read by Lynne Davies and the roll call was taken. The •ealdenclarss are available -for $2.001 Announcements for COM• ing events ,include:. The Christmas Meeting. of the U.C.Vif, to begin .with a pot luck supper at 6;30 p.m. Walton. unit to set ug, 8th & „ 14th'to tidy 'up, The S.S. concert and White Gift • ser-i and area news Correspondent MRS. ALLAN 77 MCCALL 88744 The President, Mrs. Keith Rock presided at the Walton Women's Institute on Wed- nesday evening, November 18 in the community hall. Mrs. Ray Huether was pia- nist. Minutes were approved as read try Mrs. Bill Hum- phries followed by the cor- respondence and the finan- cial report. 16 members answered rpll call: Name an industry unknown to our grand- mothers and one visitor was present. A donation was made to the Huron Day Care Centre in Clinton. The draw for the Granny Square Afghan and crocheted rose pillow will be made at the euchre on De- cember 15th. Tickets are available from any institute member. It was then decided the 'euchre will be held between Christmas and New Years. Plans were made to cater to a dinner at noon for the Ryans on December 1. The committee in charge, Mrs. N. Reid, Mrs. H. Hudie and Mrs. E. Stevens. Mrs. Harvey Craig, dele- gate to the area convention in Brussels recently gave a report. The theme was "I heed you" with a good number attending from our institute. This being the meeting on Agriculture and Canadian Industries the con- venors-e H. Craig and Mrs. Id Hudie had as their g st. Mrs. Walt Bew- ley, who showed slides of their recent trip to Newfound- land with a very interesting commentary. Mrs. Hudie introduced the speaker and Mrs. Craig thanked her on behalf of the The regular meeting of the Wmthrop Young Peoples, was held Nov:- 22. Thebusiness of the meet- at consisted of discussing white gift service in Decem- ber. The young peoples plan to go carding. The tentative date is Dec. 22 at 7:30. A discussion was given by Marian Hunt, Lynne Dodds, and Bob Axttnann. The topic was teenagers and parents. A survey was taken anongst the members. Ask- ing various questions to see Water Well DRILLING, W.D. Hse opper I ima m 4 MODERN ROTARY I RIOS I Nell 527-1737 I Dud 527-01121 I Jim 5274775 j institute presenting in en- velope of money. • Mrs. H. Craig gave a hurnourous reading,.* The Farmer's Last Will Lunch of donuts and coffee was served by Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Ernie Stevens, Mrs. Viola Kirkby and MP- Jim Aannann- trigrrMEETANG ' The Seventeenth and , RoUndary unit meeting was held at the borne of Mrs... Graeme Craig on Wednes- day, November 11 with. .9 'members present. Devotions were le dby Mrs. Judy Gloitaher opening with thought for the evening on "Armistice". Judy read a poem, "From the wisdom of Gibran". Helen Williamson offered- prayer. Business was opened with a poem by Helen Craig, "If we .zferget". Karen, ,Hoegy- gave the. ireriairrer's report and Catharine Baan repoVed for the miscellaneousiblid. Plans for 1982 money making were discussed. Karen Hoegy reported from the turkey supper earlier this month. The church calendars are available. The copper money was collected. It was moved to send a 82b.00 donation to the Brussels Nursing Home. The officers will remain the same 03r the coming year. The U.C.W. pot luck sup- per will be held in the church basement at 6:30 p.m. The unit's next meeting to be held at Mrs. Bean's home. Lunch was served by Judy Glousher, Helen Williamson and host- ess. Correction-Due to error in tire nominating report at the recent meeting ofthe Walton Unit; it should have read: how each individual felt about certain things. We drcussed parent and teen relationslips, problems be- tween them, solutions to these probtfas and what causes the problems. The dscussion was enjoyed by all present. A social half- hour was enj oyed after with cook- bs and juice. The. next meeting will be on Nov. 29 at 7 in preparation prior to the white gift service. A large number of indivi- duals was added to the member role of Winthrop's Caven United Church on communion Sunday past. The rew members are:Mary Inn Anderson, Jeff Camp- bell Paul Dodds, Sandra iikl1t. Joanne Johnston, Car- d, McC lure, Danny McClure, Alkama McClure, 'Jim Mc- Abee,. ,,, Keith McClure, Lisa abCbre a d Kathy! Pryce. Moe Anderson had her wombat:hip changed from Myth United b Winthrop- United. Supper committee-Alice Searle, Ruth Thamer; Elva Bolger and Alberta Stevens. Quilt committee-Annie Reid, Viola Kirkby, istradrey-Hack- well and Phyllis Mitchell. EUCHRE HELD There were 8 tables of Progressive euchre in play last Tuesday evening, at the coirimunity hall, Hostesses in charge were Mrs. Allan Mc- Call, Mts. Bill Shonrced and Mrs. Alvin fvleGOnsid- ' Frio winners were for high lady-Mrs. Wiibur TurnbUIL Mussels; iow lady-Mrs, Harold Bolger; high man- Bert Daer, Blyth; low man - Ernie Stevens. Most lone hands for ladies-Mrs. Elsie Evans, Brussels; for men - Ted Hunking, Auburn. There will be another euchre on December 1st starting at 8:30. Everybody welcome. Prizes and lunch provided. HoStesses to be Mrs. K. Rock, Mrs.. J. Axtmann and Mrs. Jack Ryan. PERSONALS Mr. Ralph Traviss has been a patient in Victoria Hospital. Everyone sends their ;let well wisher Correspondent MRS. DORA SHOBBROOK 523-4250 Happy Gang Seniors held their meeting November 17th in the hall with 26 present. President Jean Scott welcom- ed all. The nine rules of good relationship were read by Jean Scott. Minutes were read by secretary Isabel Scan- lon and treasurers report by' Margaret Taylor. They deci- ded to have a Christmas Party December 15 at noon catered to by W.I. Beth Knox is to collect ticket money at the next meeting December 1st. Card whiners were: ladies high Gloria McEwing; lone hands Kay Konasski; low Margaret Good; men's high. 8TH &WOUND' . WRUNG The Novembeerneeting was held at the home of Lynne Davies on Wednesday eve- ning with 8 members present. Joyce Van Vliet opened with a poem. This being the year of the handicapped person,. Joyce chose her toPic,"Reach for the Sky"!. She told of a young Man who had lost both' his feetin a plane crash and how he was again eventually able to pilot the plane. The main point was brought. across' to fight the difficulty with the 'help bf God, Russell Good; lone hands Dora Shobbrook (playing as a man) low Hazel Reid (playing as a man) and lucky prize lone hands Gloria McEwing. Hazel Watkins introduced Gladys Van Egmond who is well known for her musical talents. She played waltzs and jigs on the piano and old- favourites on the accordion. She was thanked by Hazel Watkins and presented with a . gift. Lunch was served by Beth Knox, Vietta Hoggart and Hazel Watkins. Welcoming. on Sunday at the United Church were Greg ' Andrews and Jim Jamieson; ushers were John Cartwright vice to be held Sunday. Dec. 13th and a candlelight service at the church, Dec. 24th- The next unit meeting will be h aid at the home of Mrs. Elisabeth Boettcher. The hostess served lunch at the close of the meeting with a period of fellowship. ' Rev. Charles A. Swan took as his, sermon "When the going is rough" at the Senday morning Church service at Duff's. The talk to the young folk was "The boy that kept Sunday". A special offering was taken for Emmanuel College. Next Sunday is Bap- tismal- Junior congregation leaders were Lena Nesbitt and Di- anna Shobbrook. PERSONALS Airie Duizer returned home Thursday Nov. 19 from spending 5 weeks with his brother and 3 sisters in Holland. Debbie Hunking -spent 4 weeks there with her grandfather and returned home with him. Jack Riley, a -resident of Callender Nursing Home in Brussels will celebrate his 99th birthday on Saturday. November 28. %, He was born in Hullett Township on November 28. 1882 son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Riley. He married the former altabeth Wright andthey hal 10 children, four boys and six girls Clifford, Winnifrod, Evelyn, dean, Irene, Margie, Irma. Gilbert, Ferg and Oliver. He has resided in Brussels since 1923- and worked at Aments Lumber Company. for Cherie* Da teamster, and theitin pson's orchard for 20 years. He Ites been -4 resident of Callsarrer Nursing, *me since 1979 and is in reason- ably good health. Walton WI gives t c en tre Jack Riley ears W.I. CARDS There were 6 tables in an, on Friday 20th. Winners were ladies high Pearl Cummings; lone hands. Dorothy Daer; low Audrey Thompson; men high Dora Heard (playing as a man); lone hands Len Cald- well and low Gloria McEwing (playing, is a man). In charge were Marg Anderson, Mar- garet Taylor and Trudy Pol- land. Next cards will be -played December 4th. Scott Overboe, Oary Wilts and Drodfid Whyte. Rick Hawley of Auburn was the speaker. He announced next Sunday will Ire' White Gift Sunday. The -Whim' choir sang with Barbara Rosman organist and choir director. New members join Winthrop United Church Happy Gang, play cards AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE FREE DRAW 2 Winners Every Week 1ST PRIZE FROZEN TURKEY 20 lb. 2ND PRIZE GIFT BOX OF CHEESE WILL CELEBRATE 99TH BIRTHDAY — Jack Riiey,--a- resident of Callender Nursing Home in Brussels wilt celebrate•his 99th birthday on Saturday, November 28, (Photo by Penney) Featuring Gift Boxes of Cheese, Fruit Baskets, r Cheese Trays,Fancy Fruit by the case,Meat Platters ,for your Christmas entertaining. Can't' decide? Give a Roth's Gift Certificate. Oh ON VOW alittSTOIAS SHOPPING Save up to .40 OA off suggested price 20 CHESTERFIELDS IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM Huge selection of In stock to choose frOm La.z-y Boy, Kroehler, House of Brae- more Recliners. at pre-Christmas Savings LUCKY WINNERS -TURKEY CHEESE BOX SPECIAL BUYS ON BULK CHRISTMAS CANDY, NUTS & PRODUCE WE ARE NOW TAKING" ORDERS FOR FRESH KILLED TURKEYS. I r eg: Oranges, Apples, Grapes, Bananas, Grocery Dampers. qt•Nio' Main Street Seaforth r •