The Huron Expositor, 1981-11-25, Page 4Main St. Seaforth 527-10M 90 Erie St Stratford 271-3285 Where customers send their friends Open 10.5:30 Fridays 10:009:00 Closed Wednesday BEFORE YOU BUY COMPARE OUR PRICES Et QUALITY 20" COLOR TV 16 POSITION SOFT TOUCH ELECTRONIC TUNING INFRA RED REMpTE CONTROL MSL $1499 95 List 5729 95 ELECTRONiq, TUNER List $1699 • 3 years parts Et labour warranty • 20 years on all solid state devices SOME PEOPLE HAVE IT, SOME PEOPLE DON'T! HITACHI TOUCH HT 20 SEMI AUTO BELT DRIVE TURNTABLE WITH CARTRIDGE MSL 299,95 RECEIVER SR6010 35W'RMS 70 WRMS 95 $379.9! MSL $499.95 HA 2700 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER FT3400 STEREO TUNER AM/FM STEREO TUNER/ 35 WRMS 12 STATION MEMORY SUPER LINEAR HT 50 QUARTZ LOCK DIRECT DRIVE WITH CARTRIDGE 25 WRMS LEVEL METERS 0.05 THD. VECTOR TURNING List 5199 00 5549 95 MICROWAVE OVEN STAINLESS STEEL INTERIOR FOUR PROGRAMABLE TOUCH PANEL REMOVABLE TURNTABLE AUTO SENSOR DE io CASSETTE DECK *METAL COMPATIBLE AUTO STOP FREQ. RESPONSE 20 - 17000 WI FL .0.07°/0 S/N.64DB. MSL 289 95 S 1994)95 RECEIVER DE25 CASSETTE DECK - METAL TAPE FEATHER TOUCH CONTROLS FREQ. RESPONSE 20-17000 F L .0.06 % S/ N66 DB AM / FM PORTABLE CASSETTE RECORDERS PRICES START AT Give us a try A & H TV AUDIO 044 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 25. 1981 B •f E ups mileage ag Perth board protests ange in Gas billings We stock Local History by Local Authors From Forest to Thriving Hamlets each by Belle Campbell $4.00 The Story of Seaforth h' Belle Campbell A History of Tuckersmith hx Belle Campbell A History of McKillop in Mrs. Joseph Grummets each S4.00 "I ' $4.00' each $4.00 The Story of Hibbert Township Hibbert Review [Part II Hibbert Review [Part II] cach $4.00 Three booklets dealing n ith the'-ton nship of Hibbcrt hs Belle Campbell- Huron County in Pioneer Times each $2.00 by James Scott 4 'Settlement of Huron County by Jahtes R. Scott The Kirk In Seaforth Seaforth Women's Institute Souvenir Cook Book ._ The Importance of Liberty by Fred Van Egmond Brucefield United Church Centennial 1876-1976 Perth County Atlas Reproduction 1972 REPRODUCTION eac h $6.00 each $3.50 each $3.50 each $4.00 each $2.00 c each $25.00 Morris Township Past to Preterit by Jeanne Kirkby each $12.00 (Please allow 25 cents per book for mailing charges) .:.,seaforth pi, /jure MU rItipght. tptiM0111.1‘ PPM •14:44 xpOsitor SIM ! 527-0240 took place more than once a year. Superintendent Roland Perch has joined the growing number of boards of education opposed to the stopping of gray billing by Union Gas. Like many neighbouring boards. Perth will send a letter to the Ontario Energy Board which has requested Union Gas either eliminate or restrict the group billing. Group billing provides a discount for school boards and municipalities which have a number of buildings using Union Gas' services. The Ontario Public School Trustees' Association will re- present school boards at learning disabilities and two persons from the general public will be appointed to the committee. -This board is established as long-term, and members will receive $10 per month as an allowance as did the previous committee. The second committee, to be started in Perth, will be a needs assessment commit- tee. This temporary commit- tee will be working to deter- mine special education facili- ties presently in Perth, anti- cipated needs, and develop a plan for implementing Bill 82 in Perth. This board will include three' trustees. administra- tion staff, and representa- tives from, Ministry of Edu- cation regional office, Mini- stry of. Community and Social Services, Perth ,District Health Unit. three principals, one from each area- secon- dary, elementary arid for the trainable retarded. three teachers ftorh each area, one consultant and one parent. IT STI Erorthe second time, this year, mileage rates increased for trustees and staff of the Perth County Board of Education. After lengthy discussion, the board approved atwo cent per mile increase. As of Feb. '1 of this year, the rate Was .26 cents per mile or 16,15.,ceom per kilometre. This increased to 28 Fonts per mile or 17:39 .cents-per kilometre effective Nov. I. Anjlinendme.nt was added.. having the rate for excess of 10,000 miles be 22 cents per mile, approximately 14 cents per kilometre. This increased from 20 cents per mile or 12,42 cents per kilometre A third psy- chometrist will be hired by Perth County Board of Educa- tion and two committees will be established to assist in setting up Bill 82 on special education. Administration staff will be juggled in Perth, with super- visor of special services. Donna Alderson assuming responsibility..for day-to-day work in special education. With the change in Mrs. Alderson's work, a third psychometrist -was found necessary. To be hired for four years, the psychometrist, along with the other two, will bp respon- sible for evaluation of stu- dents in Perth. A salary of 523;000 per year has been set for the •position. Effective Dec. 1, the pre- sent advisory commifter Rif trainable mentally retarded children will be dissolved. and a special, education advi- sory committee will be set up. Three trustees along with representatives from local associations for children with after 4400 Two .-other recommenda- tions, allowiS. 24 per month for certain administration employees for travel in Strat- ford in lieu of dallying mileage, and another for 550 per month for over 75 miles in Stratford, were lost. TrOstee Earl Oppenhai/cer said,increasingmileage twice to -one year would "haunt" the bOard.and it should not be considered until the dew year. He was concerned .be- cause 'bus operators Sign, a one year 'agr'ee'ment. Trustee Earl Bowman said. an escalation clause. allowing for increased costs, is includ- ed in the bus operators contract and he thought it Swanson introduced the re- commendation becauss, he said, gasoline prices have hearings to be held in the new year . The cost to Perth for this service is approximately 5150. - Director of Education Ken Self said if group billing was stopped. it would cost Perth County approximately $4,500 more annually. In other business, the board: Acknowledge receipt of an act to revise the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and administration will proceeds to develop a .board policy on this matter. While the act has not been passed in Ontario legislature, it has received increased 20 per cent. Regarding the bus operators contract, he said he was not first -reading; Perth will again be part of the student bilingual ex- change program in 1982. Board funds will be required to finance the program in the beginning'. but will be reim- bursed by the Ontario Mini- stry of Education: Referred to administration for consideration. a memor- andum from' the Ministry of Education stating a special review of the school year will take place. The committee doing the review will look into such iteths as. length of the school- year. timing of mid- winter break and option. re- • in familiar with the clause as he joined the board in October. lated to Easter Monday and Remembrance Day, number of examination days. number and' use of professional activ- ity days. experimental modi- fication of the school year. and other concerns which may be raised during the review. USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-024:0 TASTY NU- SPECIALS! Cheese-N.atural & Noadthing Cheese Medium Old Curds Cheddar Cheddar 2.1? 2.12 2-99 b. French Brie, Cherry Kirsch, Emmenthal and 60 more kinds of Canadian & Imported 'Cheeses "Fresh off the Block" * CHEESE GIFT BASKETS & CHEESE TRAYS * J.M. 6chnoldor Rye Chicken or Luncheon 24 oz. sliced Loaf Bread ..511. .69 Ciott i We now have our own "Old 'Fashioned Fruit Cake" * CHRISTMAS BAKING INGREDIENTS * TASTY NU BAKERY & CHEESE HOUSE Seaforth Zurich 527 7 1803 236-4912 - Perth schools gear up for special education Bismark Dpte Donuts Squares for99' 6for1 '