HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-11-04, Page 5THE HURON F.XPORTOR,VOW!, 4p'1$1; -1. r. 1.0'7 , „ • I , r! guests later that evening. Proclamation Day amationwas herd= Oct.rrnst 1:f 06100:7(..sefr9ogiiii7;42!ioni.c.tqfpoototothen 0Cmin‘itougrpor11110:pinaaarttl e . id::,49tsinhi:ja::,:oilore,;(04ninti.: en* R. Michael message lkir l *tag Con DPAria PartielAki,M*: • giavr o R ptia. 2. ke mcIttbefwAPiesiittect*II.4 4 Soutretiirpaekage containing a picture offhe president and a unique enveloped franked n four with (a as Dominion Day o stamps. A `guitably decorated cake and coffee were then enjoyed- - Mrs. Jean Dill and Mr, Geo. Coville. retired employees. also --,-received souvenir stamps as first buyers. Mckillop MRS. ED REGELE 527-1106 Mrs. Robert McCowan vis- ited her friend Mrs. Ann Brown of Aylmer and from there they visited with friends at Simcoe. Mrs, Harold McCallum visited at the home of Mt. and Mrs: Wayne Hartman of Brucefield. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner of R.R. 1, Bornholm visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele Wednesday evening. Mrs. Stanley Preszcator of Crediton spent Saturday with. her sister Mrs. Harold Mc- Callum. Cindy and Colleen McCal- lum spent Friday with their cousin Jamie Dalton. Ship your Livestock with Art lieffron Blyth SHIPPER FOR United Cooperatives of Ontario Livestock Morketing i5i4A,pon Ontarrn Stockyards Toronto 4 ,s, ,-.41*- 71. .......— nedernalsoavar.latne 1 in death of her Pete Oregory -of Sr. .MarYs-- Mr. Steve Maloney was a patient in Stratford Generar Hospital. We wish him. a speedy recovery. ' Visitors with Mr. and-Mrs. Jerry Fuhr on Thanksgiving Sunday were Met and. Mrs. Joe boong and family. of Monicton. Mr. and Mrs. guy McNichol and family of Wal- tPn, Mt. and, Mrs. Allan Fuhr and family Of Shakespeare. Mrs. Jamie fiugill and fa.oigy SicAfpnlv, Mr, ap,cifyirs., Phut Pithr and family, of ati4 Mrs, Dan OlInarke, .5g0,forib., Mr; Harold, Fehr;'' of Stratford, • Mr. and, Mrs,.Agit :Fehr and Trevor of Stratford, were birthday party on Tuesday in Stratford. A goad representation from Cromarty W.M.S. and Evening Auxiliary attended the Presbyterian Fill Con- ference in Caven Church Exeter on Weditesclity. For their Agriculture and Canadian Industries meeting the Staffa-Women's Institute joined the Glen Gowrie Wo- men's Institute members for a tour of the Thames Valley Turnip plant at Russeldale, where they learned about the INTERMEDIATE BOYS — The intermediate' boys' cross-country team from St. Patrick's School at Dublin 'recently finished first at the Hueon-foerth Roman catholic Separate School_ Board championship at Exeter. Front row froM left: Ron Terpstra, Terry Stapleton. Back row:. Mark Van Bakel, Dennis Pauli, Gary Terpstra (fourth in a field, of 88), David Vinifelvatte:-. (Photo by Campbell) SENIOR BOYS — The Senior boys' cross-country squad at St, Patrick's• School in Dublin ended up in Second place in Exeter at, the recent Hurqn-Rertb chamPionships. From left, ken SchoonderwOerd; Ratgft Mege114;13rao PauJi (finished third), Mark Stapleton, Joe LeOby, i ally Butters: .(IddrtI9. ' • s . • . • a a • - - - ' • 7-••••., It • a r.:; (Photo by Campbell) SENIOR GIRLS — The senior girls' team from St. Patrick's School 'at Dublin competed at the recent Huron-Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board championships at Exeter, where 28 schools took part and ran courses ranging from two to two and -one half kilometers. From left: Linda Louwagle, Nancy Ernst, Janet Vandenberk (10th), Anita Looby. (Photo by Campbell)• 0 Dublin firm. Looby Con- struction Limited, has been awarded a 51,176.668.38 con- tract for bridge construction in the New Liskeard district. The company will build the Black River Bridge, and relat- . ed road wOrks and structures, for the Ministry of TranSport- ation, •and, Communication. The bridge is 'Witted -4,3 • nort.h.Of Hiry tt 11. • - The Dublin• and District Lionsheldtheir regular Tues day shight dinner meeting in the Dublin and Dis(rict Corn.- rnunity Centre With vice- president Jas Snowdon in the chair. Lion Don MacRae introduced his brother Ken MacRae of Washington D.C. Ken thanked the Lions for the delicious meal and invited them to visit him and his family in Washington. Plans were discussed for further projects. Did you lose a set of two keys? one medium length with triangular base and one round base, they could be picked up at Dublin Post Office when identified. Please drop your news items in on Monday as early as possible. Monsignor D.J. Egan Gen- eral Assembly held their regular monthly meeting as guests of Fr. Nagle Knights of Columbus Goderich. Mem- bers attended from Dublin. Seaforth. Blyth, Zurich and Goderic and Mt. Carmel. Plans were finalized for the Annual Christmas draw to be held Thur.. Dec. 17 in St. Columban Council Chamb- ers. Faithful Navigator Tom Ryan of Mt. Carmel welcom- ed the Sir Knights and urged them to move their shave of tickets. Sick report was given by Faithful Comptroller Vic Walden of Goderk h Instal- lation of officers took place in Walkerton Nov I The regu- lar draw was given by Sir Knight Vic Walden. Lunch consisted of Mt Carmel pork and beans and cold cuts. I14s.. Theresa Costello has returned hone from an ex- tended ho'liday with Father • John COStello. Tillsotiburg. jack From St. Tho- mas spent a days with his sister:Mrs:; Jean Dill. Sympathy is extended to JaMeS'Paratehek on the distance (10 kilometers). Both receipients are relatives of Mrs. Fox, the mother of the late Terry FOX. Mr. and Mrs. Philip James have returned from a holi- day, and visiting with rel- atives and friends in the Western Provinces. Mrs. Dale Martyn and Rebecca, Russeldale, Mrs. Hank Bertens and Kimberly, fullarton Carrah and Cain Templeman and Mrs, John Templetnan, were all guests at Jennifer Neilsons 2nd complete operation from 'field to packaged produce. Following the tour the two Institutes adjourned to the hall at Russeldale Mrs. Lloyd Miller presided for the Staffs business and 12 ladies answered the roll call with a news item pertaining to Agriculture, The 1st Cromarty, Bea- vers; Cubs and Scouts, their leaders and steering Com- mittee would like to say Thank Yon to all who contri- buted to Apple Day. tubs in Crotridrt 1. rift INTERMEDIATE GIRLS --This intermediate girls' cross-country team from St. Patrick's School at Dublin finished third at the recent championships in Exeter, *here 28 schools participated. From left: Tonettie Megens (finished 15th), Tammy Cronin, Lori Lynn Stapleton, Lori Bruxer, Cathy McIver. T:Tt Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Jason Christie son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christie and Shane Van Allen son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Van Allen, were invested as Cubs into the 1st Cromarty Cub Pack. On Nov. 2nd the Cub Pack is taking a tour of the Wild- wood Dam to learn how it works. Karen Wark, daughter of Graham and Wilma Jean (James) Wark, ; -Killarney, Manitoba, received a award on Oct: 25. Karen was awarded a plaque and an Anne Murray record for the highest total 9f pledge's &Mated to the Terry Fox Cancer Walkathon in Sept- ember. The award was pre- sented by the Killarney Lions Club. ''Due tco an injury on her foot, Kafen walked 5 kilo- metres on crutches. A great-aunt of Karen's, Ruby W also, receiVed.m„ award for walking the full TECHNIC UNISEX HAIRD FREE HERE'S YOUR INVITATION TO WIN A BEAUTIFUL PRIZE WANTED FIFTY OR MORE PEOPLE TO JOIN GRAND PRIZIE-CAMPAIGN CREATED BY OUR ADVERTISING AGENCY JUST TO HELP ADVERTISE • THIS SALE HERE IS FUN — —FASCINATION— Evert - CONTESTANT RECEIVES FULL, FAIR OPPORTUNITY TO 0 A:4, WIN 44 "AlcifAsE sEcE-Ss' NOW That 14-10 have your attention, we would. like to tell you a bit about our Salon. We specialize in precision hair, cutting, , design perming, dimentional hair' hair colouring, and much more, A lso, newest unique hair designs to fit your features and carefree Styling for home. These Beautiful Prizes Given I Trudee MacDonald 1. TV AM' FM Combination 2. 400 Day Clock 3. 6 French Crystal Water Glasses 4. Elpro Luggage S. Linen Kitchen ensemble 6. Punch Bowl 7. Tote Bag 8. Mistral Blanket 9. Sewing Basket 10. Desk Pen PRIZES TO BE AWARDED: 1 0!CLOCK, SAT., NOV. 28TH Brio this Cou•on to Our Store Tod° Alan* Address - Phone `1, Boy's Planner Shirts 0.4 3x-14 ' "N‘ q.97 *11- C. Reg. 21.95 10.97 'Reg. 17.49 • !Selection Boxed )Christmas Cards Reg. $5.00 • 97 value We could continue to tell you of what we can do for your hair, but we'll let you 'decide to come -in and experience our Technic Hairdesiga. NO APPOINTMENT 'NECESSARY PHONE 527-1700 SIGN EVERY ITEM AT BARGAIN PRICES Larose 527-1960.. . • ; . I Pittal , All (tams Sublett: -tbpriOr sale Sale Ends Sat, Nov, 210; Salta FirtaI • - Sett for .Whiliklrtatitttlestatt. • '4\ Trudee, our, manager, has recently been working in London, for the past yr. and 1/2 . She also has 5 yrs. experience and it anxious to do your hair styling needs. HOURS Mon. 9 5:30 Tues. 9 - 5:30 Wed. 0 - 5:30 Thurs. 9 - 0:00 9-9:00 S&LS:SO.5M SPECIAL ADULTS - lig PRICE KIDS, FREE',' ',10 yr*, & under* child periduit 5th , tettkiy. STORE HOURS ' Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 to S:30 Priddy 9:00 to 9:00