HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-10-28, Page 20i N r Ill AR S AL k► ANT ADS BAT iQQQ IN THE '­-., EEAG ;. Let 'Em Hit For You. -Cali 527-0240 19 Notice 19 Notice 1 Freezer Meats CUSTOM StA1KNTEM K % PROCESM4 Monday - &mf • Tuesday - Pork CALL 262-2041 (After Hours 262-2732) UTAiR ORURS Sides of Beef 1.59 ib. Hinds of beef 1.95 Ib. Fully Processed RotailHours - Wed„ hi., I a.m. - S p.m. Sat. a a.m. - t p.m. KILL ST.HENSALL,ONT- 26s-20411 John Lansink Carpentry -cement work . -r'ooflog Call 527-0391 19-29-2 Qx 6 days a.week and Friday night from October 26 through December 31, 1961 CAMPHELLS CROWN HARDWARE 19.29.2 52'1-1420 4A Atictiol Sales 21 Tender Walt 22 Legal, , No't 20 Auction Sams 20 Hut lien Sales � ices 25. ll► 141emt�rial�l 2Q Auction Sales - - - -. on .zo. "ction. Sales.-.......... Ministry of ; efficient Service. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth: Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth527-0281. 19.26-tf Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482.701 At,Municipal r --- Affairs ; and . or�' Housing , n on Sole, of a dear husband, father and Ontario Housing 07 �Y9 Corporation ; Mr. K.G. Flett, Chairman Rev. Stanley McDonald for of the Huron County a tltlCll�COf Housing Authority, wishes to announce the Tender for, apptinttnent of a new All perstillshzlving claims member to the Authority. Of, . Bl a�tum'lth.Toola, Mise and Household Effects ' Mr. Gerry Ginn of R. R. #2 Thls w*A FWsy aai 5staediay, OcMilee 30 aadSl t• Clinton, has assumed the Seaforth Community Hosp- duties of member effective 1 breezes Where the gentle eze August i0. 1981. G V tf Other members of the Colbourne CentraiPublic Authority areas follows: CI(trence Mgntgomery, late Mr. Jack Alexander - MRS. MARY MELLIS �_..___ Wingham THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA Mr. James Mair -.Brussels !.SNOW RE1410VAL Mr. Ben Sheardown - lies one we loved so dearly, dWerich Collegiate Institute, Mr. Gary Bean - Exeter.. South Huron District Mrs. Elizabeth Cardno - who diCounty Huron, deceased, wdedd an the 4th day of who Seaforth Exeter 19-29-1 Brargs yeti a spottat:� 1klaldadsis Sade of c rpet and Gthke • • GENERAL AUCTIONEER • Serving Perth' and Huron Counties with many years • of experience. For reliable service at** reasonable rates. • Call 347-2465 Collect. 20-25.1 • • ONTARIO'S Largest farm machinery consignment sale, Norwich, Ontario, Friday, November 13. 1981, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Ap- proximately 150 - t75 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519) 424- 9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. 20-29x1 Richard SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Fast LObb efficient Service. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth: Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth527-0281. 19.26-tf Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482.701 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES S TUMDA Y AT1r30P.M. ' Aicrtrissli�'livasldrsk, WRiliiM"Ifoult CONSIGNMENTS ,'b7.37�4, Det 6**W _ 371T� 8tixa0ir ':. 20-g�13l.i 1946•tf i SATURDAY, NOV. 7 at 10 a.m. Antiques, furniture, etc, 'Richard Lobb's barn: 20-29-1 ,SAVE STEPS Shop the WaM Ads . Call 627-0240i C litila'si16,PcAor «s ,.?Yea.. .k.n _ u-,......,....,.... FARM EQUIPMENT: J.D. pull type combine with many acts of kindness, gifts, e Ten Solicitor for the Estate Rt! In loving memory r snow blower, side delivery rake: 3 furrow Alias donation cards and -s nr at y plow; 15 -run seed drill (Int.): Massey Ferguson . or�' ,ATEOF' .. o a Hprttcr vatic ol.(?t' May n on Sole, of a dear husband, father and � . 07 �Y9 �' � � ��� �� E 14�tlhl'�'t4d � passed away yea7c ago Oct. 1. p 3x1. ice. Rev. Stanley McDonald for r a tltlCll�COf ('� + W1' qZ 1�Q ,i��' QF CAYi')L�1',}N4H11TG. Tender for, lh For services regtired by All perstillshzlving claims In a quiet country grave -yard Of, . Bl a�tum'lth.Toola, Mise and Household Effects ' TERMS CASH Thls w*A FWsy aai 5staediay, OcMilee 30 aadSl t• For further information. please contact: Seaforth Community Hosp- Rare the estate .of Y4'llliam 1 breezes Where the gentle eze for G V tf DicBruce k Robinson - Sates Manager Colbourne CentraiPublic ital as. follows.: CI(trence Mgntgomery, late blow, MRS. MARY MELLIS �_..___ A, THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA FJ�6a��,1 ../ !.SNOW RE1410VAL ctthe Town of Seaforth in the lies one we loved so dearly, Village of Kippen on No. 4 Highway 10 -mules North of Collegiate Institute, „ South Huron District for necessary snow plowing, who diCounty Huron, deceased, wdedd an the 4th day of who And lost 1 year ago. So put your arms around Exeter 'way Nursing Home staff, Dr. Brargs yeti a spottat:� 1klaldadsis Sade of c rpet and day of November. 1981. after snow removal, snow blowing September, are hereby her, Lord MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 AT 12:30 NOON BLACKSMITH TOOLS AND MISC.: Seaforth, Oct. 23rd a son no wax Bowing to a vaslsna #s atilront of styles, poHeim wad c*40- Sellig will be g by the the pallbearers and the and sanding as may be required from time to time on send end i notified to in full part- Treat her with special care, Beam scale, heavy pipe threader 6 sizes, Hand wood Dated at Scaforth. Ontario squw ywd, reisaasta and tell etsrL- At anazlag low VAN DEN HENGEL: Mt. roads at Seaforth Community iculars of their claims to the undersegneli on or before the Make uprfor,all she. suffered. Before you took her "up brace and 12 bits, Blacksmith dye set. Heavy bench •2424'1 prices aline this stock rans(t be cleared• Reammber to McCONNELLSTEWART& . Hospital and on Centennial after day of November, 19 there grinder, 'f4 hp. electric motor and grinder, bench Anthony. 27-29x 1 batt yore Yoom shies with yon. Drive, after which date the asseett s Always remembered by son vise, drill press and drills, electric bellows, rip saw, 1 hp. electric motor, cast iron implement scat. Solicitors for the Executors ALSO SEw .Rai new expanded display of bob cookies, Denis Beuertnan are pleased Tenders to indicate equip- ment to be used and rate per will be distributed having Gordon, Mary and family. Blacksmith tools, chisels, files, hammers etc.. large pissed away NOV. 1. 1980. all kinds of ants, baldog goads, drW fzait and candles. hour including necessary regard only to claims then 25-29-1 assortment of wrenches: wooden stn ladder. 16 ft. p Scaforth Community Hospi- Buy is bW& and savell "We *Wwt their. memory operator each unit. received. Dated at Seaforth, This 19th HUNTS to loving memory of aluminum extension ladder, forks, shovels. tree trimmers, 2 lawn mowers, tiller. I would like to thank the NEW AND USED F*uftsa'e, mss, towels, work 27-29x 1 2. GARBAGE DISPOSAL For the removal and disposal day of October. 1981. a dear grandfather. Frank who passed away October 31, power garden Antique electric stove, antique large safe. The world 'can Never fill, . Wig, worst boots, bke Jesisit, std saes, snow visits, cards and itrgttitieai: of accumulated wet and dry MCCONNELL. STEWART 1978. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND ANTIQUES: snites, fleece ' tined Vel, �, etc• garbage at intervals of not A DEVEREAUX Scaforth, Ontario ,[n a quiet country -grave-yard breezes Chesterfield and chair, day bed, 8 piece walnut NEW AND USED Flroartsa,- aamusialtion, bunting more than 24 hours. Further information Solicitors for the estate Where the . gentle : blow, dining room suite -table buffet and 6 chairs, parlour table, refrigerator, stove electric, oak library table, knives, archery equepmeat, gm saopeM, 11shin ge w, concerning any of the tender 22-28-3 Lies one we loved so dearly, antique gone with the wind lamp. coffee table, and more. requirements may be 24 Card of Thanks And lost 3 years. ago. antique couch and rocker, antique chest of drawers, obtained from the under- So put your arms around fern stand, double and 3/4 bed, antique chest, Singer SEE IT ALL AT THE signed. THE family -of the late John. him, Lord, - Sewing machine; ivory vanity with bench, stereo, Individual sealed tenders T. Boyd, wish to express Treat him with special care, record stand, kitchen table with 6 pressed back WINGHAM SALES ARENA covering each of the require- their sincere thanks to our Make up for all he suffered, "up chairs, buffet, kitchen stool,. utility cupboard, 2 old 357-1730 ments and on which is to be relatives, neighbours and Before you took him leaf talbes; old kitchen rocker, washing machine, 960 Josephine Street, North End of WlaRham indicated the particular re- friends, for the beautiful there". mantel clock. OPEN MON, - SAT. 9 - 6 P.M. FRI. 9 P.M. quirement of the tender i.e. floral tributes, charitable Dearly remembered and sad- AiSOSE"GFROMTHESAME LOCAMON VISA AND MASTER CMRGEACCEPTED "No. 2 garbage disposal", contributions, and the many ty missed by his grandchild HOUSEHOLDEFFECISFORMRSMeHRIDE, Free g may be submitted to the acts of kindness during our ren. 25-29x1• Kipp -43ar - undersigned on or before 12. recent bereavement. Thanks HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND ANTIQUESs ,- MINWAM SMLU ARENA o'clock Noon. Friday Y November 20, 1981 to the Drs. and nursing staff seaforth Hospital, Rev. WI SONS In loving memo g ry of our. parents James Harold Chesterfield and matching glair, gold occasion chair, high fi and radio, records,antique desk lamp, The lowest or any tender at Vanslyke. Whitney-Ribey Wilson who passed away 3 venetian blinds, blanket box; -metal wheel barrow. not necesarily accepted Funeral Horne, the U.C.W. October 27, 1970 and his wife garden . cultivator, canning jars, 2 trouble lights, GORDON McKENZiE of Northside Church, pall- Alma Wilson who passed away November 29., 1977. tools, etc., garden tools. Black and Decker 7" skill11 A A CT I O N'_�i1�L r ADMINISTRATOR SEAFORTH COMMUNITY bearers, and flowerbearers. Your kindness -will -always be Beautiful memories saw nearly new: V ,_E Are wonderful things ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS OR CORRECTIONS Rattenbury Street House by Auctinn in Clinton HOSPITALremembered: 21-29-3- --Mrs. Jessie Boyd and family. 24-_29x1 They last till OW longest day, GIVEN VERBALLY DAY OF SALE , _ They never wear out' OWNERS OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE Saturday, NOVEMBER 7 at9:30 a.m. ns to offerr s receivedinstructions Wirt! 22.. Legal Notices WE wish to thank everyone never get lost TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE 'PER CENT SALES ., n krlo as 8y , ... who oined us at our 25th They y can never be given . _ _ TAX IN EFFECT Rattenbury Street, West. east half of lot 237 with NOTICE TO CREDITORS anniversary celebration, for all the lovely gifts, cards and away. Lovingly remembered, Edna CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctionep David Carson frontage, 41 feet; depth, 132 ft. House is an older 1 storey with 2 bedrooms, 3 piece bath heated with oil AND OTHERS man best wishes. S ctal Y Pe and Linda: 25-29x 1 R.R. 3, Listowel furnace, aluminum sided. If you are looking for low IN THE MATTER OF THE TATE OF thanks to those who prepared ` CR0NIN; With dearest 2049 cost housing this su r t�dbaroF helped memories of a dear friend . Pro Mrs. Mary Terms down at time of Balance in full in EH GEORGE UGHES in any way to make our party and neighbour D.J. Cronin Kippen 30 days being offered subject to a very reasonable CAMPBELL a success. This was an ' who passed away 2 years ago . 519-262-5184 reserved bid. For information or viewing Phone late of the Town of Sesforth, occasion we will. always Oct. 16, 1979. 20-29-1 482-7898. in the County of Huron, and remember. We appreciate. " God ---looked around his Richard Lobb Province of Ontario, everyone's efforts very garden, Auctioneer. Deceased. much. --Ron, Elsie Better- And -found an -em lace. al�tntl.Sdrien�iales NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act man and family. 24-29x1 - Then He looked up o his earth, i11110. .41100 am OPthat all creditors and others The family of the late Mrs. And saw your tired face. AUCT ON SALE CLINTON HOME BY AUCTION having claims against the Estate of the late GEORGE Grace Thompson wish to express sincere thanks and So He put his arms around You HUGHES CAMPBELL, are appreciation to neighbours And lifted you to rest. REPOSSESSED AND BANKRUPT EQUIPMENT Saturday, October 31 at 10 a.m. required to send particulars and friends for their kindness during, our recent bereave- God's garden must be beau- AUCTION We have-recdtved instructions to oxer for_sale by, auction the property known as 279 High Street Plan of their claims, duly verified to Mr. John ' T. Goodall, ment. Thanks to all who sent" tiful, He only takes the best, NO RESERVE We shave been instructed by the Trustees and 28 Lot 9 Clinton, Ont. Property consists of a modern Barrister and Solicitor, P.O., B&x 730, 261 Josephine the beautiful floral, tributes, donations to the Canadian -Always remembered by 25-29x i Secured' Parties to sell by Public Auction to the two bedroom brick house with full basement. gas Street, Wingham. Ontario, - Cancer society and Clinton the Na1an Family. highest bidder, without reserve all equipment as listed. Sale to be held at Vanastra. 2 miles south of furnace, single car garage. paved driveway located on a -large lot approx. 75' x 120'. For viewing or NOG '2WO,r on or before the hospital fund and the: -many food 26 Personal Clinton on Highway 4, on Saturday. Oct. 31 at-' 10.30` information hone Richard Lobb Auctioneer at P 23rd day of November. 1981, cards, to those who sent - 482-7898. Terms on property 10% down at time of and that after such date the and to the ladies who provid- a.m. - VEHICLES: 1975 Cfiev. Caprice: 1974 Monte Carlq; sale balance payable in full in 30 days. Being offered -reasonable Executors will proceed to P distribute the assets of the ed the lovely lunch at Bruce- y field United Church and to all Mel & Be Graham, Bruce - Betty field, Ont. -are' to 1974 Thunderbird: 1975 Chev. Pickup; 1978 window van: 1979 Suburban window van; subject to a reserve bid. RICHARD LOBO, AUCTIONEER said Estate, "having regard who helped in any way. pleased announce the engagement of 19ii.urban 1973 Ford pickup; 1971 Dodge Fargo window van; Clinton 482-7898 ons to the claims of which Y -Elgin Thompson and fam- g P their dao daughter, Janet to Paul g Vehicles will be sold as is. 20-29-1 they shall then have. had By. 24-29x1 son of Don and Alice Buch- MACHINES: 5 new Scorpion snowmobilesivarious P notice. Dated at Win ham, Ontario g We wish to express, our anan. Londesboro, Oni. The wedding will take place, h.p.: I used Massey Ferguson snowmobile: 1972 Bombardier 640 ER snowmobile: 9 new Erin 21- Tender Wanted 21 Tender_ Wanted this 22nd da of October, y sincere thanks ono apprecia- tion to, our relatives, neigh- Saturday, , November the Snowblowers walk behind style with various h.p. 1981' boors and friends- for their 14th, 1981 at 4:00 p.m. in the 5 FARM EQUIPMENT: J.D. pull type combine with many acts of kindness, gifts, Wisconsin motor; 2 custom made wagons; 6 ft. snow Solicitor for the Estate blower p.t.o.; 6 ft. pull type snow blower; CB 3 PTO r snow blower, side delivery rake: 3 furrow Alias donation cards and -s nr at y plow; 15 -run seed drill (Int.): Massey Ferguson Industrial tractor c/w loader. 26-29-1 MISCELVA14EOUS: New built iii fireplace with all of a dear husband, father and attach rtignts: 300 amp Dialarc welder. 180 amp 07 �Y9 welder.: 5 elding cables: work benches; Sadilcin 27 Births torches: chain falls: 2 canoe molds - 14 and 16 ft: 6 ft. -cRz Rev. Stanley McDonald for trunk blade:_toois: •Panel saw: airless paint unit: a tltlCll�COf ornamental railing: 50' of N.D. roller track: step down transformer: 220 electric heater: transformer; Tender for, chesterfield: check out counter: office furniture; plus ATI- persons having claims many more items. 1/M Sno w TERMS CASH U.C.W, for the' lovely lunch For further information. please contact: J.F. Harburn late of the RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES i Removal Rathwo - Manager G V tf DicBruce k Robinson - Sates Manager Colbourne CentraiPublic 527-1458 School, Hensall Public 20.29.2 School, Holmesville A, Public School, Witt Central Public School, FJ�6a��,1 ../ Usborne Central Public f/t'!i(/ �e .3.S School. Goderich District AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS Collegiate Institute, 77 MAIN ST, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO South Huron District their claims to the under- High School. (5 t 9) 527-148 Plainly marked, sealed 'way Nursing Home staff, Dr. tenders will be- teceived day of November. 1981. after up till 12 noon, Friday, James Thompson, R.R. 2, November 0. 1981. Tender forms may, be obtained at the school in question or at the 14uron County Board of Educa- tion. 103 Albert Street. Clinton, Ont. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. D. McDseolU Mr. John T. Goodall Chairnlad many acts of kindness, gifts, Brucefield United Church, Solicitor for the Estate of food, flowers, memorial Bruoeiield, Ont. Open re- f donation cards and -s nr at y cepltion to follow in Exeter. cards during our recentt loss 26-29-1 116EORGE'HUGHES CAMPBELL 22-29-3 of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Peter Mc Naughton. Special thanks to 27 Births NOTICE TO CREDITORS Rev. Stanley McDonald for IN THEESTATE OF his visits to Peter, and com- NORMAN-J: F. HARBURN fort given our fattiily. Many ECRERT: Tom and. Jcan,. ATI- persons having claims thanks to United Church Eckert, R.R. 1, Dublin wish against the Estate of Norman U.C.W, for the' lovely lunch to announce the arrival of a J.F. Harburn late of the provided. A special "Thank son, Brirtn, October 21st, in Township of Hibbert. in the You" to the Legion Ladies' Windham Hospital. 27-29-1 County of Perth. Retired Auxiliary for their many kind - Farmer, deceased, who died nesses - never missing an LEQNHARDT: Mr. and Mrs. on the 9th day of October. occasion to drop in to see Douglas Leonhardt, Seaforth 1981 are hereby notified to Peter with a flower or gift. We October 24, a son Adam send in full particulars of sin: ceretyappreciate the care Douglas. 27-29xI g their claims to the under- and kindness of the Queens- - signed an or before the 19th 'way Nursing Home staff, Dr. THOMPSON: Mr. and Mrs. day of November. 1981. after Wallace. Mrs. Visscher and James Thompson, R.R. 2, which date the assets will be W Englert. The services of . Seaforth, Oct. 23rd a son distributed having regard the pallbearers and the William James. 27-29x1 only to claims then received. Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Dated at Scaforth. Ontario Horne, - Mildred, Horthy. VAN DEN HENGEL: Mt. this 27th day of October; Robert andfamilies.and Mrs. Tony Van den 1981. •2424'1 Hengel R.R. S. Seaforth on McCONNELLSTEWART& Oct. 26 a son, Benjamin DEVEREAUX Memoriam Anthony. 27-29x 1 Box22o�n Scaforth, 06tario IKIl40Jt In loving memory of BEUERMAN: Mr. and Mrs. Solicitors for the Executors Denis Beuertnan are pleased 22493" Bessie (Blanchard) King who to annodnce the arrival of pissed away NOV. 1. 1980. their'sot Kurt Denis, 7 lbs. 9 O happy hours we once �z. Born on October 24 at 24 Card of Thal kS toyed Scaforth Community Hospi- "We *Wwt their. memory tai. A wee brother for stilli Michelle. Paul end Kevin. I would like to thank the But death has left a lotiell- 27-29x 1 relatives, friends and Heigh• Gess, - - bourn for the lovely flowOft. The world 'can Never fill, . visits, cards and itrgttitieai: SWy misted & atwtiys re- MOrp Oil more orbsdipeopl t cow what say, i$elttlrt , lint *beN4 by ltabsnd Stats- rrtigy' . thilm Also Drs: Ladd t ;tlf�Il ,�atlsGil t AM, id ush- D.J. Code hte accQuinlan and 040of 5tt>I►tf�dt ` ' Director plasExpositor Want Ads, Dial hed by Itsw cost Huron Hospital. George W1111 ; ' Mm2' t. k k, gtandchi $xl next page' 21 29 i�" « son. �r 527.0240.