The Huron Expositor, 1981-10-21, Page 8telephone liy Viola Kirkby,
41100. Tray* 0004 .piann
tnttSie between sets, The
stage MP* were Well arran-
ged by ,Audrey iiackWelL,
Istietin.e Marks and Mary
HamPhries. Commentators -
was Marilyn McDonald. .
Herb called Ron and Fau)-
inn to thertgorna when he
read alt ad . Viola Kirkby
presented them with an envo.
theme tot the Wnitan Vidt
meetingpn NVedtieSdaY even-
ing. 'October 14 when. Mrs.
Jack McEwing opened the
devotions. Mrs. Herb Traviss
was pianist.
Mrs. Jack Mc wing gave a
vey interesting Topic about
the thanksgiving as we knoW
it. The day was first set in
• 1.863, Abraltatit
The first was
heldhy the pfigritii fathers•in
1621. They had a had winter.
didn't have plenty Of feed
therefore lost half their num-
ber. They,°got along quite well •
with the Indians. ' As they
didn't have any regultir date
set for Thanksgiving. Gdver-4.
nor Bradford thought
* Our workmanship unsurpassed
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*" Best price on highest quality equipment
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you tried one? Dial 527-0240.
Your Recipe Could be Worth
$2 will be awarded to the first 20 recipes
drawn from those received
before Friday, ,October 23
• Klitsamambicam
Friends. seiBilbenrs and
relative* of Ron and
Bennett gathered in the Wal-
t ten COntrnun 'it7 If4all on
frldity-eveningbidding theta
fareWell'001*41. 0. community
as they have just recently
Mov.00.t0 SeafOrIll- The even-,
Anti oqt'wfth euchre
Prizev ..itnnex7,*e.r04311110Y
ver04 ,1*P*4400;
Stetnit, hex,.
• CTaill'iMatRimyfietinctt•
tictirTraYisS W41*.nie .a„,•
OW404041.10094;4 Of a
PlAtiO SOO, wy . Pani
scotCh dance by Tracey Ben-
nett and a piano •solo ` by
— A comical skit entitteti, "A
Normal Day in the Bennett
Family" was put on by the
following: Ann Ryan who
played Paulene. Ron was
played by Pat Nolan, on the
'Crops still pretty
good in Huron
— THE 11.0.110N Pt" TOR ToBER 21,
Orewell to Bennetts
W hears of origin
Should be. declard nholiday
after the seMSOn'S good crop.
so. have s4titside a$ Thanks-
giving" ever since which
meant peace plenty, health
and happiness. Prayer Was
offered by Mrs. H. Hackwell.
Mrs. McEwing read a
couple of suitable poems.
"The things I give thanks,,
for'iticf"Stop to thank God",,
The offering was received by
DorothySholdice and dedici'",
ated by Janie McEwing.
Business was in charge of
Mrs. Alex Gulutzen, After
thanking those taking part in
devotions, she read a poem
on "Thanks giving". Min-
utes were read ,by Mrs.
Howard Hackwell and thank
you cards from ,the former
Dena Wey and Judy Emm•
rich. Roll call was answered
by 15 members. Dorothy
Sholdice gave the treasurer's
Announcements were giv-
out for up corning eye nis
both at the church and area.
Tickets were given out for the
turkey supper planned for the
Brit Wednesday in Novem-
ber. The observers will be
ordered again also the church
The nominating committee
consisting of Mrs. W. Bew-
ley. Mrs. A. Searle and Mrs.
G. W —atson. will bring in the
new 'slate of officers at the
November meeting which has
been changed to the Thurs-
day evening. Copper money
to come in at the November
00S btIS tours and .4 boat
cruise, on the lake. They
reported the, st:enery was
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moffett
and son Brett of Guelph spent
the weekend at the home of
the lattr parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Tras i ss. They
took in the party at the hall on
'Friday evening for the Ben-
Miss Bev Robinson who
had been on, a trip bicycling
from /be west. these past few
there • wny to Seatorth. For
they are jolly good fellows
was sung prior to lunch
closing a most enjoyable
months Was at the F4St
remitting' with a friend' re-
vently where she visited with
Neil and Carolyn McClure.
They all spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
McClure, Bev has now re-
turned by train to her parents
home at Rirnbey. Alberta.
, We are glad to report that
Paul Ponomarenko returned
home Saturday. he is recup-
erating at his home following
surgery at a Toronto Hospit-
Congratulations 10, Harvey
'and Bessie McClure who on.
September 28 were married
35 years. lust heard on
Saturday that their family
were all home for a gathering,
when they held, a barbecue in.
August at The home of Mr.
and Mrs. 1-41rcrtte McClure to
eelehrate their patents an-
niversary. Guests on the
weekend with Mr.. and Mrs.
Harold Bolger were Mr. and
Harvey, Bessie MCCIvre honoured on 35th wedding anniversary
beirs.. Robert tilycrop and Bill Hutchinson and family,
Lis-towel and Mr; and
'ItS 'T111
st0011 On Rir
fnmily.LonfIgn,;...Mrf and Mrs.
Open rues. to Thurs. 9;30 a.M , -8 P.m FritlaYa 9;30 sari - 9 p-m.
Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., Oh:WA Monda,ys, Mkit Street, Outilln T.elgrone 345-2250
It's Worth the Drive
We furnish quality; style •
& contentment. . .
Please chop itiAnd browse
OurPricipg policy makes it
worth the drivel -
G. G. Goettler
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I 1 14 yr, r. r 111 i 14!. 101 11 111 n p
Elegant Furnishings
and interiors
Larry Bolgttr attcl
family of
general ergo in Huron
and Perth counties are pretty
good, according to represent-
ives of the Ontario Ministry of
Agrjculture and Food in both
John Heard, the asssistant
agriculture representative 'in
Huron County and Art Law-
son. the associate agriculture
representative in Perth Coun-
ty, said that while crops in
general are good, there are
problems in the white and
colored bean crops.
bir. Lawson said he knew
of quite' a few insurance
Claims being filed in Perth
County. Mr. Heard comment;
ed the crop insurance apprai-
sers were busy in'-mtd-Sep-
Both men said there have
,been some problems with
corn stalk rot in the counties
and advised farmers to shop
around for different corn
grain seeds for next year. Mr.
Heard said now would
be a good time for the farmers
who had this problem , to
drive around and see what
corn is standing. This would
- determine the kind of corn
which will fake the particular
weather experienced recently
in the counti es.
Mr. Heard said the rains in
September and the high
winds attributed to the corny
damage. He also said stalk rot
in corn is associated with the
amount of sugar inthe stalk.
When the sugar in the stalk
decreases, stalk rot moves in.
Mr. Lawson said despite
the stalk rot in places, the
corn crop ,rts a whole will
expreience a high yells' this
year over-last year.
The two men said wheat
planting is later this year
because of the inability to get
the present crops off the land.
Mr. Lawson said more wheat
is being grown in Perth
County thit. year. whiletivir.
Heard said, despite intent-
ions just Over half the antici-
,,plited. wheat acreage 'hays
been planted.
Soy beans in both Counties
look good. Mr. Lawson said
the average is slightly better
than previous years. Mr.
Heard said soy beans look
pretty good and said some 40
bushels had been harvested
to date.
Every week more and
more people discover what
mighty jobs are accomr.
phshed by low cost Huron
Expositor Want Ads. Dial
lope of money.
Both Ron and Pauline gas c
fitting replies saying they
hoped to, still get back this
way and invited anyone in on
Gerry Ginn, .has been
appointed to the Huron
County Housing Authority,
Municipal Affairs and Hous-
ing.Minister Claude Bennett
lirit announced.
Ginn; a former warden to
Huron:County, will serve on.
the seven Member authority
which manages Ontario
Housing Corporation's 415
assisted housing- units in
Huron County.
Commenting on the ap-
pointment, OHC chairman
Allan Moses, noted that the
day-to-day Management of
Housing Authon
all of OHC's 93,060 housing
units is carried outliFlocal
housing authorities, al-
though the primary respon-
sibility for assisted housing
remains with OIC.
• -
The Huron. County 'Hous-
ing Authority manages 331
senior citizen assisted hous-
ing units and 84 units for low-
income families. The author-
ities also provides housing
for physically-disabled and
mentally-retarded persons
who are capable of living on
their own.
for the THIRD
aim 4uronitihe
4Br&sels Post
the standard
Share your favourite ,
helidey-tegines with
other readers . . . and
maybe win $2 besideso
l+take sure you include
your kname, address, and
phone number.
Send Your recipes to:
The Huron Expositor, Box $9,
Seaforth; Ont. NOK 1WO.
Brussels Post, Brussels; Ontario
DI "thT Standard Blyth, Otitgrlo
Lunch was served by Mrs.
erry Ginn now on McEwing,i Mrs. Gordon Mur-
ray and Mrs. Viola Kirkby.
On Sunday at Duff's United
Church U.C.W. Recognition
Day was observed with 'the
U.C. President Marilyn Mc
Donild in charge of the
Worship service,. Greeters at
the door were Harvey and
Margatlet Craig. Organist
was Marion Godkin and ush-
ers were Maxine Marks,
Blanche Hoegy and Melva
Carol (Wilbee) Henderson
Seaforth was guest soloist.
with two numbers during the
service, "Keys to the King-
dom" and " Pass it on"
accompanied at the piano by
her mother. Elva Wilbee. The
scripture readings from
Isaiah 42:1-9 and Acts 1:1-8
were read by Viola Kirkby.
Helen Craig gave a very
interesting story for the
"Chat with the Children".
Edith Wey introduced the
guest speaker. Maureen
Mayne from the London Con-
ference who is the Minister-
for Missions. Marie McGavin
played the piano while offer-
ing was being received prior
to singing the offertory hymn.
"Your Work 0 God".
At the close of the service
prior to the benediction Jean
Bewley thanked the speaker
and all ladies who had helped
w ith the service. There was
also a ladies Choir in attend-
ance. A brief time of fellow-
ship over tea or coffee with
guest Maureen Mayne was
held in the church• basement
following the service. The
fleivers in the sanctuary were
from the wedding of Peggy
Dennis and John Wakabaka-
shi a week-ago Saturday in
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Schade and Mr. and Mrs.
Torrance Dundas returned
home from Gray Rock resort.
Quebec at the Ouimet Lake in
the Laurentian Mountains.
While there they had nuttier-