HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-10-14, Page 20• Ate I c. CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF' • SIRLOIN TIP or RUMP ROASTS TENDER MINUTE STEAKS Full Slice ROUND STEAK IT& ROUND STEAK !.-• 112.99, . 2.59.. .89, • • 2.59 ft). • editirb STEAKETTES . .... • . SO W !Oally. ' IE RS 1 lb. pkg. r 1.48 500 5. pkg. L78 0ot-cher - .78 1,.99 3.59 c t 1.99 aI .40991b. Schneiders Popular Varieties a ,. COOKED MEATI_,-, 175 g. pkg. diforlitiFEST SAUSAGE Schneiders BUCKET OF CHICKEN--1-00. ICI ibe Deli Schneiders Popular Varieties SLICED MEATS edraD. HAM White Label Products 1 .1" • .4 White Label 'BEANS W PORK 19 oz. 1059 White Label DRY DOG FOOD 0 kg. 3.99 White. Label =FABRIC SOFTENER 128 oz. 1.29 White Label Raspberry or Strawberry JAM or ORANGE MARMALADE 750 mi.. 1 39 White Label SMOOTH PEANUT' BUTTER 1 kg. 4.79 • a • • 1 Allen's FRUIT DRINKS • 11. a 1 .75 Sunlight' fk i. LAUNDRY 7c) DETERGENT "`" • 48 oz. CRISCO OIL 1.5 I. 2.99 % bakery Weston% Family Cashmere White CHOCOLATE TOILET TISSUE ..99 ROLLS 4 Roll Pkg. 283 g, .89 pkg. of 6 LEMONs FILLED BUNS )9 pRICED RICHT RODUC • Prod 1 S. A ( nn 11 CA:NTELOPES • r / • / ; " • 41,411:.-'1;1 PedEi SmilCin i;Alt SPINACH Prod. U.S.A. Can. *1 SPANISI ONIONS, Prod. U.S.A. Can. #1 RED DELICIOUS APPLES •' • 10 ox. pk g. .69 3/1.00 3 lb. bag .99 110 Pa Libbys TOMATO JUICE 48 oz Tin 88 Javex LIQUID BLEACH 3.6 L 1.39 Save 2g on new McCain Frozen Orange Mee Ftaturio4 a None. standard of concentrate. less wait.. se - -Arra TOTHE RETAILER 1 , ' M•4 ,,,,, 1...y4k iatt..1•4 v.111 1 1 11 /10.1•...pg••villg long et ..1 t..1....t.. /1/1,..11.111,1. i. .h. Cal* y• lilt [Mr. 1,..,/ •:p...t/111. 0411 .b. 1, 4 ',.,, ,,,,_... 7, 1..1 1«./.11111•11 1//` • M ,/.e. 1,.;, a •••••%, , I, .s.. to...II:Wu • .1. 09..04 A li. ...op ars {1 .0.1.01114,1j1.01 010 1 ..... 1d ,,... ..,•,111.,t 4.. • .l.q11 1.! .. . 1 • ...ohnitItiil tx.st 1111.• li t, i• ••1••••ty ••I •. I III/. 41 h.....lop.,1 . 41. / Ni.. M11.01. 14..1.• 1' ?It • ..111e1 14/1011 At r..11 0,1..4.1 W. .• . L6111alfrir44v Pkililliii°1 r " . NECHTIL 41;1; rmared E:nechtel Sores °gatri res October IC 5.941 11P McCain ORANGE JUICE 121/2 oz. Tin Kel oggs CORN RAISIN FLAKES BRAN 675 g 800 g 129 Salad,' 0. P . TEA BAGS 6 0 s 1 .59 41" N EX TOR OCTOBER 14, 1041, ,eth Kitborchon Notos was crowned Ladies from West C• ast visit Brucefiel A group of musicians came and played for us on a variety of instruments: violin: Michael Park, Banjo: Brian Scott; Guitar Mark Cruik- shank. Most of the numbers were familiar. she reminded me when I took six pupils of imy musie class to Toronto to sing in the CO-EA. Massey Hall choir led by Dr. G. Roy Fenwick, Director of Music for the p4a. of Education of Ontario and she was AI, in the, back seat of my,; ear. Memories * I> .4",*otrinly. maid,. andMrs. MetOlattvilW Hens** with ,Charlie, iaod Oliver MCKOY, also Buelah McKay; ' • . .ShirleyLuther 5.A. Paine to_ play-for us fora hymn sing. Thelma . Bode !mad several poems and readings with a Thanksgiving thought. Rev. Rev. Vanslike of NortliSide United Church. with.-an in- spiration of Worldwide Com- munion he served us Com- munion. The ladies from the U.C. W. of Northside brought cookies served by Margaret McCowan. IT foffAMINJINPULL As !aln* dedicated royalist it sorpriapalte that I .have not n'nonobthing about the ilrai Wedding. The night fore.' the.Staiff asked who would like to be wakened to *auto wedding. ,,Nfectoof thetesidents were mower an nothusimi- leNes: when asked they hs 4nen .44). to -Sec the wedding, I. 10% *•N--14.40 when was crowned:. rotten. my brother kneirl .1/0 slnn sent to Eegland, by his: cOM lawny in 1932° and when the'cntmation Mir up he insisted 1 come over during that time; -I., gave it serious thought. had my room at school to take care of and that was a problem. When I , asked MY inspector J.H. Kinkead about it he answered, "By all means, go: It is wonderful to have the opportunity to be in London during that period of history in the making. My nephew Don, had just completed College of Educa- tion which fitted him to teach Gr. 7 to 10. He volunteeredto take my room so that problem was solved. I left here by the early train for Montreal where I bad plane ticket for England to be there by. June 2nd, Corona- tion Day. Besides being somewhat mixed' lir in. time. the plane trip wet e.. It got the there-in- Plea time. My lorother asite.. the tele- shoneopenatorto waken* 44. is tserViee of the .telelphone, We had good, 040 ihreatfaSt 4 .bacon and egg‘f Eng' lish call-it. • We left for the Walton. nn. . Thames station for the train into- Loudon. Waterloo station. From there we reach- .ed ,the Mall along which the parade would pass where we. had our reserved seats. " We had to pass through a gate to reach our seats and here I had my first eAperience with an English crowd. I was jostled a bit. but the guard at the gate said "Let the lady through. She's wearing a Maple Leaf." If you go to England -be sure to wear a maple leaf as the people notice it and it distinguishes ypu from an American with noticeable preference. ..... It was raining and the guards that lined the mall. had grey capes on. which they reini.ved when it stopped raining. Before left for England tail a letter ,from the flop* ExPoitotA41,1*0$019..write' up *trap*. rttion..1114,, it in tholF:nnaris by•Air-Mail teas ed on .the occasion of tt4e.en. Elizabetles. 2$0.t*OOkverg.i.. 'VISITORS Lorne Dale with Gladys Brighten, Paul Hildebrand with Bessie Smale. g, Mrs.. J.M.'Scott visited her 4cousin Mabel Turnbull on family affairs. Our grand- mothers were sisters. Mrs. Willis, Clinton nee Marjorie McKenzie called to see her ex-teacher she jogged and walked in the Clinton Terry Fox "run out" from Clinton. I didn't recognize her at first, but when..-she mentioned some of her co- classmates Jean and Joan McMaster and Ernie Clarke the light began to dawn when Bingo winners were Ralph Hales, Oliver McKay. Jim Baker. Constance people in Gananqque- . Correspondent .Y MERNER .110 M!•• * Mrs.. Frank Riley AFC1741!**,04, OregiMerf Winthrop and :Michelle. Wend* nr.4ndOn:spAnt 'the Thanksgiving weekend wl‘b,-- Mt• goboit Woos of Gangeoque. ' Mr: and Mrs. Jim Prezcat- , ..,05Pk11; Debbie, and Michael Were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lrry Dillon, Michelle and B a rad- ley. Court Constantine are hay- . ins their Ladies Night on Thursday evening_Odt. 15th at 8 p.m. in the hall with euchre and penny .sale. The Foresters Fall Dance is alsocoiningup-on the 23rd of October in Vanastra with Jim Medd .and the Pleasure Paks providing the music. Tickets are available. Mrs. Ferne Dablstorm of SFattle Washington and Miss Doris Lyons Los Angeles California spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wightman. °' Miss Jane Allan who isa attending carleton 4t1 "*I* .spent ilw week on!** PoIrtnts*-Adid Nowt 4$14* • ,wick Speed Thanksgiving weekend with his grand- The Thanksgiving meeting of the WAS of Cannel Presbyterian Church was held on Monday evening when Mrs. Robert Taylor was hostess with Mrs. Al Hoggarth co-hostess. Mrs. Taylor presided. Mrs. Ruby Bell was in charge of the devotional and opened with a meditation "0 Give Thanks" Mrs. Pete Campbell read the Scripture. Mrs. Bell gave a message on Thiink.sgiving pretaining to the year of the' disabled. Miss Donna Taylor daughter Mrs. R. McMillen and hir. McMullen. Miss Nary Jane Scott Fanshawe College London spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and ?first Ken Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prow; f4le4l0.40 $14ksiehOwttn A41;%4 Reid** Orkvidson Osh; *w* *POO* 'week visiting **b. Mrs 1,4 Ves. %Ira tiK*Vle)f. , Mrs, IfulthfoerrY Vent the S A. mee fav with twol piano solos. Bell gave a Thimisgivi message and Mrs. HO arth readings on "Everyday Living." Mrs. Taylor presided for the business an invitation was accepted from Se,aforth Church Ladies' to attend their meeting October 15th at 2:30 p.m. Next meeting will be on November 2nd at 8 p.m. at the church with Mrs. Uoyd Mousseau in charge. LADIES'AID Mrs. AI Hoggarth presid- weekend with Mr., and Mrs. Gordon 'Elliott London. Miss Dianne Linn- *on College Sarnia sPeat the 119114Y. week with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart: Thit414074s service wan pe4r1 at the United. Ornqb :nrgn SuirilnY morning McMunces. 96mnon.Wns: .st ake god. 0.0.01474 ,(!as idecor- 404:-,vottt-,eowers foots 014 *10404 34 men* of • in Hensall ed for the Ladies' meeting which followed with a medit- ation "How Manifold are Thy Works" and led in prayer. Mrs. H. Hyde 'save the treasurers' relied. Business was discussed and final plans made for the bazaar, November 7th at 3 p.m. The tupperware items will be delivered at the church between 1:00 p.m. and 2 p.m.on Thursdiyiect- ober 15th. Classified Ads pay dividencts. the Tuckeramith Unit. Nett Sunday anniversary services ' wilLbe at eleven amt. and 8 p.m. when Rev. Rae Grant will be the preacher in the morning. carrel ,church. RisN Kennekh Knight eprr; dlieted Thankrgiviffig . service. (****1 Presbyterian Church on Sakday speaking an 4ThanksglAng Perspect, Wm" Th'e . ehoir under the direction Of . Mrs. Dorothy Taylor sang "A Song of Thanksgiving" and the SO. bath School pupils sang two numbers "Dear God We Thank Thee" and "He IS Love." The church was beau- tifully decorated in keeping with the season. The annual bazaar will be held on Saturday. November 7th at 3 p.m. Mrs. Don Gooding and Miss Dale Gooding of Park• hill were recent visitors with the former's mother Mrs. Mabel Munn. 1.. KNECHTEL ROTH FOOD MARKET SEAFORTH STORE" HOURS: MON.-TUES.-WED. 9 • 6 P.M. THURS.* FRI: 9- • 9 P.M. SATURDAY ' 9 - 6 P.M. EVERY WEDNESDAY IS SENIOR CITIZENS 'DAY! 5% DISCOUNT ON ORDER OR FREE DELIVERY. IlitiftyFOODSAVINGS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UNIT QUANTITIES. Prices effective until dosing Saturday, October 17, 1981 Groceries_ K Paramount , PINK-SALMON 1 4•9 . rr • A L E LIKE TO SERVE YOU A