HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-10-14, Page 7friends of the bride. The bOst•Man was Jim Scott. friend of the groom. Ushers were Bob Scott, Ron Scott, Danny Chessell, friends of the groom anzt-Charies Moore, brother of the bride. Special attendant was John Moore, brother of the bride. The reception and dance was held at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. The couple have taken up residence at Petawawa, Ontario. (Photo by • Walter McKenzie) CAMER014,-L-MOORE Mitchell United Church was the setting for the wedding vows ofJune.Denise Moore and Pte. Richard RoY Cameron on AugustI5, 4981. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moore of Mitchell and the groom is the son of o Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cameron. Staffs. The iiounte-ring ceremony was performed by the Reverend D. Resell. with the organist Mrs.' Doreen Skinner and the soloist Lowell Skinner. The maid of honour was Connie Moore, sister of the bride and bridesmaids were Barb Morello. Kim Marsden, Mary Lou Maloney and Pam Chessell, all _ ASSORTED COLOURS OUR AEG. 1.67 4 11014. PKG.- LANCIA SPAGHETTI, VERMICELLI , filtATONI. sragNETTINt OR . NEAR CUT MACARONI WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE WHITE, CRACKED WHEAT OR 60% WHOLE WHEAT BONNET SOFT MARGARINE 1 LB- BOWL S9# WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBYS BEANS DEEP BROWN SS # 19 OZ. TIN. NEILSONS HALGRA:litTsPACK ',12.6 *2.09 li SULIGHT LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6 LITRE *3 59 CTN. Lipton - Asstd. vafieties VARIOUS CUP6A-SOUP . . 790 Mime" Maid frozen COTTAGE CHEESE a. NellSons Small Curd si 29 Neilson* Venetian - 11sstcf. NOW OFFERED AT THESE SENSATIONAL ORICESI t1.104746=4:: OM'S fbroleteldll Mr. ftlirrittlit 511111,4103 t,trritt, 'O.. /0: mtliattter y SO OfroLliC lote &OM. OM CeSOritiriena 41TIZ be Woe. 001tarettil Gourmet II Othortissfor NOW Itst first Woo .ritirr • tootil•s4 MISrOrtitoirs to purchase • itodtoKtioo ..Oil SO MASPOO TO toktrso -.sod otroSd to ,nu net Mai. Me POO. lotC1,00V4.11 for ,our commis anise .AnNtErtmont of Mons boors and Utirosts Monty M.D.:KO AVAILABLE TIMES ALL Al. • DO NOTMETAR4 FOOD ODORS • '11-111/11ROSE o DISHWASHER SAFE Y OMANI oTARI*SH-PROOF • COMPLETE SERVICE FOR EVERY KITCHEN USE mot WEEK 1 INEEIC 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 F 1111Ciiii. M OW THIS WI EX1 0111C1 ICE CREAM flavours 1 LITRE • st 1 fresh -'7"7•••7..• i L ', I.4f B , 09 Colby, Brick, Mozzarella, Marble or LEMONBUNS MP OF 8 Havarti ZEHRS CHEESE 165 CIA SYRUP :itlE 79 AlLiminum ALCAN FOIL130 en? a 10 41.29 WAX PA APpleittird Ga PE ve-All ROLLS "" DOZEN FRESH BAKEHIROWN ON' 1p9 240s White Swan -white SERVIETTES ROLL. 990 41.69 R I 01. knitinif dal 09461108 $ .99 2 OR MIIhIQ ..ortl 1 893 Ins 2.96 4 Ot MIAIng Bowl 3 785 Itrs 419 01. MIA% Bowl 7 571 Iss 719 6 Pt. .Opipodpt 5 878 Itrz 7.116 13 0911111100 Bowl 12 303 Pro 9.111 12 Whisk 30 5 cm 459 14' Willie 356cm &ill it• ;Aid Spoon 271 cm 1.0 i ittotioo pain 27 D cm ` Itse 1'5'4910 914r 38 1cm 15*Stoilsd Ninon 381 oil 2 Oz. Lids ED ml 1.99 18D mI 2.1111 240 0.1 ire to OL_Laals 36.10 nil 465 20 P#14.1i)11 19.928 tan 1111 PlastIo lid Set 1:111 6 c1- Ladle soz. Ladle 149 1,19 ORANGE JUICE 12.5 oz. IN BEANi COFFEE LB. *149 • KIDNEY BEANS 14 ". 59° Cavendish Farms frozen FRENCH FRIES 2 LEI. • Swanson'Beef, Chlailin or ne Turkey $ Tv DINNER., , Mountain Blend Regular Grind or Swt. Mix, Baby .DIII of Bread /11 ROSE PICKLE tilt: . Weston. Chocolate FAMILY ROLL EA. 99 BUY A LOTTERY TICKET WINTARIO LOTTARIO PROVINCIAL CASH FOR LIFE SUPER LOTO Available in most Zehrs Markets STANDARD BRAND LIGHTBULBS - 40 60 OR A 100 WATT PKG. OF 2 E t KCOE ERNA ()mille NWARE •• FRESH BAKER RAM ON mit 19 BREAD 18 oz. LOAF dp WE RESERVE THE RIGHT To LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. HABITANTve SOUP 28.qz. Beef, Mushroom or Chicken •ft CORDON BLEU Toll. Girl .118:18P Campbells JUICE . 29 ". 40 1" ASSORTED VARIETIES PAMPER CAT FOOD 6.5 oz. TINS 4fit I THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE LONLY IN:, MONDAY & TUESDAY 9-6 P.M.-1 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & •FRIDAY 9-9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30-6 .P M HIGHWAY #8 GODERICH Miss Mary Jane, Visser, Seaforth, B.R. S. was the winner of the Huron County Scholarship last Monday held at Belgrave Women's Institute Hall over 125 ladies from all over Huron County attended this day long event. Mary Jane was unable to be present saber mother accept- ed the certificate and cheque from Jane Muegge. Area weddings '5,'''D.P4P10041MX Ont Sept. $. 1981, .Cheryl. Marie Penotnme, daughter of Matthe* grid MartI,oji Denorning.' exchanged wedding. yewswitk, Martin La‘Mle.4ce 9.glingi$, son. of Moran and MatitoaelinaS. al St. ftiter liUsclx. $t. Joseph. Father BeneaettO'Oniciated, • ' • rinntaittothortOur Was Mary Anne Regier..friend of the. bride; ',and bridesMaids were Jane Rlasen. friend of the , bride, Cindy DenOmme, sister-in-law of the bride, Heather Sweeney, niece of the groom and Shiela Denomthe, sister of the bride. Tile flower girl was Angela Deriornme, sister et the bride. The, best man was. Jerry Pennings. friend of the groom, and the groomsmen were Marc Gelinas, brother of the groom, Francis Penomme, brother of the bride. The guests were ushered by Joe Overholt Jr.. nephew of" the groom and Larry Keller, friend of the groom. After a honeymoon trip to Ottawa. the couple are residing at R.R. 2. Zurich. (Photo by Jack Doerr) The October meeting of the Burns U.C.W was held at the home of Gay Salverda on Wednesday afternoon with 14 present. Ida Leiper opened Ramona Jamieson . and Gladys Leiper. Ida Leiper thanked Gay and all who took part in the meeting. Ida Salverda led in prayer. • the meeting -with a reading "Your Plan." Mrs. Rice was in charge of Ida Leiper read the the business. Roll call was scripture. Readings were answered with a Bible verse, given by Margaret Taylor, and minutes of the last Almwell Happy fang meet meeting were read. The Trea- surer's report was given by Jean' Leiper. Joan Hoggarth thanked everyone for the card sent to Ray. Correspondence . was read by Mrs, were made for the• Bazaar. Mrs. Rice closed with prayer. Grace was sung and lunch served. in Londesbiwo '• Thinks was given by_Brenda Radford to speaker. soloiSt and any who helped. Thanks was expressed by Evelina Webster, Blyth, Nora Pipe Seaforth and MRs. StollA3rucefield. ' - - Met on Tuesday October, 6th at 2 p.m. in the hall. There were 20 present. President Jean Scott welcomed all. Minutes' of last, meeting • ? read by Isabel Scanlon. New business moved to give cash 'for card prizes Sl SO for high prizes and 50 cents for low and gifts for special prizes. Bingo winners were Vietta Hoggart, Jim MrEw- ing and Mary aark. Some cards played: winners ladies • high Stella Adams, lone hands Mary Clark tow Vi Burns, men high Jake McDougall lone hands Dick, Caldwell. low Carlie Scanlon,1 lucky number Jake McDou- ' gall. In charge of program and lunch were Hare] Reid, Gloria and Jim McEwing. Next meeting eitober nth at 1:36 p.m. in charge Russell and Margaret Good. A SS wedding anniversary card • signed by all for Wilfred and Verna Glazier. Duff's Walton hosts rally The Huron-Perth Twenti- eth Annual Rally of,the East Huron Region was, held at Duff's United Church Thurs- day evening. October 8th, beginning at 6:30 with des- sert and coffee provided by the Walton U.C.W. Registra- tion was tin charge of the Winthrop t.C.W. A sing song started at 8 o'clock led by Mrs. Neil McGavin assist- ed by Mrs. Ray Huether as pianist. Mrs. N. McGavin played the 'organ prelude prior to the worship service taken by several ladies from the different U.C.W. A -warm welcome to all was extended by Mrs. Don McDonald U.C.W. President. The theme for the evening being "Women of the United Church Over 90 wo- men answered the roll call from the 12 U.C.W. repre- sented. The guest speaker. Rev. Wilena Brown brought a most interesting message to the ladies. Musical duet by Mrs. George Townsend and Mrs. Wm., Campbell accom- panied on the piano by Mrs. J. Stewart was much enjoyed. The offering was received by Mrs. Herb Traviss, N. Marks and Mrs. K. McDonald and assisted by Mrs. H. Craig, See Bob McKinley for all your life insurance and investment needs Featuring [ • No load Savings Plans. • Inc me Tax Deferred on Annuttiec • New Non-Smokers life Insurance Rotes Interest.• RRSP'S • Annuities • Income Averaging AdA A {,.,tA Bob McKinley 262-5462, Hensql1 .0ontiniton Life THE UOMINION t !Fp AMA/NCI COMPANY •01 1.1ene.10M.714...111.74.111..144, THE HURON EXPOPT0R, •OCTOrs A? wins home economist. Mary Jane is studying at Guelph in Family and Consumers' Af- fairs Studies. The Huron West District president Mrs. Peter Chandler of St. Helens presided far both sessions. The pianiSt were Mrs. Nor- man Coolies and Mrs. Clare Van Cainp- Mrs. Ross • Higgins :of Beigrave' welcomed all and greetings were 'brought from. Huron. South by MTs; Gordan )'apple. end fretti Rio East by;Mrs. Elmer Harding. Ford• wick and heirs, Chandler of Huron West: The sicretaries, of the Districts gave 'their reports, Mrs. loss Higgins Huron "West, Mrs, James McMahon R.R, 2, Bluevale, Huron East and Mrs.. Papple reported that a report was inavailable as their secretary hadjust moved away but she gave a short report of their activities. The minutes were adopted as read by the secretary Mrs. Norman Caul- tes. She also read the correspondence which in- cluded thank you!letter from recipients of scholarships last year. Dianne Godkin Sea- fiirth and Karen Whitmore, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Mrs. Coul- tes announced that mobile radio record player had been purchased at Huronview with the $198.75 the County Rally 'had given them. A letter from Family and Childrens Serviees, 'John Penn thank- ing the W.I.'s for their bursary which amounted to $651.000 for continuing edu- Wiw for a Ward of that Society. Mrs. Coultes gave the financial statement show- ing a balance of 5205.38. Mrs. Doris Batkin, Clinton secretary of the Huron Coun ty Historial Society gave a omofenth,se past detailed trlieepoivrt year She tutes in the County for sponsoring meetings when they come to their communi- itie s. Shestatedth4tM rflearebcoming4wa teheritze3no:0emi. very proud. She .invited iti/ to come. and see the archiveS room; iii Goderich and showed the catalogue of historical ,items that. are stored there. Miss , fliAryd 'c 4 report mon ey has been'. spent on a ward. in 'their care. Jane Mitegge, home economist for Huron County gave, the. report telling about • the 4-H program and the senior courses Mrs. Evalina Webster of Blyth spoke on Huronview and thanked the ladies for their support at the recent bazaar. She also spoke on the need for more wheel chairs to help move the older citizens from one place to another in Huroriview: The president Mrs. Leone Lock- hart was unable to be pre- sent. by Connie Jamieson of the . A slide presentation Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop, Wingham was enjoyed. She spoke' of the Lifeskill program for the slow learner that is available and told the many jobs they can learn to do. In her comments on her slides she told about tihneto criaorwgedredbucOildnindiitsioT Mrs- Verna Brown or f h and theirr w. ishtobuild omovete Maitland Branch gave a read- ing- October 'smiles at you. The guest speaker. Mr. There was a good atten- dance at the Thankoffering meeting on Monday October 5th at 8 p.m. in the church, Guests from Blyth. Bruce- field, Burns. Seaforth North- side United Church 'were welcomed and ushered by Norma Glousher and Dora Shobbrook organ music was supplied.y Barbara Bosman. Meeting opened with pres- ident Edythe Beacom reading 'Come, let's praise the)Lord.' Scripture was read alternate- ly by Edythe Beacom and MarionSnell and Lords pray- er. Edythe welcomed all and gave announcements, invita- tion to Seaforth Presbyterian. Thankoffering Octeber 15th Soloist was Mrs. Ken (Mar- lyn) Wood from Wingham accompanied on piano by Gail Lear. Gail Lear introduced guest speak- er Eleanor Ward from Wing- ham a former deaconess. Her topic Thanksgiving to every man a Highroad and a low- road we choose which we take; in everything give thanks for abundance of food. Are'we like the lepers when 1 returned thanks the 9 didn't. Arthur„ Scott. minister of AshfleM and St. Wens Unit- ed Church W44 introduced by Mrs, O. McPherson Odle St. Helens Branch. As this is the year of the Disabled. Mr. Scott gave - verY reasliking message talking about his life since blindness came to him v04'14 hislite.He told of his dre4n4Slo become a ikllidS#r of the Church and some ettne trial li he 'encalteftre*,18. trit- • mg to Ttl!,511, 9 stated that it one jle,10$ 9410015:01441 say I:Can:instead of I cant' one finds out seen that their goat cen1i0 040-eid;',ite pointid out that; A.4s- not what rweSay'that counts but,whatlive,tilo in our lives and pointed out that the handicap person can. In clo- sing he reveiwed the deter- mination and the goals that the late Terry Fox set for himself. Mrs. Eleanor Brad- nock of Auburn thanked him and prnsented him with a gift. Mr*. Gordan Papple, pres- ident of London area brought greetings and invited all to the convention at St. Marys on November 5 and 6th. Miss June Glaven of Credi- ton- was presented with a trillium tray in recognition of her completing 24 4-H clubs. Jane Muegge -presented the tray. In the new business it was decided to give a donation to the -lack Reavie Workshop_of Wingham and to reinvest the $1500 at the highest interest availble. Mrs. Papple gave the invitation to hold the 1982 rally in Huron South. Mrs. Peggy Cudmore of Brussels gave the courtesies for Huron East. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 5-27-0240. J Visser AIMWELL MEETING was held on Monday Sep- tember 28 at the church. It was an open meeting Helen Lee opened meeting ,with hymn' 388. Marion Snell read - the =tare front Proverbs and a story: we can't quit now." Barbara Bosman and Bette Jewitt entertained with a song.,Helen Lee gave reading • on "Take time •for things" minutes of June meeting read by secretary Penny Overboe and opproved cerrespen- . dence . was a special letter from Foster child' Mair Ling along with her school report. The roll call wat• answered by 19 members treasurers report by Pearl Mason offering and birthday pennies collected.. Marg Anderson introduced our specialguest Loma Miller from Waterloo. former Lon- desboro girl who spoke on nutrition and the family Barb and Bette entertained us with another song. Joan Whyte thanked our guests. Helen Lee closed meeting with a • reading entitled "My Daily Wish" . Lunch was served. The next meeting will be October 19th. -Burns UCW plans bazaar a ) 0.,../firs.a.ukveallAAM