The Wingham Times, 1899-12-01, Page 6ttts • a c,.•a , ..,���� j( lib f.! ao 4 l E. .' i', atco, Plain P>tst ala. FRIDAY, i.11..AY , I rECE1 BE 1, MIL_.. 017lt o TTA.WA urrrEi F'r -St a Oar vera Ourr eipote4rnt. Ottawa, Nov. tea. It is beoom ter abundantly evident the expectations f‘utertaine(1 by the Ciewernmeut of the possibilities .of the 1St. IaaIw'xeuee transportation route •were 210 idle dream, and that when they de - titled that one of the earliest acts of their administration should be the rapid completion of the fourteen foot .canal extension, and the improvement of the facilities of Montreal Barber they were Sully seized of the pressing needs of the situation. No sooner are these necessary iunprov- nuents within measurable distaude of «completion than the anticipated de- velopments loom largo in the horizon. A. wealthy syndicate was formed solue 3nont1145 ago. for the purpose of construct - 'Mg and operating grant elevators at Port Colborne, Montreal, and Quebeo and serving them with a thoroughly well-equipped fleet of, steel grain cu- rlers. This means a vast development in the transportation business itself, but it also means a great impetus in the shipbuilding and other industries. It mesas s too the expenditure of millions. of Thorley and the permanent occupation of thousands of Men in both skilled and 'unskilled labor. • Very much • of Jim business now transacted through Amer- ican channels will hereafter come our way, for the American shippers there. - selves admit "that through transporta- tion for large vessels from the porta of the Upper Lakes to the sea -board means a reduction of rates to about half what they are at present. • - THE MISSES ARE BENEFITTING, and abf,11* tsp. cion i.�v{i. iu i lQgii c ii aaadl tam vrattai3'; . so readilyasozibed. to him, 11 aflpoueuts; treatineat wlaiolt to The way in which the prevailing pros- perity effects the daily life of the masses is concisely set forth by a commercial 'writer iu the, Globeywho says: -"Trade prospects in Canada. from the Atlantic to the Pacific 'were never More promis- ing. There have been few failures. .The chief reason for that is the fact that retailers have fewer bad accounts. A :prolific source of :financial trouble for a country as well as for city trade is bad debts. People must live. When they. have not steady work they go into' debt, unless they have something laid up for a rainy day. A laborer with a family to provide for cannot lay 'up Much for' a rainy day out of $1.00 to ;1.28 per day 'The most remarkable thing about it is that he is able to make ends meet at all, and it is a well-known fact that when email wage-earners, with comparatively large demands for the common necessii ties of life, get out of work they get.into debt; the losses that result to the store- .eepers often compel insolvency. The reverse of such conditions Makes the state of -trade in a. • country sound and healthy; when labor •ts 'well employed and laborers have • the wherewithal -to purchase the • ;necessities of life, 'they don't go into debt, and old scores' are 'wiped out because it is a well-known Trice that,the laboring'classes. whenem- ployment is steady'; inay be depended alien to pay more promptly than any ,Miler for what they buy`. •.The'farmers too, as a class, seeing the evil of running Up accounts at the country stores, now buy more largely tlfan ever before for ,spot cash. These two factors have had „' a beneficial effect on the business of the •country. ' • GOOD MEN EIGHT SHY. Qua of the greatest disadvantages ex- perienced in the administrationof lnxblie affairs in Canada, is the dinicalty in-in- duoing the, best Meit to give their serrvices!to the work;'''This of course ' largely,due to the fact that in a young ,uouxttryiike;otirs the a is no wealthy „ leisured class that can afford. to 'devote ttheeessary time to unremuuerative aa1>a h idents we are essentially a nation of workers'and save for the time abso I.utiely necessary for rest and recreation the !bare and years are entirely; taken up in earning a livelihood. But there i another obstacle which deters many. ' tapable citizen from devoting his thm DECEItB1R 1, 1890. e.. 1c Baal .Iotwan :reached the Third, street defect of the .1<rtltherit, TOWN 1)1REE''Tt)fi.I�s Pact. ,o Cuatlpetlly in alt i)iebtlatotl t on- dition, t).ltd asked for "a tlrat-,lass ticket, 1•lease," ''Witch) do you waut to go:''" wi i*reslpeotiug saran, oou)seioua3 at his said the ticket stork, somewhat painted - own integrity, hesitates to Wall t to. 1y. There oras a paus:a, while the itt• Take for example lair. Whitney's obviated one tlluggiiy trflected, tytidthen orit/,ism of two of the 1110111D0r8 appoint- ha blindly an(1 pointet11.Y asked: "What ea 1)y the Provincial Caverntnent on the t.ainsitaveyou?"-tt au Vralicisoo Wave. Public+ Finances Commissioners, One he describes as: --"Au • Ontario official getting a salary," adding "I stay that it is positively indecent for the Govern- ment of Ontari() to appoint Mr. John I3oski-ng as one of the Commission, and it is positively indecent for Mr, John Hoskins to accept the position," .01 Mr, B. 13, Walker, general manager of the Bank .of Commerce, he says: --"He is one of the leading •inert in a bank 1 whirl. for years has had all the' deposits. 110 pondered nnuelt iu great surprise, that belong to the courts of Ontario. He until a friend gave him the one; has been a recipient of favors from the Then ho resolved to advertise, Ontario Government awl the Ontario And lo, his trade just grew and grew! Government has not a stronger aThfldreri for He opened a store aLI nicely cltoclred With fixtures lnosteomploto awl grand But found his wheels of trade were • • blocked By other dealers close at Valid. sympathizer in all the bonds of Ontario," • 'alarm yl• 'Iii1 tX 1'01 sczr i'Ii2 The insinuations contained in these IT Tun nznNa rs DO NOT CARRY orP ITS sentences are most reprehensible, for no BLOOD Rill' 3i2ITIES- 4 0UTII AMERICAN business Wren in. Canada- would question li IDNET CURE 10551': . TiiESE ORGANS eaehable recti- IIRAILTITV - PREVENTS DIABETES -- for a moment the uniin l: nitre T'S DISEASE AND BLADDER DIFFI- tudo of either of these gentlemen, and if ouLTIEs. every man who remotely and indirectly has business relations with the Govern- Every drop of blood in the body goes vent is to be debarred from, rendering through the k.dneys.for the removal of service to the country it would be ppr- fectiy impossible to find competent men to carry on the necessary functions of Government. . • ' «kiANITOH& .GENERAL ELECTION, The Manitoba, Legislature - has been dissolved }and the general eleotion pro- clainiied for the 7th proximo, Mx. Greenway goes to the country' with a splendid record of 'twelve years faithful and progressive service. Oiler hisad- ;ministration the Province has made 1u1 - paralleled progress, having bean opened up and settled at a rate unique even in the Annals of rapid western develop- Ment. The Opposition, led by Mr. Hugh. John Macdonald, has not so far offered any alterative policy to the electors, other than the familiar but scarcely sufficient cry of; "It's tinge you put these • fellows• out fatal . gave us a chance," :• • In spite of the •oft -repeated protests of the Conservative leaders,both Federal and Provincial, that the politics of Ottawa and Winnipeg should be kept absolutely distinct, very' active assist- ance is being rendered Mr. Macdonald by Sir. Charles Tapper himself, and many of his more prolninellt colleagi)es .the Federal • arena. Sir Charles makes the rather curious complaint that the elections have been sprung upon the Province very unexpectedly and at un- reasonable short notice, but if Sir Charles had only read this commit more carefully than he appears .to do, he would have noticed that as far back as last April, it was predicted here that au election might comb at any time, and certainly must be before the end of the year. In the same way I have declared repeatedly that there would be no gen- eral Federal election before another session of Parliament, but Sir Charles has scarcely brought himself to believe that yet. .1f he would 01117 show a little mere respect for my predictions 1 think I could.giva b i,n.somevaivable pointers, • but if he:won't lease what's the. use? • " . SIR' WU.LIABL DAWSgx. In the death of Sir William Dawson, former Principal of McGill University, Montreal, Canada loses one of her most famous sons. A Nova Scotian by birth, he devoted bis life to the • pursuit of science, and as President of McGill. for 88 years he has rendered invaluable service to the cause of higher education in Canada. Under his .able And sympathetic guidance, the great Pro- testant educational institution of East- ern Canada rose from a moribund con- dition. to the proud position she holds to- day, for it was his . good fortune, riot only to accomplish much biamelf, but to interest and enthuse others, able and ready to render splendid aid to the cause he had so much at heart. His labors have added a lustre to the national reputation of the Doliiinion which is recognized and appreciated throughout the scientific world. its impurities - night and day kidneys are th reason if the impure -rad every par beat, kidney sort at fie f Sbl very three inmates- vhile life lasts. The filter-- and it stands to /tor is out of order the r in the blood goes to the body at every heart en the first indications of rder present themselves, re- ce to South American Kidney he tried, tesfed'aud proved speoi- Bright's disease, diabetes, and er complications. It never fails. d by A. L. Hamilton. If you have something good advertise it. Some of your customers may know you have it, but there are a great many who do not. • • EARLY LOSING • Before placing your ordet for Spring- Clothing call and see:our NEW SAMPLES for 1899; We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one -halt more than new . and better goods of the Iatest' styles *ill. cost to -day. We make clothes that fit. WEBSTER & CO., s a . , ..Dr:'Low'n'Worm Syrup e Is death to the wornis every time, safe for the child and pleasant to take. In- sist on getting "1)r. Low's" and accept n0 substitute: ' Price 25e. The Enid is Paralysis. •'t=: His N•ew Meek. , If the Wasted 9xe not restored and There vasa man in our town, • revitalized, by. Dr,CXiarse's And he was wondrous wise; Nesliti Pnod ' He got a clock with an alarm To tell him when to rise. "Aaiiihig IPrn f •lits ; dead body" is the way i And when he heard the cloelt go off i araiysis is seratttiitee etUdbed. W fat eat be With all his might and mc,.iir ' (more horribleiban tolese all control of embody He turned upon the other silo and feeldeath gradually clairaing you for its own? , And -went to slee Sleeplessness, nervousness, 'headache, loss ofp agatnl ;energy, and .vitality,' glooiiry forebodings, easy '•-'• 'ittsburg Chronicle. s'atigna, 4nd'wea1cnes df the lto(ty are symptoms, •sitth 4a%diliairstmn 41f'ychgarillanallyend in 'WAR 7C 2 lII*1ts "arra si n riga f 01:C `ta io z qr 133s anity'. �t � :..t•€ i . x'hI.E INrO IN$I(#*tIFICA1vC)r TO TIM ,�I,AN la 4 ietwor4,, warty er Irregular habits WIIO 35 To1a1I);i4 5D WITH PILlttia•Dlt. e awl matt tit oo. ran be host rffecta• A(i•NEW's oiNx:1•Ii; at WILL CUBE THEM. oily t1C> t�abateca4 r " -?months treatment • with 1 fr. 'base's Nerve Food, the great restore- - Of all flesh ailinents the most distres. *er nem sit *farina hag is piles, 1)rX c;i14,Itti4e-Peed.latniisyltal.energy-tfle(3ratfitg limo Mil WOO, -s c* 1• thi+: ,wasting process and give the 0 adheti' - sandy hvilds vp the system, enr(3 - 17 leave fora! and permanently curet dirrrr''fs *fid weaknesses of men, a p,e ildrsn, Cate, ttes it,t^a>is 11T,rivailerl by fns c uo es. It restores Rio 1R" tie a ib rrm end Pat tNr.a boaj•. It 11,0)1144 tui, bleeding, itching' or lid the remedy that will ckest relief and the retreat Agnew's (yintmerat. It holds nal record an a certain pile 1 the words "relieved Pike have been heralded round olio and are batt the voices of the telling of ittl a r'eattre p0weys. a.Tl rihfr Cnets, o'wz.7tar salt oca2x1 head,, etc. Burl Illy r ' • , • .f Queen's •• Block. BACKACHE • • Weak,. Larne, Aching Backs, the Result of • ^ 'Sluggish, Inactive Kidneyli. 13az'rL r L"Iitritall---Sabbath services at 11 a in and 7 i) itt. 'Sunday School:at 4:80 l M. (*Klein' pr'aye'r meetnig on 1. edtiesday evenings. Rev. W. Feed. pastor. W. X. Clrapivan, S, 8. Superintendent. 1V II',';t'IIODlS'r litviieif Cabbathseri:icos at 11 a In and 7 p ant, ' Suuduy aebool at 2:80 p Epworth League every 'gull- ibly evening. General prayer resting en Weduestley evenings, Rev. Richard - Hobbs, pastor. Dr. '.fowler, S. S. Sup- crix.teudeut, fill SIITTERIAN. C' urntc'zi-$abbftth ser- vices at 11 a nu and 7 p 1n. Sunday School at 2:80 p an. General prayer meeting ou Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Peale, pastor. D. M. Gordon, S. S. Superiuteudeut. PAUL'S Cuuitexi, EPIsvorAL-Salb- batlt se.•liees at 11 a an and 7 p 2u'. Sun. day School at 4:80 p tn. General prayer meeting on Wechaesday evening. Rev. Wm: Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. Superiuteuclent, CONGREGATIONAL Ci1UROIi.-Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:80 p u.• General prayer meeting ou Wednesday evenings, Rev, J. W, Gofiu, pastor. Gavin. Wilson, S. S. Superintendent. ROMAN pirltouao Cra noir -- Every fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:80 a in, ser- anou and benediction at 7 p au. Rev. D. P. McMenamin, P. P. SALVATION Anarr-Sbrvice at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and B p m on Slunday, and every evening dining the week at •8 o'clock at the barracks: CHRISTIAN WoRRERs-Services in the Mission Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday at 8 and 7;80 p aa. T. A, Calhoun, in charge. POST OrrIoa-In Macdonald Block. office hours from 8 a .n to 6:80 p xu. Peter Fisher, postmaster, MT'.c)7i3ANI0S' INSTITUTE --Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, • 'will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:45 o'olook and every evening from '1 to 0:80 • o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. • Towtr•CoraloxL---Win. Clegg, Mayor; Thos, 'Gregory., Jos. (olle, L. W. Han- son, A. J. Irwin, Geo. McKenzie and R. f teIudoo, Councillors; J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Youhili, Assessor, Wm, Robertson, Collector. Board meets first Monday, • evening in each mouth at 8 o'clock. • Sorrow, Boaan.,-C. N. Griffin, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham, 11. G. Lee, J. J. Homuth, Wm': Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. Bell, Wan. Button. Secretary, Win. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson, Meetings second Tuesday, evening , lit each month. Pumas Smoot, TEACHERS r A. 11. Musgrove, Principal, Miss IEbbertson, Miss Reynolds, Mise Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss Vaustone, Miss Matheson and Miss Reid. BOARD or HEALTH :Mayor Clegg, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos. Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. Towler, Medical Health Backache is in reality kidney ache.. The kidneys become clogged, and falter in their, work of filtering the blood.. Backache is nature's warning that the kitinleys are on strike, and that the blood is going through the system laden with foul poisons, which will cause Bright's disease, dropsy, diabetes,. rheumatism or other equally painful and fatal complications. • Prudence tells everyone suffering with backache to set their kidneys right. The experience of tens of thousands of people tells them tb'at to accomplish this there is no :means so successful as the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills --the world's greatest kidney cure. • , • • • Ds. Chase's Kidney-Idver Pills cure permanent) by making the kidneys healthy', active and vigorous. They are purely vegetable, act naturally and directly on the kidneys, and 'are wonderfully efficacious. As a prompt and positive cure for kidney disease, liver complaint and all the compli- cations of these filtering organs, they are un - approached by any remedy ever discovered. One pill a dose; 25c. a bolt at all dealers, or E nMARS0N, BATES & Co., Toronto. a �OLLAjj DOCTORS t'f*uOtIsANU$ Olt" ''YOUNG MEN are 'l troubled tv th tiervenaness, despon-�j deuey, exhaustioe, loss of memory, aetimg backs and kidneys, painful urina- tion, bashfulness, sediment in urine, tosses at night, lupotertcy, headaches,varcocete, pimples, teere, bone pairte -Tita results �Wtr1ii of evil habits youthiti or later elteeeses. Our Vitalized reatment cures the worst ease,. Lmia9ions & Varicocele sap the vigor and vitality. and produceweak men. Our Dollar `l'rreatttaeut watt cur• You. Stricture and (Meetly 14* matter how chronic, yield to our Vital- ized Treatment. No operation to palm, fro detention from business. operation, drains cease. Our Cure olnaut Tareeatnueut Will #`r) Blood 84 Sexual Dlstaescal cured forever. No return of the disease, No Mercury. No Poison. Our Doran" Tretetttteert -alit Cute .You. We Guarantee ,' . res. We treat and e• :: ail dila* Hist flfit MUM t OROS of and w ' is for tt iJU lit linglistike Ind Own LOGSI. 'LOGS! Highest cash prices paid. for all kinds of good Saw Logs,. Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts delivered in our yard. . . CUSTOM SAWING, EtiT'ABi.Is1IB(D 72. THE WINiiII0 Mi ES. PUBLISIIED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING The Times. puree, .Beaver Ricoh Sv INUIIAM, ONTAI'.IO. A'icit>ti4 Ali' Stifl:Sn11INTION•-••41.09 pt'r anntir in udvalu'e $1.60 if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued tin all nrrt'ars are paid, except at the option of the lniblislier. ''AbvEleastno BATES, -• Legal and other casual advertisements 8c per Nonl1x)rielline for ilrnt insertion, 8e per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements in local columns are charged 10 cts. per lino for first insertion, and 15 cents Per line for each subsequent insertion. nuc Fn ms for Sale tri to Rent, and Pound, lr 5551x00 fori first month and 80 cents for each subsequent month. C0NmaAaa RATEs-The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for spcuiifie(1 periods: - fines. 1 rn. Ono. also. 12ic. One Column $00.00 $115.00 $15.00 .$0.00 Half Column.. 00,00 18,00 10.00 4,00 Quarter )olwnn ,18.00 10.00 4.00 8.00 Advertisements without tmteei5e directions will be inserted till forbid anct ehargod accord.- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for In advance. ',Gan Jon Dr rAirr Warr is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisitesfor print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. Largo type and appropriate propriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers,•Iiand ills, etc.find the latest styles of choice, fancy type for, the finer classes of print- ing, H, 13. ELLIOTT Proprietor andPublisher. BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAM.. Capital. $1,404,520. Rest, $1,000,000 President-SOHN ST17A$T. . Vleo i'resideut-A, G. RAMSAY. • DIRECTORS , • John Proctor, Geo. Roach m. Gibson, ILI'., A. T. Wood, M, P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). Casliici� ,i. TUIRNBULL, Savings Bank --Hours 10 to 8: Saturday, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. • Spooial Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and Ilio United States Bought and sold. W. OORBOU.GII; Agent. F. L. 'DICKINSON, Solicitor. • . E. SMITH WINOHAM, General BanktnBusjxtess transacted. Money advanced to farmers and business men on endorsed notes and collateral. . Farmers' Sale. Notes Cashed Moneys remitted by draft - to all parts of Canada and tho United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms. ••, WINGHAM HOSPITAL. CAN'T s'rAND COMPRESSED AIR, Por the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and SURGICAL OASES of all kinds. For par- ticulars atkbmss - DR, J. P. nraeli r u x, Medical Superintendent, Wingliam, Ont. Blonds Are Unable to Work ttr111a'1:r sure to t'alesoila. "I've rut. Ftp against some oder thine in my 111110," Naifl all Illinois central uuut, "hut one of the queeaeat is this: Blonds cannier stand the air pressure in caissons and air locks. 1 don't pretend. to account for it, and I never beard any explanation, but 1: know it's so. The darker as 1uan'$ cottaplcxion is the better• he stands it, Tlio swarthy, black eyed Italians aro first class at the work, while it will kill blond Swedes in short order, "I saw a striking illustration of this - odd fact while the Illinois Central was brailditig its big bridge at. ,Cairo. There was au' immense 511101ntt of caisson • work. At the highest levels the men could work eight hours at atime. As . the level went lower and the air pres- sure increased the shifts were gradually - out from. eight hours to twenty minutes.. At the lowest deptIhs twenty reiuutes was all the inert could stand, and they carne up much distressed, One day an ougineer came down to look over some , work and started to go down where the men lvore working four hours at a shift, As we started 1 said to hint: " °x'(1 advise you not to go down,' " 'Why not?' he said. `You're too blond,' said I, "Ile laughed and said he'd risk it, Well,ho faaiuted dead away, We brought • up anCouscious, and wo bad to work over him a long time. before 'eve could bring him to life, I thought he was a dead man sure. "Here's another curious thing about ; the work: When the men come up from tfie low levels, they are nearly frozen inside. You see, the compressed air, which is very cold; gets inside of thein •to equalize the pressure. Now; here's . the queer thing: If the men were given whisky, it would kill them. They thaw them out by putting them in a hot bath and giving them large quantities of hot • coffee.". -=•Chicago Inter Ocean. Catarrh of Lour Standing Relieved in a Pew Hours. ' It is not alone the peopleof our own . country, and promanient citizens Bits Urban Lippe, M..,P., of Joliette, Que., and other members of Parliament, who, having used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal;. Powder, pronounce it the most effective remedy they • have ever known, but • people everywhere are expressing their gratificatiou at the effectiveness of this Inedioine, . G. Archer, . of Brewer,. Mabie s : m'I have had catarrh for several ' ' ars. Water would run from my no . and eyes days at a time. About four onths'ago I was induced to try Dr. gnew's Catarrhal Powder, and sin using the wonderful remedy 1 - ha : not hacl an attack. 1 would not b: ' "thout• it." It relieves in ten min- es. Sold. by A. L. Hamiltoar. RYANSTONE, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. - Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate•of interest. No commission charged. Mort- gages, town and farm nrouert, bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham. SHINGLE CUTTING. j. A: MORTON, BARRISTER, Ste.,. done at lowest prices and satisfaction Winghain, gilt. guaranteed. Call and get prices be- fore disposing of your timber. ' Ei L. DIOEENSON, BARRISTER, ETO. McLEAN N 1831 "v"7=''' 1900 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN The ONLY Agricultural Newspaper Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan. Office -Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. b. s., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Winglialn. add admittedly the D. D. ROSA, D. D. S., L. D. S„ Leading Agricultural Journal DENTIS' Office -Beaver Block, wingLam. OF THE WaRtL1). Every department written by specialists, the ream RITC, highest authorities in their respective line,, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, ' 1,10 other paper pretends to eompete with It in rtuatitications of editorial stad, Wingliam, Ont, Oiveb the agricultural NEWS with a degree of fullness and completeness not even attempted by Others. Bert Reviews of the Crops, Beet Market Reports, . Bolt Accounts, of Meetings, .Best Everything. INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS WHO WISH TO KEEP 11F WITH TRF; TI E3. Single Subscription, 02. Two Subscriptions, 0,80, Pour Subscriptions, 05. Special inducements' to raisers of Larger clubs. at33.1Vrito fot Particulars on this Point Club Agents Wanted Everywhere. • r'ou1' Months' Trial 'grip, 50 Dente. s ' ''G1ME N COPIES will be mailed free on request, It will pay anybody interested in any way in country life to send far them. Address the publishers, aUT11~+all TUOStDR & SOX, ' ALBANY. 1'f. Y. WL MAIi1✓- Sewer and Culvert Pipes Alt :sizes frump x 41,, fn 1,4 rr•. Also. (',,neer t(itn-,' %isl'i'•'= POR PRI tilt std q, • DEANS,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales attended in any part of the County. Charges moderate. ' JOHN CURRIE, WINQHAM, Orrr, LICENSED AUOTIONEER. ( ; ' Sales. of Faint Stock and Farm Implements a specialty. All orders left at Tan TIMlcs office promptly attended to.' Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS, The Right of Way. They had never been blown before to• be ou terms of the slightest civility, but. this certain hour they met in the turn- ing of as Long Thought, and not ,tieing able to pass each other gracefully with- out yielding the right of way, supped' • to >argue,.the matter out, %; ','It is 41ais way," 'gaid Her Mind. "You•?re ono of those persons who think.the highest wisdom is to do It foolish thing. • Yon can never resist the' temptation to bite into the fruit of the• tree of knowledge, and you are just as• ' ready to howl when you find it bitter." "AU fruit is at bitter," said Her. Heart. (And at any rate, this particular• apple it very ripe and rosy to look at." "To look at?" snarled Her Mind., "You must acknowledge, that you take chances:" "Oh, surely," acquiesced Her Heart cheerfully. "But when. one begins to. feel hungry- .-a, • ' "You are .longing to repeat a .very* , • bad, old bargain," scolded • Her Mind, "and sell your birthright for a poor - meal." •'Pottage is not so bad when it is, flavored properly," said Her Heart'. thoughtfully. "But what is to become of me?" said. ' Her Mind. "You and I are the opposing' enols of a see -saw. You go up -I go, down. That is the law." "Yott've been up so long," said Her Heart, "that you're a trifle dizzy, It's my turn now, and besides I'm tired of sitting on the ground," "You're a fool!" cried Her Miner. "No doubt," assented Her heart:. "Therein lies my strengthreally, you had better let isle pass." Cana Caledonia;No. 49, meets O, ,`-`the first and third Monday in ever•yy month, in the gddfelloWs Bnll. Visiting brethren welcome. J. MvauAY, Chief ; H. B. Elliott, Ree: Sec, • JOB PI1INTI11G, A•pchulifig Books, Pamphlets, Poster,a, Rill Reads, Circulars, &e., &e., executed in the best ,style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. 1300E 1NDING.-"We aro pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines Ieft with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for oBinding in any style will be given on o TEM TIMES OPIi'tCE, Winghani. RAILWAY TIME TABLES, GRAND 7CRVNIC RAILW Al' SYSTEM. TIIAL,ad 1.1EAV11 2On Palmerston 0.4(1 a.m.... 2.53 (Lan, 7,on(lon 13.r;1A.m.... 0.15 p.m.Kincardine ....it a.m11.15 p.m.. io 48 p.m. .trtto.VE PnoM Kincardine ....OA9tam aro a.m.... 81:i London., 11.10 a,nt.. R 00 p.m. Pulnierstou '103 p.nt...10.45 p.m. J. It. GORDON, Agriit, Witigii:arn. `1AN AIaIAN PA11l'IC RAILWAY. i. r ' 11.1,1 171 t 1UV16 POR nront., and Eset.. "Think!'" cried Her Mind. "I don't want to," said Her Heart. at Consider!" said Her Mind. "I can't," said Her Heart. ' "Be wiser" dried Her mind_ "What's that?" said Her heart,. p'or a moment there was a tussle on: ' the Highway; Her • Heart and Iter Mind strove gallantly for foothold 011 the narrow pass. Then Here Heart, little by little, overcame and conquered,. and Her Mind stood sulkily aside to let the victor pass. "Really, 1 nlitst apologize for my roughness," said Her Heart, blithely* "batt you must have known that when it came to an actual conflict between'►a l was sure to have the best ofit,"'and Her Heart sang cheerily as it turned the. corner of the Long Thought.-Theodosia ?icltcring Garrison In Life, g.in. .m. t,+as1. t. . "1 V 13ii E. Vulp L Sn3 t4)2 (!(w'1,. ,...m It ��t�iyr, t •• ye week D�mti•ie .''6t,'t t netnt t, , ,r..• •1'014,1 t t A ,+71111. p y • N. I .'-a A • a . A .:t, e',pL et,' t:, (j -.:.c..: 11•t.:4: • t 11.:,•, . l' 'F.