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The Huron Expositor, 1981-10-07, Page 2
, a V Ilk { : fXpask g Sinop 1800, Serving Ilia, Community first "JULarents 12 Matra SR. 527-0240 y to - Published at SEAFORTH, ONTAR10every Wadnesday afternoon ' ,� i In regards to the proposed new arena to be "past hpadpn" by evet:yme go od• by McLean Bros. Publishers Ltd. built in Seafarrth, whether it be the ntW't+vn Why can Seaforth not do thing; like that? ,Andrew Y. McLean. Publther" dollar -plus, or the hundred thousand - plus,, the editor* , P1Y 1 friends. Late hock and broombsll fund, put it in the bank let it bring in as they art saying they do, theme Susan White, Editor do we want it on our taxes - r % I ifRlSAirE T{3 W© dp not want it on our taxes. if everybody wants now arena as much Some how in every write-up in the papers lye• gar" hockey n the only way cy Yin: Member canatdlan Community Newspaper Association, Ontario seem to muss somethingwhish is - wlsTe is s at the arena - same crowd -plus the interest, and the; would not have t 10 ,get it is we have to worst for it. Exeryone - embe Newspaper Canadian Association and Ai udl t 8urerau at on,CirO t arioion this new arena to be built, on how much players cannot even bar a hot coffee etc, as debentures, or int .est payments made out of has to work. not just that little "handful" of load. and what is the "cost of this load? Is the booth closes up before the games r-.: the peoples`peyrTtets, an no orate would have infexested macs. the price of the bind included in the co I of cruet. it oa. their trtxes• the, arena? And where is the, cart of the When the• little people 1py b -4t on p Sutiecrlptkon rates: - d Sstua'day tnornie!SC, I wo4td very touch like I "ow I lta�te i Iy p9?d . II Ganada'3t7 as ear tin advance! architect veto, will design or buts .deal r le• 'e. at are a to elderly people in Cwt of lice X . �, this buildix►g??? tp see the mayor arid: all ht4 �� g t 4�P � �� thiir letter, aid' 1 am ttpCty. H. just h e lye: h tsickfee, tan arena trihxht,tttaarav outoldnGa[1ad:K $•ayear tin advancer n t. 3G, I' 1 P itlat. on the front S a:tpn, go tet the otv .-ud i!ow teass�r Srlttartlt Sud„ st n #fit tawna , w. o t In Ie Co, i.atai' 5R cents escztin P . paretits + there wl4!t,their cliildrem , see! . teti#f<dw. stag have. badgettestt their , witltotttx GrYke iia: theRt 4. R p o it says, 'l'he Axons l hitt < O Tvrio la hpcktr} • You can ;co}rnt 'thetrt cera..: rr piey iPty'th lr ,ole. urea In lift and -$td It are the load. a pt. itrchitert >fe We Saan4t trio:S,maff registraRtan nurrltad6 b#loco this wXite, up. it sey,.. play . tilduig.l etri>tits Ysstte4 to !thttc irr' th. Y'>nr two lisnds,. and taaybe have Cal few . wisely. 7'lt!sj! etid tiottyudgetfa'r tin efCpe.. yve 0►ats which •• up at. tete {r,at r $ era .o s r are,, v(hte:h they„w,.attid prtgtahl�t iatWeC'be. dos• 3 thilak Hte tt4vrr p, due to '$igh interest rates,” Pare. ' minutes {which alwtays Seafa+t and surrouadtug tow axWpa do selitt Sept 30, 1041, Evositar,p heaftS, in but titatlid have to. poy tar, A hatiOul of . SEAFI#iT.lFl. Q1VTu0..l;lQ, C#TC18ER 7, t�$1 areas would axptt ;nuch much. snare, than vtrtr riot get a message'from-. tbot?- )?{ease says., ttt!e'U 'Ment Arena -which I$ at people " thiq lira eapen _ „ve arema is g super what anyone could ever {raagino. Please cell j w wake up before it is;: too late, There is not Vanastra: Goad -rein ft far as long as idea (not thinking of the elderly} yet -they still, hart people. tttiait before you alga any ar enough participation *Seaforth, to support possible. hopefully for 3 to S y_pvs. Why??? want the best, with no work involved, itnd? papers. the weaa we have nqw; how on earth axe we. Muse than we could start an, arena seem to think it would be so vary easy to A real education 'ever think of putting up a larger builelingf` building fund. I know, if every man, woman, resolve. by putting it on the taxes. I cannot affardany more on our taxes, and I have been to countless hockey, baseball. and child in the toroMships, and in Seoforth I tun quite sure there aro many more people We wish nearly 1000 Seaforth area Teenagers and their parents could and btoamball games, and the crowds at work together, having dances, penny sales, 1 k naw a broomball team who raised about who are thinking the same thug, f have been in the audience Saturday night for the Leos panel discussion' these Games are sad. The late ball games bake sales, barbecues, 50/50 draws, etc. we 5300 clear at a dance, the people at Thank you, d raise enough money to build a nice Winthrop made about $1000 (maybe more? Mrs. Clara Brown, played at the Optimist Park have large m+rl on drinking and driving at SDHS. That's ten times the number who'—did crowds - just the players, plus a few wives or arena. Add every penny, nickel, dime, to the in�one day for their park. that's known >ts Egmondville. f, attend but we're sure they all Gould t4ve benefitted, spellbound, shocked and soaking up information from a concerned, informative panel. That was the mood of,the meeting and we're sure those who did hear i anit d see the fine presentations will pass the word to their friends. Next w-. _ -..-a �fford bast thin of course is to read, with care, the Expositor's report of the re na we cin 9 evening. The., experts told kids and parents. ''tike it is." There was little preaching, lectUrin or attempt to mold our teenagers into unrealistic This weekend I had the occasion to be in future, be eligible for a number of grants People tell me if thebuidingisunsafe,lwill building or fixing temporarily the old, I get - P 9, 9 P oar Seaforth Community Centre for a certain and build a new centre. However, no one not go there or send my kids, but i " very angry at peoples' statements and paragons of virtue. Instead those who attended, many whale families, length of time. This is a place I have visited considered the cost and consequences of have nevet.heord of anyone condemning our excuses. Some say I don't use the building or bustling such a move, due mainly to much highways even though they am a major killer i don't have kids etc., but i reason that the parents accompanying kids, got the straight goods. Information on how and known fen .many years as a majority of people in this area have at one badly impairment destroys driving skills, on how an impaired driver's centre of activity. especially on weekends. inexperience. they can'te. the car; tractoever r els their j Y p p tractor or motorbike time or another used. this building ins, their responsibility under the law can ruin his life,and the lives of others, on However, this weekend the place was almost NO e person co although they the car, lifetime either insports, dances, barbecues, how to drink safelyend on how to Sober . u your friends. deserted, and as 1 sat there in the ghostly So next, one person comes in i and although they can be unsafe. People live an p- silence, [wandered about th coast months'' condemns our community centre without and play lice buildings That are is worse shape dinners, meetings, or fairs and enjoyed it. A ' AS well the meeting came up with a couple Of positive suggestiorsthat community centre is as important a part of a events and the dilemna we have gotten anyone ever questioning the move. If than the community centre. Where is the could help prevent future tragedies: the provision of a breathalizer for the ourselves into. someone told me my house was condemned logic to an this? community as the schools, churches, stores jump 1 g WE CAN'T AFFORD -IT and houses and should be°supported as sucfi local police force and a campaign to lobby for a law allowing Ontario In June some engineers came along and l''d tell him to urh in a lake and et,lost. I since it serves as many people. police to suspend a driver's licence for 24 hours. found that the bottom of the trusses were wonder what the community would do. if this, Don't get me wrong I too would like a new Without it our le will a to other carica which made a snow load too heav�and same person came along and condemned and community centre but I realize we can't �o� . g It was an information, common sense packed evening. The 4teenagers unsafe. Next came the figures and alternat- shut down half of our-mainstreet? Would they afford it immediately so why not fur the places for these things and soon you will find were an extreme) attentive audience. p the bottom of the trusses would seven aifighf 4 If we wanted to surely oar g pe p keep tjye that they will stay there. -draining our Y rues. _ ut worst things now which will community of people which leads to c) Seaforth and Dublin Leos deserve- a huge amount of credit for g y our buildin a n for the next coo le of years arranging the evening, as do the Lions members who advised them. cost a lot of money, and after all the could, help orzould get us some agreements while we bid for more time, money, lower unsuccessful businesses etc. and may"lead sr meats council has gotten in previous e.g. we could keep snow off tale roof with rates sad `a better economy. I'm afraid. we 1a' Your community*'becoming a dead town. Wish you ecoid have been there.' will all go to Vanastra this winter and then Even our surrounding occas will suffer if this ,years about faring, this suggestion appeared electric cables, or shovel it off, ar Shut the 13 _ - the least likely solution. However, some- building for a day when the snow load is find -that next spring they will either fix the happens in spite of their coatention.that the times fizin'g'is cheaper than the alternatives heavy etc. trusses which could have been done now; or community centre serves only a small part of r.. and;bother. Some contractors claim they can Then, when a building is condemned it they may decide they can't afford to do their people. Since our neighbouring areas • fix those trusses for one third the quoted has to be shut down, and in this case Oct., 15 anything and will be content to cent Vanastra cannot get together without letting old Oneday ,t , t,1,,� estimate, if ao why don't we let them da it7 is the date. I reason to myself, that a indefinitely•for us while this building sits politica! issues and feelings interftre, I be Then in two years the floor will have to be building that is. condemned has to be in there empty. This would be an unrespons- suggest that a community centre tone board each fixed. The question arises,,16 it worth putting terrible shape and falling' down, but this tole crime of community suicide. setup consisting -of Tepceseaatives of each by Jim H a g a rty , all this money- into .an_ -old buiding whose building doesn't fit either description. When people go to other places, you, have arca neighbouring the community, and of inevitable fate will be the wreck&r. bar,-w-hon..�5..anyo_ne in this :QaKt. a> .tete... ...ya. consider theYvvilC spend buy in these � vvh v will organize this-tssue _ . 'o on benefits ' b -• -- - --••• -� • � --- •� • - • steel construction becomes a. must at public country knows#hat we don't have: any amount places, much' to our community s loss, and In my opinion everyone buildings? However, many �df`s have of snow until much after and if there. keeping-a-commtuli a!{ve and a community our town cannot afford this. This money, community tY considered a similar problem as we "mild.winter we might not have any snow going elsewhere 'could be. saved and put centre cettitliilt does this. together es minodeled our old houses and reasoned that- .tn speak Of. with, no building we are all , towards A new building. Then there is the need more tient and togetherness to some,es it's better t,,I slowly and keep a ' t d to go elsewhere, so just think of all problem of money. In this. da of seve arganixe this, even if it takes another five to re roof over our heads, while paying for it as coo $ie' money going to other communities that competition people shop around for the right ten Ym• But in the meantime the old arena. is �Y f go, rather than going into a huge debt' could have stayed here. And just imagine prices etc. but when it comes to a big project should be running. It's a crime we are letting d While we were pondering these suggest- going all over while this building sits there we seem to be stuck on quote and one plan, rt close this winter. Has ourcomI ty become y empty Surely there are others. complaex our mon sense ions, it was decided that it may be better to tin with no snow on it most of the time. ; rat that coin o - I Have never been in Prince, Edward introduced to several other people who also cannot prevail? - - i Island before and really didn't know what dropped everything and treated me like a condemn the building as is inevitable in the Ridiculous! When it comes to raising, money for a new p Elly Schoonderwoerd b expect. long lost cousin. I ins tilted everybody any - --_ I had heard that life was slower there time I offered to pay for anything and' we - sad that theogle were friendlier than we all t late at night drinking coffee, 0 Pe are in Ontario. sting . blueberry pie and tanking But to be -honest, I -had m doubts. All y Y When 16oaiiied ' file ferry again on ru ie rajlway-. those wonderful descriptions of the Mari- Wednesday morning to start my journey Seatofth • -., � r time: s sounded to me like one of those home, I really wondered why I was coming self-perPetiiitting myths that nobody starts back to busy, old Ontario at all. nobody disputes and. everybody believes. and it now presents a very inviting •The Lslanders may not be tis properous OCTOBER?, 1881 And yet, I fell madly in love with as we are, but in some important areas, Miss Duncan, late of Brantford has opened appearance. Canada's smallest province ,the minute 1 they' aren't half so poor. dressmaking rooms in Me'ver's Block• up- In tj he years,agone 'Gladys Smalldon of Walton spent a few set foot on the island. I stayed only five _— s airs where she will no doubt be always days with friends in Winthrop this week. days, but when I left, I felt like .1 was - — t ready to attend to the want of lady customers.. Mrs. E. A. Little and son of lrogiiois Eales leaving home. Several of our prominent businessmen yards; Seaforth on Saturday. October 20th. to Glasgow. Scotland. are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.A. I caught the ferry in New Brunswick on a have at last commenced to "talk up" the The sheep raising business' is once' 'more OCI'OBER9,1931 Wilson of Seaforth, Friday_afternoon.,and while I was relaxing over coffee as the boat slowly.made its way scheme of building a branch railway from becoming quite profitable and as there is a Mr. and Mrs. W .A. Crich of Seaforth were OCTOBER 12,1956 overc eight miles of water to the island, a Suaarand Seaforth to Brucefield. scarcity of good breeding ewes in this in Montreal this week where Mr, Crich was Seaforth voters will be asked to decide at across Henry Hart, Leadbury, has rented from vicinity, Mr. Chesney's .safe is timely and attending the annual convention of the the December elections whether or not there nice young man came up to me and asked ifMatthew Gilpin his farm consisting of 50 should be largely..attendcd. Dominion, Bakers' Association. will, be any further extension to the town he could hitch a ride with me when weacres situated on the 7th concession of Mr. J. Crich writes us -to say that he is The merchants of tfie surrounding country sewer system, it was indicated at council , dise irked from the ferry. He looked McKillop paying for it a yearly rental of 3135, not the contractor fo'r the painting of the met in Dublin on Thursday evening to Tuesday night. t enough, so I agreed to give him a ��� R. Patterson of the Hensall planning mills, station buildings on'the Guelph and Goderich discuss ways and means to coke w ith the The PUC at a meeting last week awarded a, t,kand for the next half hour, until the appears to -be ke It very busy. Hd is at present Railway as we stated in the Wahon'news last present business situation. The meeting was contract for the construction of walls and of boat docked,, he'filled me in. on what there -� manufacturing a large number of farm gates. week. Mr. Crich is simple foreman and well -attended and the discussion on the figs of new accomforth oat the rear al was to see and do in P.E.I. Mr. Carmichael of Seaforth war.+s to sell superintendent of the painting work for the adopting of more modern business methods the town hall ter Seaforth Concrete General My new-found friend and i drove from By Bill Smiley the mansion Hotel. There is not a better contractors Messrs. Gutteridge and Edge. was most interesting and instructive. The old Contracting. The tender price was ,$2,?90. Baden, where the ferry landed, to a little y g The tehder w i town called Kensington, about 15 miles ,opening in Canada for a good man, These gentlemen have the contract for all the long-winded credit system must o, A es.tht< larWyts of two received. towagrJ, led the in , . kept, � u an OCTOBER 12,1906 stations, except Guelph and including preferred credit on the .quarterly payment ' Mr. - and Mrs. J. Lamont and family of y p p R'S lost i n the mall . The Expositor has to thank Alex Stewart for Goderich: plan for general merchandise was agreed on. London visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. animated•° conversation and when we a sample of delicious grapes grown in his o.vn The snow storm in Hensall on Wednesday A number of items which do not warrant Lloyd Porter of Walton over the weekend. arrived in his hometown, he invited me into garden. Mr. Stewart is a successful grape was a very heavy one for the first of the credit, will be listed and posted in the various Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Looby and family of a pub where we.played the juke box and' g g p y y Robertson. Mrs. gawked at all the pretty girls. rower and can almost beat Robr. Govcnlock season and had the effect of bi•eakin dawn business laces and sold only a strictly cash Dublin visited -in Dundas with Mr. -and Before long, another man, a stranger to in this line• the number of fruit and shade trees. oasts. bosh of us, came to oars table and invited, Geo. M. Chesney, of Seaforth will have an G.T. Turnbull of Seaforth is again buying Margaret Drummond of Hensallhas been Mrs. Lorne Pepper of Niagara Falls and >v of us ,to a party he was throwing auction sale of a choice lot of Leirester and and shipping apples. i.ie buys mostly in the very tastefully decorating her ice cream and Mrs. Grace Callum of Blyth were weekend the ewof We both declined, because of Cotswold breeding ewes at Dick's stock- Southern counties of the prbvince dhd ships lunch parlour known as "The Do Drop In" visitors with Mr, and Mrs. James Hay that nv previor s commit meats we'd made, and ,t the friendly soul seemed genuinely,.disap- pointed. My friend and h parted company ' after another half hour and I headed dowere r"JLRJLS t e t the road for Charlottetown. p -le., from 't I was, in P.E.I. on business, and when 1 woke up in my motel room the next day, i aiecidtd I would get. everything done as Almost exactly 10 years since the last useless to anybody but someone who wanted meat? Who pays for the huge expense of the quickly as possible and head back to passenger train ran through Huron County A Be -hind the scenes do go to Goderich fpr lunch. airports?' Not the port ti We're subsidizing riA11 t OntttcW s Croon as I could. I didn't have a lot of other communities who once th ought OF COURSE that the LOST all kinds of transportation it's j much rail' lot eat'money to spend. they were safe from the loss of their odyn by Keith R o u (s t O n It'sto: 'wonder then that the railways were passenger subsidies stem so much more l An Ontario friend, who had numerous passenger train service afe reliving our loss. abet to say they lost money and beg the visible. the federal government has shown ride, oar could leave, it shunted on govtrrttme.t to het them withdraw service. At a convention in Tomato on the weekend telativtson the island, had urged me to call The irony is that so much has happened in supplies, g bumpy Y The combined the in love affair (i drove since the only alternative was to his sister when I arrived, but I really didn't that decade to argue that the trains should it has more concern about it's precious the siding for days and it never mace a fuss. Y growing, want to and almost didn't call. But, I would be coming back, not going. it was sad. back spending money. It doesn't want to pay out And there was good imoney in it. Desire '•had with their ed and,, hu with a ' drive for an hour to Stratford to catch a 6:45 have had to explain to him why I never 6r 1971, to see the last passenger train roll any more subsidies to Via ' Rail Canada to People were a problem. They demanded desire not to log degraded re at humiliated, that a.m. how convenient enttrains could Kingston showed "bothered to all her when I got back home through the fields and towns of western keep up lines that are losing money. It wants too much. with a desire to get somewhere at a time that just how Convenient era{ns could lot. He was as I picked up the phone. I was determined Ontario but you couldn't really argue against muse the money saved from mlzrginal lines I used to travel by train a fair ,bit back in was convenient to do th_0-business they had lucky enough to live i. the aha part art the Jo drop out to her place for only an hour or the decision. There weren't many people on to upgrade still further the rail service the last days of passenger trout! in these do• country where. rail service is improving. IIs era, jtistuo i could say I had been there, and that last train, just as there hada a bten between Toronto and Montreal, the only two parts• i often felt like a piece of freight the But just how real are the losses and just aught a train in hotel room and two hours then I would continue on my way • may for weeks and months and years cities In Canada you'll soon be able to use say CN passenger officials treated the how important are they. The government hater was in his hotel room in Tomato, I called the woman and was promptly before. The tale is told that a group of irate th train it the current thinking continues. people who used their service. I began to kicks at these losses and says itis cheaper to relaxed, rested and had been able to do work iavited out to her farmhouse. She municipal politicians y g most people b busses than b rail but does and the way down, It would have taken him at counter ai liticians once went to a hearing A NEW C014iI'ANY wonder if the railway was trying to drive lK p Y Y i ixtttrcted me to pick up her sister-in-law in to protest the loss of their rail passenger Via Rail was supposed to stop some of this people away from their service. They it really look at the real costs of busses? Sure least that lung to drive and he would have Cad tort n before I left, so I did. service. The chairman of the hearing aitked deteSioration of rail service. It was a new seemed to find the meanest of conductors on the outside -it may hook better but what been exhausted. ', b ,istt,',I.iroom in this short column to the pe UjIcians he3w they got tq the hearing company formed to take over passenger from their .Lwkoir buying .,a .glue autoe.aatic about- the hidden costs. Railways trust keep But his story had another aids. In part of d"°Owevents of thte next four days but and they sold they came by car of course: service from the major railways who had employees and pay them dividends to insult up their own roadways from their own #s fethinking Via Rail decided.that in order all lett me scr �tchin m head in p Y Y as many people revenue. Busses ate public, roadways, too s d the tri from Toronto to Montreal it fetch g Y End of argument. shown am I that the did' not want to be eo le as possible. They often p y p wtindermetit: I wouldn't have been better yet it's a different world than 1931. Today bothered with people. People were a pain. Wined to work overtime. probably with the roadways that coat a fortune to keep up was going to Cut out the Kingston atop; received if I was the Prime Minister. I was with the prospect of 54 a gallon gas, with Nee freight was so much better. You could use ,o' computers. to design the most although the boats Xray Only a armee saving about pint the on the run. The fed big: hearty couatty masala+ taken out eo concern about conservation erste would think take freight when you wanted, not when the inconvenient schedule possible such as the proportion of their real coats. What about only other stop in the entire tun was one e a cllnnrrt toad obs at #heir a rie. a couch movement would be back to forms of people woofed as in passenger service. If • Me frofFr Stratford to Goderich which went to the airjines, itometh{ng the government has fitxottto suburb which no one ever used. arch ilex lag bag voce foot d ftyt rue and the transportation. And yet for all it's you were a few minutes or hours late, so who rieh about 11:30 in the ma�ng and had ti fixation about since the days of Jack, way w►Cttes goinga to leave�that la. Is this any tllrrroatjslr" that sae conntctior►. I was concern about conservation `bf precious fuel caned. You. could go slow. You could have a tetntned about 1:30 thtareby being throughly Pickersgill iii the I tuts St. Laurent goner.- w1►y to run a railway?