HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-09-30, Page 16r Western Fair midway or CNE, but this is not London or Toronto either. The Demolition Derby had over 30 entries and was quite a success. The fair grounds were packed with lots,. or people waiting for excite- went, duck y, there was only one time I noticed that they had to use fire eltinguishers to put out a fire and they had that under coetrol, in a few Minutes. It was a lot of fun and it was hard to see everything at once. reopie were very ant- tinned about this year's fir with the exhibits in the round lhbtse. the 4./1 competitions. the Demolition Derby anti everything else that went on at the fair grounds this past weekend. PRYDI The Prychi Nam* Represents, Over 60 Years Of Service To Huron & Surrounding Counties May we have the privilege of serving you with your memorial needs ORDER NOW! — Over 150 monuments on display and ready for installation this fall. — All priced well below regular 1981 prices. — Compare before you buy — We have the most fully equipped shop right here in Exeter to give you the finest quality and service possible. — The only service and product we sell is cemetery memorials. — All work fully guaranteed. Pryde Monuments 293 Main Si, Exeter Phone 235-0620 Ptl 'i[)E Wouldn't, it be great' if... Wouldn't it be great If we could stay young forever If we didn't have to grow And face society. if we could live free From the pressures and expectations placed upon us during life. -All of a sudden As we heath adolescence life around us changes as we face, pressures and heartaches. Why must the world be so hard on teenagers Why must the next few years be the toughest we wilt face. Drinking and drugs are horrors of today's society People are harmed and killed -by these items of temptations. Senseless accidents are happening but the persons involved, never think of the families with an empty chair at the supper table. The paintind agony that never ends in the lives of those. forever Why do people never think of the consequences to be faced. Don't be lead by others Who are trying to be smart Don't be the cause of another accident. that could have been prevented. Just Think — Wouldn't it be great if these things didn't happen. A teen-ager in betweens , teens, IP CLEANING,- Th nor Carpet= -Driesitr3firs - No Shrinkage Residential -Commercial & Industrial. Upholstery Cleaning • Free Estimate Bob Lortle 527-0962 R.S. Box Evenings 5274680 524-2260 r — T.V. & STEREO Complete Line ZENITH TELEVISION AND STEREO SALES SERVICE Seaforth Electronics 17 Sperling St., 527-1150 OPTICIAN David-'r Langstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS AND OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Med Promptly 'HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Pri., 9:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. Closed Wednesdays Sat., 9 12 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 7;- THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEPTEMBER 30 1901 Four i year old showng calf a car. truck or firetruck, you might , try some of the there was a rkWor that too. If games down the midway. Woo were More of a gambler. No, it was definitely not • the lfllf PATMOA litIKMER Who says that nettling is "lc OM on in Seaforth? last weekend there was so lath going on at one time it want. hard to keep track of it A. Sore, the fall fair only takes up one weekend and them are Si more weekends in s year with not much to do but It's a start. The-Olit *004 off this yentas always on Thursday Witllt the crowning of que 4.141 Iasi week's calttan,#* I tnetioned that this yen we hail more contest, ,ulitstkohever before. It was better that way, There were OVO 041141$ op and the queen, who, this year was Miss Congeniality. Lisa NeweY represented the Sea- forth District High School Students Council and will represent Seaforth in next year's CNE. Heather McPherson was second run- ner up representing Seaforth Len.Club and. Lori Olsthoorn was first runner up, It was a Pod competition. Also a . Thursday night there was amateur talent at thearena. One of the attract- ions there was the Opthniit Whistler* who whistled a nice tune and did a little dance while they went. It was the first time that I've ever teen their dance; I found it amazing. I'm not sure if the indentfty of the wNstlers is no be a secret, but I will tell you that they are tw brothers from around Se forth area and they bath families so don't' credit it two Crazy teenagers! There were also step- &pincers at the amateur talent Thursday night and many speeches including that of Carolyn Wilson, last year's queen of the fair. On Friday there was the annual 'pande down main street front the Optimist Park to the fair grounds led by the SDHS Girl's Trumpet Band *Aimed by the excited school kids. fall lair queen contestants, other floats and heraes. It was a good parade. Thine were plenty of downs, space men, animals and even the popular smerfs were in the parade this year. After the parade came to a kilt at the fair grounds. kids filed. • off * all directions !yin to 600 their mothers. aStean, brothers, friends', or food bOoths. After most ftelts had cleared otttof. the wail, theiFi4s .were Web' v,aith ati adult. and everyone Out of the rata 044, the speeches . hOrse races and 411 events tegan.' This year was the first year that t have ever gone over to see people show. their calves etc. I was , amazed. A FOUR-YEAR-OLD Actually I went over to see the four-year-old brother of a friend show his calf with the help of his father. They started off in the best way''. possible, the boy beside the calf with his father , holding tightly to the rope by the calf's head and the boy holding to the end of the rope. Around and around they went watching and talking to the calf trying to convince it to _he good. Unfortunately at the same time, there were helicopter rides over at the high school and the helicopters were continuously flying over the ring catching Jason's attent- ion every time. He'd look up and point out to the flying 'object to his father and forget hold on to the calf quite as hti As the helicopters wer- t enough, there was a display of farm machinery right beside the ring also catching the future farmer's attention. Every time he went around he would take a good look at the kids playing on the tractors. He did a good job though and came through with a fourth prize. We were all very proud of our little farmer. Dressed with a white cattleman's hat that insisted on falling off at the time, I think he was pretty pleased himself. GOOD MIDWAY Watching the animals etc. wasn't the only, thing to do on Friday afternoon, The mid- way Yja$ 80041- this Year-4 the future astronauts there was the astroliner. For people 'who like to get" dizzy. • the ride, was the sizXlet. For those not 000 of heights, there was the paratrooper. And for the little guys who have always wanted to drive The new music teacher. Mr. Cookson. replaced Mrs. Snpeene this year. This year there's a JunioreBand, and a Senior 'Bind- ' • The Junior Band hats fifteen. memhers, rtitotO op The Oxide Om end, 4 ,few 'Grade . sevens. '.174e senior band hes twentemem bets. 'Made t4 of GralAes seven and eights. There's something else new this year at Hullett. He has created an instrumenteland vocal Music class *Stew/ of regular music 0100s.- Everyone will be lookIng' forward to good mu, sic A*, year. lt40,PROGRAM Mrs. Ha/lam. the iihrarian here at Hullett is teaching pre-schoolers crafts and other arts at the school library. This program started on Thurs- day, September The%Weida from grades seven and eight take the bus to Seaforth public school every Tuesday to take a course in cOOking and sewing in Family Studies or tools and woodwork-in shoo. GRADE StirtP1 TRIP Qn Wednesday September 23rd, the Grade seven class went on a trip to a reconstru- cted Indian village name Ska-hah-doht outside of Lon- don. This was an educatiOnal History Trip. The students are studying Archaeology and Native Tribes and found this to be an exciting trip, that was enjoyed by everyone. Happy !Birthday Happy Birthday to Elsie Willems ?? on September 30th. Pat MacCrae 29? on Oct- ober 1st. Cheryl Read 15 on Sept- ember 27th. Big kisses to Little Lucy Delaney who will be 15, October 4. Happy Belated Birthday to Karen Finlayson who cele- brated her 19th on Septem- ber 26th. Joe and John Eckert on September 29. If you know of anyone who is celebrating their birthday soon, send their name, age • and birthday to Birthday Notices. The Huron Exposit- or, Box 69, Seaforth or phone 527-0240.' New music teacher at Hullett t— HEATING HEY981 Tod* 1.11;fit Ifyoujust sit . You linnet quit Being unfit. kis pasnamiaramllP. comie...•••••••••••••••••••••• rCUSTOM BUILDERS, • FEENEY CONSTRUCTION L TD • Custom builder; • Contracting • Complete building service New homes 6"RenOvationi • Farm buildings , 345-2405, Dublin I er—CARPENTI4Y-Th • House Renovations • Additions • Siding • Any Home Improvements BOB REGELE 527-0715 "—SURVEYOR Christian Fl.Kiar Limited 14 Ontario 42 West Street Goderich, Ont. Zenith 4-2250 Lennox and`DaatAlre- `Furnaces Sheet Metal Work Specialists In Engineered Heating Systems 262-6319 Kippen, Ont., -• r.--APPLIANCES-Th Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 J (-CHIMNEY SWEEP Chimney Need 'Cleaning? Call VERN'S CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICE Seaforth 527-0674 . - FEED MILL FLEMING FEED MILL • Bulk Pelleted Feed, • Fast unloading elevator • 2 pits open 24 hrs. a day CLINTON 482-3438 "---CARPENTRY — J&J Carpentry •Concrete Forming and Finishing *Framing *Drywall •Roofing eCabiderMliking John Ryan 527-1520 -• /.—MUFFLERS r".4 MUfflercgliararlteed as long as you own the car SEAFORTH MOTORS LTD. 527.1010 ./ (—ELECTRICAL Geo. A. Sills & Sons HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING. HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone: .52'• I fi20 Sea forth ELECTRICAL K. MURRAY ELECTRIC 24 hour service Farm. residential, industrial and coinmercial wiring 527-0984 Seaforth SEAFORTH INSURANCE 39 Main St. S. Seaforth .Home .Business .Farm ,-.Auto .Life . Sickness & • Accident . Investments 527-1610 SUPPLIES- Feed Seed-Fertillier Farm Supplies Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 r--CARPENTRY FLANAGAN CARPENTRY • Custom Built Houses, • Additions, "• Renovations, • Aluminum Siding, • •Sheds. Peter Flanagan 527-1399 MURRAY ' HENDERSON CARPENTRY Renovations, `Additions, Sheds, Framing, Any Home Improvements FREE ESTIMATES -51274731 r7—APPLIANCESTh APPLIANCE & .REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized factory warranty Service and repairs to KELVINATOR & INGLIS APPLIANCES Service and repairs to all makes HORNE'S MAJOR APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE 527-0636 __Seaforth PIANO TUNING •• ttischrig • Keys Recovered • OcIlmontkosers BRUCE PUL SIFER 348-9223 Mitchell . .1 (-FUNERAL HOME-N. 11 llo, V.Ls rf Puneral Director K .J . Card no: 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527;0805 c-IMPROVEMENTS •-• !AOC LEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone 52 7 -0032 Free Estimates For Siding Aluminum and Vinyl, Aluminum Windows Doors. Awnings. Railings r-CHIRCIPRACTOR SEAFORTH CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE . Thomas J. Devereaux 25 Goderich St. W. Seaforth, Ontario Phone Bus. 527-1242 Res. 527.4942 Mon. - Fri. 8-12:00, 1-8:00 Tues., Thurs 8-1Z:00 1:30 - 8:30 Wed. 8:1 Sat. 9-1 r•--SHARPENING -1 AB types of saws, knives and scissors sharpened Specializing in Carbide saws and tools STAY SHARP SALES AND-SERVICE Gordon Blanehard RR4, Walton 527-1806 CAR, CARE GORD'S GULF Licensed Mechanic Service to all makes of cart HOUSE CALLS AVAILABLE 527-0333., DECORATING Graves Wallpaper -----Paint Featuring MooreO Canadian & Imported Wall Coverings 527-0550 Seaforth (—DECORATINGExpertor ,rt (;3;: f 2 Waieicmovpeariinngtss K 15" Window Shades \.410 Armstrong Carpets 'HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PApE Phone 527-1880 15 Main-St-.: Seafooh r- coNsTilucTioN-N Construction ROOFING & SIDING PAINTING EAvEsTRoUGH I NG FARM BUILDINGS CONCRETE WORK ' 7 Tears' Experience 'Guaranteed Workman- ship , Free Estimates Lyle Ward 527-1411 SEWING 1 SEWING MACHINE', SUPERMARKI-1 Over 100 machines on 0+5:. 4+. Seryice to all makes Sates • White Elna iqusevarno '015 of used machines from ea SEW A ND SA11. CENTRE LTD. 149-Downie S1 [2-chaors south or Huasonsi \„, Stratford. 271.960 REFINISHING Furniture Refinishing ' All Hand Stripped We Buy Otteurrutow (any condition) Tables, Chairs Dressers. • etc., _ .27j-4312 Collect Ask for Ron 527-0714 After 730 p.m. & ask for Mike F TL F loR1 Hildebrand Smera —n 5 h St. Sea e54277d10555 Res. 527.1784 - Complete' Floral Service) with a personal touch. FUNERAL HOME Whitney -Ri6ey ' Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Gpderich St , Seaforth PhCfri 527-1390 Sincere and courteous" service -.• ACCOUNTANTS ATKINSON. INNES. LEACH & NEILL Chartered Accountants Accounting. Auditing, Tax Planning and Tax Returns 20 Gouinlock St. g27*--1331 SEAFORTH ELEC RICAL--Th INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL and FARM WIRING CALL I/ Brodhagen Electric GARY DILL '345-2442 JOHN ELLIGSEN 345-2447 • 4