HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-09-30, Page 12match! Take advantage of acces-sories to brighten up your new abode. Throw pillows are always good for accenting a-couch—try several in a variety of hues if you wish to make your living room really. colourful. Some small curios and favourite knickknacks also can add interest and provide new focal points to - "borrowed" tables and shelves. Also, ire sure to grow lots of plants. They look great in everY4roorn: many are inex-pensive and easy to care for—and they never go out of 'sty16. WEDDING SHOWEII TIPS: Design a table to- display gifts :as, -they are unwrapped. Bridal shower paper and sheer curtains make a backdrop for gifts at this shower theined Deluxe Bath." Silk flowers and ribbons on gifts can become lovely keepsaketi for the bride and a pretty I quiet for the wedding rehearsal. Unique shower ideas bride, guests and host will enjoy Here at your Credit Union we can help with 1ST MORTGAGES COMPLETELY OPEN people • helping Mr? . mos MS r i 11r VW people -miusumool- Plus mom, more advaniagei. See us. the.. Lome in and consult our stylists to see which style suits vottr dress and head pie ecorate home easy care WEDDING FLOWERS , - --C AllrtikE tit MAGIC ,QF 1704,SPECIAL,DAY WEDDING :FLOWERS ARE OUR SPECIALTY SILK & FRESH DESIGNS Hildebrand Flowers 15 main St., &Worth 527-0555 Complete floral service, with a personal touch t, Give the Wedding Gift that lasts forever! Sewing is the relaxing hobby that will also save the young married couple money. Mars 'N has R cornplete line of new iillute and Elna sewing machines, at prices to suit evi y budget. You can buy a new White Open-Arm machine. with stretch stitches. for as little as 298. With trade. Any machine is available for take-home demon- strations. and we offer free lessons with any machine. What else can-we do for you? . We can help with the selection ol your bridal gowns, bridal apparel. bridesmaid 's et,senthleN. and mother -of -the bride. We hare eustoni sewers nn staff. for prompt service. Making your own gown See our selections of laces. satins. sheers. Interlocks. and accessories. Let the bridal experts at Mars's help you to a beautiful begin rung.. etry:!, lilt oft "Your authorized White-Etna Sowing felioeitino OiNtior" 17 VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON 482.7.3. Dlloswisz8c)stz OV COREILLE EXPRESZOONS Hensall — Ontario 122 King Street - NOM 1X0 Telephone (519) 262-2015 ©f th® MOWS TROUSSEAU Ccm@011Gi 11.0vOngwan Giftware, Crystal, Appliances, Cookware, Bakeware, Pyrex-Ware, Corningware We do Gift Wraping Hensall PRO Hardware s- We carry a wide sefection of gifts far the bride KITCHEN CUPBOARD BLYTH Something New Interestirtg Natural Health Food Dept. for a wedding toY remember FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 523-1221 Flowers Beautiful Style, not :cost is important Giving a wedding shower? Make it a fun time for Decorating.your first apart-ment With Iffrid-me-down fernittirb tiom parents and relativea-Onbea challenge to newlywed couples. Howelver, decorating with "converhation pieces" when you fit* set up house is definitely tO your advantage: itgivesyoutifne to determine your long-range wants and needs. and allows you to budget for those items you'll want td keep for years to come. Here'' are some) handy do-it-yourself decorating hints to help beeutify. your home: Large) bureaus or dressers can take on new life by simply. refinishing or repainting them. Often, professional decoratOrs will blend such pieces With the walls so they seem WI disappear. t his can be done by paint-ing the walls with geometric lines orlpatterns and extend- ing thist-pattern on the dres- ser itself. Or, paper the dresser with the same wall- paper you are using on the walls. thertcoverwith varnish or plastic sealer. Hand:me-down pieces can be simple to care for; too! A ccle's approach 'h d corating a first home apartment may detertnine a future of easy-care &barer long hours spent on home maintenance. For the couple interested in spending more time- with each other and less time on housework, a practical decor- ating strategy will produce a home that is stylish and e*- to care for. Old mirrors can be moder-nized by refinishing or by revering borders with fabric glued over padding and stretched over to the back. ReneW dinette sets either by painting or by covering the table with a pretty floor length linen table cloth. chair cushions can be covered 'to peting is versatile enough for a number of decorating appli-cations. Decorative baskets are cre-ative organizers. A large trunk-like basket used as a coffee table serves as a storage bin for books or can hide the miscellany for a quick elean-up. in the kitchen. baskets can be hung decoratiVely to hold recipes. napkins and place- mats, and house plant equip- ment. Desks can be tidied by using baskets as catch-ails for pens. paper. stamps and as files for correspondence. A new couple can have more free time if they spend just a few hours making plans for a home that is stylish and easy to maintain. dent. Remember that they loo will he both excited and nervous about thi4- big event. their chance to share some of your limelight. and that they will' be dicing their very best on your most important day to make it Jest a little bit more special. ft Thirtk of us as a friend of the family SAVINGS ACCOUNTS - CNECgliNG ACCOUNTS YOUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION EXETER CLINTON Located iii the Old Town Hall 70 Ontario St. 322 Main St. 482.3467 235-0640 . Almost an> one can hoNt shower ieccept ineinhcfs of the Old iminediate families, of course). and altruist anythingean be the theme A little ingenuity can'resrilt in a Shower the bride .arid her gue s t s V. ill ri:Meinher and smile about forever The editors of Bride's maga- sine have come up -with sonic great new shower ideas To give the guest of "Red Carpet" treatment plan a party-to shower the bride sk ith lavish. indulgent gift itenis. • Gifts of scented bath oil• a vide of champagne. certili- :ate for ice cream ora slaarkl ing xiir of earrings for the Wedding lay are appropriate presents for this type of gathering. - For the couple who are-des- tined to become "Mr. and Mrs. Fix-It;" a shower for women. and for men too, with a hard- ware theme is fun and different. Make a table outrof sawhorses and a wooden plank (the couple can use it in their new.heme till the furniture is delivered), and plan a hearty meal of toast beef. cheeses. hero rolls. and salad Serve oil and vinegar in oil cans -Dish out apple pie for dessert. Dress the couple up in hard hats before: they open the preseMs. With gifts of tool chests, _tape -measures. paint brushes and screwdrivers, the pair will be ready to start putting together their new house or apartment. A "Round the Clock - show er gl kl.!5 ionip,uty the ill portunity to show their creato,c and humorous side. Each guest is assigned an hour of the tfa). then brings a glint) match. The guest encloses at-note-.telling wh> she made her choice. To start the creative juices flowing: an alarm clock at 7 AM, coffee mugs at 8 AM. and an apron at 9 AM for the break- fast chef—thebride's husband! Serve Bloody Marys-. Chicken a 14 King in party shells, salad ol vegetable and a sweerdessert. "A -thoughtful hostess will plan the shower that best suits the persOnality and special needs of the couple." says He- len-Johnson. Managing Editor of Bride's. Planning a wedding shower? There are plenty of ways to make this event easy and fun—for the bride, the guests and for you! One way is to give the shower a theme. This will guide guests in a nice way toward gifts the bride and groom will really ap- preciate. • According to Bride's maga-zine, it's perfectly acceptable to registered.entionon t he. shower invita- tion stores where the bride is Bride's also reports many de-partment store bridal registries now list the housewares depart-mentso this allows an even Widei choice in g &thaying. If the bride is not registered. she'll thank you for listing her favor4 bath or decorating colors on the invitation, For alkitchen gadget-shower you might headline your invita-tion. "Cook's Delight." Or for a bath theMe. "Decorate the Bath!" Carry the theme through . . gift bars:of soap could be game prizes at a bath shower. -And. for wedding:gift ideas, a new line called Rubbermaid tl offers -pretty bath iteins in gift boxes Consider the couple's taste You could also plan the shower around the decorating tastes of the bride and groom The imitation could.-read Countn Shower Janet and Dave arc lovers of old-cash toned treasures and' homespun natural goods, so think 'coati - I LAST MINUTETII7 FOR GROOM The morning of the wed• ding. the groom is apt to be a bit nervous. The following check list. suggested by Robert C. Rudoficer. President of After Six Formals. should help him accomplish what -he needs to v, nhaminitnum of confusion • Line up clean underwear and appropriate socks before- hand. • Make .sure shoes are ready-and remember. clean handkerchiefs are a must at all but the dullest weddings. • If garnients are on wire hangers or i n a hangers ox. putthem onwooden which will hold their shape best- • Arrange with the best man to pocket walletme kaendd safely bulky away ouhttatoevfemssight. -Nothing is worse than keys jingling at the altar or a pack of 'cig- arettes ruining the line of the jacket. try' for this shower!" Cards with a calico print or artwork of pottery and baskets would help convey the idea. Don't forget important details . . . enough seating (arranged for sociable conversation), fresh flowers or other decorations and soft music in the background. You may need someone to help you welcome.guests and in-troduce people to each other. plus help in serving refresh-ments and someone to note gifts and -giver as packages are opened (have pen and paper on hand). Prior to the shower, cover the basics with those helping you so minimum direction will be re- quired while guests are present. Games? More than one per-son has groaned at the thought. but they can help break the ice for guests just meeting one an-other. Amusing anecdotes Here's a suggestion. Have two sets of matching numbers prepared. Each arriving guest receives a number while the du-plicate is attached to their gift. -As the bride opens each gift she calls out the number and the guest with that number must re-late some funny incident. per-haps from marriage. a first date ora situation of their choice. You can tic this idea into a kitchen or bath shower theme by having guests relate their crazi-est experiences in a kitchen or a bathroom. Guests can vote on the win- ning story, and to collect the prize the winner must sing a stanza from a favorite "in-the-shower" tune for a bath shower, or perhaps make up an "ode to a vegetable" for a 'kitchen shower. (If the winner was vo-ted the funniest story teller. there will probably be little trou-ble with this assignment!) Have a goodlitne Above all, plan the shower to provide a happy event for your guest of honor, and do simplify gift buying for your guests with a little direction. Finally, allow yourself time to join in the festivities. -Plan-ning ahead with a :fun shower theme will help assure you and your guests-of the best time pos-sible . -PP Hair Design Using- both standard dec-orating ideas and their own .4. persenai style can result in practical solutions for an easy-care home. - For- instance, in the kit-chen, decorate for ease as Weft-as style. Hang pots and conking accessories within easy. reach. Turn the_back of a kitchen door into storage space ,for cleaning supplies_ Hang brhernii carpet sweeper. mop and other cleaning supplies . from'. brackets on the back of the door. orhang shelves for a convenient door-back- pantry. ?Decorate with low-main- fenanee materials, such as carpeting. to cut down on housework. With the Aim dance of durable fibers and collars available today. car- - if there are going to he small clutdry m your.„.Wetiding pro Jzosston, tt flower girl. ring Nato- or both. make sure the!, knovv"hau they are going to do -f tittessary goover what will - r!ie happening several tunes so that both you _and the youngsters will -he comfortable and cunfi Children share in the fun -* I