The Wingham Times, 1899-12-01, Page 3IS
' • ,
(Oft °AA- :14)
Tat( ($1,1N Fa'
s e step 1 Ono of thee: etearlitlin'g twsoici.ente that Show that St; neut. "4:: mtud
ys, sometinws `sveussu suffer the tortures of itching
. Chase's Ointment luts never yet
aeon sesisseie sea allowed. to loolcuo Investigation -Fort* that Dr, A.
firearrse, 00Ourrecl near gxeter on failed, to cure itchlug piles, and fill of
Biltarday last, Two or three boye these mon and 'imam mull cud their
Life and Health, Bert Flynn awl others, had sulfaings et once by using it. Scores of
Are at Stake.
thousande have betst oared by this treat -
been out shootbag in the woods to the
meat. srery y can be eured tIe
- west of Exeter, and. On. retaining home ' Fame way,
they met two boys named Brintnelli
Sons of . jamee Brintnell, carpenter, of
The First oYthe nothmeancis.
Exeter, at Thomas Shapton's coiner.
The fouutiatiou a the arra of Rotbe-
• these boys were 011 their way 1101110 from
•visiting nn. IniOVin Stephen. Just how child is much more ,recent than 'Would
tl icl t 1 i tl le r 1 be supposed. The originator a the
le ace en lappenec c moo w
P• from. the conflicting accouuts afloat, but family future was Mayor ,Amsel;o1
ai4o b some means the rifle iu the hands of . Rothschild who was born in the histo ic
of the %coat the joint abiAjaw. passing But theology was not to his taste, and
he early learned that 211011(7 W(343 the co
through hie lwad, came but of the
standees' by which men ore mostly
right Side of the faoo olOo to the 110SO.
The boys, of course, was. terribly fright- itelged, and he theroupoa tuned Ws
1)1q01111111 Byert Flynn, was diselic:rged, the bulletj'
ueelleasse, illFraul.n.rt, in 1748, and
sfer the Jewish prisathocal, triking Roland Brintuell hi the loft side was educated
Physicians and, Drug-
gists Recommend it.
One false step taken at this time whets
you are weak, nerisms, sleepless, despon-
dent, or sufferiagi from the agonies of
rheamatismand neuralgia may prove
Thousands are now hovering near the
grave who can be brought back to their
:former health. and. strength i Paine's
Celery Compound be faithfully used for
a time, This wonderful medical die
covery is acknowledged by physicians to
be the greatest boon ever placed before
suffering and half-dead moil and
Paine's Celery Compound is at the
present time doing a marvellous work all
over this Canadian Dominion. The
sick are throwing aside ntedioines used
for weeks and months without good re-
sults, and now have their confidence
funny established in Paine's Celery Com-
pound the medicine that truly, bestows
new life.
This statexne is made on the strength.
of letters reYseved from, the sick and
suffering an heir friends. Cues are
effected for housands whose lives had
been dasp ed of—cases that baffled the
skill of ab physieians.
If your ife is made miserable bynerv-
ousness, sleeplessness heart- , trouble,
stomac derangements, dyspepsia,
rheum tism, neuralgia, livor or kidney
s, try the magical effects of one
lett of Paine's Celery Compound, and
vill joyfully go on until you stand
he solidroek of health.
Care or Flatirons.
These useful.; articles should be kept
scrupulously free from rust, if they are
to do justice to the iorner. „When not
in use they should bo stood end up on a
:clean, dry shelf, and should be period
ically rubbed -with sandpaper so that
perfect, smoothness may be insured.
Should an iron, through neglect, become
rusty, it should be rubbed with a iris.-
„, tune of lard and' beeswax, cleansed of
this, and then briskly sandpapered until
s smooth and bright. A .suitable iron
rest should also .be proyided, for a hot
iron, as it may do muck damage if
• placed, when hot, upon table, 'floor' or
window sill, Quite a respectable little
fore was caused reoently 1y a careless
'WOME1,11 placing a very hot iron upon the
boards of the floor and then forgetting
it, when the wooer smouldered cruder the
heat and finally ignited. .An iron. is
liest heated over• a gas flame, for this
makes little or no dirt upon the bottom
• and heats it through veay
English Spavin Liniment removalril
Isard, soft or calloused. Lumps and
Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin,
Cubs,' Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney.,
Stifles, Spraines, Sore and Swollen
Throat, Cotighs, etc. Savo $50 by use of
one bottle. Warranted the most won-
derful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold
by A. L. Hamilton.
IV Milted :—Famers' sons or othes in-
dustrious persons of fair education to
Whom $40.00 a month would be an in••
ducernent. 1 could also engage a few
ladies at their own home's.
Wanted:—Bfight mon. and women,
who • are not too proud to work
and would like to make some money
during the next three months handlieg
the wonderful "Light of ISife.” $S.00
a daysure ; some make twice that.
Experience or capital unnecessary.
wed, young Flynn being so Temorseful thoughts to business and mitered the
that he wanted, the Brinthell boy to banking firm o Oppeuliehn, in Han -
shoot lihn, and on. going home 110 asked over.
Mayor skuniehel Rothschild ,soon. gain -
his mother to chop his head off. She
ed the confide:ace of his
declined to accommodate hirreand he 'Int employers, and
his head between the boards of a fence in a few years rose to the post of assist -
for the purpose of breaking his neck, but ant manager. Ho saved the greater
when the punishment 'bog= to hurt, he portion. of Ws earnings, left the bank,
decided to postpone his self-destruction, andstarted in business for himself, re -
Flynn is about 1l3 or 14 years of ago, turning fo Frankford, marrying, and
and Brintnell probably 10 or 11 years, devoting the first considerable sum he
The wounded boy is doing well under earned to the purchase of the beam in
Dr, Hynclman's care, and. unless blood whicli he was born, He displayed such
ability and integrity in all his dealings
poisoning sets in will recoYer:—Exeter
AgelitS :—Our Christmas books are
ready. From Fifty Cents up. Four
books explained in one Prospectus.
One is "Famous Men aud Great Events
of the Nineteenth Century." Great
13attIes, Great Men. ' Great Inventions
and Discoveries, irogress of Nation ,s
swevy great event of the century. If
you have a slow selling book or en-
gaged in other agency business you
lose money to col:Slime. Here is the
best opportunity for making money
yon ever had. Big profit, easy time,
new plat', get oar offer sure.
Advooete, that he became known as the "honest
Jew," and made many influential
IT IS WELI.. TO KNOW. friends, notably. to the Lauctgrave Baron Estorff, who in-• .
It is -well to ltnosTvwhereto go for ptwtroduced him eof
and fresh drugs and family medicines.
Our constant aira•is to please our patrons
in two essential points — quality • and
We solicit your trade, assuring you of
our best efforts to meet your wants.
,Our present stook of Toilet Goods is
unsurpassedev.erything that style and
moderu taste can suggest, andat prices
that must meet your views -
Customers a -applied with just what
they ask for.
:Are you a user of Paine'slelery Com-
pound? Our stock of tbispopular iambs
eine is fresh'and only the genuine sold.
A. L. Hasiterox, Druggist,
Wingliam, Out.
To aridske Good Coffee.
To make good coffee you will find it
necessary to have a vessel that is broad
at the bottom and narrow at the top.
On the continent, wheredb is as rare to
have a bad cup of coffee fis it, is to have
a good one in England, the coffee is
never boiled, as it is considered that this
method spoils the flavor. Here is a
simple reeipe for making good • coffee:
Make a funuel-shaped bag out of loose
white flannel; Put inside the bag one
large teaspoonful of ooffee fax every cup
you wish to obtain. and one, over, pour
into it boiling water, One cup fax 'every
spoon of coffee, lot it filter through the
bag into the vessel which is placed
beneath. When the water has filtered.
through the bag, if the coffee is not
black enough the operation may bo re-
peated, and then the pet 'should: be
placed on the stove to make the coffee
hot, without boiling it. The fireproof
pots now sold very cheaply are excellent
for making coffee in. Another point in
connection with coffee, is the milk.
Many people serve luke-warm or cold
milk with it; in either of these states 110,
coffee can be really good. The milk
must be absolutely boiling, so that it
froths up in the pan. before it can be
considered fit to add to the coffee.
F 'Over Flfty Years.
An. Old and Well -Tried Reencly--:-Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
fax over fifty years by milliousof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child,soft-
ens the gums, allayall, pain, cures wind
colic, and 'is the best tensedy fot diar-
rhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold.
by druggists m every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalouJ.abla. Be sure yntitskfor Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
s this hitroductioa that started, ss
the future of the Rothsehilds. It was
in 1806, when the French army was.
scouring Germany on its way to Hesse'
Cassel, that. the Laudgrave sent fax
Rothschild, and confi.ded. to him that he
Was abont to run off in search. of a safer •
place in which to hide. But the petty
prince's fortune, which was considerable
and mostly in bullion, layat Cassel, and
and. you cure its
These are some of the
could not well be moved.
"I have bad several evidences of your s
honesty and integrity," said the Land -
grave to the baeker, "and am going to !_
put you to the proof. I wish you to -
take cliarge.of m foie:gee until bettor
"You flatter me," replied Rothschild,
"but you forget that.the French will be
here in a few days, and that the place is
'sure to be itillagecl."
"I know that," replied the other, "and
I leave the money in your charge, know-
ing that it will be safe with. you. I do
not ask any receipt for it. Take it and
guard it as if it wore your own.;";
The Landgra,ve then quitted his terri-
torySleaving Rothschild in charge of up -
wax& of ten. millions sterling.
Then the French came to Frankford,
assthey did very shortly after the trans-
actionrelated above, they at once went
to Rothschild's house, knowing that he
was reputed to be a well-to-do man.
The banker made no resistance, and the
enemy looted his belongings and emptied
his safe. But they only got the bank-
er's own. property, whielit he willingly
sacrificed in order to allay suspicion. of
the inunense horde whichlay Concealed
in his garden.
On. the .conclusion of the war the
Landgrave: returned td Frankford de-
jected and broken. Re had read the
accounts of the French, excesses, and
knew tbsit, Rothechild's house had been
sacked. But he soon learned how the
astute mann of business had succeeded in
carrying out his trust, and, an exception
to the geneiality,Of princes, he did not
prove ungsatefur: Rothschild had used There is Nothing in the World to
the money with good reSnits. He had Compare in Curative Value
won back the small fortune he had lost With Dr. Von Stan's
and a goodly sum besides*, and•offered to • Pineapple Tablets
return the treasure intrusted to hha, for Dyspepsia.
with. 5- per eent. interest, but the Land-
The 1231u1 Preacher.
About fifty years age a boat carryieg,
over 800 passengers was making its way
down the lazy Ohio River. On board the
shipwore a ninnher of Senators who *ere
on their 'way to Washington. A young
Methodist Minister, 2Z years of age, was
also a passenger. Thisyung mall was
totally blind, but quite alive to the card
playing and whiskey chinking going 6n
on board the boat. One moonlight night
he preached a sermon, soundly rebuking
the Senators for their share in the dis
graceful drinking and gambling. They
were greatly surprised at his attalf, but
admired his pluck all the same. They
gave hini a stun of money awd offered
him the pest of Chaplain of the Senate.
A,tnts:--Dreyfus; the Prisouor of In due time he was eletd. This young
evil's Island. Full stosyof the most hum was the now famous Dr. Milburn,
remarkable Military Trial and Scandal
wnose sermons are known all over the
of the age. Big Book, well illustrated, .„
sells on sight. Snap for CaliVILSSOTS.• world.
tItADLEY.GAItETEION 00., T4mitot,
.Brant ford, ,
Agents: "Light of Life." The Now
i'estament explained and the Lives of
Apostles: two books in one. Endorsed
by ails clergymen. Bonanza for can
Yaeses, Agents taking orders from
three-fourths made. If you want
tantro in this gold mine, hustle.
AITA14110,1)--SEVEttAT, littIGIIT AND tIONIt
VY porton% t� ropelt U out Sian:twin hthis
amyl glee, by ontintle. Iinnoty IMOD 5 5ear atut ex.
nttnigitt, 1,,& e, to mee, ne loot sainr.v.
ern nernattonnt. Onr fetetetivrA any Imonk In
Shy to'ws. is mainly Mato voCoMult.ehd
hum.. Et !prem, Rookie seli.0I1rswerl attatupeti
$,. Tx 00,o 0ostr0v11.1,3, 01,40.,ro
A 9AR6.
We, the undersigml, do hereby agree
to refund the money on a twenty-five
cent bottle of Dr. "S\711.18" English Pills,
if, after using throe fourths a contents
of bottle, they do not relieve Constipti- •
tion and Headache. We also warrant
that four bottles will permanently cure
the mist obstinate C51t1014 of Constipation.
Satisfaetion or no ply wheu 'Wills' Eng-
lish Pills 0211 used.
A:. A. M ow., Chenxist and Drugist,
Winghain, Mt.
C. A. , Chemist ma Drug
gist, 'W.
T AsS • n
loss of appetite
sour stomach
coated tongue
cold feet
of Constipation:
, torniting
torpid liver
foul breath
hot skin
thro- :ing. head
art a Sure Cure for Constipation.
Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills are a specific for all diseases of the liver,- stomach, •
• • toit(Z,
That j. 1.9111
Will "'11-
" 77'
and bowels.. These testimonials are from the thousands received
suffered from constipation which assumed such an obstinate form that I
feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. After vainly trying various rme-
dies, I began to take Ayer's Pills. Two boxes effected a complete cure."
• D. BURKE, Sato, Maine.
"For eight years I was afflicted with constipation which at last became so bad
that the doctors could do no more for me. Then f began to take .Ayer's Pills,
and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action."
WM. H. DELAUCETT, Dorset, Ont.
"Ayer's Pills are the best in the world. I used to be annoyed wit b constipation
until I began using them ;,now I have no trouble of that kind. any -more, and I
attribute my recovery to the use of your valuable Cathartic Pills,"
IL, PLOWMAN, Portland, Oreg.
• • :,•.o.P.t
, . • to
grave refused to takany interest for Vegetable,popsin. is the most valuable
the use of his money, ad allowed it to the digestivejuices of
remain with the banker for a period of no other article or p
to digest all kinds
able pepsite 0
be amazingly
pineapple a
in a thous
When o
all tl
constituent m the pineapple. BarAng
e human system ,
act has the power
food, except veget-
a general health would
roved if he could eat a
but badly oue person
could do so because of the
expense of getting thern
of seaon. „ , „
on Stan's Pineapple Tablets nave
virtues of the ripe frait—they
rgely made up of the precious pine -
e acid. They cure dyepepsia and all
nach trotibles. Box of 60 Tablets,
cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
twenty years.
It was the large profits made in this
trausaction that formed tbe nucleus of
the fortune of the Rothschild family.
Rewire Of' FalsCiand Deceptive
Promises Made ey Manufac-
turers of inferior And.
Imitation Dyes.
Bewaso of dyes prepared for home use
that promise to wash and dye goods at
one operation. The soap in sit& dyes
may do a trifle ,of cleansing, but the
colering woelt will be a fiat and decided
13cavareof dyes that elaim to dye
all wool and eotton goods with contents
of one peel-al:0, 'Ihis is a chemleal im-
possibility. • The operant will of -cottese
get a color—soniething muddy, ylotided
and streaked that will arouse nidigna-
tion endanger beeasiesof Slisappointsmet
and lost,: of materiels.
Diamond Dyes give fast, beillimit and .
perfect colors, bet they do not prbinise
to cleanse or wash soiled. garments or
materials. A washing machine may do
good washing, but it crumot pretend to
do the ironing as
Diamond Dyes separe epeeial dyes
for all Wool good and for cotton.. and
union goods, a guarantee peefeet
work when d • tions are observed. It
you desire 1 • eolor ell wool goods, ask
fax Diann Dyes for Wool; if you have -
cotton (1 nixed geode to dye, • ask for
Nam Dyes L Caton, and Mixed
IESnV one rattlers Taught.
A Western farmer was on a:visit to
his Eastern cousin, end his host was
entertaiuing him by showing the family
"Soo this oll. gun," he said, "it
taught me my first lsson, in arithme-
"How?" his guest asked, curiously.
"Itse dead easy. Guess."
"Thither promise to let you shoot it on
your next birthday"
"Point it at your head, if you didn't
count correctly?"
"Ilothing of the kind,"
"Shoot you through your left ear?"
"Io; wo do not believe in pierced
"Then 1 give it up," the Westerner
etid, with a deep sigh.
"Oh," his eonsin replied, represainkt
broad grin, "lie laid the gun !Sway, and
used the ramrod."—Life.
Children or
ycl1 and sr ap grave
with those great
— ,
When Feggy Goes to Market.
. When Peggy tekes her basket up
And off to market goe,
I'm stupefied'with wonder at
How very much she knows. .
`She makes her way between -the stalls
And with judicial air
Decides that this is "so and so"
And that is "pretty fair."
Sho knows ff fish are fresh or not,
And, wise as any owl,
She differentiates between
A ethicken and a fowl..
She thumbs the breastbone of the one
And pulls the other's legs;
She squints her pretty little eyes
To test the new -laid. eggs.
The vegetables must be just right,
For with a critic's eye
She scans them, not inclined to pass
Their hnperfeetions by.
She CABS the market folks by name;
Ali, what a lot she knows,
When Peggy takes her basket hp
And off to market goes!
When Peggy does the marketing
My heart with beide the fills;
I go along, a useless thiug,
Except to pay the bils.
—ew Orleans Times -Democrat.
iselture, economic bottanyS44!l1114: Mill
moisture. The agriatainral OtiPPMetaffrA
with fortilizzs, fodder co'
potatoes, graius, grasses afidtleitAtiknala
were conducted ' on 12,085 i31.MsserS11e* 12
were situated. en 3,465 Onfiti4iSs.fttfithiTrilt
and the horticultural .expermWitwitliVr
mall fruits were more nesilwiatsesliefictor
1899 than in IU) y previonscstiailemlays'a
snnannry results of the praktesitshitsilig 4
meetsti Se ill be presented aliTiE14 aKirtialfi
meeting, and shonld proveibt graa01tth03 .s.t
vice to all those who are eugagedsSifiwet
practical agriculture. The sealskeaRi)httM,
have b -en engaged to addtAsitrlik laltAtiktUct
.ing are Geo. T. Powell, NewOrcaslliStistest .1S1l
lic n. John Dryden, lion. ellaseriSierys soli
Prof. Jas. W. RobertsonstaYsbeistieitif
James, John I. Hobson, NyilsnreMpliW stl
toith, M. P. P., G. C. Creelnians-B.S*A.,
etc. As the college was egeablished in.
1874, the Quarter Century tanififerAttryia .
of the institutionlwill be celdltiatjtniatail ec's3'
special way at the time .Sif ethe:riuSess
mooting, A good opportiiteslivillebest
afforded fleas, in attenclaiSkieratistliestisit
anion leeeting to visit the Guelpliaet :sett
Stock Show, which is to lle.4seS4 ellliesse
6th, 7th,. era eth of Deci,a qrs., ,he .,,,,,
officers of the luliell awl. / t 't"Htsilege"..• ''.'
unite in coralIN invning It r IS TgO118 40.1.1 se
ter•sted ili the advancernenCdfiligribitleYs
ture to bo present at all the eeessnisef sea
the EXperimellral Vni01.11netAlAtl.. TlIO, ,..,
trip to Gael& rind returner:Ale SSeitted '"
on the railways in Ontario for at WeWit* ,'•'.;..
faro on the certifiecite pleas. Att-flST 43
quirie c regardirg railway rates ... insses,s:
gramins, etc., should be senSs ,(1, 4.,. ,
Zavitz, sirrtary,
Guelph, Oixtaio. , es
lworagli 1st .
, . .
If your liver is out of order, tntising ,'=.'-
)iliousness, Siek Headathe, Heft ''...
burn, or Constipation, take fl dose of T.:
Ho- odi's Pills
Ittow to get Fl limp 004 ItOtty,.
Nature meant every woman to be
plump, rosy and well developed, and if
she has become pale Week and 1.1017VOna,
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food will re-
store and revitelise the witstea nerve
' cells, Make the blood rich 012(1 pare and
giVO IlOW vigor and idasticity to the
whole body. Frills peculiar to women
there is no remedy Ito sticeessful as this
groat food cure of Dr. A. W. Chase's.
St aIX dealers
The programme ie ty band for the
next Annual meeting of the Ontario Ag-
ricultural and Exposimental 'Union
whieh le to be iraa a the Agricultural
College, Guelph, starting Wednesday
evenng, Deb. Gth, and closing Friday
aftcrnoon, De. 81,11. Dulles the past
eat' e.operative experinn ids wore con-
dcted by the union agriculture, horti-
Oti retiring, and tomorrow your di..
gestive organs will be reguhttell and
you will be bright, active and ready
for any kind of work. This has
been the experience of othrs; It
will be yonrs, 1100'0'8 PLLUS Ittnia
*old bv all =Aida* clashes. 91 411,•