HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-12-01, Page 2A xrh. n
ltyett troubled with tealt
tr tl payee nod mild. get troth
lit aur until I took Burdock
itterts. It only required 5 bottles
make to ceee I.'te cure." Mrs. Jas.
Crawl itwatt Plitta. THE R,OCKINQ. CHAIR HABIT.
Mr. Jaen, Hawke, Coldwater, Out„ <lttc 1t'&seta• of Nervous1'roHtrntiott Aauorig
writes: D. lsowler a k��trtaet of Wild Wimteu, Says at, Doctor
t*traw1)'rry is ti evc'n1t•'i'tul caro for
f`remps and Pains in thte stonwela. I
trial,as abut uo�v I have erect comfort. e it a
1at}T, IIi;r1t Bluff, Man. l
"Anel what clot , tt t le i:11: of the ezl-
oment ring, I t en y. u?"
ldadicll [ ' th•" most beautied
ct t',iatIever e.« ,.e:l.
Positively cured Dy these
Little Pills,
They also relieve Distress from. Dyspepsia,,
indigestion and Too Hearty Eating,. Ayer,
eget remedy for Dizziness, 1`Tausea, Drowse,
tress,. BadTastoin the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate, the Dowels. rarely Vegetable.
$man Pill. Smarr Doose.
Small Price.
• Substitution
ilio fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carterks Little Liver Pills.
Bakers ad
Why Young 111ep Iliuriy.. `
Na r='ada'r eau escape the general Me -
pression of iatenfe, feverish, concentrat-
ed effort on the 1 art of Ohteag i't; young
moll. No observe'; eau till to notice the
nal rush for money on the Dart of every
youth -that ;rcutlt which is at owe zna-
tueity aril oailtell, od which is at once
iuexperience and e wie lona, It is the
ever presetlt, the never ceasing, the
haste -compelling e ,nation of the town,
Young; nten of e51' t" into business, light
furiously and uuce iugly every moment
of the dey-ort the street, tat luncheon,
itarices, as in the
1ec force ixlto play
amalty; they bring
1Seir being to -bear. in
swift assemblyzn , ,,, widen investing of
fortune from the gods; they run^, they
lit:xry; they 1 ave Iiso• titan t) tl;eale
whole sentences; thy Meow before you
finish what you 11 ,uld say and rest
your weapons of c1 -once by answers
like revelatiens 1 ut above all, they
Well, they must. They hive 'but ten
years M which to onquer the world.
From 20 to 80 is th 'r .ilnit, : If they
are not firmly esta is!Iccl at the latter
age they becon•e sel::ss and join the
great army of int , neoteuts who know
more but are wort less. If they are
successful at 80, troy will retain fortune
to the end, k
There are excel teas to the rule, but
they are few. So o men essay the for-
tress of frrutti;o w ne-their hair is gray
and their halals un teady and achieve it.
Some "cone back" : at 50 after failing
repeatedly until tat time. But the
man of 30 without • state, must calculate
the heavy* chances re against hila.. It
will be like a acle if , he ever
ret met ng aequa'.
I office or market. '1
every nerve and
every attribute of t
We little know the toil and4
1..rdship that those who make
t .a "Staff of Life" undergo.
Long hours in superheated
and t'avrly ventilated work-
" rooms is hard on the system,
gives the 1 is ueys t,:ore work than they
can pro,,erly a.•i, throws poison into the
system that e1i...' d be carried off by these
delicate filter; when the back gets bad-
Notmac' t.'e applying liniments and
plaster.. Y . roust reach the Kidneys to
cure the back. DOAN'S Kidney Pills
F• cure ail kinds of Bad Backs by restoring
the Kidneys to healthy action.
Mr. Walter Buchanan, who has con-
ducted a bakery in Sarnia, Ont.,for the
past 15 years, Fars
For a. runther of •ve•.rn nrevinus to taking
Doan's Radom Yii::s I i:,:: -"•res a great deal from.
acute pains acro ; 0''+null of ma bark, pains in
the lank r i ") T,ca. dizziness, weary feeling and
general deliilitv. Prom cin the first few nn.:es of
Dean's ICs ac 1'i}Ta L eom ienaad to improve, and
Ihave' en:tinne1 tri 11 I am to -day awell man.
I haze not gots minor n ho about vie. My head is
t1e..r: tio w.inary t lc • all on :my sleep is
refs :i,,; :..:1 uiy -.:..,:.a -14 Lunt,: now thin of
Have you , been
smoking a good
deal lately and
feel an occasional
twinge of pain
round your heart.
Are you short of
breath, nerves
unhinged, sensa-
tion of pins and
needles going through
tf g;,. your arms and fingers?
CBetter take a box or
two of Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills and get
rf cured before things be-
come too serious.
Here's what Mr. John
James, of Caledonia,Ont.,
• has to say about
,thorn: `" I have
had serious heart trouble
for four years,causedby
excessive use of tobacco. At times my
heart would beat very rapidly and then
seemed to stop beating only to commence
again with unnatural rapidity.
"This unhealthy action of my heart
caused shortness of breath, weakness and
debility. I tried many medicines and
spent a gteat deal of money but could not
get any help.
Last November, however, l read of a
maxi, nellicted like myself, being cured by
Milbtarn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I went
to Roper's drag store and bought.a box.
When I had finished taking it I was so
much better I bought another ben and this
completed the cure. My heart hag not
bothered isle sine°, and I strongly reeome
mond nII sufferers from heart and nerve
trouble, caused by excessive use of to-
bacco, tetgive 112ilburti1 s ileari and Nerve
Pills a fair and faithful trial,"
Miiburn'slieartazd Nerve Pills are 50e.
1t ",•
Air ;r 'Few e1,25, nt tilt druggist -
'�".. t. i..' ..lis.
'heroes and i'rade.l4tar o
UtAf ed d
A and AI tete
conciliated fan MODERATI4 PRES. piton
lsnIcdleate eieInftyofthe PetentOff"ca
be 3 ,caa Ing pattnte areanttrpsued
h 0r llrlagtograph Of invention we
W"Betti.Nt ks toe-demat claimed,
if mainfl' i't as to
ford vine the
edtiett the
acquires. Now, its a dreadful thitlg to
1 from under gray hairs at defeat. It
is th :saddest thing in the world. No
wander the young igen hurry. They
"Reif Preset's'ation
Is the first law If Nature," For this
reason everyone W110 is ill desires to be-
conae well. Thos who have impure or
ilbpoverished blocl turn to Hood's
Sarsaparilla, because they know it will
enrich and purify their blood and give
theme good health. 4 To take this mecli-
blood is an ihitpert t
eine ou the, first a ipearauce of impure
step toward self
preservation: t
HOOD'S PILLS cage sick, headache, in-
[New York Sur .1
"You must give rile sonzetltiug to help .
ate, doctor, you really- must," said the
W011lltlr patient. "Why, I'in a total
wreck. I et"ki't sit still a minute. I'm
on the verge of prostretion,
wsze swayed listlessly back an forth
in the loather their as she spoke, .and
looked at the doctor helplessly. He
nodded gravely.
"Yes, I see,'- ; he said, "yonr nerves
arca ina terrible condition, and no mis-
take. 1 'wend '," he added, after a
moment's refi'‘etion, .'what portion of
the clay you sli udl in swinging backward
and forward e .' you are doing now?"
The ritythn cal motion of the weznan's
body ceased end al o stared at him in
"Wlty, in land!" she exclaimed,
"what a que 'ion, 1 don't do this any
of the time ..t home, I don't haw to,
We L•avo rodding chairs there." The
latter sta'''n:iut was inade somewhat
spitefully, br.tt olid not feasts the doc-
tor, t
"So I tuppcse tea," be said coolly, " and
I've u0 doubt t1 t you leave often felt'
like cleueluucieg doctors soundly for not
having a goodly sa'iply of them in their
ofriees for the acconemodation of norms •
patients." tiz,i
The woman starto up the pendulum -
like motion agate.. "Well," she return-
ed., "'must say it wattled be a good deal
more comfortable tlrak having to sit in
one of those straigh%, uncomfortable
Whether the doctoretook offence at'
her uncomplimentary eference to his.
office chairs, or -whet r he had been
whetting himself up toAthe point where
he could give her a ?I .,professional
talk, it world be impo sible to say, but
certainly his lecture Awoke loose then
with vehemence.
He Got lnFortnatiou.
A man who ' does. not take his home
paper, but occasionelly answers adver-
tisements in "store',papers" has had
some interesting exp riences, says an ex-
change, He learned';thatby sending one
dealer to a 'Yaukee fie could get a cure
for cltrankemiess. Sue enough lie did.
It was"tp "take the pledge and keep it."
Later ou`he seat fiftytwo-cent stamps to
find out haw to raise turnips success-
fully. He found out t -"Just take hold
of the tops and>pell' Tieing youx
g he
wished to marry,an thirty-four
one ceut stamps to a ?4Chicago firm: for
information as to how! to make an'im-
prestion. When the ! answer cane it
read, "Sit down on' pan of dough."
That was a little rough, but he was a
patient man, and thought he would yet
succeed. The next eidvertisement he
answered read, "Ho* to double your
money in six months.' He was told to
convert his money • 'o bills, fold them,
and lie would see 14s money doubled.
The next time he .sent for twelve useful
household articles, and got a package of
needles. He was slow to learn, , so he
sent a dollar to find, out "how to get
rich." -"Work like the devil and never
spend a cent." Thai stopped him, but
his brother wrote td find out how to
Write a letter svitiioue pen' or ink. He
was told to use a le " pencil. Ho paid
five dollars to learn hew to live without
work, and was told onta postal -card, "to
fish for suckers as we fio."
Mrs. Maggie Bevin, Charlottetown, P.
E. I., has this to say about Laxa-Liver.
Pills: "For some male I was greatly
troubled with Sick Headache and Con-
-Liver fills and
more than any
stipetion. I used La
found they helped I:
other remedy."
Englishman: "I have no time to
waste fighting a duel."
Frenchman: "It only requires two.
BAST. DOWN. ioowx.
P. M. A. en
$0 0.25
3.00 0,5e3
•1.00 7.45
4,2;d 3,05 o
4.57 8.33 Arth
5."22 8,55 Grand Y!
RAO 11.8 Toros
"Via T.
Tbr. n Coach
on an 13, ins vial,et