HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-24, Page 8'I; • t MGINDOO LADIES' TAILOR-MADE m,--mmituiverrommi 1 jAcKETs oi Trimmed with stitching and strapping made in the very latest New York designs ; • proper winter weight, silk - lined, ,commencing at $3,00 to $18.00. These goods will at- tract you by their jaunty style and low price. Fancy Dress Goods for November. • The latest cry of fashion is foa plaids and wooly effects. To choose from the largest assortment and be sure of the newest and best materials, you'll come to M. IL Me - i ncloo's. ripen eandidates ver,r position ex- Laept the MAyoralty. Dr. licadonald !snow permanently at home and can be consulted by 11spatrons. --I\figc Mary Fix tor has been re- engaged .au ta.ehej at the junotion school house for nes ear. Her sahwy Will be increased *4 --A report of the match, under the a Ploughing ssaeatil aal ploughing es of the finrou , will be found on allot eort agepl.othisf -Pm. 1;1. e Deis wiA offer for sale by public auotion, at thp Queen's hotel. ou Saturday, Decenebef, Oth, a fifty acre farm. So ad. in ther %nun= -Armour 6b Me4lister shipped. two cur loads of eggs to, Manehester, Eng- land, this week. shipped a carload to -Miss Com Ne nmnber of her youn day evening of last joyable time was Fp -1--A large crowcl tended the enterta ent in tho new Presbyterian chair a Belgrave on Monday night. Ejry available rig in town was bought 4 use. -Wm. Sharman, ) of Goderieh, cele- brated his 08rd bi,rt lay on. Monday of rally there aro four men of ,011e genera on, for the great grandlton is in his 2 at year', accounts d 'se me by note or otbfrsvise must be %tied before ifith D , 1899. All counts against me uld be rendered 'efore said date. lt .JOHN PELTON. t -A waiting roo and ticket office have been fixed alp 1 the salt block by Mr, Bond, of Wing am, who is going to eater to the skater :this wintei.-Blyth correspondent to ContonNews-116cord. -The auction S le of dairy.pows at O'Leary's hotel, OL Saturday, last was well attended. 'he BM* was offered for sale by M. G. 4iear, of Ingersoll,and brought good pric . Some of the cows brought $85. -Mr. Thos. Ei Walker, of lot 86, con. 12, East W anosh,- wifl hold an auction sale this iaar afternoon of 55 heed of stock eaMle and milch cows. The stock will be sold unreserved and anyone wanting 4y will find profit by attending the sale has. Gillespie also he same place. c sT0 R .ton entertained a friends on Thurs. - wino t bv all present. gManliioDbart-1.4(1 Weir as returned front eek. A mast en - TfINGHAM T1MES„ NOVEMBER 24. No. Olatalletter. Evt._:youe fv..? suf. &lent interest ir the great entervise lialOWIt by the uAisiwrs to order this inn camion of gooc things tit the Itearcst U UU news agents O jOUl one of the I,,oy ealwassers, Tbf publishers aro the Sheppard. Pubb4bg Co., Intuited, Saturday Night ailding, Toronto, and the price is 50 e tai per copy. -Tho Totes an $1.85 till joaniary value. The olio printer of Lancashire have concern with 410,0 combinei firms em persons. Ohildre Weekly Globe at ist, 1001, is good Meeting the • COU4C11 'kJ; con. . tho cot., uf Rnon wili v ...in the eil Ifinotiber,th the town of ODERIOII sday, Dec. ithl next vi .11,11•410•01•••••••! t'717.3771777r1174211 ii>>>>>>>>>>> 4*(<1•11*<•10(0 41**** • talI o'clock p. W. LANE, Clerk. tted at Gederieb, Nov, 20th, 1892. and znanufactiners nibbled into a huge ,000 capital. The oy nearly 1,000,000 Ory for • ALKER BROS. BUTTON A Every stove guaranteed. AN Good Farm for Sate or to Rent. te-e•••••••••• Fatuated four iniles from. Wingbain, being the south halves of lots 28 and 24, 1st etawessivil of the Township (if Morris, eontaining ono hundred iter( -'4. Good bank barn, 00 t 4U. Good frame house, 80z28, with stone cellar. The farm ir4 W(111 lopted for mixed farming, well watercx1 and in good condition. Price 213,500. to Winglannites at- Messrs. Bobt. Fa last week. In the Ready-to-wear Suits and Overcoats Should he of great interest for we areoffering some of the most bona -fide bargains you coula find. We are bound that you shall become familiar with our splendid stock of clothing, and we will make it worth your while to pay it a visit. Fur Mantles and Capes. So far as we know no other retail house outside the city makes such a showing of fur as M. H. McItldoo. Every garment we sell ca.rries our guarantee o be reliable or otherwise money refunded. Shop einly. " • 'IND° 0 MINOR' LOCALS4i. Campbell's Hes'istche Wafers guar teed ta cure heahe. -The employs oell's feet* ar working ever time. --Read the (aliening chapter of our new serial in thii: -The Clinton handl have adopted a issues, and write the if interested in -The naunicip 1 nominations this year will be heIq on Friday, Dec. 22. The statutes pro4le that when the last Monday in Dece er is Christmas day, the nominations f r the offices of Reeve and Councilmen iafl take place on the preceding Friday A boon, to the afflicted; he is coming, again. . P.Smith, Eye Specialist, be in ingham at Colin A. Campbell's dru istore on. Thursday, December 14th, "o e day only." If you ha:Ve•any de- . f t in your eye sight it will pay you to It and see him. Exsanination free. all early. el, Edward Barn- UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. A statratantqcostatimmartatatporeentrcat R. A. GRAHAM, Winghara v Stoves, if you want pries buy, a a first-class stove at moderate vv vy Grand Jewel vvi Cook Stove. Scores of them in use in this vicinity, A A and giving perfect satisfaction. Ask your neighbor A -about the qualities of the Grand Jewel, ard and. Allen R e, who have been Night calls at Button Bock, or Fifth A working in Galt, b ve returned home. door south of School HA YOUouse, Shop op- ' At the last eting of the tract emote IVIacdon aid Wear. society Dr, W. M R. Smale was elected „ president and Mr Robt. sore- FRUE LIVING Mr, Fred Kerr, Htunburg, is learu- PORTRAITS ing the telegraphing with Mr, .talleu. • • • _____ MADE AT Cook's Cotton Rapt Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 40,000Laates. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask your drntifist fOLC1004ilfilitZ Dolt% ous. Price, No, 1, $1 per s stronger, rs per box. No. eipt of price and two leant ok Company Windsor, Ont. sold ann recommended by oil ggists in Canada. med. Take no er Imitations are den box., No. 2,10 deg 1 or 2, mailed on r sta44. The os, 1 an responsible D • . No. 1 and Druggist e Canada BrAiness College, of Chatham, furnishes he right kind of e testimony regarding :the thorouglaness of its work; viz; stroll's commendatory letters from leading business houses: Watch their ad. in ,1 this -and future - -Th local improvement' hy-law. a course of business `,:stiniug or short - For Rubbers set Gr'reer's ad. Boots in the cour :vy at W. J. Greer's. showed monster the ogg lineithe hand. The greatest Inge of Men's Long -Messrs. D. D. wilscul °eniPan-Y -The Huron ,Iounty Council man OtiiOl CIaY. It was • Meet in Godericit dn Tuesday, Decera- goose, and Weighed • ber 5th • pound. It was gather . • men from. Mr. Burro • d by an ordinary ee-anartars of a by one of their s, of Sheppard- -Six car loadi of hay were shipped ton, among a lot of 'ther eggs, It from here this ai'eek to Toronto, Lon, would make a fair men). for a good. sized don and Aylmei family, and. if farms could induce -Robertson, tKurchill & McDonald their hens to lay eggs like that, they shipped a car lead of hogs to Coiling; would soon get ri4.-Seaforth .Ex - wood on Tuesd4. , positor, -If ars. baliftlitson, Harvey & Brokle- When The Napleil. Vern to Gold. nk "'aped a ar load of flour to Mon - This is the title of tite design of what tree•on WedneAday. is doubtless the hen omest and most carload of critters from the best artistic cover page ay issued in Cana- ket arrived this week. tf T. H. Ross. da. Bunches of maple leaves of summer. and autumn hues, antongst which are --The brickw9rk of S. H. Stephen - mixed embossed gold iboins, surround a son's new residen,ce on..losephit street has been commeced. picture representineithe Spirit of the n rain and the title. 'Uoronto Saturday The thircl ai d. last session for this Night's, Christmasc, 1899," More year of the Per* county council will beautifial symbols of .f,Ctutada's proiper- sOpen Tuesday, Die. 5. - ity could. not be exprAlesed. • The book i ,-Atr. Willhim Wallace has sold The itself Contains sixty-fitur pages, profuse - Orangeville Advertiser to Messrs. J. F. ly illustrated by leading artists, artisci- Doods and kemiath McKay. . • oily printed and containing stories by -Mr. A, B. McCallum, of Paisley,has the most popular Ceridian writers, be - been appointed County judge of the sides sketches and shirt descriptive par. now district of Atnitoulin Island. : graphs. Among the'', hathors who eon - tribute stories to iihis IlUmber are -The btickthak of Beimett's new igstialug mill hailteen completed and Grant Allen, Paulin Johnston, Bleas- oast& of animal Istintings by Itosts T Co 2 for sale by Colin A. Caembell we A stling man ERLIN MUTIY a:apital $500,0 Address: in to represent IRE INSURANCE ingham., AGER, rlin, Out. enders For Supplies, 1900. - t, for np- idretunp 4eliiioigronwilt)3,31.at,ear.4th, 1S99, y of butchers moat, butter. dairy al:A.4811g ()Recall, pga'tgie7si,fOittigclic". of each, Sour, eyteitii• fgt.° .(thiq fol- lewin institutions during tile At the asylums for the insane 111 Toronto, -LondothEingstion,• Hamilton, Minim>, Brock- . vine Orillia; ,the Central Prison and Mer- cer Boesflr•itrietintece. g.gificiti,liDA/Trngtg.figg°froT• Deaf and D b. Belletille, and the Blind: at Brantford. „ grtiscia').)catruki;eaciit: cations. on, r oorms of -tender can only be had by Making neaten to the bursars of the re- spect•ivetitutions. ' N. B. enders aro not required for the sup- ply of• it to the asylums Toronto, London, lOngst , Hamilton and Mindeo nor to the Priso Mercer Reformatory, Toronto. Tht. west or any tender not necessarily ac- e void for it. • stispbrs inserting. this advertisement wit ut authority from the department will CHRISTIE, T.V. OH.A..1Y03ERLAIN, JAMES IS ON, Inspectors of Prisons and Public rities, Prirlipinent Buildings, Toronto,Nov. 1899. . • •• • werkraeti are new busy putting on the : dell aeteeron:* Mrs. high, Capt. Jack . Crawford, K. E. heppard, Joe, T. Clarke, Philips Th inpson arid. many -T. P. Smith, auientifie optician, will othem. The main ictorial supplement bo at Colin A. CaMpbell's drag store on December 14th. $e his adv. in another is a Dopy, in: its ori al colore, of that • t column. tsonetir, entitled tint Ilorse Fair. The --"-- JI"'"' 4" 141 "r." 1 rs" 02 the purchase of this pichir e for *65,500 by lima I - • '1", 't . - t 111'""l'ilt"I in" Cortelius Vanderbilt, its presentation to side t wia l'hOrd.). 14' ()ccaPied by the New York Metippolitart Museum of Val Park. ! Art, and the recentldeath of Rosa Bon- * t girt wanted.- null faimili. hear and Mr. Vantrbilt, all lend inter- Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. Atted With modern conveniences. est to everyone wh has seen or heard of y at the Miss office. the great pict-nre.: Kven the brush i a a ra shipped tf, teur marks made by he great artist are VII Ci. T SPEOTAOLES ugland this week. .. faithfully reprod ' d by embossing; and liPPed two car load nowhere inanartAtore could the picture • be bought for AV.( tirdeS the price of this , asNgs of ,,I, an:0M= *Worm- superb Oluistma i number and its four e ale,* last week in other Rapt:A(1112ov , plates. Some of 1: , (k c ri;,, imstralisercl rer,ifte" the Ories aro ",,,,, • ratuay and all of -; ikon tors pea, , .‘cit Is/ illtastratiou are ..lksVai , .04 ail satwol,„ , tChtyal, n'i. -1,1:, Ti‘ 1W , It. • MORTGAGE SALE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY in the Township of Morris;in the County -' of Huron. Under and by virtue of the power'of sale con- tained in a certain raortgage, now in default, and iyMelt be produced at the time of sale, there Will be offered for sale by public auction by Peter Deahs, at the Queen's Hotel, in the Town of WInglion; in the County of Huron, on SA.TURDAY, the NINTH day of DECEMBER, A, D. 1899, at the hear of LBO o'clock in the of- te1110611 All and singe. • that certain parcel or tract of land. and. pre es situate lying and being in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, cont Ing fifty acres more Or 1.iss, being comp of the south half of Lot Num- ber five in t first eon cession of the st id: Town- ship of. Mo s, save and except a roadway twenty -on eet in width along the west side of the River ltland and off the east side ot the said scat 15 02 lot iitunber five for tho Use of th' nts of the south half of lot number liftgle,111 first concession of the TownalliP of 'ever. The operty will be offered for sale subject to a r • rve Tit s. -I0 per cent. of purchafie Money at tithe sole and balance according to favorable te and. conditions which will then. bo ,tad kno . • F further particulars titoply to MontgoraerY• ,t1 6t.mAntinie Btdg., 40 gnagSlee.tg: 01316' (4 PETER DEANS; Auctioneer. abed dt Toronto this 21st day of November, D. 1891 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TiES Sight 6 6 M. E. ZURBR1GG-'S. Family and other Groups from small sunbeams 'up to 16 it 20, actual size of photographs. Pictures copied and enlarged or remounted. Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. CHAIM! ONT. Canada's Qreatest School of Shorthand and Business Training. When our Pupils are weighed, in the balance of the Business Public's Requirements they are not found wanting. Business iven when requiring help in book-keeping or stenographic work should alrply tons. None but tho e competent reeommended. Mahler Bros., . ora of the Wing - 1 begin operations ere as soon as "r• '1% p AD will pay the arket prices for all kinds of a • es, cor 'ng to quality. Paolo re 0 u and nefal inel u d ed. parties eying a plea o any kind, large or mall qua titles, to ell, will lied a ady market at the be •flees goin y Griming to r factory. MAHLER, B OS., Proproto cdi • r-mrs, COMMICZI, T.. P. SMITH, 80,1 eITIFIO EYE S9t0lAtIST Graduate New Ye t'PhilailcIphitt, Ad Toronto 0 cal Lolleges. Call earl fnd avail yourself of iii: valuable s vices, as this is a. rare. OppOrtuni to have your eyes proper- ly testede ee of charge. No guess work b a scientific certainty. Diffi- cult c •s accurately fitted. ALL WOR • . LTARANTEED. • -never Can et silent* haloes. He s also added a -large assortment Of arti- ficial es Whig stobk. Will be at' Gi n A. Campbell's Dm& Store Wingham, one day only, THURSDAY, DEC. 14th. When you want a es. IINffiftet Petirtrat• C chows. C.24241,reafrni00407 t A Imetilk fed • c.tAct taas.tesimtb CoMma• asiertor•A IpecCAN Ottot• ..1244Kif oerai •I*70 tth1416 Om, deZeWl`,......44Z•sra Atge• alkSrosums• • ""tipt.r.r- quaver ‘sfitreoteliee, a, t!'..:0012tottoes .01tttitiNt • gliccalltpt 04.011.0ettAAS 0111Wittattptdcmicto kap 1.11 . 0= .cr = 03 tame/Ilan oi Tikit ire Cbotbam.,,iept., Veefoir: - • 2_,,,••• You vilrilladtreataselay•deley In reiewerinryithrti ,C./2 • c=i alist`t,,SSt rilde from hone rhea it arelveCandleinee,haVe,beesAtiltii . Illend en2y.ree5 attending orrice ..i _ intre'ellete,youroquestion eetto hot-rthellratnIneseteontercieE FOON•keging if milt -eve ayteonsl has Tesulted,v1. beg to,.asente you or = ,. ..... pasitatinksicaronerthorougb.system you'sroundee item gi..'„ My eldest C13 1;0n1PritdkrcartSi,n1711eatikeitta'oneteilitheibeatIzteceun*neitl*thet ers. ,... • 1= iplo7lbtAsull2argeveesperej: Iiielaecounts'arelalwaye correct and ye ineveepestere.lcompiaintisromfourrauditorxthatlaryou.g_he..09..5.ait Pa, • ,ttmle . • . " ' totbeelsondabertf isf. also ireempityrot.tbe*cliticiany•at-bea44 fig 1.e.eiliaitest.cogroolincorrect.! , , •••iiiie, . • e -ie. CO „ . ....., - finti ertioneszeosaluitegoeetainlrille.bla-ppescion_in.a.cap0AR VC •• fi ftWifl86.1i IV the faiirabeffnavelliepeichem;12;T56iii1ge - , ca . gesrpectrain - ,,, -. fat = ..atfar.44 net. vs.. 0.04 co . • Mr. Wm. Northwood, whose letter is here given iii well known in the counties of Nssex and. Kent. He wan formerly of the Howard -Northwood Malting Co. of ,Detroit. TVer1411PpeO(.1sttiCTI„,..1t11:17iiifihoiTttlist.erW'ise regardingeidthe ttholiagli3ries.e s of our wogrusigsosfnrii gripe th� rail:Way fare of pupilsfro a obit...nee. ixood board for ladies at e2, ancTo$1.50 (for gen.tlerirgeafl be secured. For ento1ogte of eitlter dapartmen, addrtsS ; P. 31CaLA$HLIN, PrmcIpal, C. B. C., Chatham, Ont. • t a )6 6 Special : THIS WEEK OF rcoat125 RLMNANTS 25i Ove CARPETS ‘i yot.i can not do better than call on Robt. Maxwell. We guarantee to please you both ift fit, style and price. We make it our special study to keep up with the times and to please our customers. Call and seefor yourself. Yours truly, Maxwell tik,s‘e*SkiiVieWsl".4---7$.4W4--Wie-Wer-WieAst4---,42,10NgvaalkisaVIKtd-4 From 5 to 15 yai:d. %ids in Tapestry and g Wool Goods at cost and below. T. A. • Robt. High Art Tailor. One door South of Brunswick, •Attie • • • taw Sicimilitil&ini is Priceless McXe lila& of grain to "Mirror Colegg also 40 ilia same place. Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. Try us. The Stamp of Security. On every Slater Shoe '') pat there by the makers AS a guarantee of wear value -a protec• tio#4agailist,extortionate profits. Many men would readily rittY tore for a " Slater Shoe ". were not the price stamped on the sole - this stamp gives the actual market vtttiirieuresiof the shoe determined by the mandat- o. Made in twelve foot -model shapes, all sizes, widths, leathers, :1 eoloss and styles. tvery pair Good - 5.00. IWAMOTO & SON,