HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-09-16, Page 8AS — THE HURON EXPOSITOR § SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 RenUmer tionu to trustees KATIMAVIK HAS ARRIVED — Luc Lajole, 17, of Chateaugay, vue., and Ed Humphry, 17, of North Vancouver, B.C., spent Part part of last Wednesday setting up tents to temporarily house the eleven youths, aged 17 to 21, who are taking part in the federally backed Katimavik experience program. The group will be living in a house owned by James M. Scott just north of Seaforth for about three months, and will , be working on several projects in the area. (Photo by Ellis) The September meeting of the Seaforth Hotieultural Society was held at the' Seaforth Public School on Sept. 9th. The meeting which was chaired by vice president Ruth Beuttenmiller in the absence of President Pat - --Rodney was large ly attend- ed with guests present from Clinten, Blyth and Brussels. The guests speaker Martha Veldheuis of Dundar was, introduced by Florence El- ford and gave a most interest- TRADE-IN allowance for your old mattress when you buy a new box .and mattress. lb% ido .s% hY76 "Ph Open Daily 10-9 Saturday till 6 Highway. 7 East of McDonald& ing talk on house and exotic plants. At the end of the meeting many took advant- age of purchasing the many lovely plants there. A social time followed. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 14 at the Seaforth Public School. Don and Marie Phipps, t Phipps African Vie- lets. Paris Will speak on historyh and care of African Violets. According to Marjorie Phil- lips chairman of the Farmers Market Committee about 5200 was realized at the three markets attended. The Society is mot grateful to those 'Who contributed and worked at them. On September 1, 1961 the Londesboro Ladies returned to the Clinton Crown Lanes to start another year of bowling. Darlene McClinchey was top bowler with an average of 188 high single of 266i and high triple of 565. Runner ups were high average Debbie Wallace 186. Runner up high single Janet Taylor 255. high triple Debbie Wallace 560 Debbie Wallace was the most improved bowler with •-+ 25. Runners up were Karen Knott and Shirley Bell +15. Games.200 and over. Darlene McClinchey 266 Janet Taylor 255: - ' team standing: team one took two team two took five team three took five and team four took twflj The U.C.W. are invited to Myth U.C.W, Thinkoffering October 4 at 8 p.m.. The Aimwell Unit will meet Sep- tember 28 at 8 p.m. Mrs.' Lorna Miller Will be speaking on "Nutrition" and "family" Greeting on Sunday were Reg Lawson and Murray Howatt. Ushers were Darlene --Hill*: -Mena Nesbitt. Kim Wright and Sandy Merner. Rev. Scott welcomed all and announced flowers in the church were placed in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Bromley Sr, by their family. The children's time was an apple on display for the theme 'Fruit is of the spirit.' Junior teacher was Ann Adams. The sermon was The fruit of the Spirit with text John Chapter 15 verse 5 1 am the vine you are the branch.' We are judged by what we are, not what we do. oreanist and choir director Barbara_Bos- man accompanied the choir. Horticulture Flower Atratiging Classes Dried & Silk Beginning TikeS• Oct. 6th for 5 weeks Please Pre-register HILDEBRAND FLOWERS 15 Main St., Seaforth 527-0555 - 715011BRUSHES 89 "Saiiiriff,00 $3.29 TAM " PONS,. 2. ANTIPHLOGESTINE A535 . RUB Ile PAL IN EASY 0141 SPRAY WINDOW YCIUP CLEANER 42$0 Tovni SHOP THE TRIANGLE \194 THE SQUARE MAIN CORNER GODERICH CLINTON MAIN CORNER SEAFORTH 'Tic:HANG LE DISC ii. !eves at Hummel POMnitttee Made up of school, trustees, parents and Ministry of Education offic- ials, appointed to examinine the role of school trustees, has recommended that trust- ees be allowed to set their own remuneration. The re- commendation is contained in the committee's report which , . $ass was held, in the chapel' on Friday morning. Friday afternoon, residents enjoyed an afternoon of Bingo. - At chapel on Sunday.' Rev. • Wittick preached the sermon and Mr. Frank Bissett played the organ and conducted the Huronview choir in the anthem Since God Loves Me. was released last week as a discussion paper by Educ- ation fvlinister Dr. Bette Step- henson. A school trustee's maxi- mum re numeration is now set by legislation and ranges from $100 a month to $600 a month depending upon the number of pupils within the S4140 afternoon,: the Lake- view Mennonites toured the building stopping to sing several selections on each floor. Ceramic class was held on Tuesday afternoon. During the van rides on Wednesday the following residents had a chance for some fresh air and to enjoy the countryside. board's jurisdiction The committee recom- mends a base amount of $400 a month with each board being free to establish addi- tional amounts. Theo $400 minumum would be paid through a combination of provincial grant and local taxes RS-at present with any Mrs, Dearing- Mrs. Caldwell- Mrs, Oarrow. Mrs. Spading. Miss Elder. Miss Hill. Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Lovett, Mrs. Gemmel'. Mrs. Heyink, Mrs. Keller. Mrs. McFarlane, Mrs. Turvey. Mrs. Laidlaw Mrs. Squires. Mrs. Buchanan Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Elsie Henderson re n uneration in excess of the minimum to be determined by each board and paid entirely from local taxes. The 12-member committee which was formed in Febru- ary of this year. was =limed of members of trustee associ- ations and the Ontario School Trustees' Council. parent played the ,.organ , at Able' Study on Thurs4ay afternoon. •Hymns sung were Pill Me Now. 'Since Jesus Came Into My Heart, Where He Leads Me, Hallelujah I'm Walking With The King. Mrs. S. Prouty gave the message. Sympathy is expressed to the family of Clarence Montgo- mery. Huronview would like to welcome Mrs. Pearl Squire from Blyth. groups and Ministry 'officials. The review was one which the Ministry's long-range plan- ning document. "Issues and Directions", released in June 1980, said would be done. In addition to trustee remuner- ation, the report deals with qualifications of trustee cand- iates, the function of the trestee, and parental involve- ment in school governance trustee on another board. The committee reiterated that system of school boards. directly ere cted roc- ally and distinct from other locally-elected bodies is im- portant to retain and ii is-net practical to merge or ceinbine school boards , with other elected mattkeiltai-004*4! - The c-omotittee „ members stated that parental inVolve- rnent itt. the schools is very iniponot but t110 they= feit a reguitioxn01 to, parent • ccuttritlite4 for, 50004- 11;0441: be: counter-': Productive. .. §tePir01111 said the report and ,a response form have been tent to school trustees, home, and school representitives and most ed-. ucational opiganizations a• across the province. , Or. Stephenson said the Ministry has asked for reaction by October 15. Individuals may obtain copies through the Ontario Government Bookstore. September meeting Londesboro Mailer* I The et mtnittee supported,, . .exlsttttg ,k.o0slAcipli ',Which ' prohibits a s boo" board em ployee,. 'froze running • •for - trustee of the board. by which hei5he is -employed. The • committee conelucled that a school board employee should continue to be allowed to run for a beard other than -that by which hei she is employed but only if such an employee obtains a leave-of- absence while a trustee. As the legistlation stands now a . school board employee may continue employment with a school board while sitting as a . , . . ,,:. ' CARNIVAL FINE QUALITY , . 4. . . . . .iCE GKEAM $ . • , NEAPOLITAN, CHOCOLATE, BUTTERSCOTCH, VANILLA, , OR MAPLE 2. LITRE CARTON ' . OUR REG. - . S1 .79 •, , , , . , . CHUNK ; -CLOVER • 184 g. TIN OUR REG $155 TIN IDEAL FOR SALADS ' , OR SANDWICHES LEAF ,, , ''. AIMMIIIIMIIIIIIINIMMIIINAWNINWIllINIINIMII. LIGHT TUNA . 4 ... . , - TIN 750 mi. ,„.... „,, .:, -,-- CLUB SODA • REG. OR DIET GINGER AL E...._....- - . — —0FUTONIC WATER OUR REG. 69e: EA. , RETURNABLE BOTTLES • ... •,. .. ... , . • pun' DEPOSITA& . NEILSONS FRUIT iu A ^ iii i Tuuuk STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, BLACK CHERRY, BLUEBERRY , , ORANGE, CHERRY, VANILLA pINEAppt.E, PEACH .. .._ .,.. ...... , . . _ .,,.- 175 g. CUPS . . ,-. OUR REG. 634 EACH PLUS Mi or 1 $ r. .51 • . ...._ . TUBS '4 FOR HIGH LINER FROZEN HADDOCK OR SOLE IN BA ER TT 2 29 . , • 0,' , . .. PIECES & STEMS 10 OZ. TIN , HANDY FOR YOUR SPECIAL RECIPES RIO 1 0 BRAND CANNED , , _ : TIN POST CEREAL SUGAR CRISP 250 ti. 109 NEILSONS 2%o f COTTAGE $4, An CHEESE 5009. 194‘ 7 POST HONEY COMB CEREAL , 275 0. .4ir STACEYS -SOFT ' . „,.. MARGA Iii 69' ROYALE COLOUR PRINT 4 COLOURS 2 ROLL A;Ai IOUS P7 Z ARAM' QUALITY-- ' ' — --”- MIRACLE 0 on WHIP soil ml. TI. 17 KRAFT SIAGLE THIN (48's) , CHEESE sAir ra SLICES :48: •r•W#7 REGULAR SIZE '' SCOTT A DIAPERS 12. 97 PEAK FREAK 5 VARIEITES sa mph COOKIES. 400 * l• 17 OIETRICHS . 100% W. WHEAT A of BREAD ' 24 cos CV yr 8 FLAVOUR VARIETIES • I KAL KAKI 0 F $ CAT FOOD.... (17 °4 I SCOTT SUPER 1 TODDLERS sa nn DIAPERS 24., •ig• COUNTRY OVEN IN-STOsliE BAKERY SPECIALS mu Num rairlitIFFINei 99' . CATELLI SPAGHETTINI MACARONI ' Sal . AA SPAGNETTL.,..t /Y _ZEHRS OWN , 2 25 g. maw g mug d*,irao DINNERS di "If 7 JOHNSTON- , BABY s. POWDER250.. -SAKERONLY-11-41L--LOAVES COUNTRY 01,01 FRESH FRENCH- - --..-,-, BREAD 2 S Sp # FLAMINGO . 12's I Ap BUTTER TARTS sa 9 EILSONS N r QUALITY # SOUR CREAM 250 ml. Or 9 HAW INKY TOASTED SUNOS SUMO WALNUT IOCKWIWAT ROM COUNTRY CRISP BARS 9 oz. size OUR REG. 1A9 0 PKG. COOL WILL-0 CIOSPS, 200 gr. . ' WILLAO,PAK , • ROWS 4101,181 suss SLOW PORES 00SOINT MPS ' OUR REC. $1.45 'PKG. POPSICLE , BRAND ... A GOOD 'N' PUDDIN 77 TOTINO DELUXE CR. CRUST PIFIA. 1..9 RICH'S AbA0 COFFEE RICH . 1 14. 07 ,..... TOTING • PEPPERONI 34509. k J, il i ji CR. CRUST PIZZA vi. YY . MOZZARELLA OR HAVARTI kg na, BADEN CHEESE 'ff 12 oz. _ ipr r ROYALE 3 COLOUR FACIAL TISSUE 100.. 89° — NUE II 5111011111111Y NEILSONS $40 DRINK CRYSTALS too. 416 wir r WESTON JAM FILLED Alidio FRESH BUNS 6's yy roe MOM " CATELLI . #1 09 MEAT SAUCE 28oz. 8 ' • . . vve RESERVE THE RIGHT TO Ltmortogattrate AWOL AASVI RIM SWIM MOIL mum NEILSONS FAMILY` BARS MOORS SIZES 79 INDIVIDUAL PACKETS -SUGAR t TWIN 40 Q. or r pa MI Malin CATELLI Doo TOMATO _SAUCE 26 (mu iv WWI WING CHOWINEIN, SPANERUIS otWESTONS PINEAPPLE CHICKEN 11,41 4,046 pitiont =;:47,2z. • STONED WHEAT ' IV Of TIIINS 300 . 0a 'g o _______________.................., AUTO M. CR M ISPY ICA JWAYNIUt, IIALTUMILIt r sm" siZatau st no M ULTI KS OKI; 4 _ OA OF - gay r ME PORNIML MAZOLA so ..a OIL • 1 Ulla A frilli dir ZEHRS OWN mite 41 Iv BEANS 21b. KG. il. dr . trEitsotieT IMIttIONAU.$111 4 HOT CHOCOLATE soon, • I 49