HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-24, Page 6-VA WINVIAM TIMES. itieLloTT, l°V nus* itlt AND BROVNINTDD. lb'iti:AA'S.', NOVEMBER, 21, 1809, l I ly 11 OTTAWA LETTER, Wont our u . 'n (•x rl:sl,ox:lit et. Ottawa, Nov. 18. Tho leader's of the Opposition ii, Fed- eral, polities, --Sir CIla.les Tupper, Mr. roster sine' others aro -engaged at this moment all stumping itineraries, both west slid test, and the burden of their cry, tal:e:t up and reiterated upon every platform, may. be, summed up iu the two words, "Broken Promises." This ("large .that the Literals have not redeemed their anti -erection pledges has. become so threadbare, is hat: been re- peated and definitely answered so often, that one hesitates to refer to it again; but I venture to Call attention to one Point Most persistently harped upon, and deal with, it in reference to figures that have e just been published. It is charged that the Liberal party promised to do away with the protective policy of the Conservative party, end ill- troduce iu its place a commercial policy, of *solute free trade. Such. a proviso Ives never made as Oppositiouists know right well, but the taarifFplauk definitely laid down in the e.cturention of 1593, placed' on record at that time, and never departed from, read as follows: - THE T3RIFF I'L.43`Ii. paint at lest, all Oppardtianists are agreed, it cannot be held respona lits eyed iudireetly for the rise 1i tit: prion of coal oil. U4. b'0R TiW ARIVr. It appears evident that Canada is go- ing to derive large commercial benefit from the troubles" it . South ,('l:frica, for already tlla Imperial authorities .are ilh- quirin„ what facilities silo has for send. lug in supplies, and indeed initial con- signmente aro now in course of prepare - Minter o hapmeut. 'Through the efforts of the Minister of A;;rieulture, ttu order b115 been prochired for 3,000 tons of baled liay to be delivered in Cape Towu by Christmas; sample eohisigntnents of various kinds of Canadian oauued goods are t1Lso being sent oa?t, salad t11is wall doubtless lead to Considerable develop - went of trade. This development is important not only for its. intrinsic value but from the fact that it •will ha- loxes ,u-pec. s eluphatieaily upon the Homo authorities the fact that the Dominion is well able to compete with other countries in supplying the needs of the War Office and the A(lutiralty. Ilri- manse quantities of goods have hitherto been, purchased from American firms, there is no. reason why the Desmon -� should not scala. the trade in the future. A PRETTY GOOD RECORD.' Sono interestil)g figures were quoted by Hon. G. W. Ross in the course of his speech at Renfro' - in the Local bye - election campaign the other day. ' Re- ferring to the allegations of frliud tion 'ri •h the recent Local connee t "Tire custom's tariff or. the Dominion elections the Premier •pointed out that - should be based, not es it now is upon a since Confederation there hav©been, 927 protective principle, but upon the re- elections; of which. the Liberals had quiremeiits of the public service; the carried 55S, and until the West Elgin tariff should be redateed to the needs of election there had not been' .a single re - honest, economical and efficient gov- !preach cast upon the methods adopted ernment; mid should be so adjusted as by the Liberal party; while in this, the to snake free, or to bear as lightly as first instance when charges of coreep possible upon, the necssaries of life, and tion were made, the' Government had should be so arranged. as to promote appointed a commission of judges,. to freer trade with the whole world, more , whom the 'most uncomproneieteg parti- particulariy with Great Britain and the U nited States." There is no ambiguity in the wording of that proposition; now what is the son could not take exception, to thoroughly investigate the matter. At the rate of thir'tydeputy returning officers and thirty poll Clerks in each fulfillment? The trade returns for the ' election there 'would lie over 55,000 first quarter of the fiscal year ending officials altogether engaged' in conduct - S eptember 30th, shows an increase of fug these'contests but never before has trade of $27,000,000 over the .same there been'a charge against them. It is quarter in 1890, or at the rate of over well worth while' to keep these' facts in $1.00,000,003 a year. The tariff'unrer , mind. • ' which this vast increase has been es perieneed, gives a preference of 25 per cent. on British goods, very largely in- creasing the free list and reducing the titxiff on veiny lines that ' are ' ' still tared. •1 The . figures quoted include imports upon which no duty has been exacted to the annual value of 823-,,00o,O00 in ex- cess of the value imported in 1895. When it is further borne in mind that the imagined"they : would . gladly • have wel, great bulk of the goods' Upon the free domed this opportunity: of definitely, are list consist ' of raw material for the living at the exact facts. • Instead of supply of home industries, and also that ithis however they take exception 'to the the vasa; bulk of the splendid increase in Government's `action advancing , the in - trade has been with the Empire and the genions contention that the appointment republie to the south, it will be stens • a Commission an acknowledgement low exacts the anti -election of fault book keeping, if not worse. 'P promISBS as to a trade policy have been taxlied r There is very little fear bit" that the out. • ' - • electors .generally will appreciate• the - - - step which has now been taken. " The TUB PAIGE. OF COIL oIL. SURELY THIS OUGHT TO PTFAAE THEN. It is odd, to say the least, to find . the • Opposition critisizing the ' Ontario Gov- ernment for, its action in appointing an outside Commiceion to audit the Ben*ices of the Province and make an expert re- • pert thereon: • They have: so' Ioug dis-' Anted the dein ,of tha Liberals to -a Provincial surplus that •one would. have Government claime that during its term Another favorite fiction with Oppos, of office extending over a, quarter 'ofa tion critics for some time past has been century not a cent has been improperly the policy of the Government is respons- spent, out of the hniirfreds ' of million ible for tib increase in the price of coal dollars, disbursed, and in spite of the oil inasmuch as it has it is alleged, al- persistent efforts of Opposition nu nibeisr lowed the oil monopolists from across on the Public Accounts ' Committee- the liue(to get the Canadian railroads efforts laboriously renewed ever .year - ander their control., • This theory how -not even a suspicion of misappropriation sever is somewhat• upset ,by the state- of funds has been established. if these anent of General Traffic ?tsnpeger Reeve, contentions cannot be setbstantia'ted;the of fhe grand-Trun1t lTrailway, to the expert Coinmissmners Will very gttigtly effect that the Fafl's¢ys are in no sense, discover it and ho one 'who "knows thie responsible for the •i1ipreape.. . An Aad- calibre of the men appointted'vill. doubt -vane of a few . cents per hundred • fora monfent that'theq will p ep8re slid pounds, Mr. Reeve declares, makes ,publish a straight fol vtard•and ireliabie iliaetically no ,difference in • the cost of.. report of their fi ins " ' " soil per g#illon: tie ,real_ reason for the wise in prices he says, is probably the " roov .131E werfisi S rF'J Lrli,• same which have occ,asmneci the•rise in the Pain-ltaeked IRheurnatl4's the price of iron, steel, lumber, an(l• al- .,sends American BI&eurgatjc.ouzo Him - most every other known commodity, : bier the Swollen Stiff Joints•-pdv,ci r hely+ that has gone up in valve during the Life ;stew Iiolie•-•Oures Permanently. ; . past year.• . - .. As the;po1iey of the Gov- . J. H. Garrett, of Liverpool, eel S.; ' set ernment - ,has • of . course had nothing was a great sufferer for years from: aeute•. -whatever to, d4 ;with, the prosperity of rherinla1Wm. .Was finable .to wa& or the country,, and the inor'ecsecl demand put mgy et under me. I tried every - for these commodities, and •upon this thinr s . ;, „ ended, and was treated Try -YIOI.FNT EADAC 11 E G l t TIDES, NOVEMBER 24, MO, M`x'() 1 .1'( l It 'tly''t)l 'a k;i3'1'.BE.LSeel.triD 1872• , ' a 1181rElK'r 1.."H131(111. --141111b11111 MINICe4 Elf TIE' 1NfilA TIMES I 'will guarautee *At lay Iiheumatisfl, Cute will relieve lum- bago, sciatica and ell rheumatic pains ill two or three hour*, and cure in a few days" ¥UNXON. At all druggist!, 25e. a vial. Guide to Health. and medi- cal advice free. 1505 Arch et,, Phila. , , 1, • e4 .'y Everybody wiants to 1c11ars how to get xioll. This is the way to do it, according to Mrs. Hefty Green, tate wealthiest 'Wollzan in America. "Be -careful of your health.. Save your pennies. Study not how yoga can spend tho money you have earned, 'but how yen can earn more. Watch the por:plo who want to take your money fro,,, you; the more money you get the more such people there will be, Keep on earning money'; if you stop • earning, •yon fortune will h nyou don't yourcies len shrink . s arm o w s as exercise) it, See that your head isn't lame. It doesn't nrntteraboutyourlegs. Learn to lalow good people from bad. Take care of your money; it isn't half as hard to earn it as itis to tako care of it. Be sure not to put all your money eggs into one basket. Be reliable. 'That's the golden rule of* business." "Doing nothing is doingill." aIinT tars blood neglected will become se o matter. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla at once and avoid the ill. Twitter - I hear you hada sneak thief at your house hist night. Did a' pretty fair job, didn't 11e? Trotter -Well, yes. In fact, he left nothing to be de- sired.-Towu Topics. '• EARLY CLOSING Before placing your order for Spring Clothing call and' • see our - NEW SAMPLES for 1399. We .can afford to sell` New ' 'Goods • cheaper. that,; old stock : that cost one -halt More than new and .better goods of- :the latest styles . will cost to -day, We make clothes thalt fit. WEBSTER & 00., ;Queen's• • BIocir. " ufFering caused it; Quickly Ended when, Ointment is : applied •Besides the isitei)se"'agony caused :by *the itch]rig, banning sensations of:pilesi there are : .ether symptoms which produce restlessness and at:times excruciating yams known only to the victim of- piles.- . •' :::What Would •one;!give to be: free, of;this .terrible disease?. And .yet there is•*cwe-a positive cure-vvMch'does not cost axuc'h findi3 not painful or,difficulito apply,: ' ' • • -Dr. A..1)V. Chase's Ointment is, so far as is knq)vn, the Only absolute dare lot blind, itch= n and protruding' fids, It v@4 ing; bleeds g p g p •gi relief. it the first application and affords a -pes- feet.curein the most aggravated cases. .Nfi.•IsaacFdster;•1;rieview,Oat, 'Says : "1 was troubled swab itching.pl'Tei for tiro yeark and could not sleep at night. 1 was half crazed , and tried everything' Finhlly"-stain Dr. Chase's .Ointment advertised. I tried•, it' and' found' it good. After a second application I. ,foiir)d; relief, and one "large box cured me. Have neitt been bothered since; and l; can re, 'rtithmend..it t0'. et1 sr)ffering ffom • the sane •trouble." / Pr. Chased- Ointment is for sale by all • dealers, ox Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. best p sicians, but relief was in wain. ° • I was .. nunended to try South Aanerz- can eoanatic Cure. I procured a bot- tle; hen half of it was taken . I had ate: relief. A few bottles cured me. r c : 'm to -day it isthe only reined that • w` 1 cure rligunlatism." ;;old ;iiy A. L. milieu, Accompanied by' ',indigestion and - Constipd'tiota,aurid; �fy Dr..Chaie's • From 'lath, 'Ont.'Comes the pattieulats of e rentarltab'fe cure effected by Dr. Chase's I«idncy-Liver Pills. Mr. Yes. Gardiner ware far forty years the victim of indigestion, eon. vitiation, end violent headaches, Nothing seemed to bave the desired effect until he be - lin tue use of Dr. Chases's Ki(lney-Liver Pail. and they effected a complete cure, Mr. 'Gardiner writes : "1 have been troubled fee ever forty pears with indigestion and constipation, won.d go for two weeks at a time. At intervals 1 wuu?d 0w taken: 'kit violent headaches. 1 spent *Alan and dnlht in wain, and was finally Ad - Mood to life Dr, Closte's Kidr'y.15ver 1'1114, sA'eSsf est tory art the only remedy (lik I ''could not .fetes • pm a lit,{p wetwet .Railroad Grammar. .. ",Whitt was the next station?" "'Y'on mean what is the next station?" "l o. W1iat was is, isn't ftp ' "That doesn't make any difference. Is is was, but was is not necessarily is." "Look here; what was, is, and what is, is. Ts was is, oris is was." "Non.ellse. Was may be fes, but is is not was. It was was, but if was was Ulf then is isn't is or was wasn't was. If was is, wias it wa , isn't it? But if is is was then---" "Listen. Is is, war, was, and. is was and was LI; therefore is was is, and was is was, and if was w:es is, is is is, and was was was, and is its was." ".,lint up, will y00 : I've gone by my station alreaily."-Life. 11 a n and 7 1) art, 14uuday School at 2:80 nt.General Drayer meethe on Ye e(btt'sday evelhiugs. R. 'N Freed, pester. W. J. Chai'Iuam..1t. S. +1.petinteudellt. 11:E'ulop1ST Ont'ncu----: abbath eavices all a Its mid 7 p an. ' auadaty Selma at 2:30 pan. Epworth League every Mon. (day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday oveuinge. Rev, ltieltard Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. r , Sup- t riutencleut. • PRESBYTERIAN C#Ivrten--Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a Ill. and 7 p an. Sunday School at :3::0 ) nt. General prayer meeting oft Wednesday evenings. Itov. D. Pelxlo, pastor. D. M. Gordon, S. S. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, I' PISC OPAL--nab- batlt services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sun- day irellool at 8:80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednestlay evening. Rev. Wm, Lowe, iuoaunbeut. F, Sltor o, S. S. Superintendent. CONGREGATIONAL Cfusori.-Sabbath services at 11 a n, and 7 p in, Sunday • School at 2:80 p ria. General player meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Gof`iln, pastor. Gavin Wilson, S. • S. Suporiutou(lont. Ro.ritN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Every fourth Sxuaday. Mans at 10:80 a Irl, ser- mon and benediction at 7 p M. ROY. D. P. I:'McI%±enalnin, P. P. SALTATION Anew -Service at 7 and 11 andandp . Ill. In d38n 011 St and dtt , e '0 ll L 1_ r,yoveuag culrlgteweo..at8 o'olock at that- barracks. CHRISTIAN WoRICERs-Services in the Mission Hall, Victoria street on Sunday at 3 and 7:80 p m. T. A. street, in charge. POST OFFICE --In Macdonald Block. Office hours -from, 8' a m to •0:80 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. 10014104S' •ITSTITUI'A-Library and free reading 'ronin ' in the Town Hall, Will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:45 o'clock•andevery evening from 7 to 9: 80 o'clock. • 11tliss Millie' Robertson, librarian. Tom; CouNalz--Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Thos. Gregory, Jos, Gulley, L. W. Han - sou, A. J. Irwin, Geo. McKenzie and R. MoIudeo, Couneillors; J '13.: Ferguson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Youbill, ,Assessor, Wm. Robertson, " Collector. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. Bosom BoseEreeeC, N. Griffin, ((abaft, - man), Thos.. Abraham, H. G. Lee, J..:J.. Homuth, Wm. Moore, }L Kerr, Thos. Bell, Wm. . Bettor. Seeretarry, Wan. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.• Meetings seoond Tuesday evening in each month.• • Punto SbHboL TEAcutets=A. H. Musgrove, 'PrinQipal, Miss Robertson, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson,Miss Coznyn, Miss Vanstonei, Miss Matheson alid Miss; Reids • • ' Bunts •ot TlkAr rn Mayor .Clegg, (ch'airnian), C. J. Reading, Thos. Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary es •Dre ec-retary;.:•Dr,. • Towler, Medical • Health' Officer. = 1r. S 1 e. , Highest cash .flieideS1 fair all 'kinds of good 'Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, ``Cedar Posts and= Shingle. Bolts elehveied'in our yard. :.... CUSTOM SAWING, SHINGLE CUTTING'.• done; at Io$vest;•prises and ssttisfactiolr "naralitee c ''Call acid , et prices be• fore.:disposing: of .your .;timber • McLEAN ..•& SO .. I QQ 1 t Rxytektemc rsati ---- 1vO t :'1115 :..r t! :COUNTRY _GENTLEMAN__ Tlie QNLY,Mrl,Culinral..Newwspapets• and admittedly the tiiiiing igricifitaral Journal Oft 1`in wOltLt% :: • •. Every depa'rfinend written by special[ete,' the highest authorities in their respective li!)ge Ivo ,ether paper pretends to compote with tt•iitr qualifications of editorial stmt. •Gives the agricultural A5%VS with a degree of fullness and completeness•nok, eveo?.attetapted by others. ; ` : ; ;t Host Malone di * grope. ' Best Market Reports. • Beet A coputspf,Meetings. ' } ; pest •P.verything. INDISPENSABLIt To ALL COUNTRY,. .RESIDENTS WIxo aV•I Ei TO K EP UP WITH ' THE " Thae. ' ••'Single Subscription, Csil; ••: , ; ,. 93�10l .1 91 Two subacrlptPouions, $3,50, tits "' � •.� ,Four Stdbseriptione,.$8. 1:.,Spaeia;inducements te Falser, of larger clubs« ' tvrite for Particulars on tbis Point. • • Club Agents Wanted L'verywhgrn. Children Cry tor CASTOR L i NERVOUS, B1O00 PRIVATE & SEXUAL OtS- EASES, MEN � pp8++e.. WOMEN. "OLL tiourldonths' Trial Trip, 60 Cents: SPECIMEN 'COPIES will bo mailed free on request. It will pay anybody interested la any Way Art country lite to send for tbenn. Address the publishers. LVTBER ti'I1CKER & SON, • ALBANY, N, Y. 'Comm Middle Aged Cc Old Men F' you are suffering from nriy cnmptica- tion of the Sexual System, Bladder. Ktdueret, Blood or l`eeves, consult us at once, We cure all meet:ere, Ner-oela Waste, :'secret Loss( r,,1`7iglitlV Drains. fie::- ty cat Decline, and make marriage lrssoible. • Rica or Poor -One Lollar, NO INCURABLE CASES TAKEN. W11 )rnarantee to care -..Verltosalr, Emis• cions. tftrierturr. Meet, bice, imooiency, Vans -tent! Discharpus, ill • titee,� Nervous anal QNiavie »lsesse of Mal atm Wm,i.n. Con- setta(•tton rsa, emotion let Re Home Trio- rearni Fres- itsef�* Fri% DRUI vm MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes Alt Mars tram 4 fr. t., 34 f).. Mtn t'emrar 1-18,... it 14 Pt7k3LISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING The 'Times Oise%, Beaver Block WINUIIAM, ONTA1tIo. TI;a:da 0G' f+1Ft)icatinION--41.00 per annum in advance, 41.00 if not so paid. No paper dis(•oir.- tinned till all arrears are ,raid, except at the option of til(' publisher. AliVEaml8ING lr'ATH% -- Legal and other casual advertisements 80 perNonpparicllifc.for first insertion, i1 per line for melt subsequent luxe}•tion, Advertisements in local coluruns are charged 10 eta, per lino for first insertion, and 5 cents per lint• for each subsequent insertion. Advortist nl('nts of Lost, Found, fist's cu, Farnrs for Nile or to Hort, and similar, $1.00 for first month and C.0 emits for each subsequent month. CoNr'nAett RAT:Is--T13e following table shows' our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periocin srAen. 1 rn. Ono. 3 oto. 1 me. One Columu..........$00.00 435.00 418.00 40.00 Half Column 35.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 0.00 8.00 Advertisement, 15'ltlloxlt s eeifle dt:v(4101 i1,craneriuisgyTransient advtsi' n u paiid for f.n nclveuteo, Tisk. Jon D$1*AIiTURNir is Htoe1ad w:itil an extensive fissortmont of all requisites for print - 1,g, affording i'aoilities not equalled in the county for turning out first close work. Large typo and appropriate onto for alletyles of Post- ers, ITtlnd 8111,,, etc., and tile latest styles of ehoieefa ( typo for the liner ohiases of print- ing. p H. B. FT'T,IOTT Proprietor and Publisher, BANK K of HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital. $1,491,520. Rest, $1,000,000 President JcuN Swoonr. Vice-Prtsidcnt-A. Q. Rtixaay. DIRECTORS John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, M.P., A. T. Wood, M.P., A, B. Lee (Toronto), Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank -Hour's 10 to 3; Saturday, 10 to 1. Depatlts of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. • Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. , Drafts on Groat Britain and filo United States Bought and sold. • W. CORBOULp, Agent. ;C,. DICKINSON, Solicitor. , A.. E. SMITH %UNOIIAN.. General Banking Business transacted, Money advancedtofarmers and business mon on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' ::Sale NOS Moneys:ren1itted by that to ii11 ;parts of Canada and. the pitted States- , • -Notes and accounts collected on 'reasonable terms, WING'IIAM' `HUSPITAL. For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN al)d SURGICAL -CASES of ell. kinds.- Pottier ticulars address • • DR. J: P. KENNEDYi Medical Superintendent, Wingltam, Ont. PLOWING MATCH, Uurou mowing Ass(xiatiuu ltiatuhsu s; Great Success. The annual plowing Inatclt which was held under the auspices of the Iluron Plowing .Aasttelatiell on fho funk of Air. J. L. Bower, lot 10, Hymen, on Tuesday of last week was a huge sueeCss. weather was everything that could be .desired, tho lIUld was in good condition for plo'vi*;g and tho competition was very keen. These conditions added to the interest tusi. enjoylueut of the large crowds tnstaubled to Boo tho contest noticeably larger than other yews. In the profoss.iaual class there. 'cora just fcar entries. Mr. A. McDonald, ,m- berly, reek first prize and the special prize of one parlor: lamp donated by Franklin & Martyn for best break and finish, D. Mascot', 2nd, and the best for ins end outs sod, this latter being a special prize of a set of witifiletrces • donated by Thos. MoBriau, blacksmith, Ripley; Sohn McIntyre, Ord, and John McKoith 4.th. IIx the non-professional. class there were just five entries; Dan. . McGregor, took first money and first prize for break and finish, this latter'. being a special prize of ono plush album donated by H. P. Chapman, Goe. MoIvor • 2nd, W. J. Pritchard 8rd, A. Hamilton 4th. In the boys class there were iu all.. nine entries: Malcolm Martyr took first ,nonny and two special prizes, one for best ploughing clone iv boys' class with Fleury plough viz, one root cutter don- ate(' by J. Fleury & Sou, value $12, and. another for best break and finish in boys' Class, this latter being a fur cap donated by Mr, F. MoLouna, Lochalsh. W. R, Hamilton 2nd ,coney and special prize of a pair of pants donated by D. G. Ma- . Beth for best ins and outs in the boys' Class. Jas. •Cameron 3rd and J. Me- • Gregor 4th': Also entered but. getting no prizes were: J. Bowers, jr., John Mc-- Leod, J. Molvor. The men to whom the. • important duty of judging was assigned were Hugh Chambers, Lochalsh; J. Tay- lor, Paramotult and Hugh McMillan, Holyrood. The judges spoke very high- ly of the quality of the work done by both boys and men and of the difficulty in many cases of awarding the first prizes. All the competitors were Huron _ ' Township citizens except two, McIntyre and McKeith. L :,mow Sentinel. A BBB ' HER'S NEEYE Will Break Ur er the Strains of Indigos-- tion.Bere's he Testimony of the Broach- er and Itis . 'He -Backsliders* From Good Health Xi : • aimed By the Power of the Great So h American Nervine. Rev. . S. Barker, of Peterboro', nays: ° r was greatly afflicted with in- digesti• . and nervous prostration, and.. myIr ' was all run down and suffering much from general debility, and we hear y joie hands in giving testimony tot great relief and curative powers - of uth American Nervine. Splendid -res. 1 is followed the taking of the first bo le, and a few bottles have cured ns: lead we cheerfully recommend it to fellow sufferers." Sold by A. L.. •t• t' • Teo King's Joke. A rather good story anent the King of the Belgians comes from Brabant. His. 'Hajity diad or{3eted�r'the royal train to• awa} hnn 4 a `cartktn !Station. On lei as aizivtfl the si atioinixaster,' who . did not know who he was, pushed him back, sayli , • "Yeur.pardon, afr, but there ia. VAN, STONE, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, 'ETC. l rivate'tind Company funds to loan at lowest rate oflint,erest. No commissioncharged Mort agoges,:tolvn a1$ farm, roueFt _ bogghtund,d 1d Oti'tce,� v,xr•BI ,wing ihm ; ti , _ g. MORT,QT i ,;. , °BAR1ULSTE1x, &c., , Wingham, Ont. - -I - no train due for the next two hours, and V,• L. DICKENSON, no one is allowed on the platform till his: ` , aiajesty.t )p k_ing:11 s• deft'" ' receiving t ; . •$.4•40Watu,;ETC. $ as ' b�olicitor.:toBnirk of Hamilton. Blaney to loan. that his identity we • unknown, Leopold, Once-t•M8(yer Bloolc, Wingham. who ,enjoys a joke immensely, resolved. pet:nuse• hianselff at,tlie; it fan's expense a e, .,A RT.Hte i J i1:1'wIN, D. D. s., L. D. s. PreiQuding to get envie he tried to push. ' ' . �": • +�iDoetpr tal Surges y of tate Pennsylvaiiii'rl1 spast.tbe-•t tbby littlie 'iiidi4itlual who bar- �'ii Dental• O lege and Licentiate oY the l;o al i ed l '' way„ exo1a imlug "Get ,put p1' Cdlleac� 01." tai,Surgeons oY Ontario . f (ltt e; 'the' d r r t ? *1' over Post;Of 'o; Wingliam.wad! there is'-n-t'ram waiting at the- r i. D. Tto t�' D` . s " I:.1 b i,' ' •e i' i, li plstfornr i �*ota:' 1; mal;©: ;fie lose at, you.ys D, , 1dhot. r • '' , :. (DENTIST,, .,; _..Y I.1# . a i : • ti s•SY+oii• *shit iga lkif Yid t sir; it's the• 00 i pffeo-Beaver Block, Wingham. •. , royal train, and is waiting for King Leo-- s. °'• • - rCAN v RITOHIE4,� 7 . . ',I don't careif it's fortho' tzar " cried, r • ..,. Eo7SiUR.�`70 1$GNT� .'i 'lleopol$:iYm',gogbt�tr�ilidid- • i;1 youe,a'wnrphyvgs}tattion<a':s;ter biegan tod• ' get angry. "I'm master of this station, "' asiil`I' ordeal i ,i c;f iSiliufill6ftere I have o Y. gera 1 tap?", i yiitrili t if . .•,! •et; �+ Z. Leiold r€rfusd•om ir1� to go out, JOHN ()URRIE, WINORAM, Osr. and defied the little man to put him out, LICENSED-- Xie'Mdl Il" " ,' °''c.4111 shatters had teachndthis-isatefetititfg-: Sales of li'arm,Stockand. Farm Jmplements a.. ager who71., tah.A.,(`'•"o:mt t.1„ fln1troll?.ont•ap. •:.,.,..,.m.l..n, apeciult geared on the steno,. and addressed the All orders left at Tnit , s office promptly , attended to Terms sea§ 110. king by his title _ 11 tationmaster s ••i '�1 •: is. ,surpriseauci;f1)igli a ; ositivsly,;.lat i;• So -Er , MEETINGS. Wens, and the,i Iilhg s, 1;40644,1 ' ,a d ;_Caine Cdbodndli'ih, No. 90, meets with• thatsmiling good -humor which is e �m . t11C fi(�rHt and bhitd b1. VIsjY in so characteristic of the man, every month, otat ' dfdi ttAit ;~Tall. Vi IL -"--j-------"-'-''"""' _ .. ; ,• r; Inctincnw(+]ruiin ng J,'1 1tftA , Olxief; H: Itltou»atfaru(fttx'xl i t ` Elliott, RCC Sec r , ,,. , e! 41 ' •.`,3, eft IT •'pit' • `t)Vhehi tlie'rcidneYe aro kept healthy M j.' oB PRIN7CiNG. ' ::.., ` • ' : ' ' :' ttitgl Vigorous by the- We'd'' Di, 'A.•W ' r including I3oolxs, Pamphleto, Posters, Bi11 Chase's Eidney-Liver Pills. It is uri* Heads, ()menhirs, Sic•,.&c., exenutoclinPM'befit acid 'orbit'tho,bloQdbytdcftltrti `llei(ih18 *tyle of the art, at uredo stn. priors; and on `tllltt 0ttliS0 '1.'llettIlletistn. - ' Dr. • A.W. chart xeric:' Chase's Kidney-LiVor Pi1Is Rinke the BOOi(1iIN1>iNfi.•-Weurn pleaycd to nnnounue that any Books or 11lagtivinis •lift with no'for ltitlney3• Atroae slid fictive ixi•: `tlsglii''woili2, t Binding, 'rill lieu(, ort' promt , attention, of dire -ing ilio binned, ° calci •thus remove x : ii3 Prices flit Bindirig in any style will bU given on the Uallso of rlheunlatism, One pi11 £t app>lieatidn to „ T1:1E TIMES OPkICE, -'dee°, .,5 coats a box,. 0 •.• ( Wingham, Ont. DEANS, Jit. Pr iCENSED ATICRIO.�TFERy r b for the County of Huron. c es tette any part of the County. l;a mod • :e Winghain. RAILWAY TIME TAELES. /"+RANI) TIlU:QIC IIATLWA'!f f4Y8TPIH. Vf enee.s nifty) reit Palmerston 1',17 a.m.... 14.15 non, Loudon11:can.... 8.15 pan,Kincardi 3 ne ....11 :t.mI1.15 1Nn1....10,,fl) pari. AltNfVB 1•'t:nrt Ki:moraine ....0.dt)11,I1., s.rs a.m.... 13.15 Teo:ai n 11.10 8.81,... 8.1)0 p.m. I'almerAon )f.tlli /'.'''...,10.4:3 T. H. GORDON, Ageitt,Winghanx. 3ANA'1IA2t PACIFIC RAILWAY. RAiNS LUAnit 1.014. Optioiau: i'vo boon sveindiod with a counterfeit twenty -dollar . • Stui a -note. Great detective ---iia home and say no.. thing. Your business will be. ruined it it becoincs known that you can't 800 beam. 1hatl tlhat,•.,~,Tenvolers' Weekly.' OM A. W. CHASE'S e. CATARRH CURE ret 14 sent direct to lite 'diseased parts by the ' proved 1�1�9qwar. Bosh the 511 ; giipwnf'S,ir '1F' ,te( d b ir d 3a ° ( r t• •