HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-09-09, Page 51
aCcounts of $94,67.444 was
approVed This: included
o,yttiOr4 on at. $git04-
AlltUre for, whit)), .,:tile,
County, Board Of,
Education -reoriburses the
township,. 11 7,584., Tile
Drainage toles, $9,100.„.
"payments to contractors - tor
construction on municipal
drains. $50,525., and
Logan's share of debenture
payments for the Mitchell.
arena. $1,757.
Logan two. learns
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Bibbert Township council
received delegations for the
consideration of a possible
change in a right of way in
St. Co'peahen at its regular
meeting Sept. 2.
The existing right of way is
opposite the church on the
south. side of highway 8, near
a new house owned by Steve
Murray, He owns land else-
where in the hamlet, where
he is Willing to provide a new
right of way fOr .140 clit*,
seats. Both parties; are cO.
operating. :Council'. did, not.
see 436 tl_ems problemsin
big, the, right Of -war, if . the
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Hall-
Man from Detroit, Michigan
visited with Jim and Mildred
Cronin a few days last week.
Miss Colleen Cronin visit-
ed with Pat and Paul Miller
in Durham on the weekend.
Brian Lane. Toronto visit-
necessary land division ap-
proval is obtained and ant-
roendments made if neces-
Neil Devereaux of Van
Morsel! Insulations present-
ed a documentary film show-
ing the applcation of ure-
thane foam to roofs, to cure
leaks and provide inSidatien.
Council considering r,palr-
mg the reef of the townslup,
Antither delegatioe•• on the
to speak to council, but as
theta report on, thiSdrain had
ed with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Lane.
Misses Mary and Barbara
Feeney,, Stratford spent the
weekedd with their paretris
weekend with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Serer-
as, Jill and Jeff, Exeter
visited on the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan.
.Mr. and Mrs. James Mail-
been received the delegation
agreed discussions could be
held at the reacting of the
report. This is to be at 10:30
p.m. Sept. 21. The "Scott"
drainage report will be read
at 7 p.m. the same Monday
Approval from the Min-
istry cif Natural. Resourees for
pits and „quarries licenceS
Were given-to:Bye Properties
in the township.
With a large pottiell of the,
tad hildlitlt Absorbed to,
construction .of bridge on
concessiOri4/ and 13 of 1o1
loux, Toronto visited for a
few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Vincent Lane.
Mr. Frank Nolan and Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Ryan,
Louise, Mary Jo and Mark
attended the Melbourne fair
on Sunday and later visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ryan
and Matthew.
Sister itlargaret Rose Eck-
ert from Strathroy visited at
5. there were not sufficient
funds to build up a mile and
quarter of road. But it was
decided to improve sideroad
70 and 21 of Concession 9
where presistent flooding
has occurred during runoff.
The installationof new cul-
verts, and the raising of a
-road should eliminate this
Problem. Consultation .bet-
ween the road Operintood.
cot and, the :Ministry of
Transpettatiert and Coin,
Munieation take place.
, gel .of the oldest
grader, the Wabco 177, 0.0
, the need for replacement was
considered. Piscussion on
the purchase of a diesel truck
and a one-way plough for
1982 would speed snow
Bearing in the early part of
the winter. The truck could
Work on municipal drains
progressed very well dAong
the nteritKof AUgusi, Loon
Tot' `hip Councitlearued at
the recent 4001 meeting:
The DOde;•.tiichoison-.Kocrt
and the Hunt Municipal
Drains have been completed
and • the , Brodhagen and
Branches D and • of •the
NOrtheast Municipal Drains
are nearing completion. The
road superintendent
reported that the surface
treatment program which
affected sections of road on
Concessions 4, . 10 and 12
west of Highway 23 has been
completed satisfactorily and
that construction of Sideroad
30 at Concession 1 and 2 is in
progress. The contract for
loading and hauling
approximately 10.000 cu. yd.
be fitted with a V plough
later in the winter, and also
be used for construction
purposes in the summer. The
present International dump
truck has some mechanical
of traVeifor tins construction
was ',ewlkttcOt/ to, Domegan'A
kialilage:.1.imitcd of Listowel
tor,S1,44f per.:co. yd.
Pic contract for icon-
stoiction on the Linton
Municipal. Drain has hale
awaidect to Dennis. Wilhelm
Excavating for the sum of
$1,920.00. ELL. Roth Enter-
prises Ltd. received the
contract for work onthe
Bushfield Municipal Drain
for 53,350.00.
Road vouchers totalling
$29,550.29 were approved
for payment. The expense?
for this month included the
balance of the calcium
'chloride $8,670.. road
assessments for municipal
drains 510,450, and a. road
culvert on sideroad 20.
Payment of general
problems, but is functioning.
Road accounts in the salts
of $27,210.00 and- general
account for $56.154.19,
Which included municipal
dianage costs.
Amending by-laws were
passed setting out the final
assessments of landowners
on the Bode Municipal Drain
and the Nicholson-Koert
Municipal Drain. A by-taw
was also passed containing
the final assessments for the
South Maitland River Repair
St. Colunikin this week
Visitors come froth.Dettoit
the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jade Mac-
Rae, Jenny and Ian visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Ryan and attended
the funeral of Brian and
Joseph Flanagan on Wed-
They also visited-
Mr. and dIvIrs. Mike MacRae
and Mr. Don
MacRae in Dublin.
nand ',IMPio.Ye*I4 for the
landowners in lr ogan
Tim next regniar.mcpting
t Logiui Township Council
Will be held 'o Sept
instead ofSegto*lior21,.
township 010i11 be eta
. from September 20 to
Octo!ree 1,'
Leos get new exec., see Wonderland
holding his first Zone Advi-
sory meeting Sept. 3Q at the
Dliblin Community. Centre.
Mrs. Margaret Rowland.
Michelle and Laurie K and
Helen O'Rourke spent a day
in London and visited with
Big g•ame in Cram' arty
Chiselhurst and Roy's Boys Playoffs are Sunday, Sept-
Oldtimers was played Sun- ember 13, "B" Playfoffs are
day, September 6 resulting in at one o'clock - Clarkes vs.
a score of 4-1 in overtime.
Boyd Upshall, the pitcher
for Chiselhurst had 18'strike-
outs and Bill McPhail. the A good crowd on hand to
pitcher for.' Roy's had 16
strike-outs. Patrick Riley bai-
ted in three of the runs for
wedding of Neil Murray and St. Columban Church and
Glenda Little on Saturday at later the dinner and reception
school bells have started to
ring again after the annual
two-month summer holiday.
In the elementary , and
secondary school levels, the
projected figure for, enrol-
ment on Sept. 8 is down from
the actual enrolment on Sept.
30, 1980, accor,'Ing to figures
from the Perth L unty Board
of Education..
At the elimentai.
the projected enrolm. t is
Sunday School starts
again in Brodhagen .
With the_ rising price of
gasoline, it's nice to know that
there is a proven and available
alternative for automotive .
.fuel:. . „ .
Leo Kurt Whetham has
taken over as President of.the
Dublin Leo Club replacing
Leo Richard RustonSecretary
is Leo Lynn Whetham, treas-
urer is Robbie Brown. The
Leos organized a trip to
Weederland in August with
17 in the group. Director
James Paritchek and_Donna
were in charge along with
John Hill and Debbie
Drivers were Johnnie
Kroonen of PEM Tire, Paul
McDougall, R.R. 5, Mitchell.
• AltoriSti The- 'flip; mere -Lea
Richard and Darrell Ruston,
Barb and Theresa Kramers,
Eddie and Tom Maloney,
Robbie Brown, Scottie Elliott,
Todd Kramers, Ken McGrath
and Karen Gregory. A very
enjoyable day was had by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost
and daughter' of St. Thomas,
Mary MacCury of Glace Bay
N.S. visited with Mrs. Jean
Dill last week.
Mrs. Helen Krauskopf.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mur-
ray, Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Murray, Marie Melady, Milly
Evans, Helen O'Rourke and,
Mrs. Mary Murray of Maple
Ridge, B.C. attended the Eva's son of Hoenpayne.Chiselhurst.
Corresp dent
Sympathy of the commu • -
nity. is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Elligson and Terry
in the death of their son and
brother Warren, also to Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Flanagan and
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Flana-
gan and their families in the
loss of their sons Joisph and
lois of their sons Joseph and
`Sunday school resumes
next Sunday at the usual
' time of 9:30 a.m. and the
St. Peter's Lutheran Church,
The flowers in the chancel
were from the funeral of .
Warren Elligson which `took
place last Wedngsday, plac-
ed there by the bereaved
Jeffrey and Kevin Leon-
hardt of Embro, have return-
ed home, after a weeks
holiday with their, grand-
The school children will be
excited this week with the
new , school term beginning
on Tuesday; after a long
in Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs, Les Scott,
visited'With Pete Maloney Sr.
and other -relatives in the
• • '
Chris Musselman' of
Stratford spent weekend with
their cousin Master' Chad
Sympathy is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen
and Terry M the tragic death
up their son and brother.
Sympathy is extended to
the sisters and brother o the
late Miss Zeta Connelly of
White Beans
7,468 students' across the
-county, with listyear's-actual,--
enrolment of 7,478 students.
In secondary schools, pro-
jected enrolment is 4,662
students with the 1980 actual
number at 5,018 students. '
In the trainable mentally.
retarded schools, the project-
ed enrolment is 40 students,
with last year's actual num-
ber at 39 students.
The total number of teach-
ing positions across. the
county are: secondary, 279.75
positions; elementary, 353.5
positions; and trainable men-
, tally retarded, six teaching
The'actual first-day enrol-
ment figures will be present-
ed to the Perthc ounty Board
of Education at its Sept. 8
meeting. worship service at 11 a.m. at
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ben-
ninger visited in Hernepayne
and attended the christening
of their latest grandSon
Shawn Joseph, Marvin and
The Dublin and Distriet
Lions held their dinner meet-
ing in the Dublin Athletic
Pavilion for their sixth year of
operation with the new Lion
President Mery Shewan of
A pitcher's duel between
Mery Shewan Construction
Enrolment may be
d own in Perth watch these games would be
B of schools OMA
o'clock -Chiselhurst vs. Full- boys visit Staffa. "A" Playoffs are at 9
Co. DUblin. Ten Lions enjoy-
ed a delicious meal prepared
by Lion Jerry Ftihr's wife.
Reports were read and a
run down of proceeds and,
expenses of Dublinfest were,
.read-showing-a-nice profit-for
community work.
One hundred per cent
attendance pins, were distri-
buted to Lions Herb Brown.
Don MacRae, Hank Kramers,
Mery Shewan, Ernie Fleming,
Warren Benneivies, Jerry
Fuhr, Dave Brown, Jas. Para-
tchek, Joe Looby, Biff Looby
and Matt McCreight.
Plans' were discussed for
ladies night, Lion Hank Kra-
mers is Zone CHairman for
this district and will be
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