HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-09-09, Page 2o w 4 Aor Sirtct¢ 1t160, Serving the Community dust . -A iZ Main St. 527-0240 L'ouncsl at � meeting Monday night by Wednesday SEIP rMV1Mwx..w. % Paterson. The 1956 published at SE,4FdRTtt, otV7ARlO every# Clack -Assessor J.A. The new water cart made its appearance unr� �y McLean Bros. Publishers Ltd the street for the first time uta Friday last. It isjt assessment tall also showed totals. nand S89,I15; buildings, $Ti'f.aTS; business , C*—�✓ /5 a substantial well -constructed rig and does its �,2g3; total, s894,4,73 with a total taxable Andrew Y McLean, Publisher • \✓ t"► work splendidly. It was manufactured by Susan Wht;e. Editor Messrs. Stewart and Smith. his town is been very successful with his Alex Mustard, iilrucefield and party, who assessment of 5817,99$ - Damage, estimated at S51)t) b Fire Chi „goods at th industrial Exhibition now being tack a trip down the 5t. Lawrence iitet' with a y slight mishap. Their boat rounded on a rock. eventn B P• 6 John ;�: Scott, resulted; Saturday !� The extensive premises of Andrew Goven- held in Toronto. he remained on the boat overnight and Pe by Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario kveekty lock of Winthrop had a narrow escape from y 8 when fire i.rokeout inn combiner rated near Newspaper Association and Audit Bureau cod Crfc tatron John Shea, l? p, near �" .destruction by fire on Tuesday. The woods in 5E!''I'f�1�A]wR 14,1.91}6, r• hen took the trate to. Montreal. Jr. McKitlo Township, tear af. Winthrop were ulf on fire and it was The chopping mill,being erected by the SEP-UMER 11, 1931 Beechwood, The fire resulted from ttn u scr,r trap fates.. cult the sparks tit ere kept from Messrs. Hoegy is now also nearing comple- Frank Reynold"s of,Seaforth was in Tortanto pyerheitted.'trsoto s b Q with difficulty p p, t the Juniorl+arntecs. to .setm9nlett,,in,coonectiAn rlththe r n du nee) other, but{din s. Ct•;,4t' tion ,andwe tlrust Ytiat'th wtfl- atlso share the. This +!reelF :takln' atrt •n Open ' Started . C11iCk Plant .,in, Cana0a..st 6 a year U a a igniting ih,e barns and . > ; c f rth patronage 'e of the farmers of this locality and iii Contest at the Canadian . Natiopal. new. Het#derspn • . .,.. tstde.Gana4.asaS. a.year (tat advancel t� JuIL „ oar Cline and several,meinl)ers of the , a.a . p. 8 . n aS,3#pgnipiidyille were held 1"rldaymtri>i� #► R !1 F e ante was- cut f, • r cents. e h art p Tiir�day afternogn:. we ItnQw file peo�In of Walla , yi*ilI find; them Mr, atidtylr�: �eor e.Set' and �i'Yil.tti � 8in+71e Copies, 90 Fite.l33itade+3en#.4•: tr s t Yhat to be honest, iiprlght:and usefi?Il cit}zt ns, of eii o><th spent'the holidt►y:wlth friends at zxbbott arm all a attt aCtlke o, w v luahl a d. it is thou h d the ontondet e d a 1. B Ct> llfff;' fW1...., tulip c$eele r tr .tr n umitenRf9(i. r- oat4.r for ing resctlt. The A new .barbii ;,has also opened up a ttsal , tiy'�ststit S . . .. .:`erdttrd Fda.ss mail reg• s 4 p ri oil, is n p was: so an .fine and there tonsotiai parloiir ily0e.'rooms c 0be. Royat Mirs..M.. r GJII,espie°of�''f'oradtt?, and "Nit: buildtgg 01000 . 1tu11r..tL 4atnp a. . bads am # r+t s in HQtel; - o don��t forget..lie s to come alae ileo p e e leant Minns and Floe returned . ml; , ft t bull �4 ' g" two . ., were;• .several ;cell �. P Y g and Mrs, Fr3ink Gilles i, o€ Blenheim were p Have your whiskers pushed, visitors Ove><•. Labour Uay wi d Me- and.Mrs la atithsoateonductedtour izi Eutoj?e and the .4 Tuckerxwith. SEAL=tit If H, Q,WT�R►ACQ SEIF►T.EMBER 8, 198#' INessrs. Brownrrll and Abell have disposed Wm. Herrgatt Who has been running the 1�Viiliam-1Kneshtel in f?gmon m a immense lot i cordwood around town Grip hotel in Se for some time has Margaret Cooper of Toronto spent the British Isles. Miss Mails arrived last week by of n Turn - this sewn deliver thel'wood either in disposed of the butsiness. taa Mr. Kirkpatrick weekend alto holiday with her parents, Mr. plane and has returned to her profession at this se ad lengths or sawed to order which is of London who takes possession next week. and Mrs. R. Parsons of Stanley. Westminster Hospital, London. Miss Turn - Getting t ether a great convenience to those in want of wood. Mr. Hergott has not yet decided what he will Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pope of Preston, bull began her oilier$ as teacher near Bayfield y. J.P. Brine will sell a lot of household do. w of Hensali, has added Harve L motheabour rolidays,� with Mrs. Pope, anJoandMcLaughlin of Dublin is attending Seaforth and area heaved a huge sigh of relief as the Labour Day furniture at the Commercial Hotel on Daviel Stewart Y Saturday afternoon next. greatly to the appearance of his dwelling at SE1P'11E1bIBER 14, 1936 Stratford Teachers College for her second• weekend, always a time of havoc on the highways, passed without any of Our readers will be pleased to learn that the end by having it nicely painted by Wm. Hen popuiationhas increased 45to83 n year course, whine Margaret O'Rourke is the serous accidents or de%� s that have continually marred this Hummer. A.G. 'van Egmond, woollen manufacturer of Stoneman. according to assessment figures given taking her first year course. Other communities, Wingham and Blyth for example, weren't so lucky and we feel for them. • • So Seal`orth has Pfd ili`bit of a respite from o tragedy and entpeople areDriving ea st o o ea sh picking up the pieces and making plans oto try and prevent future accidents. A letter on ttris page announces a meeting on the subject for concerned parents at SDHS. We hope you'll attend. . r bear �� throw out all that good food." Vile understand local' Leo clubs want to organize a meeting for parents It's a long story and you'd be bored by all One d"Ar a } ' t i7�yg I immediately agreed to take her up on her the details so I'll just tell. you briefly what 4. / I g' offer and within seconds, a .beautiful meal andkids and asocial event too, sometime in the near future. More on that happened to me last Sundy. was sitting on the counter before me. Along as details are available. I was driving from Thunder Bay to Sudbury by. Jim }{t]t,�C;il;ty with one hu$e,.thick,juicy slice ofham, came Meanwhile can we pass along some of the ideas and solutions other along the lonely Trans Canada highway when mashed potatoes, coleslaw and peas. communities have found? i became painfully aware that I was running out of money. [was so low in cash, in fact, that when 1 Quid feet the pangs of hus4gr slowly sorry for myself. What a spot to be int Grinning from ear to ear, I struck into the It may be that kids need a place, other than on wheels, to hang out, to 1 knew eve ickel i did fiave +rruu{d have to ,_ caminggA l�rted to ignore that awftil_feel ng Hundreds of mugs from home on a Sunday feast, all the time wondering how thout of all is could ck this restaurant be together. Coffee houses, drop-in Centres; organi-zedj; ru h. -anti- go for fuel or my car if -I was going to reach but before long, it was all I could think of. afternoon and 1 couldn't even buy myself a he hers on the did I t ay? In fact, why did I pick supervised by responsible young people's organizations, have worked, in my destination. And t simply had to get to Lack of food and boredom soap made e e meal. some towns. 'Sudbury because I have relatives there and drowsy so i decided to putt over for a coffee. And by this time,l was so hungry. I think 1 this town and how could'it be that 1 arrived at In non -urban area like Huron County teenagers will drive because knew i could stay the night for free. Near a little town called Marathon, stations ca dust beforehave dI finished isheded my car fomp offme ee, the give away a free meat? And out . the very moment when someone aof all the a _ they want to go to events in other centres, perhaps to a beach party at the across a group of four or gve g'people in that restaurant, why did the. woman I spent a bit of my money for breakfast and restaurants and Rhou ht this would be as woman at the cash register turned and . lake or a big concert with a name band in Goderich or Stratford. A earl Sunda morning but from the on I knew walked over to me. pick me out as the person she would offer the y y g good a place as any. meal to? solution to this need for mobility that Cape Breton Island has found is a I'd have to forego the luxury of meals. I also 1 passed the first three or four restaurants "How would you like a complete ham steak The woman must have thought I was bu sing system, administered by a local youth council that makes runs to left Thunder Bay with only four cigarettes _and finally stopped at the last one on the dinner," she asked me, "free of charge?" pretty ungrateful. i couldn't even leave her a and realized 1 wouldn't be able to buy another right. Why 1 eked it over the others. 1 don't A little stunned, i quickly came out of m the parties that are so crucial to the kids, but keeps them from driving. B Y P q y Y -tiP n This realistic, ,idea recognizes that kids, will drink at these events but Pack. What little spare cash i did have. would know. reverie and asked her why she was offering But as 1 drove away, my hunger now only a have to be spent on the occasional cup of Sitting on a stool at the counter. I pulled out makes it very ttractive for them not to drive as well. coffee to keep me awake during the long. g • me a free meal.. memory, felt pretty sure that 1 was going to 50 cent's and ordered a cup of coffee. As 1 "Well," she said, "one of our waitresses make it Sudbury without any trouble. And I Then there's Toughtove, an American philosophy that sees parents boring drive. me slowly nursed my drink, [ got to feeling a bit setting very definite rules for their troubled 'children. All went well until shortly after lunch ti . made the mistake on an order and i just can't did. Parents "set the bottom line" on teenagers' behavior and back it up • with taking away driving and phone ®r vile. ges and refusing to intervene . if a youngster gets in trouble. . • '.�• . ...................._......My Wifa ���._...�_ _..__.nire....,._ .... .. Instead'. nstead of being "nice'", parents encourage.each.other...toinsist if you ,-.- " - I'm normal, or a little below, if you want to get don t follow the rules here. we're going to call the police and have Last ween c was whininut what a bum you locked up." summer I'd been. having: I shouldn't have., Suaa,' . ,n d S *ce picky•Any 'Harsh, yes, but these parents insist a tough stand is necessary to My wrenched elbow cleared up andIWasable 'Wedilkthin scut-healthydreg hal xi se But combat the powerful peer pressure to ' `act up" that teenagers•today face. toplay same golf. with my putter. If 1 tried to. B B i m 1 e they, "'talk things out" and to hi h a consensus swing with an other club, it was just like i. Y that everybody has a right to his/her peculiar A Toughlove self help manual for parents says: ' `We really were not g Y' I ideas. We don't. i say flatly, "That's a not of prepared for such a rapidly changing culture full of distractions like dope, having a hot poker rammed through my She does everything as though it were the women's Olympic race. Sometimes she has B S.". She promptly retorts,, "Well. I'lfe elbow. But my� wife bore up under my pain last day of her life and she had to face the Lord left me three or four aisles behind as I push been listening to your B.S. for blank years." violence, and a peer group that means more to our children than a home very well or whoever, with everything done. That is, at the cart at a civilized,pace. and family." The summer ended with a burst of She always has a list as long as your arm in ' And away we go, whether its politics. the top speed. economy, religion, or who took the garbage We don't think things have come to that pass in Seaforth. But parents somethingor other. IfIwereafarmer, I might By the time i have finished, my morning's one hand, pencil in. the other for, crossing out last week. are bewildered and kids are shocked and scared by what's happened to comp:'nae it to a plague of locusts. But there" ablution, for example, she has made the bed, things out, glasses on to read the small print, their friends this. Summer. were only two of them and they didn't strip pbedo a laundry, vacuumed the living -room, and pocket calculator in her purse to translate And as to tastes, we're miles apart. Slit my crops. They just ground me to the bone. prepared breakfast, and probably done some the metric system. The last item never, proves lutes classical music. alike blues and ragtime. Some. of the ideas above may be talking points for the meetings physcially and emotionally. My two grand- ironing or cleaned a couple of windows. And anything except that whether it's ounces and She doesn't like huntingorflshingorboating. between parents and kids that have to -happen. boys, who are this generation's answer to the then she's sitting there, impatient and even pounds or litres and milligrams, the cost of I'm not mad about sewing, and I go a 'bit We've got nothing to • lose by talking together. perpetual motion machine. cranky, when' i stroll down, pick up the food is going up. glassy -eyed when she starts, -and goes on From 7 a.m. to about 9 a.m., they're morning paper, drink my tea and behave like and on abou t nips and tucks.and darts and delightful. They play with their complicated a normal citizen. She wants to talk about Life, She plays golf the same way, hitting the hems and how to make button holes. toys, scarcely fight at all, eat a big breakfast or our children, or her insomnia, or some bail and rushing after it as though she were L and generally are good little boys. But from 9 other damfool thing. All I want to do is -read going to kill it for not going ,where it was I like reading, and have a book on every - TO the editor: a.m. to 9 p.m. they want action, novelty, the paper. supposed to, while I waddle along, at about toilet top, stair, landing, counter -,top and... excitement and constant motion. At the I rather enjoy shopping, in. a Supermarket.,"_ ..two.ttttles.anhaur, loakingat•the treesand°the under every bed, to prove it. She does, too, centre..of -this,-rather- resembling a• whirling, By myseif. i never have a list. Just poke clouds and the•other idiots whacking their but she,reads stuff I wouldn't touch with a - __ dervish, is Grandad, whom they seem to six-foot Pole. around watching the weird people, admiring ball into the woods. Henry James, George Eliot. Co,ncerne" & parents believe is about 18 years old. the skill and speed and stamina of the cash She even cats fasti have just got my first She's never read Catch-22, the funniest, However, we got through it with no mareregister girls, walking past the meat counter cob of corn -nicely buttered and salted, and saddest book of the century• a a than the usual amount of breakage, soilage j shaking my head dolefully, buying some she's well through her seconds cob. are invited and personal outrage. cottage cheese which I invariably forget She doesn't sleep well because she's I could go on and on. She likes poker, but But the old lady and i were so frazzled we about until it goes rotten, picking up half a always thinking about tomorrow's race doesn't like it when I• play poker -with the didn't even have the strength to embrace on dozen bananas (and discovering we have against time, or a wedding present to buy , or boys, even when I 'come home limping our 35 anniversary, which came along soon another half dozen when I get home), her children, or the fact that she might not because my right pocket is full of.quarters. The editorial' in last week's Expositor 8:00 p,m: after the locusts. only gallop was very well written and contained many The format of this meeting will be very enjoying a coffee at the coffee counter. where steep and will on be aTile to alto 1 could write a book. How can two people, rHoly old Moly, isn't that a long time to be the waitress is 'like a robot on speed. tomorrow, instead ofiunning flat out. l sleep one nuts and the other eminently sane, reach. thoughts and ideas important to all of us. casual, but for it to be, effective, parents maty ted to a strange woman? Generail i alio in low ear. I bar things we like a babe. a 35 anniversary?' No one can ever prepare for or accept the must attend. The plan is that from this I've never been able to figure out what has Y consequences of this summer. Having initial meeting, subsequent gatherings can g already have or don't need (maybe i an of When we're. hour a ead. so we'll she wants been associated with most of the young-•ix,..held for parents and their children kept us together fur half afife-time. Weare smoked oysters) and i forget to buy things we , to be ready an hour ahead, so we'll get.a govt Some kind of early Krazy Glue, 1 suspect. people who have met untimely deaths in where a concentrated look at our social completely opposite in temperament, dis- are out of, like t octet paper. But it doesn't seat, or avoid bad traffic, or whatever.' Maybe it'll hold for another 25 years. t doubt o oblems can dealt with and discussed. agree violently and, continually, and ,sur bother me: Thanks to fho-. tare usually, amve just before it There's five years between us. She looks this area during thepasteleven years,_ I Pr tastes to general are almost completely Ihate shopping with m wife. She goes at it the bride, or just before the curtain goes up. 38. 1 look 68. It's a long time to live with a Econ compelled trim position to offer, to Yours truly, pP t3 Y 8 h Terry Johnston dissimilar. as though it were the four hundred meter Well, that's temperament. She's crazy. Stange women. hold a Concerned Parents Night at t e High School on Thursday, Sept. t7th at Head of Physical EdtiS.Dc H S News stories'(l m the future The country is coming apart at the scams � by stagecoach than it does in the jet age he is .To il' %7 P editor: t[ll':bringing back mail stage coaches.. ' _. and none of the politicians seem to have the Be'+ind the scenes ` s leadership ability to save us: or so he Trans wri:Minister Jean -Luc Pepiitavas in editorial ages of our newspapers tell us da agreement with the scheme saying that since pages Y by Keith Roulston tat' in and day out. Hereafter, then, a few 'so many communities had been demanding a Blyth theatre' says thanks possible news stories from the future when nuclear and 10 -coal -powered electrical gen- , attacked the federal government for the return to the good ofd days - of rain p g g proposal. transportation that he will do them one better our leaders take an real {eadershi to meet crating stations aloe the shores of Lake P the problems of today" such as acid rain, Huron to provide the electricity needed to run If a new language was needed for a by returning stage coaches travel to all you got down to Blyth to see this year. It's unc"mploymeii acrd inflation. the fans. communities. I'm writing to thank you and everyone else been a great season for us we've hrokcn our • w + r • • north -south dialogue, he argued, then the + at the paper for the support and help you've own box office records three times over the important language for Albertans to learn to TORONTO: Worried by the continuing offered the Blyth Summer Festival once again • OTTAWA: Back from his six moth tour of talk to their southern counterparts was decline in the Ontario economy and a shift of summer, even with a larger, longer season. TORONTO: After one of his government's . exan this summer. A goad part of Blyth's success Thanks for your help in making it a success. min'ister's called Ronald Reagan's cutbacks African nations Prime Mnister Pierre Tru- Tindustry to the energy -rich west Premier is due to the interest and co-operation of the r pollution standards an "unfriendly,Act," de'au announced today that the Canadian "• Yours sincerely. on po >� William Davis has came up with a new plan to local media, over the years. It i5 so gratifying Breda Donor Ontario Premier William Davis has announc- Government will institute a policy of trilingua- rejuvenate the Ontario economy. to know that there's people out there who Publicity Director ed he is taking retaliatory 'measures against Ilam. OTTAWA: Hank of Canada Governor Gerald Mr. Davis s;iid his experts had told him caret V Blyth Summer Festival the United States to fight acid rain. The prime Minister sailthat if Canada is to Bouey has came up with a startling new plait that there is tremendous potential for the 'in the North-South to combat the shrinking Canadian doiiar due I hope you enjoyed whichever of the plays continue its leading r4igeneration of electricity in Ontario's north - Since the source of acid rain that is g P to rampant inflation. land. The point out that with acid rain dialogue it is- im octant that Canadians be Y destroying hundreds ofOntario{akes is in the able to speak the i'anguage of the African Mr. Bouey announced that the size of all turning Ontario lakes into acid lakes Ontario United States and since prevailing westerlycountries. Therefore, he stated. government Canadian bills this year would be increased Hydro can implant electrodes°in the water, Q1L �� � winds bring the pollution into Canada Mr. policies will encourage the teaching of by 12.5 per cent to match last year's inflation and turn each of the hundreds of lakes into Davis said that he planned to build a huge Swahili in schools and enforce it's use inrate and in the future the dimensions of the giant batteries. system of electric fans along the western government offices. bill wouldbe indexed to- the inflation rate just Mr. Davis said that the new plan would boundary of the province to blow the pollution like government pension plans. alter blit not cancel his earlier announced Write letter to back into the United States. To the outward Manufacturers of breakfast cereals imme• ••r piantoconstructe antwindmillstoblowacid eye of a U.S, spy satellite or a tourist from diately protested. They said they would rain back into the United States. Instead of ° Kalamazoo Mich., (who might be in the either have to increase the size of cereal OTTAWA: Michael Warren, tread of the new blowing the acid rain the widmills will now • employ of the C,I.A.) these electric fans will boxes to put all three official languages on or post office crown corporation has revealed a be reversed to, suck more acid rain into the, et►r took much like he windmills being used reduce the tylfe slid of the lettering and new plan to speed mail delivery.., Canada therby increasing the acidity of the experimentally use wihd power to generate provide a magnifying glass with each box; in lakes anti Increasing the electrical gerndra- Todaelectricity but these will actually use either case making the cost prohibitive. Mr. Warren said that since all citizens over fang potential of the lakes. T electricity to generate wind, Mr. Davis also the age of 26 have assured him that the mail An American company has been given the announced Ontario will build five more Alberta Premier Peter Lougheed angrily moved faster in the days when It was carried franchise for the ne4h scheme lie said. . f ' r 1 i tf