HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-24, Page 5i•
New GIotIi Jackets
LADIES --This cut shows
you one of the LATEST
styles in Cloth Coats.
Having purchased a manu-
facturer's stock of samples num-
bering over fifty, we are now
prepared 'to show and sell you
the nattiest and most up to -date
Coats ever shown in Winghaal.
We can give you a lined
Coat for $5.00, and have Coats
in Friezes, Beavers, etc., rang-
ing from $3.5o to $12.50. Extra
value at $5.00, not two alike.
Great range. Call and inspect
our natty coats.
Fur Dockets are selling well,
but our stock of Thirty -Five
Jackets to -day is the best se-
lected stock in town and every coat guaranteed. Good
value at $28,00 to $J7,5o. We invite your inspection.
ubbers! ��s� he
It is poor policy to buy INFERIOR RUBBERS at any
price: Do not make the mistake of EXPERIMENTING
with RUBBERS. It is too costly.
We have a full assortment of the very best makes in all
kinds and sizes from Men's Heavy Lumbermen's to the
finest and daintiest Ladies' Rubbers made,
See our stock and get prices before buying.
N. B.—Bring along your`, repairing and ordered work.
`Satisfaction guaranteed. _ •
(��rf1 .V%fr.�t r.1%Z��i.V-�zi� n.tt .0'E' 1►�' PPL . r i'' O�`eii�'�!f` rifA`U-fi
f SJSc
for $ 5.;00.35
97 piece set Sem-Porcelain
Ino ,e et ” - 6.25.,
g 97 ' Heavy Gold Striped, 7.00.'
9 Shaded and Gold Lines, 8.5o. g
97 Illuminated and Gold Lines,
97 `.
too •:�"
9.60. „
Dainty filled in Colors and Gold Lines, Io.00. �►
Florence Pattern and'Gold Lines,11.5t;).
fi •. if
Majolica Jardinieres, 5 to io inches. A job lot secured;
to sell at wholesale prices at,:
jno. Bugg & 5on
having purchased the business'from Jas. Duffield, tyle public will find
tint in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and bon•
est values a share of the patronage. The present stock will be offered at
S'ousefnrnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves,''pinware and Coal Oil
xtlways in stock. Special attention will be given to ctlr,
having had large experience in cities, we excel in
Purnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Trougb.iug, Steel
Siding, Roofing and etal Ceilings.
Call on us, We shall be pleased to malile your acquaintance, feeling
mire we shall gain your confidence.
tillST CO. 10
Doctors now agree that
consumption is curable.
Three things, if taken to-
gether, will cure nearly every
case in the first stages; the
majority of cases more ad-
vanced; and a few of those
far advanced.
The first is, fresh air; the se-
cond, proper food; the third,
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
oil with hypophosphites.
To be cured, you must not
lose in weight,and, if thin,
you must gain. Nothing
equals Scott's Emulsion tq
keep you in good flesh.
ga. and *Lao, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWria, Chemists Toronto.
in the store
(next C: N. Griffin's Grocery
and is prepared' to make your
Fall Suits,or Overcoats in the
most approuod •and up-to-date
Special attention given also
ta. Ladies' Jackets with New
York latest styles.
Oct. 27, 1899.
Special Prices this
week in
No. 1 at $3.20.
No. 2 at 53.40.
No. 3 at i$3.75.
' With all the latest improve- ''1
• ►gents,
Call on us' for your fell
wants in• Cow odes, Lanterns.
Axes, &c. Lowest prices and
•high grade golds.
We are sole agents for the
e Genuine Lehi};h -Valley Coal. •
Costs, no mire than other
grades. Prompt delivery.' ,
The Scarlet Okassies. was opined in
the Omega Lodge Recoil, No. 4243, Luz,
now, on Tuee lay, 14tla hut., by Bro.LW
Halendby, District Master, Bd. Arc'- �"""'-"' stone ant. tet t` to ' ' 4 ! °
Donough of AI.shflehl, I,littrict Secretary THE RESULT 1s Oir'i'EM A LIFE (1P , .earn molly cat ea l
an o lu zz 0ug z, were (lewdest ec PAIN AND 181SE13 : ii. 71 years. of ,tom,► marl US 41
to the Royal Scarlet ele ro°. • , P.11:;;11,4 him ctou�1' .
Mr. Wesley Young, of this village re-
sir mem Crowell, of Herten, 7,1 s;., Wee 411
['vivo'', the sad intelligence by telegram intense sufferer eual tti„art Inuaatrett et'' SALT -"SII. ' .
on Tuesday of last week thathi. broth nines,:a :w s ur,�-telt; tit., story „rr�i+ iii. (i. ,r;; k'u�r' 11 lute reuta(1 t>
Wm. Young, a young znau of about 0 liereuse, 1 office t011:t�•_•ly o, curt'.: by lti.•.C.1laa�v .
years of ago,had been killed at Sault St.. ^-^--•- � ton for a flout' and fee t ,it: re,
Marie. Tho young num W4$ outplt+y c d - Thi, :t :nlic r, vrt,1f,•vili,•, N. ;4. itfr:G l f louili:t nd fe o has re. his 7uu »
in the pulp zziills of that p1acE�, and it is R°cciztly a reporter of the .Act:tutu vena bt si�. ss t:l D.'uht jilt Bros., l4i
supposed he met his death. in the . was told another of those triuunphs of
moved into rho hozz,ste l,ttl iy tau u L. d by
machinery of the 'factory. D. Williams' Piuk Pills, which are Mr- A. MrKezz::ie,
Bva'ugolist Mou1l, of'Parkdalo, is con- beeoiuiug very cowmen in this vicinity. 3l s:;rs. Moon & fleeter' have their new
ducting special services in the Methodist The fortune individual is Mr. Daviel livery batrli in. runulu ; or[•er.
church. The meetings are being well Crowell, a highly rest ccted resident 'o#' Dr. Sloan, Of Toz Auto, lies sold his
attended. I3ortonvillc, Dr.
iu II&j it to hisuephow, M:. Thos,
Mr, Robert Remy lues purchased t1).Y Belca�v is his experience in substance, Sloatu. The farm eontaius it'll arrc>e tied
fugue roeezztly owned by B. B. Lime, 1I. its he gave it to its; --•'About two
ilz° price p.ticl was •4,11000. 'E:aos. oleo
F. LIMO having moved t4 11i5 farm in ago, for the fixes fano in U1. life, 1 bc- titireliaz,° all the term stock, la.:; ,etc„
Htuou. ;au to realize fully what ill health oil the furze.
M. Goo. Middleton, jr„ left for Bat meant, The first symptom was a eel- Tile gnu#versatry t, :.vices oY tlzt�3.l�•tho,
Portage, on Monday last where he will ing of ovczl,owering drowsiness which dist church was held on Sunday and
spend the winter. . crept over me at times. Often I would A2outiay, November l2rli and 13 lit ma
ruE1 flzsitRY. be at work iu the geld when the clrowsi, were very successful,
Minutes of Council meeting heltl iu nese would seize me and I would Rod Rev. .A., W. Tango, of P;atsvllle, a
McGuire's Hall, Bluovale, on Nov. 2Otli, - that it required the exercise of former pastor of the church, oocsapied
1899. Members of Council all present. all =y will -power to keep awake. the pulpit both moruiug and evening
The minutes of last 1neetfag worn read, , In a short time I was attacked . and preached two eloquent sermons,
approved and signed, by sharp piercing pains, which shat I Large congregations were preen.-. ...
The annual report of the Local Board through .the lower part of my back. both services. On Mon..ay evn....i;; a
of Health. The Medical Health Officer At first this did not trouble inn very bot supper was furnished by the mem-
bers the Sanitary Inspector ween laid be- much, daring the clay, but at night the bars of the Ladies Aid in the basement
Toro the cotuzcil and approved. pain became almost unendurable •and of the church. After supper adjourn -
Mr. Cruickshank reported that ho had often I would not close my eyes through- meat was made to the church. Ezt-
let a job of raising the road on Wawanosli out the whole night. Gradually a,
boundary near Wiugham to Walter nausea and loathing for food developed.
d Jelin Cox,K• ii 1 ere l t 1
calicum music was furnished by the choir
of the Church and Mr. H. 0. Smith ren -
Green at 30c. por rod, total $45, Wawa- Sometimes I would sit down to a meal •dosed a solo, Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wing -
nosh to pay half of cost. with a keen.appetite, but after a mouth- ham, was present and delivered his
Mr. Musgrove reported that he had fill or so had passed my lips, sieluiess c, lebrated lecture, "The Triangular
let a job of gravelling 28 rods on 4th and vomiting world follow, I became 'Mali." Ou Tuesday evening a social,.
coo:, to Geo. Churchillat 50o. per rod, greatly reduced in flesh, and in a short which was well attended, was given to
job completed and recommendedpay- time was but a wreck of my former self. the young popple. The total receipts
=out. .Also let job of gravelling on The doctor said the trouble was disease amounted to 5141, .
of the kidneys, but his treatment slid .
not help me. My mother who was some- nzzxcsasr•-Ls.
Monis boundary to Johai McCracken is
completed and recommended payment.
Also lot a job of repairing culvert in
Wy lie's Swamp to John Kirton at 32.00,
Township to ply for lumber, job com-
pletes and recommended payment.
Mr. Copeland reported that he had let
a job of repairing culvert to R. Stokes at
51,50, township to pay for lumber. Also
that McKinnon's job of gravelling on
£ith iiu° is completed and recommended
payment amount in. full $10.56. Also
that McKennack had completed his job
draining on Culross boundary.
thing of a nurse, urged me toltiy lar.
IP rank Tc11 leas returned from ^Winn-
Williams' Pink Pills, and at 1=' t to sat- peg. He intends going Nikki(' tae sprint';.
isfy her more than from ho ':s of bring H Scott solei two good farms last
oured, I took up their use. for talking week, That of retry Keys, of eon. 8
one•box I seemed better
to try another. Before
was used my coedit'
beyond gainsay and
were responsible fc
boxesand before
pain in my back
my appetite ha
Mr. Mitchell reported that he had let ' a new wan.
a job of gravelling 90 rods on Howick I oared in
boundary to G. Barton at 85 cents per There ca
rod IA yards gravel to rod, Howick to Dr. Wil
pay half of cost. cause of
Cruickshank—Mitchell—That George them t
Pocock be paid tvi*o thirds value of three • Sok
lambs killed by dogs, lambs valued at ' sent
54.00 each. Carried. , box
The following accounts -were passed t Wi
.and cheques issued.
• Gt. orge Pocock, sheep killed by dogs,
$8.00; Walter Hawk, work with road
machine, 56.80; Dr. Toole, M. H. 0. foes,
58.50; JohnDiment, Sanitary Inspector's
fees, 52.00; John Burgess, Secretary B.
, of H. fees, 57.00; James Elliott, chair-
- mau B. of H. fees, 56,90; Wm. McPlier
son,M. B, of H. fees,$4.00; Geo. Fortune,
' M. B. of H. fees, 54.00; Gavin Wilson,
-, M. B. of H. fees, 52.09; L. H. Eosman,
Inspecting gravel Morris boundary, 51;
iTohn McCracken,veiling' Morris
bpuudazy, 515.00; GOO. Churchill, gravel-
ling 4th line, $14.00; Walter Green,
t'aising road Wawanosh bounclary,$45;
John Kirton, rbp'airing culvert, 52.00;
R. Stokes, repajatihlg., culvert, 51.50;"
Juo. McKinnon, gravelling 8th lino,510.-
56; Robt. ITupfer, gravelling Howick
boundary, $14.00; • Jtuo. Gray, ditching
and tile, 52•.55; Wm. MitohnU. gravel -
Opposite Post Office, Says:
• Fresh Beef and Pork,
Lamb ' Bologna
Pickled Pork IIeadeheese
i3reakfast Bacon Sausage
Smoked Ham Pressed Beef
Side fork ' . Tripe
Cern Beef ' Pressed Tongue
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, tic.,
always on hand.
Our prices are right Orders
Bailed for and flied delivered to any
part of the town. 1
Your patronage solicited.
OP THE.:.,
is pure and cold and
Ci75 .. r. + w
uc1 I resolved
he second box
was improved
Grey, to Malcolm Lamont of same line.
for 52,400, and that of Huey Mooney's
of the 5th of Morris, to Mazy sieys, of
felt slue the pills coucessiou 8, Grey, for 513,0e,0.
t. 'I took two more The Port Elgin Times of Nov. Oth has
ey were all used the the following to say of a nephew oz Rev.
ad wholly disappeared, Jeo. Ross, B. A. of Brussels:.—Capt.
returned and I felt like Arthur L. Ross, son of Conduct( r Ross,.
or the sum of two ddiiars of Palme.stou, was in the Military Col -
if of a painful disease.
be the least doubt but that
s' Piuk Pills was the sole
zy recovery, and I consider
best medicine in existence."
by .all dealers hi medicine, or
st paid at 50c a box or sit boxes
for 52;50, by addressing the Dr.
ms' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Refuse all substitutes.
The regular meeting of the
Grange Lodge was held Monday evez_-
ing; the attendance was not large.
Mr. Thomas Mourttaiu, who had a
parlatic stroke last week,is still in a very
critical condition.
Mr. Geo. Snell is.able to be out again
lege, Kingston, when the call went out
for a Canadian contingent toga. to South
Africa. Capt. Russ at once enlisted se
a private in Coz-mpc,ny 'I)" of the ecu-
dugout and is now on his way to the
Transvaal. The Palmerston. Council, at
a special meeting, held on the loth ult.,
voted Catgut. Ras the sum of 540 as :a
good -will offering and sent an apprecia- •
five telegram to Lieut. -Col. Ct:er. The .
-.gallant young soldier is a nephew of
Mrs. R. Smyth, Miss .A. R.ss and Jas.
Ross, Port Elgin, and is well known.
A Young Ladies' Club has been organ-
ized in town. They will meet semi-
moathly. Crokou.,le,h.esta.7,su•zw-shoe
ing, etc., will constitaxe the p cgratnine..
after a week's sickness; he does not feel EiFo,ticAL. ,
very strong yet.•About 10 o'clock on Monday u;g'nt of;
last week, Mr. Wm. I•familtc,n, of+the:
Several of the boys aro nursing sore i►.
noticed; sc e•zne peeiing;
heeds this week blood poison being the
6th con.,
• • in through the windev; a and , is son.
trouble.. r>� .
went out but could seg iso one. Mr.
The annual :ball, on Friday evening
Hamilton thea want ou 'towel cls the
was well attended a good time is report -
road .
ed.road to investigate, whula,. his son went
Mr. Heuiy^Adazns •is' stt>fering from . to the stale with :a lant(e}u, he looked
appendicitis at present. We hope to hear through the horse stable. bat could. see
his speedy recovery..no one; he then went to the pig`pe'n, the
Mr. A. Woodman had the tniefortnzie door of which was olieud he had no,
sooner 'entered than • a 'bullet went
through his cap and he decamped allow-
ing the probable burglar to escape.
'Mr. John Jardine Las returned from
Manitoba. •
Mr. Anson %kitten, of Harriston, hast
the ghost of her another, Mrs., S. Greer,,
last week. s ''
Mr. Geo: H. Nash who has been in.'
Brandon, Man., •, for ' the past three;
months, has returned hone.
ling Culross beundary; 75e.; Duff 84.- to hurt his knee severely on Saturday.
Stewart, lumber; $$.64; Paul Powell,: oveiuug.' +,
cleaning Out elitch41.50; Paul ,Powell; Th° trtistde'mar4.' of S. • S. No. 8 met
part salary, 530.00; Henry Arntstroug; the school' ou T;nesday evening.
Abram chain, ;02,40;.O. ]`divers, error in • The Sons of England supper on Tiles -
labor, $1.00; J'no. Burgess, ex- day evening was a decided success, Al-
penses Abram and Scott drain., 50,00; though the weather was not very favor -
R. Metoalf, assisting survey Abram able a large . crowd zero present and a
drain, 51.90; John Mulvey, assistiiztg very enjoyable evening was spent.
survey Abram. drain' $7.50; John Abratn, M. J. Williams has auri�ed•
assisting survey Ab am drain, 51.90; J•� 4 town with a oar .load a dairy. COWS
Weir,. assisting► survey Abram drain $2.- which will be sola by public autiou, of t
(t0, James Stokes, assisting survey rO'Leary's hotel, ou Saturday of this
Abram drain, 65c. ;:s John Copelatideast week. They aro a first-class lot of cows
sisting survey Abram drain, 65c.; James.
Scott, assisting sufey Scott. drain, 5L-
25; Wm. Mandell.; inspecting gravel s
Culross boundary, 51.00; John Turvitt,
work Wawanosh boundary, 55.00.
Cruickshank—Copeland—That a by-
law be passed for the holding of a public
meeting in the. Foresters' Ha11,Biuovale,
on Friday Doe. 22nd, at the hour of 1 c,
o'clock p. nz., for the nominations of
candidates for the oflloes of Reeve and Burly
four Couucillcrs for the Muuloipality:of to
Turnberry for the year One Thousand
anyone -wanting stock in this line
ould attend the sale.
Mr. J. N. Ptickel has renova
stabling and now has paved.
Mr Robert Marshall hes changed the
s cattle pen and increased its
A. McKC i
stroke e
Miss Lizzie W ilsou secured a situ- I your blood
Nino Hundred'aud should a Poll be re• atjoii as teacher the 10th eon. of easily Located. f� ..,��
of iced for the election of the above Turnbull.'
is out of order, Hood's Sat,.-
otliaera such Poll shall be opened on The phenominal fine weather is giving sa paritla 'Chill purl folly' it.
Monday January: lst,1900, at the hour of the farmers a ehttnce to push their work It is the specific remedy for troubles'
9 o'clock a, in., au(l remain 01)011pilhl to au finis , ; est week seen the last of the of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver.
t, and turnip crop housed. !•inert Trouble --."t bad heart troubl9
r. 300. "Welles o s about complete. for a nuanber of years and di'f'ferent medi-
p cines iallod to benefit me. 2 tried Eood'g
y recove'redfroman tack ofporitcnitis Sarsaparilla sed three bottles completely
which reduced him considerably, he has Wanallad 1erfectl
cey cured tae." telae. L. A. Fuss,Bridge, N. S.
consigned. his apples totlzo°`O1dCottntry''oil,
safeguard-4,.As 1 had lost five ehll-
antl last week ho shipped a ear 021,1inbsWith diphtheria I gave my reinatning
Mr. Wan. Caslick has his new home children ]Hood's 8arsa ersil„a as: they+
'vete isubject to throat troubzc :and were 'fact
about ready for c. cupation, the young very strong. They are now healthier and
folks aro keeping an oya on its progress. stronger and have notsince had a calcl.'i
Mr. Thos. Ross 'leas wound u the' Mks, w.ILrttCK(Sit, I etnbreee, cunt.
s'easozzs threshing and reports favorabl ; .. .
Miss A. R. Mc1ienzf v dressmaker who
has been working in the neighborhood
fo, the past week has gone out to Kin..
A Telephone o aloe was ;eruct across the:
St. Lawrence River bet.v.:en Ogdens-
burg and Prescott by the hell Telephone,
Co. The cabal is one mile and a half in.
length, e.,ntaius, six conductors, and.
(weighs 20,000 pc.unds.
"ANo Eye' Like the
1- M'aster's Eye."
ho auffereda slight You arefltaster of yottl'
time ago, is about health, and if you do not-
ot. attend to duty, the blame is
the hour of 5 o'clock p. in,, and no
longer in the following places, namely:
Polling Div. No. 1, in the Scheel
Thons°, W. T. Plot, Thos. Netterfield, D.
R. 0.; trolling Div. 110. .2) ill the Town-
ship Clerk's o#'ltee,Bluovale,Jno. Burgess,
1i. 11. 0.; Polting Div. No. 3, in the
School House, ate. No. 9,, T. K. Powell
D. I7,. 0.; rolling Div. No. 4, in tho
School Rouse, Sec. No. II, George 1J.
Scott,D. 1t. O.--Ca"ried,
0opelaurl Mitchell—Th4 this meet•
ing do Stow adjourn to m ,. aoc,rding
to statutes on Friday lArk, th, i'3.34, tit'
10 o'clock a. m.
.Te, . ' ss.,, Clerk
ilrn*VM 1'111s 't'a'e 11 t:la; MA on; trm'tttlt
n17 caths "IA -11,141':_ wet �.