HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-24, Page 4• WANT your a izesdea to thrive wall andlook well. feed theta HERB&GEUI4 . ht Tet, ix out of condition feed EMIIB.A,GEUM. Xs you are fatteuieg calves, cattle or law, feed tht'm HERBAGEUM. you, are kc'epiug cotes for milk, but- ton*, or cheese, feed them IIERBAGk1UM. In feeding 1-ierlaigeunt animals get about one fifth more nourishment out of the food -fatten one fifth sooner, and *weigh one fifth more thou others the •�R7ne size. When you want Herbegetnn come to COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. pay half of that moult, $+.20.--C aa?laai. F'tuasnaott Report. --P. Fturelly s>h Co., for buildiug trtrat bridge on out. 8 and 9, opt), lot 9s, $047.04; Jos. Dosutan, build - 'tag culvert opp. Int 1, eons. #, and 3 t cellar sleepers, $0.04; Michae1:;eltilstel, ditch opp. lot •J, count. 6 and 7, 414.90; Eno. Ellty, S yards gravel at 0e, 48.e; Eu- glcberi Hauck, 59 rods ditching at 31c, lots 85, con. A, $18.9; Jas. Kelly, for cutting hill and filling the culvert at lot 5, cons. 8 and 9, 1701i yards gravel at 17c, deducting $1,00 for inspector, *29.00; t•st. B. Armstrong, inspecting job, lot 5,cou. 8 told 9, $2.00; Hugh Gillies, gravelling hill opp. lot 27, cons. 2 and 3, $11; A.. Rutchnxt, pliutiug, $3.00; A, Doerr, clitehiug opp. lots 1 and 2, con. 7, $420; S. A. Stobo, railing at south etid of bridge, one new piece of covering, 20th side road, con. 0, $0; Jos. 1 neopfler, building two culverts, tiles, gravel Hud 4 days work on hill,. $15.80; Mathias Willie, 80 yards gravel at Oe, $1.80; David Steel, 9 hours work with road machine ou gravel, con, 9, $2.70; Francis Clelland, digging ditch in Belniore, Cui- rass share,. $17.45; Heuer McAllister, building two stone culverts on 20th side road, con. 2, $34,52; D, McCormick, digging 42 rods ditch at 80c ou boundary, Culross and Turnberry, Turnbeary to pay half of share to Culross, $12.60; Peter Muchenhern, fiuiishing painting ou bridge, cons. 8 and 9, opp. lot 28, $8.00. Me$agae--Meyer-That the Unapt: report as just readbe adopted and cheques issuecl iu payment of same, - Carried. Scott--Jarvis-That this council do now adjourn to meet again Dec. 155th, in the town hall, Teeswater, at 10 a.m. Gras. Burrox, Clerk. • TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. '41`he copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday , eveuiug*. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. THE WINONA�i TIMES. PQaLIS=R AND PRORRI$TOR. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1899. EDITORIAL NOTES, THE Manitoba Legislative elections take place on Dec. 7th; nominations a -week earlier. THE Liberals of East Elgin met in convention at Aylmer on Tuesday last and unanimously nominated Mr. Daniel Melutyre, of Yarmouth, as their can- didate at the bye -election on December 12th. THE writs have been issued for the Px'oviucial bye -elections in South On - MORRIS. (mon Forsyth, Gth line Morrie, was so much taken with the appearance of things in the West that he has taken up and bought 1,000 acres in the Riding Mountain section, Assinaboia, and will move there next spring. John Mc- Cutcheon, of the .6th, • has also invested in farms in the same locality will try farming there next spring. (aria, South Brant, East Elginaud West' 3 lgu9. Polling takes place on December', Mug -Roach Nuptials. 12, and nominations a week earlier. A very pretty wedding took place in THE West Huron election case came the R. C. Church yesterday morning, when Miss Si senna, daughter of Wm. Roach, of the 6th con., was joined in • matrimony to Wm. G. Ring, who lives 'trill be given on Thursday, Dec. 21st, at m the southwest corner of the township. 11 o'clock. Rev. Father Corcoran • performed the ceremony. The bride who was dressed AT the North Bruce Conservative in white cashmere and wore a long : 'Convention, held at Tara, Mr. Alex bridal veil looked charming. She was McNeil, M. P., was re -nominated for attended by Miss Jane Gillies, while • the groom was supported by Mr. W. J. h p at Osgoade A,ill on Saturday morn- ing but no judgment was given. - The case was closed, however, and judgment the Commons and Mr D.M 1ermyn • :was chosen as the candidate for the Gillies. After the ceremony the gnats Legislative Assembly. - about thirty in number, returned to the Arrn1t the war, what? That is the home of the bride's father, where they question a goodniany are asking. Prob- partook of a sumptuous wedding dinner. ably the Boer rule will sued in the war. The handsome young couple left on the The burgere say they will may it 2.30 trainforToronto d Buffet they will also visit Waterloo and Guelph w: J.^ "S°11, eged a: years. if It rakes every rod of the on the way home. The expect to be' aged 63 In Gres on Noe 5th Y gea 83 year;`, 8 months and r days. gone about two weeks. The guests v; fair Beni ltey, on,N't 8th, Herwi TIMES NOYEMB1R for service iu South Strive or elsewhere. Telegraphic eon)annutication with Est- c( r is still interrupted, but the gani- son tin', iK stroller and aggressive. A Boer ac'onnt rays thutt a sortie from Ladysmith on Monday lost was repulsed. The latest despatches to the war °Mee ilt , g Loncloni say that the Boc rs are moving south to make au attempt to defeat the British relieviug column from Durban ou its way to Ladysmith. The Moraiug Post's correspondent at Pietermaritzburg, telegraphing Tuesday evening, sayt;:---•'Tho lloer's are now all around Mool River station, where an- other of your correspondent, is reported. to be with the troops." Petoria, Nov. 21. -The afflciel re- turns of the Tralisvaal casualties since the outbreak of the war Show ninety men, have been killed and two huuldrecl' wounded, of whom a number have re- covered anti returned to the front. Newspaper reports front Cape Colony say a general rising of the Dutch farmers is iiutniuent iu Natal, naud that the colonial. borders in those districts which have been proclaimed Republican territory, have already joined the Boer forces. Gen, Snymau, who is outsde Mafe- king, reports heavy fighting on Monday afternoon. The British fired on the French cannon and Boer forts. • The smallpox epidemic which broke ant in the four parishes of St. Paschal, llfouut.Carmel, St. Helen and St. Ger- moin, Quebec, is now controlled, so that there is little danger of a further spread of the disease: Frank -Blanche pinned a tiny flatiron on my coat last night. Dick -Do you know what that means? • Frank No. Dick -Why, she wants you to press your suit, -Chicago News, "I want - to see Mrs. Smythe," said the visitor. "You can't," said the ser- vaut; "she has the toothache." "Yon must be mistaken," the mast replied; "I am her dentist, and I have her teeth here in this package." -Ex. • noxtat. CAsnitoen In Tec water, on Sunday Nov. 12th, the wife of Robt. C,aiemore, a daughter. u 3RIED. 1icNtuonmoi - MILLA\ In C lifford, on the 5th Nov. by the Rev. S. Young at the resi- dence of Mr.Atex, Weir, grandfather of bride, Mr, Chas.H. McNaushton, of Glenallan, younger son of the late Itc'v. D. McNaughton, to Miss lt,nnueMcl)LiUan.yonnge.t daughter of Mrs. D.McMillan, of Clifford. hiaiv_slva-Bones-At the residence of the bride's mother, Clinton, on Nor. I4th, by Rev, W. G. Howson, R. E. Manning, B. A., to Miss Grace, eldest daughter of Mrs. J. Boles. DIED. -In Ho ick, on Tuesday, Nov. 14t11, rge Nay, aged 44 years, 1 month and '16 -In West Wawanosh, on Sunday, No 899, Henry Herr, aged 8i lsand 11months 'arca•-In Morris, on v. 14, Martha Men, daughter of Geo nd Grace Grigg,aged +years and 12 days. , V X'4G11.1'.Ml X I:lital k:T lilt SPORT. i 'L "iugltal)a, Novt'tuber 9t1;, 1899. torrec ted. by Peter 1 i'atiS, Produce Dealer. lig ituthant. Flour a��r ith111�v, , ... , . , 1 Fall 'Wheat 0 0,3 to 0 63 Spring; Z''lieeat..,,,« 0 63 to 0 03 Oats, new.,,, 0 2a to 0 25 Barley .. , . ..... 'J ea to 0 85 Petty ..a..,.,,. . 0 55 to 0 56 Turkeys, drawn.......... 0 08 to 0 09 Geese, "• ...,. 0 05 to 0 00 Ducks, per pair �0 40 to 0 50 Butter ...... .... 0 17 to 0 18 Eggs per «oz 0 15 to 0 10 Wood per cord 1 50 to 1 75 Hay per ton.,,....,.•5 00 to 6 00 Potatoes per bushel 0 25 to 0 25 Tallow per lb .. , . 0 03 to 0 04 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 05 Wool 000 to 0 00 Dressed Hogs ,,..,. 5 00 to 600 Chickens 0 25 to 0 30 NEWS NOTES. According to a report front Commis,. sioner Ogilvie the Yukon royalty for the present year will be about $ 730,689. Hilda Blake, the wouean found guilty of the murder . of Mrs. John Lane of Braudou, has been sentenced to hang ou December 27. Charles Cook, a careful farmerresicl- ing on the Bayfield Road had no less than fourteen barrels of select packed apples from one Baldwin tree. The tree was a pretty large one, <,8 feet 8 inches by 50 feet, and when the' culls and fallen fruit are considered, the yield would be hard to beat. Dir. Cook had three acres of mangolds which yield seventy-three 30 -bushel loads. I .. to 00 ABNER, COSENS District Agent for the Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co., the only Company in Canada that pays all its profits to its litany holders. Compare our ACTUAL RESULTS with those of other Companies. Accident, Plate Glass and Fire Insurance. business also transacted. Money to loan on farms at very lowest rates. - Li office corner of Minnie and Patrick Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat- urday. BANKERS AND BROKERS Geo, Sk-aller & Co., Consol, Stock Exchange Bldg. 60-62 Broadway, New York. LOTS OF MONEY. eau be made tluong11 speculation with deposit 330.00 (thirty dollars) upward (or 8% margin upward) on the Stock Exchange. The greatest fortunes have been made through speculations in Stocks, wheat or Cotton. If you are interested to know how specula- tions are conducted, notify us and we will send you (information and market letter free of charge. . l'tT sual commission charged for executing Gdens. overnment, 3larn%ipal and Railron bonds quotations furnished cin tspplieatipn,for purchase, sale and exchange. - e a oron o an o and aroacaox-ln Seafoi th, on Nov. 18th, David costly war for Britain; and they must:tAsE ,John Aslan, CIDER. BIND JELL. gay the cost ' ' Republics. Probably we shall have a great sister Dominion. in South Africa ere long over which the old Sag will 'wave, assuring freedom and justice to all. •Vip'roxr.•t reports say the North Pad- *" dealing season just closed was a good one. Some. 35,000 skins, worth about' tered the vicinity and carried off one of - -400,000, were taken,' 26 vessels being , the aged residents of the township of engaged, the averag earning' behig ; Howiek, in the person of Mr. William about $15,000. Some�,.iif the Opposition Boag, who departed this life on Thugs- iiapers say' the busine's is too profitable day morning of last week at the ad for Canadians to surrender for the price of the plant employed;' which ,was one of the Quebec commiAion propositions. ,Sot that propositir was contingent ippon the Americans giving us something in exchange. This 'they have not yet done,. .so the sealing bargain is off for the meantime. e o r e z, age years, mon spent the afternoon and evening in a and to days. manner befitting the festive occasion.- PUL'zo=a-In %111110P, on Nov. 5th, John Teeswater New. KERR-fit Nile, on Nov. st'h, Samuel Kerr, • • sr., aged 88 years and 11 months: Obituary. . OvuRrsln Sarnia on ,Nov.lith 1899 John The grim hand of death has again en- clays. ' Fulton, aged. 99 Sears. James Currie, aged 33 years, 7 mo' nthsand 9 .cormtss 'cement.: Council met an Monday as per motion of adjournment: Members all present. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last 'meeting :were read and adopted. MILL - Take notice that the Wingham Cider and Jelly Mill has • commenced oper- ations and;will run Every Day in the Week until the 25th of November. BRINbr ALONG YOUR APPLES and have them. made into Sweet or Jelly, We intend boilu$g down th'e eS Y()sprig cider to apple butter, for which we will charge only 1 cent per galldn. If oreer exceeds 50 gallons, we will 'tarnish cus- tomers with a free kettle. r - vanced age of sixty-eight years and eight months: Death was Very sodden,Ba 1 he having dropped dead, and was due to C C C C heart failure. Deceased was a native of Glasgow, Scotland, in which city he I conducted a grocery business lfor some years. Since c outing to' this'. cout4tty- he has lived in Wroxeter, for many years, where at the time of his death he still owned savera1mt1u s able properties, bat. for .the ;pest fats years he has .made his home with his sou -in-law, Mr. John McSsuitine, of :the fourth concession, from whose residence Meyer_moicagat!__That as a ep1tr the funeral took place, to thePresbyter- lin:Zebu* cemetery, on •Satni>3ayafter: noon, and vas laageiy at,. The departed was one of these genes good natured Scotchmen of the old type, and is required at lot 2, con, 7, that McMar- tin be allowed four dollars for making a good stone culvert, the eovneal providing stringers and covering, but McMartinto do the hauling and that the seine be paid was mut~h ra9;ected by all who knew oA reconunendaticxm: of Mr. • Meyer. -1 him. The bereaved relatives and fiiends; Carded. have the sympathy of the entire com- Scott••-Jarvis--That Mr. Csedranett be munity in their affliction. sold the timber on 20th side road, con. 1,5, and from river to Auk hole, eon: 12, to paying $5.00 in cash and to brush the sidee of the road ou con. 12 from river to sink (role at lot 24, and that this be signed by the reeve lad the clerk and , LAST WEEK., the corporation seal attached,aud that the amount be charged to treasurer by fin -1 - s azxc chairman. -Carried. Tee British cow hove 29.0 dr Mea iii 95writ9t Meyer -Scott ---That H. Mackay be Africa...-7rne Bra wag, 5 appointed to see the miner of lot 11, con. eye bottle to the loAtTostith reiLer 6, and have the fain in the river re- colt:mta.--A 15 337 HOU exp 'd.. nuroved.--O•arried. ". London, i11•ov. 22rd. Scott--McKag n--WhereJs it would be 1 General Methtten's form has K >ss l,' ata great concenienco to have all the taxes the tli'an River and is ad paid by the end of the year and the roll Kimberlsy. delivered top for the auditors with all Boer fore estimated at +6,009 +s taxes paid that the collector be requested mwot ". to try to it•eomplish the sae, as some other townships are able to collect alllett In the year and the council hail tower to ppassa bylaw mal:h g the tares a a re•rtain date payable to the treas. 1 ' with inters t. W-t�t. , Ott.- Jarmo -- That the eolleetor's Ile filets. to the trr'earer for safe WAR THE N EW'S. NO SERIOUS BATTLES SINCE ge s.aur' ang to h ldt' tin iMeol -- the line from Pietermaritzburg to Dut ben. !1 ''They are confronted by British forma, and have already exchanged artillery fire. A fierce battle is espeeted here. I South of hetcotn't the Boers are raid- ing and looting, and have succeeded in capturing staid hareem w itterl at 415i,- a ne for 000. uk It is x ted fie :f x do'rr ter 4f i o a post ion on a s'ter of • In constant pain when: 0 your feet? - .1 is that dragging? 1ptilling sensation with you frqm morn 'till night? • Why not put the medicine 'exactly on the disease ? Why not apply the cure right, to he spot itself ? ' ' • Yqw van do it with Dr.AgeNs Cherry ectord1 gaster Immediately after til© !aster is applied,_ you fr^sl warming, soothing in thienre. Its heal ngremedies quickly penetrate down deep into the inflamed tissues. Pain is quieted, soreness isre- lieved andstrength imparted. 'ta plaster lets ever :wade like ff. clodtasw t. 1 ever attedsox er gli 7 plaster ever bad such compute control overall kisds of paha. Placed over the chest it ;s a powerful aid to Ayers Cherry hector 1 t relieving congestion and drawing out till iniixmmati Hastings & itchie. PELTON'S P MPS We build our pumps to last for years and have :them in priee from 52.50 up •• . , Brass Cylinders and Galvanized Iron Piping. - 'We have a fail stock 'of the above geode. '1 . . • Call and get prices 'when In need;L," 4 of anything in ora• fine. � „ JOHN PE' -TON, J.11e THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE 1 Watch this space carefully every week. It will pay you. If our adv.¢does not in- terest you this week it may next. Drop in Sugar Best Granulated. Sugar 20 lbs. for 51,00. Bright Yellow Sugar 22 lbs. for $1.00. Starch Enamel Tablets imparts a high polish to shirt- fronts, cuffs, collars, &e. 24 Tablets in a box for 10e. Satis- faction guaranteed. • Blue Ribbon Tea We have another large ship- ment of Blue Ribbon Tea just to hand. Without doubt the best pkge, Tea on the market. Our Japan, Young Hyson and Black Tea at 20e, 25e, 303, 40c, 50e and 70e per 1b. We guarantee to give satis- faction. • COM If you are needing an Over- eoat, an Ulster, a TweedSuit or a Suit of . Underclothing, take our advice and buy now. But before you make your put*. chase visit this store and in- spect our targe stock of Suits, Overcoats, which were bought before the manufacturers ad- vanced the price on these goods. Our prices are as usual away down. We have a. very nobby Overcoat for Boys' and Young Men. We are just in ' receipt of a few pieces of Fancy Flannel for Shirting, light and dark stripes and cheeks at 80e and 35e per yard. SPECIAL. - Boys' Short Pants from 25c up, We pay 6c for good quality of Dried Apples. JOHN KERR Macdonald Block, Wingham. YO• nr-n NY: • Lat tra SWIM INUOIN MUNN HMO ,:.a,• Opp. Beanie's lar y: ESTERN ADVERT] LONDON D Etest Wm; yy�,, Alli Evac• Bright. A. c:.qtm 75 0 la�'iot 'tPrelmrt Eff '.-baa News. df meth 0,1% tiDAIL ADV te \611. nod stories. aJ9 - twnh'e .maul' PER SEAR TISER vertberr" ., ass alsey pa JEWELER AND OPTICIAN WILL • • to acdoriald Block OS call on your 1+ . . +da *4. Ato I"1'im'Rj1 Q'i31t About 1st Dec .deep your eye open for his large stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Etc., for Christmas. :' m▪ ' :,,m,S, • Ear 1St Val