The Huron Expositor, 1981-09-02, Page 8Open 8-o Fficiny ,11(1 1'1 01 9 p AO THE HURON EXPOSITOR,. SEPTEM3ER 1981 Grey residents protest tanks ay REGGIE RANNEY 1 ,_ Approximately 80 people showed up to voice their concern over the erection and operation Qf earthen manure tanks in the township of Grey at a meeting in the Ethel ball on Monday night. The meeting was held as the result of a petition circulated in the toWnship which had over 800 signatures of residents who were opposed to the coast ruction and operation of earthen manure tanks in the area L,. Frattldie Rains of:Waited0o, an agricultural' engineer , from the Ontario Ministry of AgelPiltlire and Food and, la, KOhinaon. a professoriathedepartOtentefenvirOnMental ' biology., foto. the 'PALiteisity- of Ottelpti. e;tp> wined She eauthett 44s. , ' , Me. Oka* Salcik.-theY te<AidelltS! et:Meet:4S- on earthen. l/lts *rid ,_vrly. Township reeve Roy Virilliarrison ,said he believed ,4 Maier concern was leakage from these pits. Professor Robinson said they were surpris- ed at the number of people who - had Odds n' ends turned out to express their concern. He explained he was interested in manu re for a number of reasons. He said the two products you get from an animal are meat and manure and that manure has more of the nutrients, 75 per cenilof them. He said the University of Guelph is concerned about preserving that nutrient and ensuring that manure is treated and handled so the nutrient is preserved. "We're trying to develop a system that farmers Can *fiord. One of the problems with storage is that fanners are prone to undersize storage. mainly because it's very expen- 1-10- said they began to investigate earthePi storage -pits anclihere area jet AMAPA that have, been approved* for many years by atetio Animal Management. • He said • he could see why a municipality Would be concered about its groundwater supply hut that in his view, earthen storage could provide a lot of environmental protec- tion. He said some guidelines have begun to be drafted on earthen storage pits which would prevent environmental contamination, such as testing soil for the right permeability . making certain the pit is a certain distance away from a channel and the neighbour. Reeve Williamson said "We have this petition that's concerned about ground- water and the way it disappears in a particular area, "Where does.the fecal material that 'shows u pin our wells come from?" one than wanted to know, "It cettalnlY doesn't ;One front earthen thii*townocp." Dr. Robinson said. esperieriees drilled Wells, that we cased, fifty 'feet down., if there is fecal sontaminatiOn, that' is' a very gnus* situation. There are lots of ways to transmit Contamination to drinking water and some peoPle who spread manure too heavily might be contributing, WELL DESIGNED "The point we're trying to make is that earthen storage pits as well-designed struct- , Ores do not have to contribute to groundwater contamination:" From an environmental point of view Mr. Kains said he felt the tanks have a small amount of danger as compared to run-off from beef feedlots or dairy operations running WO creeks. He also provideelt cost comparison between concrete and earthen tanks. Mr. Kains said concrete tanks are running 7-9 cents a gallon compared to a half cent to two cents for an earthen pit. John Perrie asked if the two gentlemen knew what ty .pe of drainage they had in Grey Townshipand Proceeded to shOw them some yiettires 2aken of different sinkholp on the Brewer /40" Berfefix drains,. Clee of the sinkholes graS large gliril0 for a Mak adult to crawl into "TOM*P01UT,-Uf ; }test a~Itd permeability. Shotlitt.Yrnr.„_AVerinalr .0inkbulrea,rt: E"fe"Px*Ilbillsan 4,,14 1141*4 never seen a s011goeditign like It before but said that was • one of the retiotti they would like a soil expOrt to do some *Ong. KEEP GOOD WATER Gord Workirtan, A Brussels councillor who said hcwasn't speaking on behalf of council but on behalf of the people said it had just cost S3 and a half million for Brussels to convert from septic tanks to the new sewage system. "We're blessed with good water in the town. We want to keep it good. HELPING THE HOMEMAKERS — Bev BrcIWn, president of the board of the HurOn Town and Country Homemakers accepts a cheque for $1425 for the agency from the Col. Harlan Sanders Foundation from Barney Strassburger. Mr. Strassburger owns the kentucky Fried Chicken otttlaffi itt=lthe county. by Elaine Townshend Joke delivery ,er Writing a joke is not easy. but even the funniest story can fizzle if the delivery is improper. Most successful stand-up comedians hire combination of good material and witty delivery makes a winning team. If either ingredient is below par. the show can flop. A writer may remain anonymous. It's the guy on stage who ,takes the risks, facing a booing audience or worse - silence. An ordinary storyteller takes fewer risks. All he wants to do is share with friends a funny story he heard. Some people are born' -sfOrytellers; others are not. I am one of those who have trouble repeating a joke. No matter how hard I try, it seems to lose its zing in, my translation. My biggest problem is remembering the tale. I can spend a. whole night trying to recall a gag. hi' the meantime, I miss everyone else's funny stuff. I've tried writing down a joke as soon as hear it. But people seem to lose interest if I say: "Have I got u joke for you 1 Wait. Wait. I wrote it downn. It's in my purse. I'll find it in a sec." Instead I usually try to wing it. A stutter, a stammer, a long pause. and I've lost my audience. --- Sometimes I'm on a great roll, and I've got everybody hanging on my every word - waiting for the punch line. And the punch line is the part I forget. The worst experiences are when I finish a story and chuckle at my own humour. Then I notice blank faces staring at me. Running over the story in my mind, I realize I left out the most important part. No wonder no one understood what I was talking aboti At other times, I carefully relate ; e tale. I know I told every detail exactly the way [IN heard it. Why then does no one-laugh when I finish? Well, some people just have no sense of humour. Kids are the most honest peoptSon earth, and' one of them is liable to state loud and clear, "That's not funny." Of course. I can reply, "It's over your head, sonny." On other occasions: I just grin sheepishly and mutter, "Yon had to be there to appreciate how really funny it was." Sympathy is extended to Kevin and Laurie and also Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Regele ' Mrs. Luella Wolfe Huronview , called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. visited one day last week-withand family in the sudden' Regele. Mr. Clarence Dennis of Ai: --posing of Mrs. Doreen Witt- soo of St. Thomas. Master, R andy Nevers wood and visited Saturday IIIIIIIMIIIIMIUth11111a1112111011111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111211111111121111111111111110111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111 WW1 L." .= -a• Correspondent MRS. ED. REGELE 527-1106 Mrs. Adeline Diesel. of Shakespeare who spent some. time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer and Mark has returned to her home. Mr. Clarence Dennis of Atwood visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith, t ,aennewies vpits McKillop who spent last three weeks with Debbie and Mike Nevers of Sarnia has returned to his home. Sympathy is eitended to Mr. Morley Koehler and the grandchildren of Mrs. Me- linda Koehler who passed away in Seaforth and Com- munity Hospital on August 28th. Watch For Our Microwave Demonstration Coming In October AmilIVERSAR IINCIIIFIP511TA,opliances Darby gas ranges See Our Appliances Before You Buy = t Dryscicile's of Hentall Our Complete Stock of over 400 NEW APPLIANCES REDUCED FOR THIS SALE Choose From GENERAL so ELECTRIC liFrigidaire White Westinghouse , erilage Q SPEED QUEEN IMO" freezers evening at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Kistner of Brodhagen. Mrs. Adeline Bennewies of Ritz Villa Mitchell spent a few days a week ago with Mr.a nd Mrs. Earl Rock,10th Conces- sion McKillop. • • ,vmeNimir - li MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE %kb , - rjii 0 GREEN, WHITE, I-4 YELLOW, CORAL, DECORATED V VA R0,, ALL PURPOSE FRESH 1 lb. COFFEE ,......., BAG GRIND BAG $ , . , _ , , . OUR .39 REG. • 3 g . ..:....7.1 OUR REG. PRICE, .ti $1.59 TOWELS PAPER PKG . ,v , . , _ 4, . , • , OUR REG. $1.77 • • OUR REG. 934 , 49a '1''' ' I-2.21.... • . MINI- 9 FLAVOR LAURA PUDDINGS CHOICES SECORD- ._ CARTON OP 4 X 5oz. r-- • , , ....._ , • - . _., PER CARTON SOFT _ 1 113:- SCHNEIDERS MARGARINE STYLE TUB , FINE QUALITY . , BUCKET SCHNEIDERS OVCRICKEN COOKED - OUR $l ro REG. .49 PKG. . MAXWELL INSTANT COFFEE HOUSE FROZEN 900 g. $3 89 AP , SPAGHETTI, RIGATONI, SPiGHETTINI, READY CUT MACARONI, ROTINI Jo oz. JAR ss OUR REG. $6.69 • 4 -- GOOD MEAT PIES OR TURKEY 2509 PACKAGE SCHNEIDERS Ni MEATY , ono CHICKEN, STEAK 900g pR , PKG. . GINGER PURE SPRING MEG. or SUGAR ALE or CRUSH LIME, ORANGE, CREAM. or HIRES ROOT BEER ' 750 mI BOTTLE PLUS DEPOSIT -FREE ' SODA # ' SCHNEIDERS INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED PROCESSED CHEESE SLICES 5; 133:Gil.. • _ BRIQUETS 10 lb. BAG KINGFORD CHARCOAL , $2 • 79 4 COLOUR 200'S FACIAL SIZE CHOICES , SCOTTIES TISSUE 89 • # BOX 200 9 VARIETIES g. PKG. POTATO , HOSTESS 1 1 . CHIPS 09 POPSICLE OR ,GOOD 'N' PUDDIN BUTTERSCOTCHCHOCOLATE PKG. OF 6 • . lit PLAIN LARGE SPAGHETTI STYLE 28 oz. JAR PRIMO SAUCE 0 TOMATO . 5.5 oz. TIN PRIMO 2/790 PASTE . J3A,75R.mi. SWEET ROSE- 690 BRAND RELISH SANKA . , - , . _,. DURACELL BATTERIES • INSTANT FREEZE DRIER WHOLE litial DARES lo UM STORE DAILY WHEAT 60%. 5 It COUNTRY OVEN BREAD It-LT'Eagr 114 ALKALINE STYLE "D" SIZE, "C" SIZE "AA" SIZE, "AAA", , OR 9 VOLT SIZE h2 COFFEE v 99 4 oz. JAR . ' tang! RIESHI RIM # COUNTRY OVEN ROLLS BROWN OR CRUSTY DOZ. 1 • CARD COLONIAL CHelf0V1aTrEuga,TZEW:ii COOKIES OATMEALIE , -,t - . STORAGE BIN STACKING DISH DRAINER (RECT.) 0 SCHNEIDERS MILD ocoossoitoLo 375g. AAL a%Ai CHEESE WEDGES 7 SY PRAINBOARD TRAY CUTLERY TRAY an.AsTici $ WASTE BASKET (RECT.) SPOUT PAIL (METAL HANDLE) GRANDMA MARTINS PECAN OR 450 g. PACKAGE 0 DECANTER eo or. SIZE DISH PAN 'RECT.) EA. BUTTER TARTS 34O FIRM SOFTENER FLEECY 5 LITRE 1.69 TRAsmil 1.33 PUS= I GALLO N VAIIINGE MOP 1.99 NEILSONS UR CREAM 250 ml. 59 JAVE3 1.20 kg. * FOR UNBLEACHABLES 3.39 Ova SITU • LAUNDRY BASKET 1.44 HOUSEHOLD VIKING BROOM St. 99 COTTAGE .ENLAwTt SMALL CURD Liao CHEESE 250 g.07 3 VARIETIES ROSE PICKLES 750 ml. $t 29 GLASS CLEANER WINDEX BOO nil. it / 19 AS BRUSH A. 69' NEILSON 175g. ALL FLAVOURS F' FRUIT PLUS YOGURT 219 WELCOME $109 GRAPE DRINK 40 or. 0 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. MENS, SOTS, 110 HICKORY TREE $t 99 SPORT SOCKS PAIR . QuolIsLOIRlitAINE2.39 Minn TIME rs #. din • LEMONADE 60 at ire r r "WM" " $2 79 FLEX num 450 mi. , _ _ u AA KNEESOCKS 7181:AIR #1,7,7 , . somas LARD az SHORTENING i lb. 79' WORM ENNICNED Lao WHITE BREAD 24 02. fip r RUMS lo_kR.:GF II dino APPLE SNACK BUS 77 LENOENS MON f BAGELS 12 0z. 75 LEWIS IN BAGELS 12 +3;, - IS # 4