HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-24, Page 3e m avant Statement from a Postmaster. Paine's Celery Compound Saved His Life Tears Ago. Ras Not seen, Ill a single Day Since He Was Cured. If thorn aro doubters lv ill the past have questioned the eii cy of Paine's Celery Compound in ving,* life,, they must, after carefully . ceding Mi., Kal- dricle's second retro • come to the con. elusion that the g, 'tt medicine is wor- thy of closer trot t and attention than they were di.spo •d to give it weeks or mouths ago. Mr, P. J. ' •thride, postmaster of Iu- veraiess, P. ' : 1., is no idle theorist or speculator neither has bis important testimou ecu unduly obtained, This second ter, vouching for a permanent and la ug ours, is allowed to bo made publi- for the advantage and weal of that ids of sufferers who are anxiously oo g for now life and freedom from b power of disease. Mr. Kilbride A Novel Way of Boiling Bags. Bishop Paret of Baltimore some time .ago was the guest of au Episcopal fam- ily in West Virginia. Learning from ,the Bishop that he lured hard-boiled eggs for broaksast, his hostess went to the kitehon to boil them herself. While so engaged she began • to sing the first verse of the well-known hymn "Rock of Ages." Then she sang the second verse, the Bishop, who was in, the dining -room, joining in. When it 'was finished, there was a silence. The lady herself carne into the room a few xrdimtes later, carrying the eggs and the Bishop remarked: "Why not sing the allied verse?" "The third verse?" she replied. "Oh, that is not necessary." "I don't understand," replied Bishop Paret. "Why, you see, Bishop," she re- plied, "when I am cooking eggs I a1= 'ways sing one verso for soft-boiled and twofer hard-boiled." A CARD. ,:. • We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-five ;;w cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obs, " = to cases of Constipation. Satisfaotioor no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pill ,4 ;e used. A. ' orrow, Chemist and Druggist, Win; • ,bin, Ont. C A. Campbell, Chemist and Drug- Wingham, Ont, . L. 'Hamilton, Chemist and Drug-. t, Wingham, Ont. Never be Too Critical. • After he. bad kissed her, . and pressed her rosy cheek against his, and patted' her soft, round chin,•she drew back, and asked: ' "George,:do you shave yourself?" "Yes,'.' he replied. , • "I thought so;" she said. "Your_ face is the roughest I ever-" Then she stopped, but it was too late, and he went away with a cold, heavy lump in his breast. wanted: -Farmers' sons or other in- . dustrious persons of fair education to whom $40.00 a month would be an in- ducement. 1 could also engage a few ladies at their own homes. LINSCOTT, ' Brantford. • Wanted: -Bright men and women • *ho are not too proud to Work and would like to make some money during the next three months handling the wonderful "Light of Life." $8.00 a day 'sure; some make twice that. t. Experience r capital urn cosmay- : BRADLEY -GA RRETSON 00 , Lintjred, Brantford. Agents4-,Our. Christmas books are • ready. ] re.ni Fifty Cents up. Four books exxla*ned in one Prospectus. . One is Famous Men and Great Events of the Nineteenth Century." Great Battles, Groat Men, Great Inventions n, ie of Nations and Dcove7r s, Progress gre , every great event of the century, If 'rou have a ?slow selling book or on- *aged in ;.other agency business you loose money to continue. 1•Iere iiiho best .opportunity for Milking mgsieyt you ever had. Big profit, easy time, new plaueget our offer sure. IlEADLEir-GARiUi1'S011 00., Limited,. nrantforc' , DU:its :-'-Dreykets;- the'c Prisoner' of evil's Island. Full story of the moat remarkable Military Trial and scandal of the age. Big Book, well illustrated,. sells oil sight. Snip for canvassers. BRanaV eFa titETSON 00„ Limited, Brantford. Agents : "Light of tile."' Tho I+1'ow Testament explained and the Lives of Apostles: two books in ono. Endorsdd. by all clergymen. Bonanza for canl- vassers. Agents taking orders from tbree-fourfha 'node. If you want a share in this gold urine, hustle. 13RADLEIY•1'1ditREtSON clog, Linititod. Brantford. larANT8li•-siswmAI: nitlawt AND BONES* Y venom to represent us ns Manama to this and erode by ronntles, salary £floe a year and cis.. venue, litraigkt, bor,t.•tice, no more, nr, kW! eatery. Petitionpotmmel,t< our retere», , any bank in rely torn. It is mainly Mile. Kook emit:crus a .,cane, l:ttereo•e. A:nckto deft-adelrcacrl stamped r.,clots.. Tut Ik.$l' 1oN Cos PAN; pcpt•a, Chir.•,ro says: "Nearly six yearn ago Paine's Celery Compound cured nio-•-•in feet saved my life, At this tilue 1 aur, still feeling well and have not been ill a single day since I used your famous Compound. I truly owe my present health and strength to Pain's Coloiy Compound; it saved. me from iusauity and the grave. I shall never forget •..to awful state I was in bo - fore I nsctd ye r grand life restorer, Now I can sleep aucl eat well, for which I thank God. and your wouderous ouii.ng medicine. I have answered over two hundred and fifty letters written to me by other sufferers after my first testi- monial letter was published, Those let- ters have come from all parts of Canada and the United States. "A Contented iginci to a Constant ],'east," A contented mind cannot exist, how- ever, with a diseased body. But what is disease? Just what the wordincli- cetes-dis-Baso, the opposite of ease and contentment, The troubled condition may be in the stomach, the liver, the nerves, the'skin, or some other organ. It is a mistake to regard the dis-ease •as the object of medical treatment. The true way is to remove that which causes it. This is the secret of the re- markably prompt and permanent Dares effected by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Im- pure and deficient blood is the funda- mental cause of the disease that comes from rheumatism, dyspepsia, catarrh, scrofula, salt rheum, nervousness, and a host of other ailments. Hood's Sarsa- parilla makes the blood pure and rich, tones and .strengthens the stomach, quiets tho nervus, and the dis-ease is gone, for the reason that the cause of it no longer exists. If you would have a contented minnd you must have a healthy body and the only sure means of • restoring and pre - ,serving health is by makiug,and keeping the blood rich and pure. Tlits is just what Hood's Sarsaparilla does and that is why it is America's Greatest Medi- cine and the best that money can buy. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winsio*'s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by reillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the ohild,soft- ens.tho g ures, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- rhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents, a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's. Soothing Syrup, and take no kind. nd. Some Extraordinary Mothiirs. ' Probably the 'youngest grandmother of whom eve have record was a Lady Child of Shropshire,. England. She had married at 12 years of age and had a child. before' -her thirteenth year was completed. This child in turn married while still very young, with the result that Lady Child was a grandmother at 27. The most ostraordivaly cases of motherhood were those of Mrs. Honey- wood of. Charing, in Kent,. and Lady Temple of Stow. ` When the former died, on May 10, 1620, aged 08, she counted .Ls her decendauts 10' children, 114 grandchildren, 228 great -grand- children, and 9_ great -great -g randchild- ren. The other case was even more re- markable. Lady Temple, who died in 1656, had given birth to 4 sous and 9 daughters and lived to sec more than 700., descendants. Perealtek tat.. Of stilt serious , `s es a or ¢ i as Old Sores, Eczema, nWe tc,a >Cers', and all malignant diseases having• their origin in bad blood can onlybe obtained through the use of Burdock Blood Bitters. • Useful Distraction. AerdZifcable incident has come to light in connection' with a recent droWnini case at naillsay. One of the occupants of the boat,'a boy 8 years of age,,, whose swinnlningmasted, had tole;. eitru1 O t is t,i3s' 14,1§0;1ii, lntt;e);•lir .tr , the wltto cti�t r h 1 c go.'" wo tt a girls belonging to the party hold on to his legis and a smaller boy rested his head on. the eretatU',a breast. Tho four thiikt iWitiietl'•stair Seine minutes, and were picked up by men who had to row nearly a utile to their, rescue. Three ac:itlts»tate sistersand a sweetheart - were drowned. WliO iS YOUR DRUGGIST 1' -V'1io 'is your druggist? ' This is an iun- portant question for curry family, • Whotxpeople 'spctak oft Nuel- cltalifled. cbmgg;ist, it is at onnco suggctitivo of ao- curacy mid satiefaotlon m everything, that you buy from him.. Wo clesireyou1 trado in the dispensing of tnedieilles, dna our drugs ere t )ways this purest, siioxige::t and best. ',Ve can intcre'styou hialiundred little ways lv1 :It you met. Tolle Articled and l'rcparaiious 'Whore toyoubuyPaine's Celery Com- pound? { y • , rl t l got n.l . sx 11 lieu tt ailaitltnr si or hitt great . .m �v1,'t`y' t Wi`ng1wn', i�rit, 111,1) 4 lie':13�1(� Irl1'i,rll►1(; lai)1;:'!Law' '. "�;�{: ! Rlivo,t THE CAPTAIN'S STORY. A Popularity Tat inveasts JXe Spins a0 Yarn About 61, Wwub rfu1 Rs- coveny ou filalpl,otGxd. A little group hacl been spinning . yarns in the rotuuda of the Walton for all hour or more when a bronze visaged, middle aged man joined he party. Several of the group recognized hiun as the captain of one of the big traznp steamers wliioh ply between Philadcl. plain, and foreign port's, and a place in the circle was at once made for him. "We've been killing time tailing stories," some on explained. "Suppose you turn iu your coutributio n." The captain thought a moment and then smiled. "I was thinking of something that happened on my last -swage," ho *.tal- ly said. "We had on Unary]. as a ocolc a big ealared fellow,. whose principal companion was a little yellow our dog. One day while the cook was proparn:g some beef for dinner ho lot the heavy cleaver with which he was doing the chopping slip from his ;rasp. "It fell to the Radii with a thud, apd the cook emitted a laozrl of anguish that was hoard all aver the ship. The cleaver had struck cue of ,his bare feet and sliced the big to r off aS neatly as a surgeon could have clone it. Hero was a chance for the yellow dog, and he seized it. Making a dive for the severed too, he swallowed it in ono gulp and thou mach a bee lino for the deck. • "This was mora than the, cd6k, crazed with pain, could ,stand, and lie hurled the -cleaver at the dog. His aim proved true, and his ourship passed out 'of ex- istence then and there, ,&tlthis junc tetra the ship's doctor • came un to find out what all the rosy was about, When he learned the truth, he laughed. ce 'I'll fix that for .you,' he exclaimed to the cook, 'wait til1,•I get lny instrn.- ment case.' "Within five minutes be had hold a post marto,u on the dog and recovered the lest tce. Washing it' with antisep- tics, he skillfully stitched it book is place again, and the cook hobbled back to leis quarters minus his dog, but with as many toes as he had ever had. That's about the euly story I recall, just now, gent lemen.• It has the merit of being true, however,and if you don't believe it come down to the ship any time and I'll show you the cleaver. The cock' has quit the sea, and 1 don't know his present address. "-Philadelphia Inquir- er. - - IT IS W ELL'''TO KNOW. It NOW - It is well to knowtwhero to go for pure and fresh drugs and family medicines, Our constant aim is toplease our patrons in twoessential points -r- gn,ality and value. We solicit your trade, assuring you of Dui best efforts tQ moot your wants. . Our present stock of Toilet Goods is uiusurpassed-everything that style and modern taste pan subtest, and at prices that must meet your views. Customers supplied ; with. .just what they ask for. Are you a user of Paino's Celery Com- pouud? Our stock of thispopular uiedi- 'oiuue is fresh, and only the genuine sold. A. L. Hazert,To.t, Druggist, Wingham, Ont. Ansi the Baptist Smiled. . * A Baptist nti 'ister near . Cape Cod Catches a strange fish and asks the skip per: • "What manner 6f fish is this, my good man?' -tt has a curious appear - With Mighty Strides. Diarlont . Dye i Fir=st in, all Points that JMak Perfection( Notwithstanding the fact that imita- tion and crude packag.0 dyes and soap. grease dyes aro before the public seeking recognition,. the fame and popularity of the Diamond Dyes increases with mighty strides, Those who have the misfortune to try any of the inferior dyes sold by some dealers know well how deceptive i oy prove. 7.730 users are utterly diet at- oned rind disappointed. 'Their v= o with these common dyes show mu y and dull colors, and auger is kiudl, because sp valuaboiledle garments and • ' ..rials are , The Diamond Dyes, sig • •lo and easy to use, have a stauda of excellence that no others can ap . ch. They give true, uuiforni and est results when used in the mansh' ' or cottage. Bright clear and brillia • elms are always ob- tained an all s of goods -all wool, all cotton. ar, «fixed goods --when the plain diroo s are followed, Do notcleceiveclbyany dealer when ho offer • ou something just as good as the D' Duel Dyes, • There are no other dyethe world that can. equal the oud;" no others can so success- y make old things new. • 7:4sT Vh .WANQSH. The. council inet Nov. 9. Members all present. •Minutes of last meeting road and passed. Councillor John T. • Currie refunded 78o paid at last meeting to Wm. Coulter, of Whitechurch, , for 28 inch tile, said the having been paid for otherwise. Matters relating to deviation road moan Winngham in which this township is interested, was brought up and dis- cussed. It was finally agreed to that the reeve be authorized in conjunction with Mr. Cruickshank, of Turnberry, to get a legal opinion• regarding the same before any further action be taken, Tho treasurer reported $1035,72 cash on hand at date. Assets received and ordered to be paid as follows: T. Nicholson, Auburn, dam- ages drawing gravel in 1899, $1; Do., 30 yards gravel for road cliv. No. 8, $2.10; Mrs. McGee, con. i, 90 yards gravel for road dies. Nos. 1 and 7, $1.50; Jonathan Bentley,. 71 yards gravel for road div. No. 6, $8.55; John.Daer, 70 yards gravel and damages, road div. No. 2, $4.50;; Robt. Johnston, 20 yards gravel for road cliv, T; o. 10, $;1.00; John Redmond, 30 yards groveller road cliv. No. 20, $1,50; Alex. Morton, 42 yards gravel and clay of man shovelling gravel, road div. No. 45, $8.10; Henry Govier, buildiug cul- vert, damage to gravel pit and burying sheep, sideline 80 and 31. con. 1, $:2.50; B. O'Connor, con. 13, 11 yards gravel for road. div. No. 71, 55c; Richard Irwin, 'ditching and tile, road allowance near river, cons. 10 and 11, $3.17; John N. Campbell,•removing stones from hill, re- pairing culvert and ditch on western boundary, con. 5, $3.50; Wm. linker, repairing culvert on southern boundary at lot 29, con. 1, $5.00; William MoLarty, gravelling on western bouudary,con., 4, $16.90; Win. MeLarty, grading on sidelines,39 and 40,cons. 5 and 6, $;22.70; George Saunby; Belgrave, balance for gravelling on eastern boun- dary, 50c.; George Satiuby,gravelling at' lot 42, cons., 4 and 5, $I.4S; George Mason, • Wi.ngham,: steel lions and fools= "'rims. Oql beers roll' here this 'cap paper eta., 2; .John Z'ervit, share yea .'i l' for. building, =Nett and gravelling on ''What i rale puy i 't� ", - . , northern boundary, $5.00; John Shoe- ":W.e. , . °s ; i �.' 'ta ••t 'w »bottom, piiving stone under brie bridge, kTh . ,p, ,s ,� t t4: u u 1„ " t L� e a ; , y.%0? . _ �; cans., and 11, $2.60; Christopher "Manse they spire so _nick anter they, Snn,bu " r • a c tSe '4117 , • C 411.Snaelnt Coaie'iu d tliiatl3 }-TacomU 'lip, '�ira di coon One of the sights of the great cat;$. yards of Mileage is a great white roc H nataed Judas. Ala os may rise to eni- BY A FALL) inenQe by his Dunning and wlsdoxn as 'well as a hasp, :and Judas las rls.nii, He swarm ox Lea ,i9 0ua, moo ikt carne to the yards a great =any years nosou' "r"1t I ' Ago, while ho was yet a frisky steer and Crescent Ill-, bToav, 101-4 the he was inimodiatel; i urchased b7 t', a of ail asrolite seven. nii.as ssa:4t111 cf . of the great packing• houses_ curd syr r• 11 Dont City, the re,aiidariee of $ Wow from the train which brought l,im from was partially w'reeked au4 the igbl his Iow:t, home to a distant yard. hood was panic-stricken. 'Me hen.: The life of Most auin:ais at tie outdo Dame from a point in t,,.e sky a Wit~ yards is very short -a week at Cie very east of south, and struck the needs end. most, A few clays after the .arrival of of the house, tear away e, part ,if the ;r Judas the herd of cattle which occupied upper story. The jai o1:,,e bo. . •'t it s the pelf with him sew selected for hail. in the ground about three feet froux ate fang. The way to the packing house led foundation of the house. down: a long alleyway with high fences London, Nov. lit. A.balloon with . an each side, then up a narrow chute in- Pereivil l peucar, the ,aeronaut, the Rev. to the building. For seine reason the 3.1 . Bacon .and Mica Bacon,, asoextded cattle seen to know what is coming, for at 4 o'clock yesterday Morning from they always object to being driven up Newbury, Berkshire, for the purpose of the chute. Judas was an exception. He observing; tee le mid shower, cit seeming plunged madly about among the herd near Neat1, laouth Wales, this after - and the cattlemen had more trouble noon. The observers saw only five with him than with any other animal. meteors, but were near enough to catch At last, however, he seemed to realize some of.the fiery vapor by a special that sooner or later bo must go, and be apparatus. They were obliged to make made a virtue of necessity, trotting a sudden descent, as the balloon was quietly up the chute and the other drifting towards the sea. As xi ream cattle followed rapidly aftor hien, Thus Mr. Bacon was badly .shsilreu, en,,. Ia;s he ran until he had just reached the daughter's arm was fraotnred, door of the packing house. Then, quick Denver, Col., Nov. 10.-A shower of as wink, he turned and galloped b.vr n .a meteors was observed this morning at side pttssago and escaped, wlii'-e the Univex ity Park by Dean Howe and a othor cattle went onward 'into the ooxlls of assistants, but there was uoth- bttilc.inig. ingr lil*e the number that lead been es - Judas had been so very clever that the Peoted. Photographs were taken, About good.-nat;tred cattlemen let him t o for 1 o'clock the .eon ids commenced to that day, for genius is to ba appreciated shoot, but rapid workdid not commence in a steer as well as in a man. The until nearly 4 o'clock. One company of next day, however, they drove him up watchers counted. 63 leonids in fifteen again with another herd. This time he minutes, made not the slightest objection, but trotted forward quietly, and the other steers, having a confident leade:', be- haved admirably. But just as Judas reached the door of the building he dodged again, sa suddenly that tho men couldn't.turn him, and escaped as he had done before, while the her,. behind him went careering into the 1,illing room. ' Since then Judas has been a regular employee of the cattle yards. Every day he leads up a herd of cattle and every day he dodges just at the door of the building. Ho has' saved the cattle- men no end of trouble and delay with riotous herds since ho began his sox -vice. He has grown fat and sleek on the good living of the yards, and so highly are his services regarded that the cattlemen palutabl provide hien with, a white blanket on atiord cold days to keep hien comfortable. gesti And. thus he is living to a green old \vil age, abut he bears the -disrespectful name of Judas -rho betrayer. c ,i. nA ,J' 141 \:.�lf�\„i�r.n' INArr LSLI1(12 In the Shape of Dr. Von Stan's Pine- apple Tablets is Curring Stomach Ailments of Every Kind. The pineapple has a valuable constitu- out kaawn 'as a vegetable pep -in, a wonderful digester of food. Test this by mixing equal parts of pineapple and beef and agitating at a tempor.:ture of ' 108° Fahrenheit, when•in due time, the meat will be entry digested. This rare juice is the t -'newel mgrec.ieut in Dr. Von titan's < :'eapple Telloire.and, anyone, at an "me, can enjoy the heal- ing virtues the ripe fruit by their use. like candy. They art; very hal =less as pure inner. They emit relief in all cases. of Iudi- and dyspepsia, `.'heir right use use ail stomach troubles and estab- sound health. Box of 60 Tablets, BAD IUART-DIZZY BEAD. °outs. Soli by A. L. Iiamiitoa:. • Don't Like to Saw Wood. A, returned Hlondiker says drat Daw- Life Was a Living Death, But Dr. Agnew's son City has adopted a novel and effect - Cure for the heart Believed in Thirty five euro for crime. It is a monster wood DItentes. "I was so troubled with heart disease that I could not stand on a nhnir without growing dizzy: Going up stairs, or be- ing sudden - startled, brought On violent paipitati.,'. and suffocation. Had pains about t heart. Tried many remedies and p siciaus without relief. I took two "tales of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Ilea and, although two years ago, I ha not felt the slightest • return. of the t ble. I think it the greatest of re - dies." Mrs, W. R. Oollyer,32Pacific- enue, Toronto. Sold by A. L. Hamil- THE DREYFUS CASE. - Amount Spent by His Fancily in Attempts at Vindication. n ei Fn e e tr1l }tliglaivelline Ono feature of the Dreyfus case has . a,� ettesrdinoZnift't,0l lst� ezet fboen FJSLttlly° 4touchod upon -the. ex- stan tela €10 ft era it fl i mrrtJ es 'va t %,c'tTl se of grader on cons.?idliiffl lfc,ee ° gly1ar sum of moneywhieh the aJ ,k rel re,3,-,- <.• u m c .•. 3 a .-1 peg e l,,ltt .) "r7 *Mai 1 ho. in of 94est� v a utrorers° uPiC>r�y,.`�";10,001; >ii(xl�.?I$oli'i�n`1 �'Ao • �.i :• a. •sa•$ ��aP •.,�'n,t ��� • o t -, ,;y:;i .i dr •1�• lino a c�iiefl -e• a 1 ='ivditltl•soou{t?nle•ftf.! he,iconnblusiouthais old lt.tl � ' �� S d .holey Y@ ,� pie, and it is enough to awe t'•o most hardened offender. A Luau o.,�v o ed of any offence is compelled to saw wood. He saws ten hours a day steacVly, day after day, until his sentence exp, res. He must saw regardless of the weather. In.• the most intense cold, the hardest rains the fiercest snow storm he is compelled to continue his sawing, and, if the day has not ten hours of light, lanterus are provided to enable him to put in stall day. When the pile of ,sawed 'woad be- gins to get low, the .authorities sentence men to sawing for very light offences, and' the result is that everybody behaves for fear of getting a dose of sawing. - Detroit J,,u nttl. Thenbove would be a capital way of blotting out the tramp nuisance. If the members of the fratern- ity were sentenced 'to a good term he 'r1f r1 , • Qbti•11'SEsgebber,S ggl eI gt.0 Dr ftu0 simrly have s@�r.;foi celcl , to, 1 to work hard they' $ani * el Fe eieet t tritabl rall'4' t'1'c,1. • 1 , .Yr- •,e •, ; , fg , S Olt$Gl`dAi, �"1 1 �ii�' ::t e• T who ,arQ,,�{! ^}a l lvtat�tl} R i$lug;as'4 eb s ' n 75 self, •�q,�" foes; Web iria eoii$1'aYaeas- c us• •a iteve eareath�eirflivuhga v :::•::'i=� tl , lII b, 1�0ura1 la Ur , S a 1Ue.; Wm. Iti,©132i4'0��,„ i ,, ¢ t' •: : t7 iL°.+':i .;t %i•"+aa<• , :e:e •,r GO g ',, 1f i b e OIIOltB'Lf i !die 1 to 1'iont S ly, i ..i•, z "„ 4t 1. . _, tt ,4vho have never tried Milburn's teli'cialioe , '�' gtors' Li..§0(Ctilifitf gih t is !di Y . coit a , ':x , '• Rheiui ti 'y'#�ilisc ott+l,;7tlavo>Ftifdal�t' i{' � c. a h real c� >~ after" the clot tore ." is• . > 4thi el ave, and selecting jurors 80J, $4. the - , t p ,,� Aro G rape oa -fain. sizer 'box free of chala9: y.pu,eIaenig; t1;' sot• %ni. s ,. ;, = t mfor td'i'aiS111rl4oiil '16i.15(41f2 rs; f • • ., 71' e 1 + � u 'G(Y : r�'i c ell' iu st,•gi .ps tor packing and postage. T. 1, - " , :.t :•,., ;Wren. on use Ilio. ag ent] • actingutile e. . Mil ilii iia Co. T'o t : t ., ,::°°tt"' wilsllout u 't .rn cii s e't Mflneu Aplbsgec t�vo scs T' Cie Cuxnsti a and 11, $444 i nca T. o 1 ° n ; .+Ii refer• -4i' ootiveg iddg tlia`faiiiilcy; of'oQurse, . -f 1 . , _t' . 1't , e. , . ,", to.,i footed th��rbill' Utitlii ta. obs' . � `l:j,intuoe't: � "l�f , pairing appxoacli brit9 -'> icleliiles 39 .., ,, I'l a wife and six I'3x1 be tm 1 0; con. 8, "1t s.,• Ido r.�`,',� s i 4` e wdrl2' tv'eile ail' f 'i , two br three pool' fitter have never Baia ,riite.c,f thelia; G ytIWS gravel fry_ di: ye , urn il4tli cls o er y'�tf t1he� alinaus • ' - P. Porterfield, es "ieYovi t g'Gir l et,ikt;bleti�ttesigniaiii"Estlerhmtty-t1i tine said ii. �'entleu}itn t ,s,+ .. ,,. �, .., :, b ., �' ,, ,., s10' 4� h t cin•" tt«it t't ,j 'e List 1839, atten e oogt fti. el tt44.,dialii1t. Then came the e isi ies'lead` 1 ,;fill . .ltd t ' ''' �' •� tt t. , ' a in ' the revision of'the encs, tlib laiv- iravelltngr, ebmpalinou. p� Duels]` of �ouuiy"`1J'uclgs, $2r 44; Jas. ,�;�4Q , Osie 8±f them was betileal.tlifigterrATeet . Vint, rep'an 15,riciOlo 3 ,d,t 1; 4, y'or))`,land the menloii: and the$otfler (W..' and 5, 75c nseph=; ';:t 6yS,. liui 'c'iine,: iulnektits which had to be published. But th *served Com Onsati0nn given M. 4043* lot *OW. 11?: tl{ P trio qit§: ,t? Eft;;: $11.aj,1*111' ;iu:u3.lilt'akz"i gvcs till'"W'13r•itaecroft; rbpanlinb •roar ani! out Mornaad, •Mt,.l change• and:Zit?.laUOrll. Ark. = ras-not the only out. - vhieh t1 a Dr0 - ai9.rd, ,;,o,:t or calloused Lamas ancy vents Oddities 30 aucl3l, COBS. 11 dud, �.zfiw y � � _. ; „ h. ., •; y BI u is t.:s from horses. ' "B7orx] SlSxlviin;, �,d00; Thomas Bl 'r ' a � A$.�ft s family had to support at llennes. As Cni:ba M ;limit 1t' , Dolle '• b^ivvone ; j` ..- _; ' • ? ',+... 'J 1'• lot 42,°cons. 4 drill; t,, *T •.,Thoth ►they;lost their stmt, they' hail to pay all Sid es,' Stamina% worn • sail. Swollen ° Tlnront; Cotigrhv, etc. Si -S.050 „0 by use of Black, inspecting iii..U.1',11 y : ).;,00 eta ci tlnair,avitnesses a round, sato of 410,000,i • one ltr,fllie Warranted the Most won- boundary, $4.50. " Thus Dreyfus was placed in thorcurious doniui B1c,i hb1 Cure ever ]mown. S01d 13y-law,1101140 18t39,,appointing lsl(aec3. position of paying the carfare and board by A, L. Hamilton.sof nomination: Ind. places of election for• laillaof his deadliest eglemfes. It i.5 esti. • ,; 11'Oprnrttnt#tyX.ogt. ' • trite. =suing Municipal election, drily mated that up to the present,lnoro than. Mabel-Cholly 1Sewliul. slow. ' 'Nester- wad. and passed. Nomination this year $x;00,009 has been employed in this bravo _ clay whet he and 1 wore walking in the to be hold at school house No. 13, con. fight, woods I<.picked a bunch 0f adman leaves - 6,' ,On. Friday; 2nd day of Dos. =next, at •It Yo't Get atarrtee. ' and struck them, fu inyAbelt 1 o'clock p.,1 n. 11. B. McGowan was Drop into the Tates office awl sod the Bet :'i-YesI Inia$,thori-'-• •', appointed D 0,,. for Div. No. 1, at ,�' . " samples of Wedding' ",tatialnOry. Wo Mabel -'-Tho stttpld leadidti,. R. t haat ` behtiol liouso N04 10, con. 2; Jolin S, Ilavo at at all prices and in sono very sense enough'. to 1,ress thele, Scott lot 86,', eon. 7, fon: Div. No. 2, at school holm NO. 1S, cols. 0; John nihott ...............6.......elaborate designs, and are prepared to execute it ill the latest style of the art. 1k' Question of jot:tllty. jr., for Div. No. 3, at school No. '0, con.. • "I'll tell you ono thing," said Madpop 12, and Wm. Beecroft for Div. No. 4 at An Olna.tg a tsps us that the pray *c? : to hie long eaffering wife, "if, .Willy the house of Jas, Dow, bit 29, con. 10. method to keep apples in winter is to does not; bxhave hinnsislf, 'I'll give him The corned then adjourned till Fri- wall them in an old nates nttper so as 10 the li c,.:tt Sp:Bikingg he ever had. Nell day loth Hors- next. r exclude the air. The newspaper how - get it in ilio nee • ." P.1?cn;:x rl t3n, Clerk. 4vrr, must be Dile on whit 11 the itutbsietip- "l e le, sae , finny -dear," replioti dna* been puler, otherwise dampness 1414, 3rieelse jag , '; rhe W alt is oto i! (�' S"l t�s ;' resulting from what is `klew "Mtay ovule trSS 4v ;, ; i 1;1 a chiid.0f•,•-I perxs, rvt3rislits �T e tioiir ilacnisilebsr =Sack' Heddiielie and.` ; DSpeliida:Med:spi, ditoe•aib ke*i Dae• Sickeixing.eitic.t. • , . .. _ . e „ t. ..r .. ;.rz, -•t-..•ate ..:, ,.f .r.•. , .. di "Marriage," said the proverb•quoter, •••• - "lea •iuttery." " :es, lsivered the Sultan of Sulu, xis• he sadly:; waved his, hand towar.t t'he herein,,"anci',tl>tlre' a.•. a 1 bunch o,. bTnxn.,s ";-Wt.1.s1r�::gtonstarx A lv;,rd u£ 11`Aknigg.., Ther nre.se leafy. substitutes, most uf'.' them clzn;;orous, . being , foisted on the public, t,ttit'We ivdulzl rulvi'se evetyoine to see that thb'fti11 inannb 'llit. Bowler"s Ex- traat'oif Wild Strawberry : is' mit very bottle you buy... ' • Lseturer--Arid What mai is ihcst kit tb fowl). thee elo'v.,tion whence the'•eartle may be viewed as ono vast plain?' Voice, (in the autuence)-Theone that works in a powder-nniil. Life. the fruit to spoil, '' Woalclxr't that Jae Bines the tor pid liver, Arid cure biliousness, tact: ' , 1:,ea+dache, iaundice, nausea, indigos ' time eta. nay aria Iv- taluabio to prevent a cold or btenk lxt h fever. Mild, Xe'nt1e, certain, they are 'Sea'' l'ou'r tt nditi mep, ,Putter€ eau be tr lou by children or ?rive, %'.e..xt nil n volcine C. L ;Wolf ! cn.. Lei,+ Val