HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-08-26, Page 23Peter Vancleberne Len Lobb. Cengratulations to Peter $, Len let their 2nd: Chian*" Bales results in, the' tNTEBNATIONAL, $AMBTARS PROGRAM ;POW ,Vengeborne Ong of the 5 top upward bOund Sales 'Achievers In Canada Len ,o bah One of the 7 top (2nizi in area 43) Upward Bound Sales Achievers in Ontario,. We are proud to have these achievers as part of the organization and appretiate our customers',confidence which has contributed to tese accomplishments. VINCENT Farm Equip, Ltd. Seaforth MASTS Gteatfor abQ STEAKS GROUND BEEF BACON hLpN ileisiedD MEATS WIENERS mtpk uaf BOLOGNA tel" SAUSAGE By the piece HAMd STEAKS mkt rat d COTTAGE ROLLS MieortNED BEEF Sian Packed WIENERS. Maple Led asked 500. g Pkg. 175 it Pkg. 1 lb. Pkg. 175 g Ontario Grown No. 1 R HEADeri LE'TUCE SEEDLESS Pro d. of Ontario • CUCUMBERS Prod. I4 DISHES On tario I COOKING ONIONS From the Tropics BANANAS Area weddin LACROIX-BUUCK Brenda Lee Buuck. daughter of Mrs. Catherine Buuck of Seaforth, and James Franklin Lacroix. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lacroix, Cambridge, were united in marriage July 24. Reverend Rowan officiated at the ceremony. The maid of honour was Karen Lynn Buuck. sister of the bride. The best man was Randy Wick of Listowel. The ushers were Steven Holbrook and Jamie Winegarden, both of Cambridge. The organist was Mrs. Ward of Cambridge and the soloists were Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Listowel. The couple will be residing in• Cambridge. FILANAGAN,VERBERNE Rita Verberne. 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Verberne of Seafortb:.and Pat Flanagan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Flanagan of-bublin were united in marriage by Father Oostveen in a double-ring Columban Roman catholic Church on July 2 bride was given away' by her father. The niatron was Hendrina Erb." sister of the bride, and bride were Mary Verberne, sister of the bride. Barb and Mau Flanagan.' sisters of the groom and Charmaine Staples. friend of the bride. The .best man was Pete Flanagan, brother of the groom and ushers were Mike and Brian Flanagan. also brothers of the groom. and Martin and Frank Verberne. brothers of the bride. Organist and guitarist was Cathy Murray. and soloist was Casey Van Bakel. A reception was held at the Brodhagen Community Centre. The couple is now residing at R.R.4 Seaforth. RICHARDSON-scon Elii.abeth Anne Scott. daughter of the late Betty Scott. arid David Michael Richardson, son of Carl Richardson. R.R. 1 Brucefield. were married by Rev. James Vanslyke at the First Presbyterian Church. August 15. at 7 p.m. The bride was given away by Garnet McClinchey. Susan Scott. sister of the bride. London. was maid of honour. Jill Muir, dose friend of the bride. Seaforth and Rhonda McLaglant Chatham. the groom's sister, were bridesmaids. The groomsman was Robert McCallum, Kippen and ushers were Mike Scott, brother of the bride, London and Don MeLaglan, brother-in-law of the groom, Chatham. A reception was held at the Seaforth Legion following the ceremony. The couple will be residing at 62 Jarvis' St.,I Seaforth. (Paul Ellis Photography) Nursery float wins Vanastra parade This week the children have been getting ready for thelutiade On Saturday at.he Vail*** Lion5 and 400e5* • NtlrAerYRhillriet Were, a hit with MC Cat JgOnifik g411^4t: Jackie WildtoUBAsili 444:1! Harri:901.0000: MarYliadiV tittle - Nancy 40010, - MOO* Brandon Glidner -141014 3 Men WI I Tub - Johnflueharttle* ny Wildfong, Arvin Garde- ner; Jack and .110- • Jason Harrison and Angela 'Tyn- dall; Little Mist Muriel - Shamion Bissel; Jack Be Nimble - Tommy Bissel, Mistress Mary - Allison Burt, and Little Boy Blue -Gordon Bjerg. Every week more and , more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Standard Want Ads. Dial 523-9646. remony in St. 2 p.m. The honour aids en KNECHTEL ROTH FOOD MARKET SEAFORTH STORE HOURS: hjON.-TOES.-WED. 9 - 6 P.M. 'THURS. & FRI. 9 - 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9. 6 P.M. EVERY INEDNESDAY -4S SENIOR CITIZENS DAN! 5", DISCOUNT ON ORDER OR FREE DELIVER1. FOOD VALUE DAYS (FOR EASY UMMER LIVING j WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Prices effective until Satirday, August 29,1981. MEAT LOAVES . Stare Sliced Cat From Canada Grade A Beef Bade or Short Rib 1.69 1.69 1.69 .69 1.48 L79 Ib' 1.79 1.59 lb. 1.69 lb. L99 .99 lb. 1.89 Viva TOWELS White or Decorated 2 Roll Pkg. 1.18 Cott onelll Toilet TISSUE Asst. Colours 4 Roll Pkg, 1.18 Bold 3 LAUNDRY ETERGENT 6I 3.49 a Scotties Facial TISSUE Asst. Colours 200's 78 McCain Deep a De:icious PIZZA 3 Varieties 1.49 McCormick Tin Tie -COOKIES -. 4 Varieties - Sylvania LIGHT BULBS 40, 40 io Watt Bulb Del Monte PUDDING CUPS Monarch PIllibleNGS „ TUNA Bye The Sea Flaked fight E.D.Smith Garden COCKTAIL Zest Deodorant Bar ia TOOTHPASTE ORANGE JUICE Old M111 White BREAD Ontario (,rowra No I FIELD TOMATOES 4 Ciskei 1 ROASTS lb. 1.59 ib 1.89 K Groceries 2 Bulb Pkg. 400 g 1.29- .99 1.39 .59 1.19 1.49 1.49 1.99 •99 1.00 Each .49 Each .49 1 lb. Bag .69 2 lb. Bag .59 lbs for 1 Sleeve of 4x5 oz. This 9 oz. 6 oz. Sleeve of 6:6 oz. Tins Pkg. of 4 150 ml Tube 12'/2 oz. Tin 16 oz. LoaVes ' for 1.89 • .1.•. a ..to a th, *Oa a a a * M . * A 4.14- •d* ta,