HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-08-26, Page 9, i 1y'; t ,%' f' .., .. 7,,, HOT EXHAUST -,-, A car owned by Bob McCool, Hullett, caught an fire in a field. The car's hot exhaust system ignited straw underneath and the car in turn caught fire. Blyth fire department answered the call at 5 o'clock Friday evening. Traffic to the scene was congested with gawkers. Why does a cannibal prefer a person who reads to a person who writes? BeCause readers' digest and writers cramp. What is the difference between a dog that has a broken tail and dog that does not have broken tail? Well, every dog has its day but the dog with the broken tail has a weak end. " Weak'end (week end). Get it? Where did I get the jokes? I stol e them, of • coursCWOillaiiri any storyteller be flattered that someone thought his line was funny enough to repeat? By the time we hear most,jokes, they have passed several times from one accomplice to another. Maybe they've changed .a bit with each telling. But someone. somewhere, ,sortiehow, coined the original punch line that made a good joke immortal. • , Who are these people? Who invented the elephant joke, the knqck-knock joke? What do they look like? How do they act? , Art they. the people who are always the life of the party all night long? Or, are they the quiet ones who sit nnasSumingly in a corner until, with one quick ling. they Make the whole crowd crack up? Do they dress outlandishly and try kooky haristyles that other. people -can't even imagine wearing? Do they stand out in a crowd' Do they act in a manner that we might term "Weird?" Or, do they melt into a-crowd and appear quite "normal?... And how do they conceive those uncanny witticisms? Can they crank out one-liners on demand? Or: do they take hours. days. even weeks to develop an idea? Does the whole story come to them in a flash? Or, do the parts fall together in bits and peices?. Do they lock themselves in their rooms emerling hem's, later with one quip and leaving behind -PaPeriO carpet the floor? Do ideas come co them out of the blue? If so. when and where - in- the middle of the night. when they're driving theihars-...witen they're shopping? Do they always carry paper and pen with them, or better yet a tape recorder, to keep story lines from slipping away? I wonder if joke writers laugh at their own gags. And who do they ^use as guinea pigs to try ,their stories on? The next time you see someone laughing alone in their car Or grinning at a can of beans, maybe they're not crazy. It could be they've just thought of a brand new joke. If they notice you staring at them, maybe they'll try out the gag on you. If it's funny, you can repeat it at-the next party and perhaps even call it your own. SCHOOL AHEAD FOR EXPERTLY FITTED j'AVAGE SCHOOL SHOES See our wide selection of school shoes by Savage for youngsters of all ages. Well made of quality materials, over correct, lasts - and Sanitized- treated inside. Correct shoes properly fitted encourage good walking habits, erect posture. Savage combines the "look" youngsters like with the perforniance you look for. SHOE STORE MITCHELL PH. M-9551 Open Friday nights fill nine. AS -• THE- HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 20, 1981 Writer home from hospital Visits Londosboro - grandparents MY Vilna TURNBULL I found myself in St. Jose_ph's Hospital for two weeks and I missed writing my "K. notes." Sorry about that but when off regular food= there la **reason. Recent visitors with Mr. Etnehen Aikens at Kilbarchan Were Mr- and Mrs. Fred frnitiSaakatoon.,.$41. iguLMrs. lAareeld 4#0414ersog, Meta 'Ns! ',Bettor Were neehews .9f.bieeeS Of %token Mena.' 0tker visitors were Mrs. Ron SoralVniCePes16401104,, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson 1-tOrst bringing beautiful red and pink gladiolas with contrast- mg green. A.120 Albert Whit- ney with a beautiful bouquet of roses to our room to bring joy to our surroundings. The glow of our July Christmas party remains with as. We 'regret that Ted Clegg of La Habra-Calif. was unable to attend. He was involved in a , space project with a Sept. I tinie limit and was unable to tOrrie• He is employed with NASSA as a design aeron- autical engineer. 11..01E VISITORS 14a , and *114 Elsa WO [Onion recently visit,- ert friend;; Kilbarchan: David Clegg arrived* air in time to return tome with his mother and sister Kim and Susan. Clare Reith kindly brought the church-calendar. Before Liz went home to California she arranged that her father Harold Barry be moved to the Blue Water Rest Home across the road from' 'Maplewood' Senior Citizen's Home. Zurich where he has been and where he has had an apart- ment for some time. Liz .tiornian 'Frederick Peters, A. Of and guy Andrew We, 0.. .formerly of, Scafortii but MAY Living in Exeter, are. ,sclicdtiled to • appear in .proVincial court at forest on Sept. 1. They were ,teleased on, their own recognisance by a justice. of the peace. Constable Milian of the Pinery detachment of the OPP, who investigated the case along with Constable Idle of the OPP detachment et Forest, says the incident involved an 18-year-old thought he needed more nursing home help. This new arrangement seems to be working out satisfactorily for him. LOnd4on girl who was pipked op • at Pert Fran.ks. ne,ar midnight °Sat.1 Aug. 8 and dropped . off at Thorquic.: northeast d London. the following morning. Londe'sboro Mrs Laura Saun- dercock returned home Sun- day night from spending 2- weeks witlther mcce Mr. and Mrs. Pelt McBride of Carlow, on Sunday they all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wayntouth at Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. Len Caw well visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mariana in Toronto. Candice and a friend returned hP-ne with them to spend some time with her grandparents. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fothergill and Heather were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dietz, Mrs. Clara 'hnston of Listowel, Mrs. Margaret Moak, %, Mr. and Mrs. Bill pilmore of Palmer- ston. Visiting with Mrs. Alice` Davidson and Mrs. Fairey were on Friday Mr. and Mrs. John Bell of Sandy Cove, on weekend Mr. and Mrs. Bar- ney Pollock of Toronto. " Visiting lait week with Mr, and Mrs. Orville. Kelland were her fatber. Mr. Art Heckman and her uncle Mr. Fred Heckman of Stratford. While here they attended "Fire on Ice" at Blyth Sumpter festival; they had grown up with Howie Mot- enz. Mr. and Mrs. H. Burch'of Briunpton visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill SOttlauF and attended the Blyth festival, Robbie.,Radford is spend, thew week angling at le R. Utak special*** ytestern pig at ' riekt!. Yisittng last *elk Mr. and' Mrs,. (eerge )lioggert were canAMOthistei9tReW Within and.''ffetty Butte; and boys of Courdand. Es cry- ss eck more and mire people discover what ' mighty jobs are accom- plished by low cost ljuron Expositor Want Ads. Dial ,52".0240 PrPV#10:41 police SAY W- 7 01(14XY.. ehartZeS May pending for' two area Men WheiVeteeharged cihlY pi:taping a' fernate pet- Son" after an' incident that began Al a POrt Franks beach earlier .this month: by Elaine Townshend Joker's wild rea men charged , ,..','• ,t -...' . • ,I. ,,A. _......— .-X.,c ,- ,--- -':- „ C:'14 -• DuNcAN , . H NEs CAKE MIXES ASSORTED VARIETIES OUR REG. 1 43 , 520 g. SIZE' `- , OUR GRANNYS _ , TARTs . ' BUTTER FRESH OF 10 , PACKAGE REG. 1.79 ZEHRS BRAND REGULAR, RIPPLE, SALT & VINEGAR ON BARBEQUE - • OUR REG. 1.09 . k 200 g. 'PKG. , . h NP - 0 • AIL , h „ REGULAR GINGER ALE, $ WINK OR CLUB SODA 4 , ` '' ' OUR REG, 8.99 - -; , ' m .1 • , , CASE x CASE OF 24 10 oz. 'TINS • SEEP BEANS _ 14 OUR RE . 74C , , BEMIS — MOWN IN TOMATO WffN FL. LIBBYS BEANS BEANS - , YfiTN PONE . SAUCE ON MOLASSES OZ, TIN II , ' ' , ' , i / z EHRS, . • $ --' , , , ii S\4 i I . BUTT . R , . • •-•,- ° 1 LB. SIZE MeCAIN CHOCOLATE, MARBLE VANILLA OR BANANA ' . DEEP 11', DELICIOUS CAKES FROZEN 19 Oz. SIZE 4r OUR REG. 2.39 , I • ...._., OUR REG. 1.15 ZEHRS FANCY JUICE FL... TOMATO O.Z. QUALITY . 4100 SURE ERASABLE RANDOM ULTRA .MARKERS DICTIONARY PEN HOUSE FINE FIT ' TaHSE ' ERASERMATEE14,4BIC PKG.. ,, , , 490Roamt EA. 1.99 ''' CANAINANA OF 2 89°PENCILS*2 BALL RIC SURE KNEE pow MARKERS RT . PENS CLIC COLOURING HI'S PKG. OF 20 11 4 PKG. OF 2 n # sPKGp. OF 02 EA. 39' . 9 APPL DIETRICHS ' STRUDEL g. SIZE FRESH 48 ' TIN _ i $ 482 ' r ,, $ 11.5 DRINK TO LEMONADE ORANGE, ZEHRS 15 CRYSTALS GRAPE, OR APPLE oz. PKG. OF 4 .e. BE SURE TO ENJOY ZEHRS DAY Kitchener Memorial Auditorium At The Central Ontario Exhibition . , 6 LITRE . P BOLD DETERGENT LAUNDRY 2.4 3 Kg. BOX WHOLE WHEAT, CHOC. CHIP, DIGESTIVE, .., 400 $ OUR REG. 1.89 MCCORMICKS COOKIES SHORTCAKE, g. PKG. SUNWNEAT ° . PLUS EVERY EEVESY MAO PURCHASE AT ZEHRS zitLur0108.4):::i22::,:zatmt only on: cArchatinsity,Z,4?:42..10. 510.00 PURCHASE AT ZEHRS Also entitles you to one (1) discount coupon worth 305 OFF any ride or show at the C.O.E. on Thursday. Sept. 3 only. " You'll Save On Zehrs Day Get S2.00 'worth of coupons with every; S50 purchase at any Zehrs stars offer good thru Saturday, Aug. 29th, . SOLE MON LINER SAY LEA YOGURT swim ORANGE MESON COUNTRY cow BRICK BADEN $ A AA ir.yy FILLETS sii AO i L.B. PKG. 11. y STYLE $41 0/1 500 g, TUB ii. 2 LITRE BAG I 79 JUICE • ar. LOAF HARYEST59 # 00 FARMERS sj AA CHEES6207.1• yy FILLETSike. FROZEN y swim, FROZEN ORANGE 'DRINK lAz. 79 SUNNY FROZEN 0 LIMEADE 12 or. TIN 19 WELCHS CONCORD OR WRITE FL It ie on GRAPE JUICE 4 . LO 7 •11.Bliumtss• UM VARIETIES. # CAT OOD T I NS lin mai sumo ort HAWES 14 oi. lop # :BARTLETT PEARS T.'"1•7 WINE FLAVOURED LigrUERKRAUT 32 oz. 99° CLEANER WITH SPRAYER di GLASS PLUS ce2 0.1.14y FOR INSHITASNENS $3 70 CALOONITE 1.6214. • dr , °PM NORMAL OR OILY ft9 SHAMPOO 303 mi. Zdp: Aq"1" 110" " MT S. oldb, TOOTHPASTE IPP.ml. 144 7 ( , , we RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REOUIREMENte IIIMILINEliltOZEN HADDOCK SWISS NEWS , - / **a 'u ! , • „,. eh. 111111110111111•1