HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-08-26, Page 7SHOP Seaforth Sewing Centre BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS SAVE UP TO 30% 20% ON POLY/COTTON PRINTS PLAIN BROAD CLOTH 2.50 - 2.60 per metre, Now is the time to sew for School Days ALSO FALL FAIR SPECIALS PRICES AREGFtEATLY REDUCED ON ALL PFAFF SEWING MACHINES NOW TEL SEPT. 30TH ' • Phone .527-1900 111 i' WHAM LEVESQUE a show of hands. 'aRPrnithnatekf 200 People voted Robert Ostler as the Of the Perth County Homeowners with Urea ,For- maldehyde Fosta, Insulation ceallgIation (HUFFI). From St. Marys, Mr. Ost., ler has been the driving force * initiating a 'Perth County group, Mr., Ostler was elect- ed at a Meeting attended by from ger9SS • the qty seliseffolo HoSti triad. a e*Itt‘tecito ted riaOlOdo Robert Turnbull as. V0e,ebsintikALPfiltOtowa 141PitSu,re'r and /can. Pala as. secretary, ire from Straf- ford. The local men arganirina the meeting brought in an impressive array Of speakers. Bill Bremner of Downsview is a director with the provin- cial organization of HUFFI. Harold B. Stevens. a chemi- cal analyst for HUFFI and Ace Wilcey of Kitchener HUFFI' were also present. Advocating that the home- owner who has to remove UFFI from their home should not have to pay for the expense, Mr. Bremner des- cribed HUFFI as a pressure group. Mr. Bremner said, he did- n't like the "alarmist" state, Ment made by the National Research Council that whe- tber or not a home was tested Italay, a week from today or a year from now. somewhere along the line there will be a problem with the foam. No homes in Perth County to datehave been tested for gas missions. , •Statnients fhat, Mr. Brelneer SaidtiOSt 'reduce the -ProPPSY vOtte• Mt, Turnbull, • a . td . 404 that ,the group 044 wt nOrit *hind the, medical; PrOhleRls, but 4'0 main•frisktels houses can't be sold. ','There is• a stigma. attach- ed to -thee house,' said KC Turnbull. Mrc Bremner warned against tearing. a house apart to remove the foam, becauei if it is not done properly. traces of the foam would remain. Besides the health babe, which affects some and not others, Mr. Bremner said wood can rot from the foam.mortar can crumble and electrical wiring can be damaged. Emphasizing the need for action, Mr. Ostler said he was "sold down the river" by a government be trusted. With 01 e federal ban on urea fOrn)altle- by0 foam josnlatien homeowners ha%t already began to rip Ittortnerial ger of their twines. BefOre everrne gets on;the, band. wagon, a word of cantient from Ed Harriipm PirdetOr '9f Public Health Ins petition in litirbri.County. He recommends that no one panic and that test results-should be available in the near future for hotneowners to base dectSions on. Both federal and provincial governments are making inquires and holding review boards to determine the toxicity of the .material and.if there's problem here that leaVes hotneowners whe've•ItSecl the •in$4,14. , - : • The ViliiiWtY of gajthis nolo conducting a- board-Of review- in, *ntei061 mid 7 Septem- ber. Both industry and government will be presenting material. • The ministry supplied forms to the local health units to be filled out and-returned': As a result, some testing has been done by the government in harititall-i'lrOronia area, Mr. Harrison pointed out that no results have been published vet. Ask for government help Perth owners organize Residents of Perth County had the opportunity to register as members of ,the Perth County Homeowners with Urea Form- aldehyde Foam Insulation organization Mon- day. Robert Ostler of St. Marys started the meetings. after discovering his house was insulated with the urea formaldehyde foam insultation (UFFI) What started as a meeting .forcitizens-In‘ Ivlarys-sntiwballedinto`a - county-wide concern. "1 felt the people of St. Marys weren't aware of the trouble (with the foam)." said Mr. Ostler. Mr. Ostler attended meetings t ondon where Health and Welfare Canada pr sensed advisory information on UFFI. M Ostler called these findings "hideous". The federal government placed a erman- ent ban on UFFI this spring. Mr. Ostler said the homeowner organiza- tions (HUFFI) sprouting up across Canada aren't meant to get anybody. They would like to see the federal government provide financial assistance for removing the banned foam from Canadian homes. A conservative figure of homes affected in Canada is 100,000, according to Mr. Ostler. He said the government already provides financial aid for those affected by national disasters such, as flooding. "This is a quiet, insidious thittg." Mr. Ostler saidof the UFFI. He couldn't say what the effects of the UFFI are, but said there have been reports of respiratory problems and nausea. "It's a non-stable product," said Mr. Ostler, Another problem is•the resale value of the houses affected. Mr. Ostler said he has beard a real estate board around London wouldn't list houses insulated with the urea formalde- hyde foam. "We (HUFFI) have lost the ability of .turning our assets (housel into cash." said Mr. 'Ostler. Mr. Ostler said the history of the problem product began in the United States and Enrolls, during the mid-fifties. It was first used in Canada in 1969. after being approved by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). In 1970, CMHC found UFFI unacceptable because it shrank. But in 1977, the CMHC re-accepted UFFI as a safe product. The problem of shrinkage was apparently solved. Also in 1977. the Canadian Home Improve- ment Program (CHIP) approved urea --formaldehyde-feant:,-, - • In 1978, Dr. R. Viau Consumer and Corporate Affairs chemical director. warned against its use. In 1979. testing with rats showed a link to cancer with a low emission of gas from UFFI. An acceptable level is .05 parts per million. Some homes have a level of 2.0 parts per million. . In November of 1979, the television program Marketplace raised concerns on UFFI. in the same monTh, the state of Massachusetts banned the sale of UFFI and ordered'it removed from public buildings. During 1980, many developments took place. Saskatchewan investigated the prob- lem. the United States issued warnings on the product, and Health and Welfare Canada set" up a special committee. In November, the U.S. Consumer Products Corporation reported cancer links were a threat to human. On Dec. 17 Health and Welfare Canada put a temporary ban on UFFI. On April 23 of this year, following a final report from the committee set up by Health and Welfare Canada. UFFI is permanently banned in Canada. Mr.Ostler. aid HUFFI believes health tests should be conducted in all homes with FF1. He also says proper equipment should be used. In answer to a question. Mr. Ostler said not all foam insulation is urea formaldehyde foam insulation. He said he has not heard anthing from companies' that install insulation. Mr. Ostler said HUFFI is going through the proper channels to solve the problem. He added "squeaking wheels" get oiled faster •than a wheel that makes no noise. "I'm optimistic," said Mr. Ostler. "I'm angry. . .this is a Serious situation," said Mr. Ostler. He said the sooner the Foam insulation in your house? Cali the Huron alth uni issue is put to the govern= ment the better it would be. -to his words, "we need action" the crowd in atten- dance applauded. There was applause throughout the evening, when speakers gave theft thoughts on what to do, but groans were emitted from the audience as they learned what they are up against. Following during which many .h?,rtor stores were told about situations Lodi- virlial ieg the wmiethetiethg: foam(' many, in attendance •-• Mr, explained swanned around the treseur- the money witild he .0sed for er's table offering a donation phone callap.aending letters of at lean $5. • as, other COgita Inc reed. He stated a Balaglal report would be presented at a future meeting. There were a number of items Melting. theahlnetitr- es of:those sOppOdng, HUE. HMI Thai .111Y- t,#..T.90}0tO 000:, .1,14 *Ae,' 1110111111111111111111111111111111111111111 UNCLAIMED FURNITUIW SALES OPEN DAILY 10 - 9 SATURDAYS TIL 6 k NO. 7 HIGHWAY, EAST OF McDONALD'S * SPECTACULAR SAVINGS ,UNDER THE BIG TOP * KITCHEN 2 PC. -SUITES $129 _ „„.N.Roo,„ sd7.99: as low as as low as all COFFEE OR 'ENDS as low as CONTINENT BEDS 1 4 9 as low as 1 DESKS 'as low as* 7. 9 BOX OR MATTS son as low as tilai BEDROOM ' , SUITES as low as OIL PAINTINGS . * r n 0 as low as • . ' 4 PC. UVINGROOMS$ 499 as low as DAVENPORTS as iqw astt l 89 WATERBEDS .. as low as IMO *FIRST OUALITY*ENDS OF LINES*SCRATCHED It DENTED * DISCONTINUED FABRICS * WHY PAY MORE? L, •• , 273- 60. *CASH *VISA *CHEQUE EASY, BUDGET TERMS 11111) 1113111,011131113, Days Oniy Aug. 27 to 'Sept. 5 Instant Delivery Or Pickup BIG TOP SAVINGS SELECT GROUP NORTH STAR Jogger 1529947299 REG. .26696 20% OFF All unadvertised North Stars MEN'S IMPORT ' Rubber Boots #10.99 REG. 14.95 KIDS' Ski-Doo Boots $7.99 REG. TO 44.95 ENDS SAT. GI 3 DAY AUG. 29 ANT ONLY INVENTORY REDUCTION E VERY SHOE 1N THE STORE REDUCE SELECT ^GROUP OF SlippersS3•99 We need the room for new arrivals "C°ArgilIE Walking Shoes $24'99 REG. 34.99 KID BIONIC Rubber . Boots $5.99 LIMITED SIZES Curling Shoes $24.99 REG. $36.95 MANY MORE GREAT SAVINGS Main Street, Seaforth NORTH STAR CASUALS THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 28, 1901 sale value of their houses worries f m users ►4, , have set ilpArogrittus,w/!ere, for it- e,,- they "m"'CL;A". . ,:a lid , of „,-; , will .tog a ,{tome', for fitic OrosOice of ,,P,'"' '''',13wil,5'hei; 4s+r u • , WM mend Mr. BAITIOJi ha, WYOral MITA 10p114100Y4e$80. • ', ''/- '• ' ,t flIpmp.00,4 Alst,, , 9;ukhitle$ktAiliownal t Basic itifarmatiortort According to press releases from.' these At *4t t*ei.ho of- the , health background and length 't) time the , quits. formaldehyde -10.*U rglekie_,._0 ,,.._,.,•_1# 50,111 media*, •it was MentiOned being recorded: insulation has been installed and y whom is taimonaoftlte,t;r9lode:cten. ThtlrldlYarargovenovir7411"1111e , itimitpbOliituri gmBilighofferhfirls 110114 , . , , "The main thing to remember is notio initially CWISIUg. -MU 0.1 ppin ' tpana iimu supitortiki the-orilaniza' tioi. panic" stressed Mr, t-Lirrison. "If it is millionl as dr Maiihnum level to which• home- Both men hate meow the decided that it is "definifely a health hazard occupants Could be exposed without harmful n with itegionte, beet there will be a set of guidelines. Homeowners effects to health. The 0.1 ppm limit' is now „,on %ad prior commitments taring out the material 'now without these considered high and no definite threshold -"- guidelines may be risking their compensation limit has been set by the government. if there is any awarded." an including AdnCoalExdponsoittoartteCndla. Standards set in other countries. ssified , . Several firms in Southwestern Ontario the Soviet Union, go as low ppm. will pay you dividends. Have tried one? Dial”k1:0240. Just in time for Back to School' Broomball Boots *19.99 ENInnrcunty hime93.,vilers have filled oni ovlr. ykhieti hgys .heeisent .to the as 0.01 you FINAL LADIES-CASUAL Summer Sandals 1/2 PRICE • FUNTREAD Mesh Casuals - $9.99 BEAT OL MAN' WINTER SELECT GROUP OF Winter Boot's 'A PRICE- & LESS 7-1110 • to