HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-24, Page 1HE
-gf VOL, XXYJi,—NO 1439,
"The Bear"
If anyortP told you, that he would give
..you0. Doll& gi11 for sixty or sixty-ilve
cents, and would repeat the transaction
es long as his. Dollar Bills held out, you
•would. be vex); anxious to take advantage
.of snail% eliance to make money. Weill
That is just What we - are doing; we
•want to get of our Dry Goods as
quickly as possible, awl are offering
-them at Oland. 05 cents on the Dollar,
.ated in stave oases,its'for instance our
DresS Goeds; at 50e on the clellar; this is
opportimity not to be inisSed. ;We
went to be rid -of our Dry Goods; you
want them; come amok and get them. or
you ;will miss• them anti be sorry.
• is arriving daily and by
next week we will be able to
show you the FINEST RANGE of
the REST VALUES tg be had in
this district,
We are now opening a crate
of Jardinieres bought at a bar
gain and to be sold at a
• Customers tell us that our
cannot be touched fat value
and we believe them. See for
,o our new stor,
appears on nuotli
The story is iut
.-The first chapter BITTEN BY A Doo
nzeree's Triempn" sou of F. 11. Zen
page of this issue. hand badly bittet
esti). from first to to Mr. Frank P
last. The child's
Ir. W. Howson two or three pl
spent Sunday in village. • He re-(UOHs'
moved his fa iv -c) Waugh= on Mon- n'in144.
day. Ti
social and
every pr
at c
fainly will bo BtisSe(i in WILL CApsnAP
lurch tife and WO Wish them surg00n has put
verity - t 4, new hum°, that appendicitis i
r News. of crossing thole
action of the dige
env AT COT. -IA order to • a ) rudiv is onl 1
ut my stoc. _I will sell the balance
t. Some bi7Tains, citeeura, and there is always some half- Belgrave was fmnally opened on Sun- . i•
, , • , •
digested food in t e caecal bag. By day lost, the a; Wyss being beyond the •• •
-1111sS ATAOPIIBBSOIL: crossing the legs here is liability that latest saivruliot expeetations. The "
Xhe four -year -01d
y, barber, Wends
a dog, belengbig
terson, on Monday
11(1wa -tore open hi
ces, ot
and ie child is now
BNDIPITL4.-A. foreign
forth the suggestion
caused by the habit
whieh restricts the
ivo apparatus. The
osely attached to the
esting statistics
Presbyterian d
()uglily explaine
of the Church in
Rev. Mr. Moli
occupied the pul
church on Suit
fif .0*
of the growth of the •gelLo.'
.iomination and thor•
the ,:0.as and •objects
ising .the fund.
enough, of Stratford, A
it in the Methodist A
y last, both morning A
and evening, an preached SOITILonS in A
connection wi the Superannuated -r4V
Ministers Collections and sub- a,ze
seriptions in. aid lof the fund. were asd
ell ke
for and was libeolly responded to,
The fine new -.?rcsbyterian. church. at•
Bowl the new Vi
don was forma
'Wilson, in the
gathering Of Citi
were held iu th
the ground floo
proved altog
large numb
large size
• an e
”The China House," Wingbant. me
EW .ari-v-EnTrenstEltyrS.
Local -T. R. Boss.
Local -john Poltou.
Local -T. P. Smith.
Local—Times Oftice.
Tenders for Supplies -Jae. Noxon.
Hon Oounty Council -W. Lane,
Xmas. Oluna-N, Farquharson.
Soientillo Bye Specialist -T. P.
The People's Popular Store-J*61in Bert. •
• Canada Business College -D. IlleLachlinV.,
Wanted -The Berlin Mutual Fire Instirance
0 g
ed, cost
sold. by N
te. Piano,
t for about
ts, will
Address bef
iculars to P. O.
- 'No. -Thursday after-
oria Hospital at Lon -
y opened by Mayor
presence of a large
ens. The ceremonies
ivoinan's pavilion on
There was Seating
or 820 people, which
• inadequate for the
LE. -4450 beantifol
the undigested f allay pass into the
vermiform appei lix. and sot up an in-
flammation, in a ow hours pathological
processes set fl and an attack of
appendicitis is d veloped.
Ladies, see the Neat Pelt Goods in
Congress, Button and Lace at
W. J. Grtzen's.
crowds on Su; clay at all the services
and on Mom evening were the • .
largest ever ; assembled iu the \01
• village. On Si,itaday Rev. W. 3. Clark, Ny
• of London, preached in the auditorium w
both morning and evening, andRev. Mr, Ord
Oaten conclude' =overflow meeting in. V
the basement • . the morning, and Rev.
MoNBY.-On the 5th of rebru, Mr. West, of B ilevale,.conducted sina-
ary, 1280, a well kno n. resident of this ilar meeting basement at the even -
town received a p t office order for ing service:: ikpv. Ilobbs, of the •
a.n excellent prepar-
•ation for chapped •
hands and roughness •
of the skin,
4 I•
,grand upright Diane, $4.00. Ile laid it aw y for safe keeping Winghain MetItodist church, conducted
D. 31. ttonDows WEEKLY BUDGET
se, best make, fully and forgot all about- it. A few days the service in *e afternoon. A]1 the
Next Saturday, November 2tith, we
0 three months ago, ago, when. his wife 'vas cleaning house, disceurses wer of an interesting char- Will giVe all cash bilyerfl a discount of 10
she found it in a d awer with a lot of, a.cter, and we listened to with rapt at- per cent on Men's, Youths and Boy'll
BOth 'to close out
new and eim e old papers and lotto, where it had lain tention 'by the large congregations. The Snits, Illsters, Overcoats, •ete., ready.,.
or ordered. Our stock is largi).
like I b'
lf recumbent for fourn years. He took :'clioir of the church furnished excellent wade
e theP8Oth 'inst. for the department in
•sitseial vice pay it to Postmaster Di
cson, who sent it to music at all the services which added obtainable, bit with 10 cents on the
• IS beat va1u
tawa,to see it it had maserially to the interest. On Monday dollar given. back they will be bargain&
roe days word came evening. a fow3upper was served in the that no one in need of clothing Dan
ox 11'7, Winghain. been as le( .
or miss.
back saying the ca -ler had never been basement of tie church, and over 900
Pon SALB.-Four •first-class show- paid awl •that for ilour cents the orderst• oc1nsat do to the tables The will Boars Awn aloes.
• i P Iva . be treated Just the same 'way, viz:
• cases, in good repair, for sale, Apply to
jas McZelvie, at the Star Restaurant. ' would be renewe k and paid c so the ladies of the elt.Sarch, however, were pre- 10 cent; given back out of every dollar.
citizen is $4,00 better off thauhe thought pared for alarge croWd, and ever/ Per- We have everYtht,'g m eteek m foot-.
• . lionsas WzLI, B SOAN0E.---Am. ex- he was,-Seaforth ;exposit= son wile wafted en with commend -
to the Finest Dongola-all marked.
wear - from men. s. heavy long Rap
change-ays :--It predicted by well• able promptia s. After tea had been a,t close cash prices, still Ivo vvill give
• posted stockinen t
ible scarcity in we
appear 'Among ran
going very rapidly
Don't forget that we have the largest Co,
ISfortg'ag. e Sale-.-M'ontgowery, Fleurr,A bred to replace th
stock of Riots an.a. Shoes in town. Our • Montgomery. . , , • ,arltet in. such
Fall stock is complete in every line With ____ .
-. 'World. has sudde
newest and most op -to -date goods; also CHURCH AND SOCIETY
.a full set)* of rubbers in all kinds and. ADVc RTISING. aesPPPeeetiiallte YfQPrairii.r:
Anything with
For any entertainments, special or aeemi3 to go, and,
Come in and. see our new Suitings and other services to be beld by an of the eav
O•vereoatings; we have a tremendous churches or societies in Wighana pr near
stock of the latest and best goods in the district, at whichthere is no qpIlOntfiSett.:tlxp
21) titket,. and We esti Iiiiikelheiniv m taken uP or 'adiais Sion ieti cliaiged, We
better style than yon can get elsewhere shall be pleased, to give notice free of •
m the Comity, in fact if yoil would be charge in the 'I'nres, and ask that per-. •
well dressed • you 'MUST Come to 'QS. Sons interested• will see that a:notice of
- , • Drab
Don't forgot this. such is sent to the office. • ' • • ' • • Sunnail
• •sorrow Was su.dde
For anuotices•Of entertainm.ents, etc.,
on Thursday meriang of last week when
HOMUTH & SONE, etc., at which there is a eaular
for churches, societies, teavelling troops, it was learned tint Mr. David .Tolmston, tion being judo,
. ing upon his 28rd
r - atirilis•• aaa Old, and lighl esteemed citizen of 187,2". • Tito me
Sion fee er collection' taken up, regular
advertiaing be ge le m t editties of his bum- • -
d to the
,•,•-••66-esiets..3-r.,.61 0,,ei-e6, notice given free. one week, when print- •• xr
t the next percept- •CHUB. , NOTE$,
tern jive stock will BAPTIST GROB .•-The pastor will church, which'4.wes filledto overflowing.
served, an. ente4tainreentwas given, in the you 10 per cent oft These figores are.
horse, for they are oecupy the pulpit ext Lord's Day both The Methedisttchurch was also opened, au
ud nothing is being shoes have tgaken a Amp° advance. Our
morning and eve . The morning but even. then!the people aid not all get stock is too large and. mutat be reduced.'
e that are shipped. to subject will be, " Paradox." Evening, inside. Rev..Pir. Hall, pastor of the quickly,
D. M. GoltDoN- A
go numbers, The*•"Jesus Only " d the chair m the new
Ata joint rneeti g of the boards of eherolli end .
Direct Importer. V,
developed a great ' W. H. Kerr ofdeiated
, and buyers are not
•ar as to the quality. ing in the Methodist church. Speeches Tuesday.
Clinton. on Tiles evening, it was de -
veil the 'United States .
cided that the pro osed union church were made in fkoth churches by Rev, W.
leg at each corner '
Mrs. John Lillie of 3titchell, is a.
should be built on. eu.tral ground, both • J. Clark*, Rob ‘11olmes, M. P., of Clin- guest at her father' , Mr. .4.. Ruggeri.
, . • ;
Ontario and Ratt bury •St. churches, a P city at the overilOW'ineet-
. aiming old acquain cos in; town. car.
inlike ea a
e 'discarded. ton, and' othe The music was fur- ,tft• .
h •
so fastid us in their tastes as
(Akers Pug e the present Bites to
Vf01:4 gar44:1444gElo''' •
pprentiCes wanted at once. Two
ing ladies to learn tailoring. *
.-A deep cloud of
y cast•over. Seaforth
Rev. S. 'Young, of
church, Clifford, to
8; 1, thetheme b
setting forth Oki
Preaching of the G
Mr. Young intima
4g7441,1„htrj.2th, byithec oir of the Winghein gunard . Et'elts otA. 14,4
IC,110$. PreSbytOl'ian nOgilich•Arnionr of Wingliatia, SP'entn' Sin -14Y •
for his text, Gal. one church to t e other several times Bi
1VIr. and Mrs. 3. W. King, of Seaferth,
of a high order d was much appreci-
t Crucified in theguests her sister, Mrs.
aced by the go crowds in both were,_ithe
1 that he was ent•er- churches. Miss da Cline sang a beau- '°"°''''s' 011 Passdai!
Mr. Turner, of Cllnton, was towia
pel. concluding,
tiful soprano sol ; her sweet, deer voiee
ar in this cougrega-
t .-otanclard. •
during the' eve ug. • Their music was
the importance of
• being heard to good advantage. On on Wednesday. Ie intends looating
toil 7th Ntivember,
Tuesday here should he find p, suitable opening.
rship at that time eve • a well. attended social
116. A
that place, had •lied of heart failure was 1.0D- atm tl
rateschar d. 14 • . h . . .
mg for entertainment •dene ,at this snieos:e• us"uaivi;?
33 (IF OUR STUDENTS r4 ()face.•
do tr- , ()idly in goocl lie
El have accepted aoocl situations. We lit — nine had oceasioi
for graduates in fentteen days. We 'fl .
got ea traok of eighteen situations u GENERAL- LOCAL NEWS • repair shop to sp
have reeeived as many *four ap- Fr,
• regarding some
51 .came down to, the 01=4: 82% 0,f
'8day riormng aPPer'' ceiVedbirprofessi
Miss j. Moyer, of Walkerton, who
th anti about half Net certificate.• Th 'e was at present s
meltotarkproceeds of the Mrs. Bradley ned to her home en there had been re- was 11°1'4'
opening services will.conauut to about Wingbia.m on We esday after visiting
membership of the
hese 118 had been re- $4('°' ••••••:
her sister, Mrs. Plcher.-Preston Pro -
02 Fess
faith and 134 by PERSONALS,
to go up stairs to the . 31)S,,,Sedgson has returned home from has been rale g at the G. 11.
membership of 16 These agures will •
• tc'•*r- 'eTin! show the atony c , nges that had takI*64110.4641"s;. ; , • Telegraph office f r the past month, left.
ork.' talkinges durni these years. . Tilos; Irwin is visiting friends in on Wednesday f her home.
plications fOr 0J.11-ce helP in one day, pi i See Halsey Park's advertisement.• he was seized trk.,-h a pain and withthe
1 and two Canadian schools have re-
cently applied 'to ne for our gradu-
ates to teach in their eehoole.
1 Surely thici is positive evidence
,-, that our •college excels in many
ways .• It gives
The Caned •
Six American busitiess colleges ri Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the words, "Oh 1 he sank to the 1.00.40
Li Queen's Ilotel Winghfun, on the first floor, ad, ceased had boon a b
Wednesda;y of each month from,11,80 .tails regarding t
t ,
training for boainese Iife. Students
'admitted at any time. Write for
our handsome •prospectus. Ad-
, W. J. ELLIOTT% PrInebali
Central Business College*
StratfOrd, Ont.
anti -Wrautleactra-a.,r9va
m. till 8 o olock p. m., for consultation 'cleat Of scafort'f for 25 Years. • •
. and societies, LIS 1
in diseases of•the eye, nose and threat.•
.eresh. Baltiniore oysters served. in any officers anct eth
A.11.0TION , J. Williams 'willstye at Jas Mcgelvie s Star Bestow-.
with the °media
sell by public aucti on Saturday, Xov.,
a3iTtm. Tows BAN:. ,-The meeting held ig`tvtisle2r18 dat'unrel
- 22th, 22 firstrolass d cows, T
ts f
.. •
of sale -ten Months credit on tar in, the Couneil Obero11 Friday night
• last, to coneider re7organization
Mg approved joint cites.' Six per ce •
•• -off for cash, ' hand; was t:airly well attended..
Several, different schemes. for the sue-
W,K.Nrsn,--One ton, Choice gal.. Rut- •
t•t E, - cedsful managemAt of the organization;
AeProleS anYcl."Foalsol. We pay oath for were suggested in discussed. After
butter. If you, have not a Plaid or considerable dell ration it was decided.
Homo -SP= Miirt need, it our not to organize
tainted' to draft seen
slay +argent*
range of Dress Goods, jackets
arenot surpassed. ' G. B. tf cenunittee was a
to succe
Toon CAnsoraa mu. he two- s,,.°11.,,,e1t3
year-old child of of . S. Gilehriet had afn a 1-."".".
d 114
• a =new escape on ,ridaY (Welling last. Utisgrcive J.
The little tot Climb: 1 upon the table and nail, H. it, E
Marriage Licenses got a bottle whie Oon ed carbolic J, saltation and
acid Took the co it' .d attempted,
lorded by FitAnit PiTz08014, No, 20 Viet/min *, above committee
Only a Connell Chamber t
litreet, Winghana, Ont. No Witnesses required. to drink the 06114
amount Of the oi- .n touched the
at 8 o'clock when
ehilcl'S face and soddenly took the
$ 1 35 bottle from its mo th The child swap. "4.44.
o erpar o
. refills
, jkitfcaa
Jas. Rally, wh has bean in the ein
is told,. ., yr. jos.' I
Megelvie WAS. .II Blyth . pldy of .Alex. McKee, Blinkbounie
,-.404...1 • ..'. ' ' . , 4' .
, rb summer, left 'estet- .,.
e church- , •44,. t.
. --Teeswater News. '
ell BB t . , $ t' ..• %
r Ntt9.013,1.:;:ii.71z.:‘.,:::.:, , of Taylor's, spent
Pine in Wingham„..
.Tuesday 'NI bIkqiit.ieSS , . ,, „.„ „.•;,.'., .1.01r,u, for the p
7`.6ii.'xitagiurrpn,t't6.."!:a;,:!i;l;':!:', a tfit13,tbitr 71)3ugesh
.. . -41. 7 7,5--131: a. ' Sundajellg Y -.i. ;It'd their brother ,here on,
buss. - .., , •',, • , • • leficitalakir emer and his sieter, of
rispn, Ape= stinua ntli -..,.,2 ,
defiAijoidetioye ''Y'*. ,,-r• '' ":t ---4a, :aton Review. • , .• ,
ven..• The •Ontinitt " /and*
sis- F. 011ie,taxably at 6
Davi, .0. • 0, ten., Rov. 44.1ttilt
tt, 04 1:talofk cuPiodatli9 p
b. Chambers! The chiirelvn g
pvil moot in the livered Ati. &KU
s (Friday) evening course 1;iiStipport
is expected some osiatiiil • d."
edswiortiholianallyb p As." Frived, a car of Portion
tient atta o.
their notes, or a part of them, can do so StIBBNXD1LTIt LT SAMOA. tele-
, at the tank of Hamilton. As I consider
ou my eusturaers good. lima =octavo. gram was reteivee. in toWn. Friday
until my Totem. about the first of 4r11,,, night announcing e sudden 'death at
1900. Roar. MOIN»oo. tf Sarnia of John Is es Currie in his 84th 1
• 0.otinA.'s Bret JOINT Sroc Co. -Con-, year. He was c4ily il about twenty-
gest joint four hours, death, bLiug caused by heart
Every' tibutle. Decased 'vas a son of Mrs. A. Any Spectacle
Braid and Xordell tilla Was 37v 11 known in town.
y be said Tie left here about ,hret years ng or IS no more adapted to your
his invest- "Walkerton Where he residod iort face than any coat to
peroc itage (more - time, and then we to Sarnia. e was
IS Set - aside to be to have been marri cl. on Wednesday of your body,
lingo isinents; the this week to a yotng lady of Sarnia,
The .0t of the frame is a.$
y'reaptin the benefit:, who aceompanied is remains to 'Wing-
aue Plan :he fitibsli- ham and attended. .he funeral. Deeetts. important as the fit of
ear seen .01E- Way clear ,ed ieave6 a Moth .r, four sisters and the lenses.
the Family
to 24 paged,
, end te. send
tiful pietttre,
4 "Pasa
fs it
• ada may rightly plaint the
-- • • k corn cart in the wor
imes and ' sattrbseriberP to- the Tenn'
• . `Weekly Star, of Montr
to be a 4101tritliolder,
remit ofiOnadollar
WEEKLY CLOSE oi131:tbitirbr's
Uii Jattuary lst
1901. to
neW StibSeriber$.
Read our clubbing rates on
page 7 of this issue. They
will interest you.
subscriber tiler
Through plie
• ere have this
to increaki
• two
the Igge*Orian
progreSeing :days *ith fiienipf rn BotlraZ
itivOrL itre. 0: i)alfa4 *:41
icitanolixa; Oe;''friends in Grai4 Rapids,
tke Presbyterian. Hugh Melte 6, of Tee
aYea%g :Wit mitt ae" toitei Wcduo5dny on
t and practical dis- •
Cieorge oy AA*
of ei° "3lilli°11.°11ar where lie hasote prod. 4.44
He gave sOuie inter- - mo f
iit town Wedge
Wm. Sutton, •
vie: 0y, awl Stewart, of
• Se0a4,10; PaislOn of 01h4001•,!, spe
444.0p1 StO.Tfla.37, .r; 4140,1. Lonktit and Miss Ann* or
V- •1` • fli -
• lea rcta41....., 0 0 Witigbain spot Tuesday last the
:•.toba. • the go.e 'ts of 'MissLizzie Mc-
Oergusen was in Terahttt goe4.-Luol W Sentfiael.
1aS) 91.11 411,1 • W. H. een, manager of the.
lex:Michell is ,timidipc it Alit
ham Elea `c Light Co., assisted:
ley met ,e church choir at Clark. ,•
roxeter, was
Y.' business.
flew Station agent at
Oit Monday eve ing, Mr. Green has
been cOznlected.I with church Work in
Winglitian for n4wy )*ears. • Re is here
visiting friends Ripley Expressi.
Mrs. Pessant 4td daughter,. of Wing.
ham, spent a fer days in toll this
week....John teelauds, formerly of.'
Winghain, and well known as the
Treasurer of the C. O. F. Society,. was
latefor a she* time bast week.' ire
lielgrave, av1ntOWn. Oh Sunday.
likes residing in rantford splendidly*
but *ye it 'a* his heart up veil
much to get b once ia a while
among his old h e friends -Clinton
Hard. to tine easy to prvent. Scott's
d, of Listowel, wee Emulsion nourishes the body, keeps all
iends on Saturday the organs and tissues heathy, and the
etinsamption germs eau not get a foot -
Mr. and Mrs. VI... W. Walker spent
• Sunday in Winglm.-Gorrie Vidette,
Nine VII -.Detroit where sh *ill reside in, future.
MISS Gladys tee left on Tuesday for
Fold and' tvro *brothers . to nom hut sudden
92 eol•anms. death. Ria reistmins woe brought to We Make a specialty
sUbseritter. Wingham. on Mon e.y and. taken tea* of , both.
13ttle ef tnottier's. residence from whence the
• teeerel. Wien sda7 atternotea.- „.
. Kip it , A44hA;
TM:maw AtIO
Mr. and. Mre. .7.11)0a4is, of Seaforth,
were visitrug frie 8 in town this week.
• Mrs olit McDo
' visiting WilIghttnt
Erma Eling, o af�tth, WAS mew- hol-. . _ ,.........
ing old acquaintanc e in town on Til-: itveit Starried.
- day. , • Drop into thoTtEs oillce and SOO the
Mrs. Geo. Mason xeturned on Wed- salliPls of Vir
, . Stationery. We
• nesday ter villain ; friends in Lon- gave It at all 14 and in some very
elaborate designs,.1. and are prepared te
r. 3. S. Jerome vvisiting his execute. it hi the 1 test style of the Art.
ote Sear
Tilsonburg, this , ,Georgo Hata
Mr. 3. M. jero
Lond011 tt oh
Itts endship aatIghter vete, Govvadock itt
visiting at Wtaglasta week. -Thu- Auguet
eels Post. ••found Runty et
Mr. Fred 1Kohnitta was re. remanded for