HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-08-19, Page 14-_ .., ° .. a ,rt ,,. aG.. ,.:.r ,:.... .,. b!•. - , .e ,r.. .,,n ,..r.,. .:.,n, cm ., ; _'-:r: :k+_:-vl•„r?T?" .'S''lnF';'.r,. ra' �, Y,.•r..nn , t:,w n.. .�rna.,;w .1 •x„e.r ru,.a..a:.;>Fn .'n., u„a .a n. m ,. .. °,w ,. .. akin T,- THF, HURON EXPOSITOR , AUCR 18” 1981 . .w ,.._. _. ..._y .....- d 9 ~ , t, nted. 0 0, consemi , f told hint $ mare. Three ar fouc� 8eaeta] throughout the in amWe Ere looking for HurEhn PI tENiziL11I.1�KL"Ep know what to dQ.1 t + County •land owners who CON1�tOf, QIl At1GYJ5T AND field - have Is concerned to cut the wheat and then dgYs lacer he would call�agaio y that when he sprays the have managed these farms to' S1�,PZ`EA+IBRR wait far the bindweed to - same conservation. >~lnaily, a conserve soil. water and To everything there is a come Mack into bloom. then about the 15th of Se tember ' rYC 8 Y p bind will aria kill other statural resources. Such season. A time to sow, a time ra with either, Kilmer or the bindweed came back Into W red clover. - i tried to Siaaan"s concerq by - to s may to neo Or so a 1 r and ra e .. 8 P d. - „ -mans emelt roc ice y Popo a Tlrcamba. SimaA wattled to bitwrtt he sp y terrer'sale •tOrec ateocr dao r•uete• EM•te Ra E,r,+., Qnt h3a 2C 7 �teuin flim that if this Involve erosion sontrol(gran- sort , ter once wrote, If be kltow which was blest. I told Last week (August I Ith) l .'September the soda as it seal waterways. proper til- knew much about crops he him, that the t'eseacclzecs walked Simon's bean field, - arg indw,eed, will s s s - +e i"t' lags; crolsratatton etc.). would have added a few were a 'hit divided tan the e4supprin the two treat- a.•, al>"t 8epterla- 8strpam IiRtprovcment .(buffer snore, list,0s, He would 'have but they, cpl�ect xr~ty tt nCs. Ike has pt least n -e :ire+e $. xolies.: aiitlet pratactiotx, ,, wta"On .that rat¢ , 5PIIPMPt- d;bu,Sht iCzatnor waltld dal" a 'ro' 1f oil..tht bindwead ,w : tc : b iliza be'1 sled g 4"b ko i'.,,,�I,, d 1tlt�, 'nµt' wljt give itis •ch. h a.n1t stab tion. etc,) early is#i. fs.. a #iltaa .te, cgt,Czoi ctb e x �e';,il�tt tibl7a a l IIrer a Raatl eef:Qf cl sti h ad. ort :wi.#h each Other,. perelz l,i#!1 ti!?ecils • 'espe lallF i j#(H! nit "Ys s11 est4.d titetd tvt , ' '1#a dltfet+ei4t'ek. t Chain, stores uQ thlltG Caut�try rorty so Initrc} elo>tt that few a e : wotadlat man.. mens. wind.: v;�$rea e n k,..,•tt a bindw . d',an ••tw ekt.: gss'a 1. W • '. ' ` bbe ..cert, th. side . s ra , - t." ) . can tom to with Y de tee ai 1 tzblayts nd. Du.mtni n are afreadv, sk> sht }; at o d it, »-... Wby dot+ V . y, ��, :y”. 1T ,� , q � Y { tide its at food stQtps o B breaks,. Ap K fur�stati Q, Vs hoe's : rkets, with, &lures tit man cotes rid . too ns i+Iaw. thetc are lxdtlie,, of vn J s'„t. ;fro atle-il It- of :tie; , , > ' ilmoat:' , sttc ems., ut a ; .• a non's to Oi$pagemet►t. 1n vIQCr iwlt h tyvill loot 8 r (' 'a ed r attls. 1Zumors' balm , Ch>Lvu lb ut ,she t� vi1 l f tgQw t#li's.,tr GlOent' tell .with tftlltil le ljEt' tIto ,sit1L sp>�40d� wiW 011cftmt a, It'seel t a shAil}e.that sa coney � o.1i l staces,h4've been pc�s;tt n . 6 �. ; � � . � .. dtvtilti�lls or ou �. i#ishtplt full be efit of brill .xbd ono bt .•r , r ' that. At u ,.C' art:#i,an, of ° P waz>Ks� blit gnat all oE: you. vac alf °oi. the JJild.,' w .. itis Y+enr S '><»on .fuss: smdIn forced ctrl of b(tstness• site, Galled. rhaiihttd n, g deo l , . g >! !#, .. $ t c Ott tq ° otnin a• catldtditi>r alt pe';Witt A .th �tultli ,•• arh thea field: bother bind- lova} :brat tte.vit�i ce sect suds as. Mar`s; 114;4 rlt. •Short stuP whate,R er they. c4ll. „th yttse) ` s nu. , t Auld i k. to a tx site. , . ate e 9 LfscAmbAl fie . spr Ye Dt P t yonle li , te* t enough. value to for r art 'of chain :store Rominian btrt ntrbuify' has the ,}tete sari boars toE sw=irig' should send the netslinee s yea knouts it woos. Last• (am 'Ik at one gaven"per,:$ weed pr9bloo ;btit with'e � 8 ' may. and. i0ikre tl 10it Markets are p its.. Ul tttion: such a ritaoive `di%al, At )east. nti an . atread j' in the food • name a0d address by August year he had a. field 'of wheat sc:re� gad iCilsaor . hit cane different' slant. ills yea; he--_ - s. seed Also, the b owe . at Pei. Tha`bi brothers of the food business have inttaded bttsines, & P. once a power tltrvug#taut same parts of 31st, 19$1, to Conservation and a terrific staid ofy gal1onperltacres.Isaidthe. staved ,sed' clover with the o>!n be a.auisance iteatt year g in the . beaus as de has IIP eve. sector. Dorhinion�Stores•has a chain of convenienoF Canada, is )%%tied br aGerman sutaermarket company and . Award Committee, ltilinistry bindweed. The 6iIIdwead ma}n thiing was to wast as tntmgeII on his wheat. The stores and a chain of Thrift stores. Soon, there will not be a seems io nave lust ground to recerWAGears or'is certainly of,Agrictilture and Food. Box didn't hurt his wheat much, big as possible into Sept. reci"slaver is about 2 to 4" choice: Flehaa to spray it this '+ stare type or even a decent location that does not have not expanding visibly Canada Safety ay . w ith such a strong 159, Clinton, NOM ILO but he was afraid of what it ember before spraying. he high now. The bindweed is September. some type of chain connection. held on the Prairie Provinces. is U.S. owned and would John Heard. Assistant would do to the white beans had to wait until the bind. f Which is not to say that what is happening is illegal or have trouble expanding because of the Foreign Investinent Agricultural Representative this year. So Simon wanted weed was in late bud or early even a plot to back the consumer into a corner from which Review Agency., , bloom. On the other hand, s/he must buy from a chain. Perhaps the Weston empire, Owners of c uhlaws. couldBeef i for nght if he waited too late and had It is pure and simple: it is competition. swing the deal but as mentioned, they ha4e too many i an early killing finite there Steeinberg's (Miracle Food Mart). the Oshawa Group stores in direct competition with Dominion to make the would not be enough good 4N(IGA, Food City, Towers, Dutch Buy) Provigo (M. Loeb purchase seen viable in the lung haul. weather to let the plants Ltd., 1GA), or Dominion Stores (Hi Way Market) or Of course,the• Thomson money -- Simpsons, the Bay,planned Aug.,3 translocate the herbicide to P. Lablaws (Zehrs) are in business to make money. By Zellers. about 50 newspapers, a travel agency, a trucking the roots. Now opening thrift stores, convenience stores or supersized firm. North Sea Oil interest .and su tm •- could possible BY PAT LYNCH, during the evening. Well., last year that first f fWIN Wives and Agri Service tan wxeks of Se temhr, V NOW,— supermarkets. they are trying to provide the buying public swing it. But such concentration o1 economic paver would, Soils & Crops Spec. g p ALAN SCOTT, pe % % i with all the variety consumers constantly demand. I think. be an impossibility at this time. personnel are welcome. Din- Simon got quite anxious. He O j i/ What 1 can see ha chin in the next decade is big The ossibilities are not endless, but simply taking an A Re resentative her should be reserved b would call the offitcerand ask r/ PP 8 g p g• . p Y j y� i battlesvalreadyir between or exhausted heir gthe rowth ain stores. possibilities They by oonsiderablelook powerrintcates that chain this county and couldtores have more. Monday. Augu%tCattlemen tl� 31st.rve callingMondaytheACounty Agricul- ugust 24th by would• askIs it dhimoifsttheybind' % j WOMEN_ y have g forcing the small stores out. Eventually, they are going to Until such time as effective competition laws are that evening the Perth, tura} Office, There are no weed was in bloom. He WE - enacted enacted in Canada., the concentration of,power, especially Huron and Middlesex cat- tickets,just reservations. would say no and then worry - tn the food business, will continue. demen are sponsoring a Beef New mixed ration Yet governments hold expensive, exhaustive hearings Information Night at the ..sur?h•asth'-reeent-Jkidieal-'ins}uiry--.tnta••ft>ad-Andustry Kirk -Omani • rebates, discounts and allowances. Such as the recent nity Cense. The program ntreduced series of reports by the Economic Council of Canada on starts with asocial hour fromprogram, regulations in the Canadian' economy. 5:30 to 6:30 and a beef dinner -1 think those -economic eggheads galloped off in the at 6:30. The speakers' pro- ; Ralston rurina Canada found in home growl grains. wrong direction. Instead of taking pot shots at farm gram starts at 'AS. � lie, is 'introducing a brand "There are some inherent marketing boards, the ECC should have done a complete Dr. Wayne Martin +will be- i�ea Pegram for on-farm advantages towards using a and comprehensive study on competition laws in Canada back again this ..year to nixed rations. In doing this, commercial supplement over instead of trying to curb marketing boards. discuss further findings from Pari" has recognized the a protein meal and vitamin/ Competition is still the life blood of trade. I'm convinced the Bruce Countv Health need for designing efficient mineral premix system", re- that if competition can be preserved and even encouraged Study. Bill Gunn of Price for man van enderen. "One of e'� feeding Pts Y 'ports B tight across the whole Canadian economy, then farmers Waterhouse Chartered Ac ti r«a' ,.�.,. '• - y dKerent types of grain and the biggest draw -backs in would be the first people to re'turta.to a free market system. eountants in London will •�!�>- ra ,,yv a�Y �.; • . „4.' .y.� n, ;S , production fadlities. using pre -mixes is the wide They could thrive without the protect ion now afforded speak on 'Financing Beef' :L.w./� t�.M `"' ::i r rt`i ^'•,, :. ,• fx PQR-A-MEK means more of theTough, • �° , `r :° ,:, • +• r., variations in quality marketing boards. Until that happens. the need those Operations in D,trt'r Iw••is� ,� : :,.;' . fir; r �,t9`+ €�� , r�� by g PP Y OP�+'l �;" r `',�s . r• �� �,. k.. , , it.,t'. testa guide fors stein source. For instance y. fought g g g i.,tt .��j" ; d,�, is ; r1 eL''r'• �kf . t . tt,• ,�• ' than just >�m88u ,r •P. boards. The have fou t Ion and hard to et them. Times" Alan Scott, A ricul= •'�''� -' • ''-,rr'��`v '� �'' • +' >' ' particdlasapplement. says m testing over 12.900 ramp- p ^Tr �,>>a,;2� n=• "�l-i�l l�!,;F lural Representative in Perth r• . r iierman vangenderen, Teri- !es of a commonly used will outline some of 'the4 >+'"'ver" :•"�' t `` `��� :f�'', r ' "" ;t:r.5'. �` : s, t' " y �' Manager for Purina. protein source, we foundproducers !r 1 methods th t ai'tf •rt' �`"', yL ', • r .� r ` .•.+. `I' ! '.�t�r' - , :y ;l (4°fit • n- tSy XR , 3 dCay g '+it is•a rogram approach to more per ', Ei, p than a 13 r cent using to monitor their costs.,;t'n..+ 'fyti; : `y,�%l�,tw i 4i ) l • " `•.J r" ' di• h! t'f? ('t1: d f 1. feed n H $r N DAIRY SYSTE��tS LTD• �: ��� �I,r � VL,;, �. 4n -firm offering -variatia in crude... protein �. - r' •r;;� l+, s�.,t Z ' +�` '' •t' ( �•,` -,- r s t<� 8 8 P >n order to determine the � :% �!' >. , `�•? ' •- moot4nmeadatrans - on- feeds, content -and this doesa t even price that they can pay for - , s; f/'' Y. may, t' \ 4 ih », `v�, r (l}r1, •o N� 1leediIIg and management address the question of pro- Soles, Service 8 Inst0119tion Of re lacements. Charlie Gra J -, "f. 't *:' t ' ,cpp r `� ► : 1;F,-.-,M-'&A,`ra- '� 1 ` acrd ala the dose, personal ilein availability and balance oey of the Canadian Cattle = r} �4.,,Frt *61 °'� ;w �,i `. ' R�:4??fie = yi W}lViCE of, yadt IOCtl' Purina (f amino adds." • • r � yr s a : � r: � tom' ,�� IC.�� � '►r! r, � ` i� a :T; " t �aL �j` • t � � - healer."' pipelines & mens Association ill con -jam ;►. �. ;. a ,, ''„ .The iIi3R-A-MIX pro• to i r. 3„ e, r. • • dude the„evening with a talk I 1•; �. :.;•�. .r j� w,• e' 1,'. �� J ., 4` •r The bliss for the PiJR-A gram shanid tie coast V d �i on the beef c cle. ,a"•rt;? 'L , ':i a. S - ,. .y,.� er �t•< + __�:.. .s;; arc reSCarCl1 as a complement t0 C milking parlours . y ° ^', �'�?r� K�!2r+�■t■L/ wj •'iY} i�' :ir�h:rt'' %"1 « ! :.r11�` • /� $c•aL,+ MW program P The O.M.A,F. Break Even .;:, a•� 2��?: ;, G?r•:. •., „�• �Q=Y` ►�� �.' 5 t ' supplements which various complete feed Pio- computer model will, be at ontaWlheP�e, vitamins grams and services offered R.R,4 the meeting. Cattlemen nd mineralsneeded to by ourlade Independent deo}- 88��� WALTON havethe opportunity to�run comolement the energy er. says �anBendeen. ovine and selline examples :-.�-,ti"+•�tf��/ ,2•••''r�:y _ -`ti'�,P�.4:'y.7l��{�-_i'.4�r....y��r,,��?``ac:''�ee�:�r•'•.-•,;cr�,+; i1r•:,�� -1•�;.,,._t;��r�..--,�.�a:+,.., •��,��-•'��,-�:'^r:j1.• �rR :c' �•'' !�rf�•G��:'���.+ rti'.��(ry.a,,w-li+.�.��,�,!/''.•-, ? '• .��.�^ y?t �`�rf %;�,y.7rrr/*y,��r /��.�ri, ,•,l;�a-:i•+,i+��..,'�.�.��'%•�`..):'u .'.'.k7�bV,.> • I�• ii '� ,k�r. , t< V. /, e tp w a e '-UA - �hL • - t 71 J Treat the family to a festive day with General Coach for' a preview showing of out 1982 models in fine recreational homes. -General,Coach-de llers-andfactory rapre�entetiVes wilt be on hand at our HensaN- display courts to demonstrate the latest design innovations in Citation and Corsair leisure vehicles, and featuring Villa and Villa Deluxe park model trailers - the Canadian standard for gracious seasonal homes. Hensall �cach • Park models, travel trailers, 4 ,r K MILL a miniliners, Class A motorho es STREET m • Complimentary refreshments z e 4 • Door prize 14” portable colour TV �F no purchase necessary o, Follow Highway Y. to Mill street intersection in Hensall, 2 blocks north of hlighway 84. 0 -August 22, 23 & 299 30 Saturdays 10 a.m. - 6 ,p.m. Sundays 1 p.m. - 8 p.rm Gqne � i a \air*`+••R'AL A division of • EW gons-r•1 Homes SyStOrns Ltd H4nsafl Ontario Qhvpr Rr,r,5h Columbia END THE SEASON WITH A B1 OMI You and quackgrass have an on-going . When used in conjuction with your nor - fight. And -at harve-sttime you can see mal seedling weed control program, you exactly where you're losing the battle. can control, quackgrass for up to three Those patches of quackgrass are rob- years. bing you of your yield: Plus they make So this fall win the war against quack - combining very difficult. Worst of all, when grass. For effective control of quackgrass you plow the quackgrass under... it's just ... nothing works like Roundup. waiting to. reappear next spring. This fall, try something different. Use Roundup® ... and get a long-term control program for quackgrass. W _ _. ;Monsarti It's sure and easy. After our crop �,Monsanto Canada Inc tomes off, let quackgrass regrow the Winnipeg, Montreal, pro -per stn a andspray with,Roundu -. Toronto. Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Wait five days and then continue normal Vancouver fall plowing. (You can treat even after RCN -13-81 a mild frost if quackgrass' is actively growing.) If harvest is late and you don't get good .„regrowththis fall... don't plow Leave the quackgrass alone so you can treat it next spring before planting. Nothing works like Roundup* , At W AV) RE Ah AND F OI l OW THE i ABEL DiRE C. TIONS F OR ROLIND9P' knu,)dup*,% o ,,Qs% r•rd trademark of ' o4n ,anin Company Monvanto C anada 6u , rri Skt,•rrd utter OMon.,anto r.ompany 1981 For f urt • er inform' ation, contact your local dealer M1N'J D.1 kf WTED► Purina Chow -- Sanitation Products -- Seed Corn — Pravimi Feeds Ventilation (Wholesale & Retail) Pesticides -- Sprayina Equipment , SEA►FORT.H, ONTARIO NOK 1WO Phone 511-527.0608 , - conop SEAF0` H CO.0P Fertilizers, Agricultural Chemicals, Feeds, Farm Supplies, Hardware 527=0770 selttolrth 0