The Wingham Times, 1899-11-17, Page 8•
+Irg. Wm. Fe ptlt'r *s visitillx i`�ieuda
-CrM iia Letc uow this weekINDOOl.
ti i�.
'q$��a:{yam t:�G:'�i;:'.e"�•'-i4`'tzt»+"'� £�;��'...
. S
Trimmed witlk stitching and
strapping macre in the very
latest New York( designs
proper winter weight, silk-
commcncillg at $3.00 to
$,tS.00. These goods will at-
tract you by their jaunty style
and low price.
Fancy Dress Goods
for November.
The latest cry of fashion is
foa and wooly effects.,
To choose from the largest
assortment and be sure of the
newest and best materials,
you'Il come to M. I -i, Mc-
Ready -to -Wear Suits
and Overcoats
Should be of great interest for
we are offering some of the
most bona -fide bargains you
could find. We are bound that
you shall become familiar with
our splendid stock of clothing,
and we will make it worth your
while to pay it a visit.
Fur Mantles and Oapes.
So far as we know no other
retail house outside the city
makes such a showing of fur
as M. H. McI ndoo. Every
garment we sell carries our
guarantee to be reliable or
otherwise money refunded.
Shop early.
dull. D. 9NDO
Mr. Wm. Agra, Ingersoll,is visit-
ing relatives in to
Ed. Motiivklrin, of Ingersoll, was in
town Monday on btMiness..
Mr. Jas. Langley is spending his holi-
days with f fiends it Michigan:
Mr. Andrew Lau ley, of Howiek, is
on extended trip. o England.
klugh Hamilton, jr., has rete 'ed
home from his trip i I l'a•.•itoba
• Mr. W. H. Irwin, of Mount Forest,
was the guest of fr. J. Collins last
�' Mr: John Collins elea gone to Mount
Forest w e he less secured a situa-
Mr. F. B. Seoikield, of Woodstock,
'was the guest of Wre'eghent friends last
Jos. Saint, <o Wallaceburg, was
in town This k a tending hissister's
funeral. 4,00
Mr. D. O'Leary,;if Petrone, was the
guest of his brothel, Mr. Jas. O'Leary,
on Tuesday. ss
Thomas Inglis, :> f Whitechurch, who
spent the summer ; in Manitoba, return-
eturned home hast week,
Mrs. Cowden hes returned from an
extended visit with friends in Manitoba
and North Dakot# -
W. J. Logan; eiSpresenting The J. J.
Morrison Co., of oronto, was in town
Monday on basin s,
Mrs. M. fI. Mc doo will be at home
to her ds on onday and Tuesday,
o Bier 20th 21st.
and'Mrs. IL bt. Mclndoo le
Monday for Tre o, Califon here
they will spend th winter.
Mr. John Tayl
'who has spent the
Columbia, bah ret
Will Lamont,
town this Week at
liis !Niel., the leto
Yr i..... ce t'il'l.. .,i;s trip, rel,
factories of the ao
Mr. Chas. Ne
eititation in A.
.fate , collies frden
Petit ties stated lag
'Thrix. A., . Ce
, *:s•
r, of 'Whitechurch,.
est year in British
ed home.
Hanover, was hi
tiding the funeral of
fr.leolm. Lamont,
t,, ; _cm of
le.-..w.a..a..ub.a on a
ming the furniture
, who has taken a
. Traalliltolx's drug
Toronto, •not Port
e, cif Morriss, near
s with old
, and
Sax. Towler WAS in auto ou Satter -
day last ail business.
Mr. Jas. A. Cline S*s ill Howell on.
Friday last on busiues4.
Mr. R, Hill, of Ikerton;, was in
town thin week on ess.
Thos. McGaw, of liucarxline, Was re-
newing old aequeinip,nces in town on
Carl Burisholder, vflio has been on the
Tutsis staff for the Sat two years,. left
cin Wednesday for ;ids now home iln
Aurora, Carl is inti steady industrious
boy and we wish hire success.
Mr. Goo, :ills, incl. Miss F. Sills, of
Wingliaan, Miss A%derson, of Marine
City and Chas, Raisin, of St�ratforcl at-
tended the weddiof Miss Soolo on
Weduesday of t1 s week, -.- Seafortli
Robt. Gottonbee a former Goderieli
boy, was v isitiu,4 with his parents in
Goderich. Ile 11th been living iu tbo
States for 26 yea , '. and flus is the first
time he has visited his old home iu those
Mr. Jas, °eelni>jlie left ou Tuesday to
spend a mouth at his old home hi Now
Hamburg. He w
daughter, 1\ rs. R
weeks for " Neev
will reside in. futi
Roland Beattie,lr
town on Monday.
and Mrs. J. K.
Wiugham during',
Geddes, of Wingh
Clara McCracken i
—Brussels Post.
[1 be the guest of his
z, who leaves iu a few
Ontario," where she
of Wingham, ;was in
-Miss Tessio Sample
slain were visiting at
the past week.—Miss
was visiting Miss
Hiring the past week.
C bell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed o cure headache,
or Rubbers see Greer's ad.
—A Twentieth ntu y Club has been
organized to Gode' 'oh.
-The West Hur election case comes
up at Toronto ag ' on Saturday.
—Mrs. A. Brrkh lder and family felt
Thursday afternoo for their new home
in Aurora.
—Contractor B ber has completed
the work of laying ' tificial stone side
walks for this year.
—The opening ,c pters of our new
story, "Love's Tri nph," will appear
iu next week's issu
—The Bruce Herf `ld in advertising for
a boy to learn the pdnting business says
that uo cigarette sir:eker need apply. ee
—Thos. Brown, 1 cider of the C., 0. Ie.
band, Clinton, has ccepted a situation
as elarionet player; vith the Guy Bros.
—Mr. Harry Df y has sold his build-
ing lot ou Centre -set, next tq . the
Presbyterian oh ' lot, to Mr, John
Ritchie.. . , . '-
m nthly meeting of the
—The re.
Wingham O.
U W. will be held
the lod room .'this evening at 7,80
—112 • tosh, the ; urgiar evho was shot
by a oliceman in oronto while trying
to e ape died in th, hospital on Sunday
m. ning.
he greatest range of Men's Long
ots in the country at W. J. Greer's.
-The customary ° oclamation by the
President settipg asi e Thursday, Nov.
30th, as a day of tl sgiving, has been
—The merchants of Wingham cau
supply your wants; read their adver-
tisements; they can else meet any bona
fide prices offered for produce else-
Dr. Macdonald Is now permanently
at-home and can be consulted, by
his peltrons.
—Mr. D. Stewart intends having his
farm surveyed into own lots and will
dispose of it in q titles to suit pur-
— The choir of thf
will furnish music
new Presbyterian ys
Monday night ilex#
—A. Ii. Carr, of
ed to take $3,500
anent ect a 100
.—Ripley E
—Juo. Hanna', ha
window on the std
the market alley t
his groceries to th
—Mr. Thos. Ho
swdllowect a pin •.
last. ' Ile carie
a•physicia - and
ti ed. -
Burglaes Mad
Iarize the jowe,
on Wednesday ev
wets frightened
made an outran
7'resbyterhan church
t the opening of the
lurch, Belgrave; a on
JVingham, has offer -
,onus as an induce -
barrel grist mill in
placed a large show
of his store next to
lore he will eghi
peoples' taste.
ares, near Bluevale,
pn Tuesday morning
town dna consulted
o serious results are
an attempt to burg -
store of it. Knox,
Hing of las , but
sway - ore they had
—Thos. Grego , of Exeter, has been
appointed a Justi: of the peace in and
for the county of Huron. Joseph Law-
son, of Auburn,
special county co
- A. IL Smith,
trusseis, has an
8 of the TIMES,
inducements in c
whet he has to
—The voting
incorporating t
Iittlnnent of a g
ssuItc,d iarc aura
Imo. Trews w
eirsa7 weed
as been apt Wilted a
hampion clothier, of
dvertisement on page
Ile is offering special
thing. A; glance at
will pay you: '
edneasday on the bylaw
prtr t for the estcab-
ss works is Goderish re-
tic defeat of the ley-
tad a festal of 12
11 cr II. N TTMES, NOVEMBER 17, 1899,
--The Tunis and W. wkly Globe at 1
$1.35 till January 1st. 1901, is good .
—The regular meeti
V. will be lea lsl next '1
at 3: o'clock in the I. U
block, A cordial invl
to 0.11 ladies interest
—Mr. R. W. Runeis
broom faotofy,, uraolij
Messrs„ Vandriek
Owen Sound. Mr.
WWII on Monday an
c'11ase to Owen Soun
—Mr, Jahn lrLI4
Wingham, and own'
in Ripley, was he
iutorests on Batumi
of the W. 0. T.
es -lay afternoon
. bili, Chisholm,
time is extended
in tenlporaneo
an has sold the
.cry and stock to
d Ryclunan, of
r'audriek was in
shipped their pnr-
in, mill man of
of the cooper shop
lookiug atter his
Next mason he
proposes to open :leis shops here on a
Frush large: seale.-Ripley Express..
—Tice genuine I liar sumuner weather
wo ma being fav hied with just uow is
thoroughly appresliated by ovcrybosly,
and more especial by those who have
outsicle work to cl e re the winter sets
in.. Great progre is being made in the
bu:ldietg lino. .11
—Mr. Jahn Gil
spie returned on Mon-
day from Musket- , where he had been
ou a huutiug 0.-peclition. The other
members aro eepeoted home to -flay.
The party has heel very successful, they
having shot iour•e.ear whenMr. Gillespie
left for home.
Ladies, see the Noat Felt Goods in
Congress, Button .:1°Lace at
- W. J. Giusnu'S.
—A writ for u thousand dollars has
been served ou Felice Magistrate Bobb
and Constable Be •;ltassell, by Mr, B. H.
McKay, on beheilf of Wm. Bturel, who
it is alleged .was; falsely imprisoned.
The vaso will be trip(' at the Fail Assiz-
es in I' ovembor.—lernce Herald. -
To rlteweeNT CONS5YMPTION. :
Hard to cure; easy* to prevent. Scott's
Emulsion nourishes the. body, keeps all
the organs and tissues healthy, and the
consumption germs eau not get a foot-
Ills Gerrie Friends resent Him With,
a Plush Couch ul Bible, Accom-
panied by n Address.
A farewell tookace at the home of
Mrs. Samuel Gree on Monday evening
last, where a lar number of friends
met to spend an a fling with her son,
W. J. Greer, just n tho eve of his de-
parture to Wing m, where he is enter-
ing into business . A. very pleasant time
was spent. A er refreshments were
served Mr. Gree was called to the floor
and presented with a magnificent plush
couch and bible, and the following ad-
d-dress:To W. J. Gnnm.,
We a cumber of your intimate friends
have met togetlr with you on this, the
eve pf your .-•parture, to spend a
pleasant evenin
Wo have warehed you from your
youth up to the , resent - with great ad-
miration. In siness you have con-
ducted yourself 'th integritya You
have always stoo by-ehe side of right.'
You have been earnest member of
our church in fel : g with credit and
ability every posi on the church'has en-
trusted to you, se of these have been
not the least tryi1: , such as President
of the League uporinteudent of the
Sabbath School, ..recording. Stewarts and
Choirmaster d now that you are
about to sever yrelations with us
and form associ : ons elsewhere, we
wish you success after God's- ideal of
success, and trust • ou may be oven more
useful in Christie, : work, thus' enjoying
God's help and bl ssing.
As an exprossio; of our appreciation
of your services N•;; present to yeti, this
"Plush Couch" al "Bible" hoping that
amid. the wearied ' oils of life, you may
on this couch open this Bible and find
sweet rest, and weary hours often
think: of yotu old riends in Gerrie.
b�eiscl .TAS. LEuQH.
Oa the afternoa; of the same day the'
Quarterly Board a.' the Methodist church
'nett when the fo owing resolution was
moved by Mr. Jai . es Leech and second-
ed. by Mr. Waite imson:
This being the last time Mr. W. J.
Greer, our Reco ;a .ng Stewart, will be
with us in the ca' city of an officer of
our circuit, we . g to move the fol-
lowing resolutio.—That we hereby ex-
ppress our high ap';roolatiouof the ability
displayed in the osition to which this
Board appointed im As a Recording
Steward he has ;? vein the fullest and
meet satisfactory eports we have had,
and now that lie is about to leave we
world wish for 'm a more extensive
and -successful sp t::re in this the church
of his choice and trust he may enjoy
G d's blessing in ; 's entire fulness.—
orrie 'Vidotte.
RCook's Cotton Root Compound
IS succeed -Lilly used monthly by Ore/
10,000 Ladies. Safe,effeatual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Rost Con-
found. -Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1,;1 per
box; No.1,10 degrees stronger, Es per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two a•eent
s, The Cook Company.Windsor Ont.
r Noe.1 and 2 861d and recommended b7 all
nresporuaaietnsible Druggists 3tt Canada.
No.1 and No, '2 for sale by Colin A. Campbell
erea'ieleaeyeetedeetetenifeetetrt'neesi n+ ;++'>>i1 ;M'r: ;/,$),e>:rp>poit<11(e1<<<"'(<1(r'•ew,`I►:.. `.
Tha hottest horse May oft be
cool. The coolest may oft
show fire, Slow or fast, trot
or pace, Barney Wilkes is one of
the best drivers in the county.
One year ago he took first
prize in the gentleman's rae
at Seaforth, and on the 24th
Brussels, Barney took e' st
money in three straight r its.
Barney has no mark, - -'t has
Own 1.8 mile in 18, .eonds
t e and again. t.- rney is
nnced by vet. d black -
be sound wind and
p smith
limbs, .
2 You wh
write, name
$ and if accept
this horse can
r highest bid,
•l af,ewer,
/A Cook Stove. Soores of then in use in this vicinity, A
and giving perfect satisfaction. Ask your neighbor
A about the qualities of the Grand Jewel. ` . Al
A' • Eyery stove guaranteed. A
If you want a first-class stove at
prices buy 4
rand. Jewel
r the Tuan who sells men's all -
wool Tweed lined
oRTE $5.95I
Since starting the cash sys-
sem, have been so busy that I
have had no time to drive Bar.
ney and hence - offer him for
In order to be still more
busy, will pay 19e for choice
butter during the next two
Resect eteeoteistedeoeadorrdomeete begeye term
When you want a
Canada's greatest school of Shorthand and business training. BUSINESS
MEN requiring book-keeping or stenographic help should write us. Only the com-
petent recommended.
0104141 YQM1..,r
rat11111: IN
ser r.notrrn eat=
OP :•am3aEO':
reeve. D. Detachtan d, Co,,
Canada business College,
Chatham, Ont.
Gentlemen:- It is with pleasure that we testify to the.qualitiea-
h`ions, al an accountant, .of Mr. Prod M. Bilk at the time we took
im into our employ after having attended •.your,college.
Heat the start took hold of the work like -a practiced hand
and has always given us the' best of satisfaction; first, as an
,.ococutant,and later. as manager of our Shelburne office.
Yours truly,
,eauvte,r. -
d �+
gAstssiaglcay.': eb. is, inf.
C▪ ie
tions in 17 months. We can send you the list. We allow railway fare to students
'from a distance. Good board at $2 per week for ladies, $2.50 fol gentlemen. For
catalogue of either department, address
D. McLACHLIN, Principal, C. I. C., Chatham, Ont.
Special arta insOR
Overcoat f
Call and see for yourself. .
Yours truly,
-Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor. - t
One door South of Brunswick.
you,can not do ,better than-
hancall on Robt. Maxwell. \ We
guarantee to please you
both in fit, style and'price.
We make it our special
study to keep up with the
times and to please our
From 5 to 15 yard ends i.>C Tapestry and
Wool Gobds Yat cost and below.
T. A.-fii!ls
Prof Doren
p NGo
Mahler Bros,ro proprietors ofthe Wing.
ham Evaporator, will begin operations!
here as soon as the crop is ready. They
will pay the highest market prices for
all'kinde of apples, according to quality.
Packers Culls and Winefalis included.
Parties having, apples of any kind,
large or small quantities,,, to sell,'will
find a ready market at the best prices
going by coming to our factory. '
MAHLEtt 311:1,0S,, Propratcrrs.
ht is Priceless
Get your sight tested. ' It costs nothing.
Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably.
Try us.
rams ,• j � Artist
GO . s Artist
Ids, will be at
Brunswick Ouse
With every kind d
and GBNTLEM r.' S G
, in every' len , and shade.
le of LATHES'
PL .iN
ong hair
n�(fi,nt < �t
1 iS kq4° Rai
ri•"n'tt ,li rid
classes every-
Be sure to visit 1
the hotel gold see ]ids Ir=`' a w
He will, free of el
suitable anel hemming to yam
Gents engin Who Are Bakt
r . •s.1,4 Wiggs worn ou ov
`r kid*r , Xcer. R•i.
Show Rooms at