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The Huron Expositor, 1981-08-19, Page 5
TH HURON EXI ITOR t A 1 • •1 We toads in Logan Town, • • ship require considerable maintenance during the sum- mer as was evidenced by the 40c9.44 •Ot '474:04- /4•ict,w were'a.P.000.4..at• the Aug, 4-$9401. olePtint ,014 $12,614 was. - paul for 14FaVOL S42,441;•: for . hauling ?and . Ilri0.01, - $13472., for . part - calcium eitlorlde,. used to euritruridust and. $1.840. for weed Gutter' grates have now' been installed in the town- ship garage.. After investi- gating various methods of heating buildings such as the township garage. the council _ has. .decided...ta.install.. gas, radiant heaters. Turner- Mogan Sides Ltd. of Strat- ford Was given the ,contract of • supplying 7 radiant beating units and an exhaust fan. Thin ,0nipittoni 1.91.13 in- ."0411010. Mgn.p11.). Leorillarat. rittnilAnt and Heating. :0044ageA, . . • • .00004 agcounts. $1.11,Q11; ti appr*Pot. • 'This i eluded $24,700, in tile Drainage. $16.,(45. iii rile drn loan debenture'. repayments. S$9,81.1.• tow- • ard construction of munici- pal •drains, $2,$00. to the • lima-Logan Fire Board, S400. to the Mitchell Agricul- ture Society and $2,400 in auditing fees. Work on the Nicholson-Koert and the Bode Municipal Drain has now been completed. DRYWALL KNOWN FORIHOHQUALITY Peter Bakes, Drywall COIV1PLTE DRYWALL SERVICE 521-1398 Or Their friends, peers and media influence their values and behaviour more than in the past, and - according to some research - more than parents and teachers. -More of them live in homes with one parent or have both parents working. The Project also tried to look twenty years ahead. The rate - of technological change will continue to ac- celerate with the result that futures will be far less certain than they used to be. This will affect not only the content of school programs but their method of delivery. The role of women -in Mir society has shifted drastical- ly. Their full participation in alt aspects of our society will continue' to grow over the period under study. Schools mu provide sti therefore, sim- ilar opportunities or bqth sexes' in the course of their education, and role models to complement and provide ex- amples for that schooling. -Our economic future, parti- cularly with the increase in energy costs and our soc- iety's dependence upon en- ergy, is uncertain. Conser- vation and environmental issues vire,therefore, increas- ingly important. -The future of our province and country is more bound up with that of other provin- ces and countries than ever before. -Students must be prepared for a life in whiCh they will undergo retraining or re• education on a . continual basis. This kind of continuing education has already begun and is rapidly accelerating. -As we become an older 'Society, students and young people will become a minor. ky of the population. The Project also took into Drainage pays off with a longer harvesting season b•• I .• 1,1,4,•1,,10 .••••• 111 ••••••. .014, r 10, .1, • • r .74 777 -7,71 71, 77, "7" 78,00a seen roods this - summer On July 20, the reports of the Linton and the Bushfield Municipal . Drains as prepar- ed . and OVerliri0; *Min ;th gat li art alid sending teal badly 'injured pasranders to untyorsity Hospital in London. Photo by Elils) BY JACK RIDDELL MPP' In May 1981. the Ministry ,of Education issued a Discus- sion Paper on the Secondary Education review Project. This—Paper summarized the Purpose and Background of the project, reviewed the dianges in Secon ry Schools Since 1960, inclu ing establishment of Commu ity Colleges- and effects of the 1968 Hall-Dennis Report, and made a number of recominendatiOns. The Minister had L Watch Clearance Large . Selection ©f Bulova and-Caravelle Anstett JEWELLERS MEL Seaforth Store Only CLEARING AT Y2 Price Jack's Jottings Correspondent MRS. HERMAN LEONHARDT 348.2419 Bradley Jonathon . Beuer- tnann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Beuermann R.R. 5. Mitchell. was baptized at the Sunday morning service at St Peter's Lutheran Church in Brodhagen. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Don Beuermann R.R. 1, Dublin. Miss Colleen Beuermann of Stratford ° and Mr. Tom Henry of Evans. Guests at their home after the servii... was the sponsors, Rev and Mrs. Arthur Horst and Ste- phen; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Beuermann and Kevin; Mrs. Mary Pearn; Chris Elliott Mrs. Tom Henry, Eaufalls; 1Virst Carol 1Prieksehes and children of Kinesrdine; the Don Beuermann family; Mr. and, Mrs. Bill Steinbach and family ofMitchell. The baskets 'of flowers in the chancel of St. Peter's Lutheran church were from the funeral. of Warren SIMI- dice of Stoney Point. His funeral was held last Mon- day.- VARIOUS vorrs Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Leon- her& spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Ron.Thompson and Kurt, at R.R. 2, Thiondale, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose accompanied. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bode for a weekend in Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy have returned home from a trip to Edmon- ton Alta. Where they visited with -their on Merle and ,..',otter relatives, and also spent some time n Vancou- ver. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beu- 4- Building permits. issued in Logan Township during the month of July amounted to $116,5Q0. and included a new hnn0:04 a Tacjr. storage OWfil Up drainage loan appliCations for ...so:AO,. were ,i1Oprovntt; 'ratings icy-lavv fora 'tile *jinn& Anbentino. 14,s, readingS, The, counCil,pAamined plAns•for the extraction atld eventual rehabilitation • ,of tree gravel pit areas in • the township as . presented by the owners in their applications to the Ministry of Natural Resources for a licence to operate a gravel pit. The Ministry ask s the council for its approval of these appli- cations and comments on the. tended to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Driscoll on the arrival of their baby daughter Melissa Lynn, also to the Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Driscoll. on the arrival of their first grandchild Friday. A miscellaneous shower was held in the church` basement of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Monday evening with Mends and neighbours of Miss Wanda Vock. The brite-th.be re- ceived many lovely gifts, and she graciously thanked every one. A delicious lunch con- duded the evening: Associates 4d. were adopt- ed. The Conti of Revision for theSe two drains will be held at the next conneii meeting OR 'August P.:- • Oarence Ryan spent the weekend at the Martyr's Shrine in Midland, Ont. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Dorothy Murray is a patient in Stratford General Hospital-. We wish her a speedy , recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manley and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Manley from Stratford, Mrk and Mrs.. Murray Corman, Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Werner Marx from Alder- grover, B.C. gathered at the -home of Francis and Marie Ificknell Sunday to celebrate the forth-coming retirement of their father Joe Manley from the Ministry of Tran- sportation and Communicat- ion in Stratford. Mrs. Marie Melady called cm the Hicknells on Sunday evening. Miss Jean Murray is holidaying in Sudbury with Mr. and Mrs.: Joe Murray this week. account the Goals of Educat- inn set out by the Minister, endeavouring to place them in an order corresponding to the degree to which the school -can help students achieve them. as follows: 1. Learn the basic knowledge and skills needed to under- stand and express ideas through words, numbers and other symbols. 2. Appreciate and profit from an awareness of the, various ways people learn. 3. Learn to be resourceful and'ereative in acquiring new knowledge, Managing per, meal matters, cOping with a changing world. 4., Develop skills and atti tildes that will enable them to enjoy their work and be productive on the job. 5. Develop self-reliance in solving the practical prob- lems' of everyday life. '6. Acquire a f ling of Self-w elf own, achiev ments and the en- courage nt of others. Respect the customs and beliefs of others in their society. here kyasn 1?iper cherdkee aircraft after it crashed in a sOrbean fie,ld northeast of Seafortb Tuesday. WING TIP- LOST, — This is the wing portion which broke off the aircraft' flown by Martines John VanBakel, of R.R. 1, Sebringville Tuesday evening; causing the plane to crash in a nearby soybean field. The 'pilot was killed in the accident, which occurred northeast of Seaforth, and his two passengers are in University Hospital intondon. (Photo by Ellis) & Learn to respect their environment and use re- sources widely. , 9. Accept personal respon- sibility in their own com- munities and in the larger society. 10. Appreciate and enjoy the arts. 11. Acquire habits and at- - tudes that will help them to be fit and healthy. 12. Develop a personal set of values that includes respects for the values of others. 13. Appreciate the responsi- bilities and benefits of Skinny rife and the role of the family in our ' society. USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 McK IL LOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Mrs. Hinz 80 years young Mrs. Irene Hinz of Kitch- ener was surpised on Sunday co her 80th 'Birthday when her family hosted a birthday party in her honour at the home of Don and Doris Barber in Guelph. A delic- ious, outdoor, buffet-style meal including birthday cake was enjoyed by all. Relatives attending were from Brus- sels, -Mitchell, London, Woodstock, Burlington, Kit- chener, Stratford and Brod- hagen. Water Well DRILLING W.D. Hopper -end Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Noll 527-1737 Dud 527-0$211 Jim 52741775 j erman of Seaforth visited with their dauther Susan and ° son-in-law Barry Lane in Calgary recently. They also visited with their Aunt Min- ute Querengesser and other relatives in Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens have returned frOth a fascinating trip to Alberta and British Colunthic -Their trip included tours of Cal- , pry, Banff, end Jasper National Parks, the 'interior of British Columbia and Vancouver and Vancouver Island. They enjoyed ideal weather and beautiful scen- - Congratulations are ex- Correspondent CECILIA- RYAN 345-2028 Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connors and Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Connors and family. spent a weekend at the Martyr's Shrine in Mid- land recently. Jimmy and Mary also spent a few days with Mr.-- mid- Mrs. Joe O'Connors at Oliphant be. fore returning to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Danny on- nors and 'family have return- ed toiheir home in Wetaski- -, win, Alta. after spending the past month visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and family from Acton visit- ed on the weekend with Mi. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Subject from Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ryan from Mel- bourne and Mr. and Mrs. Beuermann baby baptized in Brodhagen church nnunced the Project - a review of the secondary school system - early in 1980. , Duncan Green, Toronto's Director of Education was 'aPpointed Chairman, to work with four committees whose members included educat-. ors, students, businessmen, labour officials and repre-. sentatives of the, Ontario ' public. The Project's Man- date was to examine. almost every aspect of the system, focussing on standards and discipline, content and or- pnization'of the curriculum, the credit-program and pre- paration of students for the , world of work. Morethan 609 submissions were received, and a three-day symposium was held in Toronto in September 1980, attended by ,, some 200 people from all over Ontario. Under the heading. "Re- shaping. Secondary School Education", the Paper out- -lined the role of secondary education, focussing first on the needs of today's students and prominent characterist- ics.of their present situation in society, commenting that -They mature biologically about two-years earlier than 75 years ago. -They are more concerned than students of ten years ago about employ merit, and want schools to do more to prepare them for jobs. 4vfore of them stay longer in .--nchool than their parents' 4"^'` generation. Mitchell-Seaforth CABLE TV For service, account, it-EL taisation local announcement s, line locates Call 345-2341 ChAilif1P-i ,O'h- 11()M 1 Supplying 8 netvvork s (ind independents to over 1,450 homes. St. Columban people visit Midland roiiipcp.woeks at changing high school ed BALL AN AGENT OR THE OFFICE 1s.ahhshed 187h 10 Main St. Seaforth Ph. 527-0400 FULL COVERAGE Farm & Urban Properties DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Ken Carnochan 482 La% ro,GoclIcto 12' 1877 Ross Leonhard( 445 1114 'oho:Yid V1 1 ng 511 9390 Cita h refN M 1INN am 524 '051 Donald MtK err her 127 181 7 (oho A 70,1or 482 7,327 I N ,fireoartha 482 7 S91 . Stuart WIlsori), 527.0887 AGENTS 1 13,11 burst 52' 1455 lames Keys 42 7 0467 Wm Leopor 521425 7 COME IN FOR SUPER DISCOUNTS' DURING , HOLLAND SHOES SELLING OUT SALE! Our IOW is on NOW until Satirdati August 29-- „when O warm wikonto will boottontiod ft) the now ownoro WtitWittsitOgs of Costar