HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-08-12, Page 171 Coming Events 1 Corning Events 1 I Articles ,for Snit I i Articles it r Salto '. I I Aflicics tOr dalePropertl for sale Real Estate Ltd. The Tree Trunk 5 Main St., Seaforth A complete line of bicx. and Used Antiques and Colleetables 1 •BuyeSell•Trode*Srvati Tom and Dawn Papple 527-0514 Store 527-0940 Home 11.17-tf Classified Rates Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens ,count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION -15 words $2.50 10c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No copy changes. 8c per word, minimum $2.00 SEMI.DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION-5238 per column inch SUBSEQUENT ,INSERTIONS--52.10 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category I'.: inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch. ROX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - S1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS-I5 words, $2.50; 10c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES. Engagements. Death Notices. 15 words $2.50, each additional word /0c. IN MEMORIAMS-53.00 plus 15c per line of verse COMING EVENTS-I5 words $2.50 each additional word 10c. Three ipsertionS for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS-30 words $3.00 each additional word 5c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK Or INSERTION Nocancellation of multiple insertion advertisementS after Noon Tucilday Deadline fok classified ads Is 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone 527-0240 "WE STOCK" All your carpet care needs. Eureka Vacuum Cleaners Rinse and Vac Rental Shampoo Rental Tre- Wax Products Vacuum Bags Hoses and parts CAM ELL'S HARDWARE CROWN. 5274420 VEAL'S Abitttoltund Meat Market Hwy 83-3 1/2 miles east of Exeter 237-3677 Try uStoi CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING lb Kill days - Tuesdays' Our specialty-Home cured and smoked meats • Processed exactly the way you like it. 19-177tf PREGNANT and, distressed? Married , or single. Free confidential ,support.- ,Calf collect Birthright 432-7197 or after 6 p.m. 527-0115. THE HURON EXPOSITOR,AUGUST 120 No cents in waiting 111111 !SU r fever doesn't slow classified res-. 1 Corning, EVents BLYTH SUMMER FEST-e IVAL - The Tomorrow Box. August 12,13, at 2 p.m., IS at 2 p.m. end 8:30 p.m., 17. 18 Fire on Ice, August 13, 14, 19 at 8:30 p.m. unless stated. Rush tickets on sale at 7 p.m. or reserve at 523-9300 or 523-9225. 1-18-1 GARGARE SALE Saturday, August 15, 9 - 5 on 35, Railway Street. Some car parts, clothes. bifi, and other odds and ends. Rainout date August 22. 1.18-1 FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance Fridayi,..August 14;081 Vict- orian Inn Stratford, Welcome singles over 25, no blue jeans. 1-18-I RUMMAGE SALE at.. Fat , Cell-O parking Lot. 89 Don Street, Clinton on Saturday. August 15 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 1-18-I GIANT GARAGE SALE of toys. dishes4 baking. etc. on Friday evening, August 14; Saturday, August '15 and Sunday August 16. To, be held on North Street. Egmoridville. Plan to attend. Rain or shine. Turn south at the lights, second street. past the Optimist Ball Park. turn right and sale is at end of street, - 1-18x1 BOLTON Reunion will be belifon Sunday. August46. at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Ken and Joan Campbell, R.R. # 1, Dublin. Bring ymir own dishes. cutlery, lawn chairs and a choice of either a salad or dessert. , 1-18x1 SEAFORTH FAIR DEMOLITION DERBY Saturday September 26th . 7:30' p.m. ° receiving entries now 527-0120, 527-0398. .146-3 Have your message read by 3,600 people. Free On Cable Cast 12 345-2341 courtesy Mitchell-Seaforth Cable T.V. 1-174 Remember, it take but. a. moment to' place an Ex- positor, Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. CLINTON Legion Bingo, -every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Est regular card $1.00 ReStricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15.00, $5 least on split: Many other specials. Jackpot 5200.00 must go each week. 1-17-tf BINGO every Thursday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5 Clinton 1st regular card $1.00; 15 regular games of $15:00; 3 share-the-wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-174f LAWN SPACE available for- flea market every Saturday and SuidaY beside Farmers: Dell; Shia:field, on 'Hviy 4. No Charge, Call 527-1507. . 1-17-tf 2 Lost, Strayed' Would the person or persorii who removed the flag from the Se.nior Citizens.building on Market Street plm. se re- turn it. The Senior Citizens at Market Street. 2-18x1 4 -Help Wanted SECRETARY-Receptionist full time.. some experience required. Reply to box 3500 The Huron Expositor. 448-1 R.N. for one 7 - 3 shift per week.. Riverside Nursing Home, Mitchell. 348-8903. • 4-18-1 HELP WANTED Turn your spare time into cash. for just a few hours a week. Earn above average income, flexible hours, be your own boss. FOR INFORMATION CALL4'23-1772 4-18x1 WANTED Apply at Looby Builders (Dublin) Ltdl. South Side. Highway 8. Dublin. Ont- ario Phone: 345-2800 448-1 WANTED: person to care for Infant 'IOU approkiMately 15 hours per week, beginning in September. Please reply to Box #3499. The Huron Ex- positor. 4-18x2 1-18-I S Bus. Opportunity CAREER in heavy trucking. Now is the time to train for your Class A license. For interview and application contact ATA - Systems Ont- ario LONDON Branch (519) 438-4029. 5-15.6 LEARN To Drive Tractor Trailers or Straight Trucks. CA The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 416.247-7496, 1264 Weston Road. Toronto. Ont. M6M 4R1. Established 1971. 548-tf 7 Situations Wanted WANTED: bookeeping work (part-time) Preferably to do in my-own-hpme. Colt 34S-2262. 7-18x2 EAVESTROUGHING Seamless, rolled on the job to length required. No leaking joints. Available in 5 colours. • RESIDENTIAL , FARM COMMERCIAL KEN McCANN Enterprises Ltd. Phone 2346401 Collect Creditor, Ontario 7-16-6 Custom Combining Direct Cut-Windrows- White bearis-Seybeans- wide and narrow row corn-. Trucking available. Avoid Losses call early to ensure good harvelit timing Brian Wilson 7T-7:7 LAYING and finishing con cret floors for basements, garages, drive sheds etc. Cali George 482-3291. 7-17-tf 8 Farm 'Stock 20 PIGS. 35 pounds; 20 pigs. 45 pounds. 527-0675. 8-18-1 40 PIGS. 45-56 pounds. Apply to Ken Beattie 527-0155. 8.18-1 FOR SALE: Holstein Bull calves 345-2209. 8.18-1 9 Farm Machinery WINDROWER and puller for white beans, Call after 5 p.m. 887.6167 or 6794736. 9-99x3 AB OVERUM Plough. 3 fur- row 14". Phone 482-3353. 9-18x1 NEW HOLLAND corn har- vester and blower. one Dion wagon. 887.6027. 948.2 INNES 500 A.R. Bean Windrower with cross conveyor in very good condition. Call 345-2306. 9-18x1 10 Used Cars 1975 MERCURY 4 door. pw , ps, cruise control. real good condition. Safety checked. $1600. 4 brand new tires. Jean Fehr; R.R. 1, Seaforth at supper time. 10.18x1 '74 BUICK Century as is 887-6708. 10.18-1 1975 PONTIAC Parisienne4 Brougham 350 automatic, 84,000 miles, red w/white vittylloof, very good interior, air co:Witten, radials, $1,000 aS is. CA11527-1505. 10-03/c1 WAREHOUSE OPEN TO. THE PUBLIC Buy Direct And SAVE On Brand New Factory Fresh HOME FURNISH INGS (Specializing in) *Factory cancellations *Unclaimed dealer shipments •Manufacturer's clearouts *Regular line stock- • &Surplus inventories EXAMPLE LIVING ROOM suites, brand .new, priced from *2119 EXAMPLE 5 piece KITCHEN SUITES, chroMe from *149 EXAMPLE Master • BEDROOM SUITES with' head board, roller , frame, double dresser & mirror plus full size chest .of drawers complete, suite *211,9 EXAMPLE SOFA BEDS, '100% nylon with full double size spring fillecim,_,„ mattreSs - • *399 EXAMPLE WATER BEDS, all styles & sizes Priced from *399 Also GREAT . SAVINGS on Orthopedic. quality mat- tresses and fpundations, ail sizes. Wail units, cot= fee and end tables, lamps, oil paintings and many other accessories for your home. •Charget and persbnat chp,ques accepted *Convenient budget terms available , 'Delivery is available ,Dealers' are always welcome Entire Stock Is - *BRAND NEW *BRAND -NAME .01.1,1ST QUALITY *FACTORY FRESH. k 11E\ e pi IMO • No. 7 Highway East of McDonald's Stratford ' HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 10 am - 9 pm Fri. 10 am - 9 pro Sat. 10 am - 6 pm KITTENS to give away, 5 weeks old. Call 527-11 so after 3:30. 11-18-2 FOR SALE: 8 Hen-rich hog feeders. 41 foot Sneed King Auger. Call Paul, 527-1867 after six. • 11-18.1 BROCCOLI. Cabbage, car- rots, corn, beets, potatoes. tomatoes, onions, cucum- bers, peppers and glads. Apply 150 Market St. 5 to 6 pound heavy White Rock stewing hens A's 58c/ lb., utilities. Moth, Phone 345-2270 rut Huron Pro- duce, Dublin, Ltd., 11.18-1 ROXBORO GARDEN - Tom- atoes. potatoes. sweet corn. carrms. 11-18-1 1964 GMC I ton Duel wheel truck. Hoist and Rack. NEW IDEA two row picker sheller. NO. 10 MASSEY Baler FORD 4.14"plow MASSEY 3-12 - plow, Phone 88"-9492 after 6:00 I 1-18-3 MIXED GRAIN straw for sale in the field. Apply to Doug Hugill 482-7467 . 11.18-1 Ex erx acek more and more peopk• tbs. in cr %.% hat mighty jobs art.' accom • plishcd bx km cost Huron Expositor Want Ads Dial 521,0240, POTATOES FOR SALE Highway 84 We st of Hensall telephone 236-4038. A. Van Den Boomen 11.18-8 STRAW to bale iii field. 527-0645 11-1821 SALE; „Fresh garden beets by.the basket, Laurie Bell R.R. 2. Seaforth, 527-1356 II-18x1 COMPLETE set World Book Encyclopedia* and Childcraft Library. All volumes in excel- lent Condition. Perfect for elementary school children as learning tool. 527-0674. 11-18-2 The Store is Closing! Store wide reductions - up to 50% off. Thursday August 13 - Saturday August 22. Stoves - from 525.00 up: Chesterfield suites - from 525.00; Dryers • from $4000': Dining room suites from - $125.00; Bedroom suites from $100.00; Kitchen suites from - $25.00; Mattresses and box- springs from $15.00: Dressers 'and chest of grow- ers from $25.00; •Many more bargains. Everything must go. Come in and make us an offer. Sale ends August 27 Tom and Dawn Papple 11-92.4 HONDA Mini Bike. Good condition 527-0828. 11-17-tf 5 Main St., Seaforth A complete line of New and Used Antiques and Collectables •Buy•Sell•TRADE•Swap Tom and Dawn Papple 527.0514 Store 527.0940 Home 11,-17-tf EVANRUDE 5 h.p. outboard motor 527-0102. 11.17-2 8 WEEK old puppies free to a good home. Call 527-0958 anytime. 11.17-2 SWIMMING POOL SALE Swimming Pool Manufacturer Must Clear Inventories. Brand new 1981 above pools complete with' filter, motor, pump, walk around, patio and fence. Regularly 54395.00. now on sale for $1,499.00 while supply lasts.. Immediate Delivery. Call . Toll Free 1-800.2654343 for more details. 1.1,14x8 AU, mileiWeSt • t•Acter VO. H14) YI,SSCHER PAE.M8 S6.00, a (haze d. „nPEN DAILY ga m • m 1. CLOSED SUNDAYS PonNE IN LARGE ORDERS 237-3442 '11-18-0 45 GALLON STEEL barrel, for all uses. Alga half barrels for watering animals. Agent for Blyth Steel Barrels - Dint g and Gail's General Store. Winthrop and Co-op, Seaforth. 11-16-3 12 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY: Property required 50 to 100 acres with good house and barn suitable for horses. Call Russ Archer 5274871; Salesinan for JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LIMITED 482-3766 12-18-1 13 Wanted WANTED: Propane or gas refrigerator in good 'Working order.1 - 705-435-4059. 13.18-2 OLD BRICK BUILDINGS FOR WRECICINGAND SALVAGING PURPOSES' Contact R. Lumley De- molition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sunda, Ontario, 1-542.- 4088 "Ontario% Largest Supplier of Reclaimed Brick"-We fulfilled_ _Th.. iiiickiiiii-Cei4raet in 1980. We paid cash for a few buildings, we demolished some for no charger and for others we charged a slight fee for our services. Yes, we travel. We have associates/ partners living and operating out of London and Listowel areas. Honest Appraisals, references Available. We carry 11,000;000 insurance and covered by Workmen's Compensation. We eliminate eyesores ie an honest. fast and efficient manner. 13-17-tf l S Property for Rent TASTEFULLY DECORATED 2 or 3 bedroom house, fridge & stove, fireplace, low heating bill. 527-1791.1 - 15-18x1 2 Houses for tent, either 2 or 3 bedrooms. Available September 1. Phone 482- 9472. 1'548-1 AVAILABLE immediately, 40 x 80 2 storey building, new hydro. Suitable for storage or livestock. 345- 2459. 15.18-1 NEWLY , decorated, in= sulated,' private 3 bedroom house close to shopping. Low heating bill. 527-1S07. 15.17-tf COUNTRY home one mile east of ilrucefield on paved toad, ideal for country living 527-0248. 1547-2 SPACIOUS newly decorated, heated one bedrocim, upper apartmeet, frig and stove included available October 1, 527-1507. 15.17-if HEATED two bedroom apartment, your reference and appointment 527-1073 or Box 222, Seaforth. 1547x2 1% bedroom apartment for rent nice location call 345. 2442, 15.174 REAL-ESTATE .LT opIEW LISTING: One year old brick home, beautiful kitchen with ample cupboard space, bow eating area, separate_ dining, anglestone fireplace; 2 large bedrooms, tastefully decorated throughout. Full basement.:Attoched 1 1/2 car garage,: Located in new residential. area. • NEW LISTING: Be your own boss! Excellent business opportunity. Living quarters consists of a 3 bedroom 1% storey home. Inquire for more details, • NEW LISTING Commercial Building, over 3,000 sq. ft. with living quarters above. 15 foot safe: Insulated; Low heating costs: 11%-% Mortgage due 1984. • NEW LISTING 2 storey brick home with a 12% mortgage, 3 bedrooms, country sized kitchen, large lot. Good sized hobby shed., 530's. *4 ACRES with a 3 -..'room brick home, pantry kitchen, large d e nt.Dpacious living room, full basement, large ....c1Cillop Township.' • • RAILWAY STREET Beautifully decorated 3 . bedroom home, large 'kitchen with built " in microwave. living mein •with franklin, family room. Reduced! * CHURCH STREET New ' 3 bedroom brick bungalow with kitchen and dining combination, large living room, neutral -coloured carpeting throughout, electric heat, full basement. Located on nicely landscaped lot! * GODERICH- STREET One floor home in mint condition! Featuring glowing Hardwood floors, 2 good sized 'bedrooms, large lot, 2 blocks from uptown! * MAIN STREET, NORTH "QUEEN OF SEAFORTH" One floor home in immaculate condition, breakfast bar, spacious living room, ample closet space. 3 bedrooms, large workshop area. Garage.' and much more. Must be seen to be appreciated! ' • McKILLOP TOWNSHIP Brick schoolhouse, with open loft concept as the master bedroom, modern kitchen, new bath, full basement. Located on one Acre! 530's. * EGMoNDVILLE Custom built 4 bedroom home in mint conditon' Maintenance free exterior. 'Quality , built. Double'car Garage. Located on a lot 103 x 115. Quiet residential area. *HOBBY FARMS 2 acres, 4 acres, 5 acres, 17 acres, ranging from $39,000.00 to $65,000.00. S Property for Rent 19 Notice contained, ' completely tugged. 527.0972. 15.17-tf UPPER one bedroom apart- ment, heat and light, self drinking problem? Al Anon can help. 5274650. ARE you living with a 19-18x6 Sandblasting: Trucks, NEWLY remodeled, 3 bed- equipment buildings, etc. room house, 61/2 miles north specializing in brick cleaning of Dublin. $225. monthly. and repairs. Free 'estimates. Phone 345-2734. 15-16.2 Phone White's Sandblasting & 2 BEDROOM Apt. with frig Painting, and stove. North Main, Wingham 526-1715. 15.1615 3514723 '194811 .14moormIllaiwor Casey Van Bakel's Electrical. and Plumbing RESIDENTIAL AND FARM R.R. 2 SEAFORTH Phone 527-1558 19-17-tf Custom Slaughtering Processing kill Day Wednesday CASHWOOD 2 3 7 - 3 6 7 7 Hensall • L ivestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:36 P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR • CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves' 262-2619, Hensall Doug Cart:them, 237.3734, Dashwood Victor Hargreaves 482-7511, Clinton Barry Miner 236-2717, Exeter and 229.6205 Kirkton 1947-tf , SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Fest efficient service. Write or Call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482,3320 or Seaforth 527-0284. 10-17-tf M ore on next page "The trine!. Stage" Arteitcom R abbit Ferdinand the tor children ages 4 yrs. to 16 yrs. . Adinission - Children .50 Adults $1.00; Family - $2.00 Wed., Aug. 19, at 7:00 p.m. • Seaforth Arena Auditorium 1- VolO410,4001.01,1 1.1.11 LADY'S bicyele in goo0 dittion, %bee's. Phone .5274012• 11.18-1 KITCHEN : pertahie dishwash#r-, a 5..0014 MkOftforter. g hall ca4ingi. ,and old 'popular Mechanic magAztites. Phone 52"%1001 11-18x1 CUCUMBERS for sale 527-0667. Merton Hackwell. 11-18-1 AI PROX. 20 ton bailey, "Phone 345-2784: Roy Swart. • 1 I -18x2 69 AC tgi in Millen Townsh farrow to finish sow opt:Ili/ions, good gravel deposits, lovely home recently renovated. K1PPEN: 3 bedroom, modern home nicely treed. garage on 2.6 acres and a 1 1/2 storey. 3 bedroom in lovely condition. work shop on, one acre. BRODHAGEN: 3 bedroom, drilled well, cement block barn with water and hydro on a large lot. COLEMAN STREET: 3 bedroom, al umioum siding 3 pc. and 4 pc. bath extra building lot. 3 BEDROOM: 2 storey family home, carport, drilled well, a large building along side with potenital for an ambitious young couple to start a business, on highway. 40E O'REILLY 345.2465 Mitchell 348-8823 14-18-1 Wows ligmevirt 4824371 200 acre hog farm in -Hullett Twp. - 2 sets of buildings, completely modern capacity ,for 2,000 hogs. 400 acres 330 workable, Seaforth area, good, brick home, cash crop. beef farm. •*0,** * * LONDESBORO 1 1/2 storey home aluminum sided, new kitchen, under $30,000.00. • • • • • * • a Cottage at Fernhurst Glen, quick possession, owner will consider 1st. Mortgage on 1 1/2 acres. ******* HIGHWAY Brick 'bungalow, like new. carport 4 • • • • • • • HIGHWAY HOME 2 miles from Blyth, V: acre lot with heated shop. ••••••• 150 acres East Wawanosh 110 workable, good buildings set up for beef and hogs. •******* 520 ACRES Cash crop farm, Brucefield. HolibeiVilie ****** 10 acres, near Auburn. farrow to finish for 80 sows, good 'home. •• • * * • • 28- acres near Londesboro, excellent buildings, far- rowing operation. 14-184 . Maureen Wildfong 482-3224 MITCHELL SEAFORTH 348-8355 527-1577 HAYFIELD* CLINTON 565.5055 '14-18-1 Complete Rosiness, r-,. vice. Sales Purchase and Disbursement Journals, Accounts Receiveable. Payable, Payroll. Finan- cial Statements. Also time sharing and sin-house terminals available. Also farm and individual ‘service. LAWRENCE BEANE 52 Huron St., Clinton PHONE 482-3524 19-17-tf