HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-17, Page 6IMAM TIMES.
1TT, I'('N(.aetxam:n Ahla I?tttl:*P.11:rr°`W
AY, NOVEMBER 17, 1813;).
41U oflleiai statement. issued cat Watsh-
#i�toli e41liw attailltion to the flirt that
elanelaa is becoming a competitor of the
131Ated States ee an exporter, While
• *is slates, it it said, to coualltaratively
few s- articlees, it effects industries which
11/..e JJ.`fG1-1Afr> Til OSt, NO E:rXBE1:
tl t t• 1 14tkil •alu• erect ltoustes on luenest(fatl Ian(tH in. ting
11r(mv(3 it T olmllor mutt •y ly it mif c
Ipi'alsatery advances in territory that Northwest Territories, and possibly
could not autder tattler conditions be some other little Uclvalnees W11U le would
tal)ien without collsnitlitl:,iaritain. But amount lu all trent fifty to eeviemtty
these compensatory appropriatioui, are a pbun(ls, In order to carry out the pro -
feature of the ez tess$on of Extropeau position it would be neceestuey to earn
Tz I antl American influence; sold while Wo ; eitie mach care in the se leetioal of tixose
who would rt' Cive the assisted passages.
It would appear that last year, the
Polley of assisted passages etiolated by
the Government of Queeut laud Was all
inducement to many of the best olasse:l
of #air niers en(d, farm laborers to move to
that colony, and it 'wee even hinted that
some of those who were thus induced to
go to Qneensitaml would have preferred
Canada, but the necessity of leaving
assistauco at the outset compels them to
choose tint; Australian colonies, These
young men would make the very best
sottlere for the Northwest.
recd not expect to do ell the celoni;:iug1
ave are assured of bearing .our part in
the march of adecuteetaeit Glad seeuriul;
a filllshrre of its benefits.
have brought into the 'ITlliteti, States
from abroad many million dollars aur. 1"m cam oto awn C(u rc pondeat.
ing the peat few years. A recently Ottawa, Nov. lithe
published statement by the Dominion The notion of the Government in
Statistician .1o)1uso11 has just reached. making a forllaal offer to the Imperial
the•Tretteu y Bureau of Statistics, rand authorities of a second contingent for
it shows that t1w exports of dour, butter, the T1•atlsvaal is amlother emphatic, proof
of the quality of their imnperialisnl.
While it is a conclusive answer to the
chroiio fault-finders w h.o have taxed
their ingenuity to criticise the attituto
of the Adaaiinistratiou ill Connection
With the first coutingent, thele is noth-
ing in this latest development to alarm
the most punctilious. coestitutionalists;
for it may be safely assumed that uo de-
cisive action Will be taken without con-
sultillg Parliament thereon. There is
no immediate necessity for further
notion. T1ao Dominion has given the
clearest indication of where she ataauds
towards the Empire, rand this was the
purpose with which she mobilized her
first contingent. And further aid will
not be needed hurriedly; therm Will be
choose soil wood Educe the Confedera-
tion amount to $891,030,000. While
nlamtufaeturers of wood form tho largest
item. in this enormous suns, cheese, in.
which Camila becomes direct coraz-
petitor of the United States, amounts to
the surprisingly large total of $;318,241,-
' 262, butter to $58.471,60s, arta flour to
$61,3.40,182. The passage from Mr.
Johnson's report which has set the
.American statisticians thiniring is as fol-
lows e•-•
'eTRae development of the cheese ex-
port trade is marvellous, We sent a
little over $500,000 worth of cheese to
Great Britain in 1868, and in 1898 we
sent $17,522,681 worth, thus fax surpass-
ing the exports of the "(Suited State;, time to consult the representatives of
which last year to the mother couimtry the people, a procedure, which a Liberal
were only $3,267,607. Of time Total ex- Government is always ready and indeed
ports of Canadian manufacturers in 1868 an -,loos to adopt.
Lheese only formed 3 per cent. in value,
while in 1898 it formed over 31 per cent. THE (MOWING ABSURDITY.
of the total exports of manufacturers, Of all the absurdities into which',
The exportsof manufactures of wood,as rabit opponents of the Government have.
is quite natural,occupy the highest been led, in their overweening desire to
place, but they have not increased. reit"- score a point against the Adrnietratioim,
Lively to the others as rapidly. In 11368 the richest, perhaps is the allegation that
the exports of manufactures having the Governor-General forced the hands
Wood as the raw material were 61.7 per of his advisers by threatening to dismiss
cent. of the whole, while in 1808 they. them unless the contingent was mobiliz
Were 40 per cent. During the thirty ed. It is satisfactory to see one strong
years Great Britain has taken of our Conservative paper rebuke the folly of
manufactures of wood over $258,000,000 its coutemporaries in no measured
worth, while the United States has terms; for the Toronto. Telegram says:
taken $242,000,000 worth, leaving Great "There is no tribute to the Governor -
Britian the better customer by $16,000,- General in the partisan suggestion that
000. We have exported siuce Comifeder.- his threat to dismiss his advisers cozu-
ntiou, 1. e. from June 80th, 1868, to June palled the Laurier Government to organ -
80th, 1898—thirty-one years- -of home ize a regiment for service in the Trans-
earoclucts to the value of $2,464,000,000, vaal. Canada would be in abad way if
or, to be exact, $2,464,277,230. These the country is in the hands of a Govern-
products have been of the farm, the ment which. would not do its' duty to
mine, the fisheries, the forest, the work- the empire, without the active aid of an
shop and the factory. . • office holder from England. At his
"To whom have we sent these pro- worst the Hon. J. Israel Tarte can be
ducts? Our best customer during these no such -enemy to. British institutions as
thirty-one years has been the another the journals which are trying to ing the
'country. She has taken more than one- Government into partisan politics.
half Of the whole, or $1,260,565,563. Our CAN TA1iE .CAKE of ouBsELVES,
next best customer has been the United It is the interests both of Canada aid
States, which country has taken over
empire that a free people, in their en -
$955,000,030, or $305,500,400 less than thusiasm, shall not make precedents
Me United Kingdom. The British West
.?ndies come next with purchases from which violate the spirit of their free-
-us aniolunting to $59,945,541. New- dem. The most dangerous of all pre
foundland has taken $48,807,462;France eedeuts would be established by. the
$12,190,645; Germany, $9,089,194, and peppier acceptance of the theory that a
all other countries $118,640,647. Great Governor-General can play the part of
Britain began in 1868 by tntritlg about Ring and law -giver to a Government,
18,OQO,000 of our products. By 1872 which, whether it be good or bad, repro -
she had got beyond $25,000,000; by 1$82 sents the sovereign people of Canada. In
nearly $40,000,000; by 1802 beyond $54,- a great moment of political danger the
)0(3,000, after which year her takings in• •public opinion of Canada might operate
creased steadily, till, in 3898, they were , through the prerogative; of the Gover-
over $93,000,000. The United States nor -General instead of through the
las ahown no such activity in buying powers of his constitutional advisers.
Can -
tram us. In 1868 the purchases of that There has been 110 such momesst.in Cau-
votuitry from Its amounted to over $22,- ada's recent history. To say that it was
000,000. By 1872 they had increased necessary for the Governor-General to'
to nearly $80,000,000; by 1882 to $41,... depart from his true position of figure
'100,000. That is the highest figure their head, to take car of British interests is
purchases ever reached, They have to pay a poor compliment to the Cana -
been steadily decreasing and in 189$ diad people, who took dire of British
they were only $34,000,000, quite as ole- interests in this country before the Earl
termined in resisting Germany interfer- of Minto saw Canada, and will take care
,once as they are iu opposing British of British interests when the Earl of
17, 18t, 9.
atutxerainty. It is significant that Ern" Minto sees Canada no more."
leror William ohpse the occasion of his TO ENCOURAGE GOOD SETTLERS.
friendly meeting 'with the Czar to make rTo section of the public service has
]mown his favorable attitude toward shown greater activity than the immi.
Britain. In fact, the whole situation is gration branch of the Interior Depart-
a triumph of British diplomacy. Eritain ment, and nowhere have greater and
],las made it virtually impossible for more satisfactory results been obtained.
either Germany or the United States to Our vast unoccupied tracts of territory
assume a hostile attitude, and the other in the West are filling up at a rate tin-
?'owers, would have everything to lose dreamed of, even four or five yearsatgo;
nd nothing to gain by iutemference. It , and Riling up with a class of settlers,
ratty be that the other nations may im- Which are rapidly justifying the action
of. those who facilitated their coining
out to this country, and refuting the
calunmies of their traducers. But there
ie much yet to be done, for this is a
work, the possibilities of Which increase
With its development. The Deputy Selma Oirrsllvervea.
- Minister of the Interior has been nicking Mealy a pale,; weak school girl suffer -
excellent use of the opportunity for per- ing the evil effects of au exhausted
- sonar obieervatfon offered by his recent nervotns system, incl hili, watery blood
Doctors said
But the Notary, Mr. Lemire, was
lured of Kidney Disuse in two
Months by Dr. Chase's Kidney. -
Liver Pilins,
i It is only when thoroughly convinced of the
sraperior merit of a remedy that pubiie men
t Neill give their sanction.
1 Mr. P. H. Lemire, Notary Public, x6hx
Notre DArne Street, Montreal, tells of his re-
marked& r merr�yy front a severe attack ofleid-
ary disease. When doctors had failed, Br.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills saved bis Iife. Ile
'*rites: "I give this Statement, first because it
is only Just that the merit of lir. Chase's Kid-
nap Liver Pills should be mate known, and
- again In order that others may profit by my
. ,o pe fence. For years t statfret with kidney
*seas, which doctors pronounced incurable.
to DI-. (-Tome's I4itiney.t.iver flits,
1lr two months, I atm rom-
baipsESNrreAtm the OM,
The action of Sir William. C, McDon-
ald in adding to his many princely gifts
in the cause of uatiolaal education by
offering to provide the means for es
tablishiug emtperhneutal schools for mate
ual training in connection with our pith -
804001 system, at a central point in
each Province of the Dominion should
prove of inestimable practical value to
the country, Although Canada is as yet
but a young nation we are already suf-
fering not a little from the iutiversal
and growing tendency on the part of our
young men to congregate in the cities,
and engage in professional careers in
Preference to meebea foal occupations;
With the necessary and harmful result
that the former are ,ser'iouslyovercrowd-
ed while the latter afire neglected: This
is injurious alike to the individual and
to the cenmmunity, It arises largely
from a lack of appreciation of the digni-
ty of labor •and the unattractive aspect
of the conditions slurounding its pursuit.
It is claimed by the advocates of manual
training in our schools that if the boys
and girls wete early familiarized there-
with this, misconception, Would be large-
ly removed, and it is to the test this
claim that the Montreal illillionnire
snakes his princely offer. The expeii-
ment will be watched with keen inter-
ests by eduoationilists and the oommun-
ity at large.
The imperial board of trade returns
for ten mouths' ending with October,
show the following increases in British
imports from Canada; Sheep and lambs,
$180,000; wheat, $425,000; wheat flour,
$1,200,000; hams,' $320,000; butter,
$2,420,000; cheeses, $485,000; New-
foundland copper, $170,000; pulpwood,
$105,000; sawn wood, $1,025,000. The
decreases were: Cattle, $480,000; peas,
$58,000; maize, $1,575,000; bacon,
$1,055,000; eggs, $100,000; fish, $,280,-
000; horses, $285,000. The chief in-
creases in the British exports to Canada'
were: Cotton, piece goods, :$520,000;
lineal piece goods, $105,000; woolen tis-
sues, $100,000; railway iron and steel,
$715,900; tin plates and sheets, $385,000.
The chief decreases were: Worsted tis-
anes, $85,000; wearing apparel, $40,000.
Mr. Thomas Cooke, 260 Johnston St.,
Kingston, writes this of himself and how
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart helped
him: a'I have used in all six bottles of
this great heart remedy and it has com-
pletely cured me of heart weakness, from
which. I suffered severely for years.
Prior to using it the slightest exertion or
excitement Would produee severe palpita-
tion. and nervous depression, To -day I'
am as strong as ever, anct without one
symptom Of Heart disease," Sold, by
A. L. Hamilton.
.& Cowboy Bound Up.
Montana Bill, a famed weptern char-
acter, came into the city the other day
with a bunch of wild now plinchee, just
off the range, in charge of a train of
cattle. After looking after their stock
the men, heavily armed, rade through
the streets, whooping lime Indians.. They
charged a trolley oar, and the leader was
thrown through a window into the laps.
of the frightened passengers. The po-
lice gathered hint up, weapons and all,
and took him atlid the whole outfit to the
station hottse. The cowboys protested
that they were just out for a little fun . -- --- •• ---_--•
and thought that the motorman would
stopi car in time to avoid a collissi c n
itsa t:
with their ponies.}—Omaha Herald.
eold. is manger.
mus, Uou't let It
get the start et you.
A. few doses of mY
Cold Cure rein
break up nue tonal.
of cold In a few
hours and prevent
grippe, diphtheria
and pneurnoultl. It
should be la every
hone and every vest
Pocket, it is better
thou a Ilio begun.
mice volley,
;►t all druggists, 25e. a vial. Guido to Ileaath
d /dement advice free. pion Arrb at. Phila.
i.I I hY .I lu
of about four inches square,nn(1 grafted
immediately upon the back, of young'
Cochrane, which leas been undergoing
preparation for the operation for some
weeks. The operation was entirely
siivccssful, and it is expected that in the
course of 1>< couple of months tW patient
Will have outirely recovered. The
young men stood their portion of the op-
eration with cornmendable fortitude,
and their whole demeanor was oharao-
terized by admirable =selfishness.
They refused to give their names, and
did not seem to think than they had
done more than their• simple duty.
Free to Xillea wale Sufabreld•
Talose who aro afflicted witli'Rlieunka-.
tism, Sciatica, Lumbago, . Neuralgia or
Gent, who have never tried Milburn's
Rheumatic Pills, can have a full regular
sized box free of charge by enclosing 4c.
in stamps for packing and postage. T.
Milburn ea Co., Toronto, ,Out.
;The Ontario Tanners' Association,
mn.eeting at Toronto,; have advanced
prices of leather 25 per cent. to meet
the advance in the price of hides. This
will hit harness, soul and shoe leather,
valises and ail leather goods. • Compul-
sory inspection of hides is called for.
Before placing your order
for Spring Clothing call and
see our
LOGSfor 18gg. We can afford to
sell New Goods cheaper than
old stock that cost one-hali'r
more than new and better
goods of the latest styles will
cost to -day.
TOWN 4 xi`t 111 il!tF It I. ,
Barrier C,1Imm.RCIr—Sabbath services at
11 is n1 anti 7 p 1m1. Sunday school at
2:30 p mu. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday ovellinngs. Rev. W.
1Preed, paster, V'. J. Chapman, S. ;a.
Mr'rtI nlsT Cntutolr--,Sabbath services
at 11 a an and 7 p n1. Sunday {Sehool at
2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard
Hobbs, pastor. 1)r, Towler, S. S. Sup-
vi1'es at 11 and and 7 p 111, Sunday
Scheel at 2:80 p 111. General prayer
sheeting on Wedalesday evenings. Rev.
D. Peale, pastor. 1).M. Gordon, S. S.
SuperiuteIu elft,
Sr. PAUL'S Cr alllcmt, Eexscoea .r-•-Sab-
batb services at 11 a 1n and. 7 p In. Sun-
day School at 2:30 p In. Goateral prayer
meeting on Wechmesday evening, Rev.
Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shorn, S. S,
CON(I•Reute osain Cnuaon.--Sabbath
services et 11 a m and 7 p an, Sunday
School at 2:30 p ln. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
J. W. Gatlin, pastor. Gavin Wilson, S.
S. Superintendent,
fourth Suudday. Mass at 10:30 a m, ser-
mon and benediction at 7 p xn. Rev. D,
P. McMenamin, P. P,
SALVATION ARntr--Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 anc18 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'olock at the barracks.
CHRISTIAN WORKERS -•••Services in the
Mission Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday
at 8 and 7:80 p m, T. A. Calhotme, ill
POST OFFICE --In Macdonald Block,
Office hours frons 8 a nm to 6:80 p ea.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
Muonastr ers' INsrirurn—Library and
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will be opotl every afternoon from 2 to
5;45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
Tower CoUNou..—Wm. Clegg, Mayor;
Thos. Gregory, Jos, Galley, L. W. Han-
son, A. J. Irewin, Geo. McKenzie and R.
Mclndoo, Councillors; J'. B. Ferguson,
Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Yonhill,
Assessor, Wm. Robertson, • Collector.
Board meets first Monday evening hl
each month at 8 o'clock. •
Sonoor. BOARD. --C. N. Griffin, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Lee, J. J.
Homuth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos.
Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in.
each month.
Poetic SouooL TEA cn Rs—A. H.
Musgrove, Principal; Miss 'Robertson,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss Vaust°ne, Miss Matheson
and Miss Reid.
BOARD or HEALTrx—Mayor Clegg,
(clmairmanl, C. J. Reading, Thos. Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
=retary; Dr. Towler, Medical Health
W' e' make clothes that" fit.
WEBS ,Q. ER & CO.,
Queen's Block.
Is the result of Overwork and an
Exhausted Nervous' System. Dr.
A. W. Chase's Nerve Food treates
Ntw Brain and Nerve 'tissue.
Business and professional men, accountants,
stenographers, teachers, students and all brain
workers know only too well what it means to
have the brain so tired out that concentration
of thought is almost impossible.
One-fifth of all the blood in the human body
is found in the brain, and unless the blood' Is
pure and rich the brain becomes exhausted for
Want of proper nourishment:
Dr. A. W,.Chata's Blood Food creates new
brain and nerve tissue, and produces rich red
blood, "tbe vital fluid" of the body.
All brain workers quickly recognize th t merits
of this great food cure, and after a few doses
eater on their work with new eti rgyand ambi--
Brain fag it unknown topersont whose brain
and nerve have been invigorated by the use of
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food, which is for
bale by all dealers at ,roc, a boa. •
lir. 'Chase's New Book, "The' Ills of Life
andllZow To Cure Thant," sent free to your
address. Bannerman, Bates & Co,, Toronto.
trip to the Old Country, and he declares bas been fully restorcr to t e v1 'or 13.11
that there are in Great Britain and Ire- A. W Chase's Nerve rood. b'The health.
Ian(1 man also on the continent agrictil- fol ttlowt' on the cheek and the brightness
Wrists who would avail thetnsclvea of in the eye tell of the builduag ma process
the adva1ltages offered to settlers ill which is taping place in the bogy.
Canxilta batt who aro not in tho posses- nave /rim a rii(twv Back.
Ekon of sufficient mane to warrant 11. happy instance of self-saeritico wvas
their heaving their old hollies and cola- given 11y about twenty young mels i11
ing to this country'. Ile is satiatte(l the eo11tsc of all opi'ration at the Sick
from personal observation. that the Children's Itospital, Toronto, on Wed -
country could get nesday morning. Charles Cochrane, ao
T11OrsA'rns O1' TIMI; VEItY BIEST boy tell years of age, who was severely
class of agricultural iettleras if 501110 AS- burned in Ontelnoo three mouths ago,
sistaiit'e 't%ere granted in the way of -'WAS fl, DOW ttttrftaofl t'ai' akin upon
facilitating their passage,. and if possible the larger pc , of his book, The
en advance wnr(1 MAO by' incl CI OVCTn- : material ivs
hent of a aaaillcisrat Mtn to Wry' awn. by
over* ;MOON of the tot It
aloe tee tatRteet
r :)L,At r t�*li ell 1,1 t''
n mil,.I 1
u e t
Sill alioltrOsig103;1, lbAAAaftAAibla
4101° LLitAit
R0U8A'N fit' YOUNG. MEN aro
troubled with nervousness, despen-
dency exhaustion, lost of memory,
aching backs and kidneys, painful urana•
tion bashfulness, aediinteelt i11 urine losses
at night, impotency, headaches. varicocele,
pimples, ulcers, bone pains,—Tim results
of civil habits inoath or later exeessce,
Out Vitalized Treatment cures the worst
Omissions & Vaarloocole
reap the vigor mitt vitality and produce
weak,mca, Our Dollar Tr*Ktntt.iit
lililll Corr You.
Stricture and *feet,
1Vo mutter how chronic, yield to our Vital -
Mel Treatment, No ot.eration no silo,
I no detention front business. illi drains
ices's,. Our Doiletr Trattetuaant veldt
(Curd VOA.
fllood & Sexual Diseaoee
icured inrever. No return of the disease.
I roto Mareary, No Poltnn. Oltr Dollar
'Tr.Atn,.nt will Cat You. Ws
aauu rRntee Carats.
a a P, 1
litir.C'A;tilineallat 1972.
18 PUBLIttIll'a1
The Times °Mee, Beaver Block
WienelteM, ONTAI4I0.
Teens OL' t t'11 t'a1n'TItesses ,00 per lemma in
t 1,v ii •e 1.t4 if not so paid. No Ismer discon-
tinued tin aril arrears are paid, except at tine •
option of the publisher.
,AI1vlanTrsitcu liA'rlts. -- Legal Riad other
008001 advertisements Kt per Nonlm.pa�rioi line for
first insertion, 4e per lino for each subsequent
.Advertisements in local columna' aro charged .
10 cts. per line for first insertion, and 0 cents
per line for eaclt.subscstui nt insertion.
.Advertisements of Lost, Founcl, Strayed, .
Farms for Salt. or to Rent,und siullhar $1,00 for
1111(t mouth slid 80 cents fol' each subsequent
Co:aTRACI 13_iTxs-.Tile following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified. periosts: --
SPACE. 1 ro.' 4xo. Oxo. ivlo.
One Column seem $111.00 $15.00 $0.00 •
Hi,lf Column85.40' 18.00 10.00 4.00
QuarterColutrin 18.00 10.00 4.00 2.00
Advertiseanonts witlaont specific) directions.
will be inserted till forbid and cchargt'd accord -
int ly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance,
Tiro Jon Da4rA14'ruaNT is stacked -with an
extensive assortment of all requisites far print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county for turning out first class work. Large
type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post-
ers, Rand B111s; etc., and the latest styles of '
elude° fancy typo for the $poor classes ofprint' •
ing". II. B. ELLIOTT
Proprietor and Publisher..
Highest cash prices paid for all
kinds of good Saw -Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.
done at lowest prices and satisfaction
guaranteed. CaII and get prices be.
tore disposing of your timber.
Capital. $1,49.4,520, Rest, $1,000,000'
President --3011•N SMART.
Vice-President—A. G. RAnrsAy.
John Proctor, Geo. Roach Win, Gtbacm.M.P.,.
A. T. Wood, M.P,,'A,1'3,Ieeo (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Saturday,' 10+
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and,
interest allowed.
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United: -
Stutes Bought and sold.
W. COEBOU,LD, Agent.
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
General Banking Business transacted..
Money advanced to fasters and business men.
on endorsed notes and collateral.
Farmers Sale Notes Cashed
Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of
Canada and the United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable
'terms. •
1831 tOAVERTIRTII ,,salt.THE 1900.
The ONLY Agricultural Newspaper
and admittedly the
Leading Agricultural Journal DENT,
Office—Beaver Block, Winghaw.
For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN
and SURGIOAL-CASES of all kinds. For par
tieulazs address
R.Medical Super1nte n' denntt,, Wi ghaam, Ont.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort-
gages, town and farm ppa•ouerty bought and.
sold. Woe, Beaver Block, Wingltam.
Wingham, Ont.
Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton, Edney to loan..
Moe—Meyer Block, Wingham.
ARTHUR J. D. D. S.; L. D. s.
Doctor of DentalSurgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental Ooitege and Licentiate of rho 1��lo�yyuaa
Celle a of Dtultal Stu •eons of Ontario. OtRco
over Post OlUee, Wingil am.
.D. ROSS, D. D. S., L. D. S.,y
OF TRE WORLD.. • - . •
Every department written by spe41aHets, the
highest authorities in their respective lines.
No other paper pretends to compote with it in
qualifications of editorlat staff.
Gives the agricultural NEWS with a• degree of
fullness and completeness not oven attempted by
Beat Reviews of fhe Crepe. '
Best Market Reports,
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Bost Everything,
Single Subscription,.
Two Subscriptions, 53,80,
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Special inducements to raisers of larger Clubs.
di -Write for Particulars on this Point •
t;iub Agents Wanted Everywhere.
Four Months' Trial. Trip, 50 Cents,
will be mailed trod on request. 13 will pay anybody
interested itt any way in country life to send for
them. Address the publishers,
ZIP/TIED. TUC1UER & l5Y)1wt,
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
All Moss from 4 in. to Alli
Wingham, Ont.
`t] DEANS, Ja.
for the County of Huron. Sales attended in
any part of the County. Charges moderate.
Josh CURRRIE, Wrrreirnnr, care.
Salesltyof. Farm Stook and harm Implements a
All orders left at Tan 'Trines office promptly
attended to. ' Terms reasonable.
Cain Calaktonin, No. 40, meets
S■ L r 0,'�"""t110 Sprst and third Monday in
every month, in the Oddfelloiva Hnll. Visiting'
brethren welcome. 3, lemur, Chief: H. B.
Elliott, Rye.- See.
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H('nds, Oirculnt's, etc., &o., rxeoaut0(L 1n fire host
aty1a of the art, at inuderuto prices, and on
short notice.
BaoxtituntSG.- 3;ite are pleased to nnnotinec
that nny Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our 1>rom It attention..
Pricer few Binding in Only style will bo given ori
application to
''3 }I1 'TIMES Ol:"P70131,
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PYtkntertat„ 1t 0.440 a.rl.... ll.ti54.itt,,.
London 0:,3 a.m.... 11.115fp.ine
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Eineardino ....(i.4NroutS.:Sli a ni.... 41.115
London 11.10 a.m.... 1400 p.m.
Palmerston. 41.015 pin ....10. an.
Z. R. GORDON, Agorae,
., rmorion nett