HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-08-12, Page 5• Correapostden MRS. JOHN TEMPIXMAN 345430 Richard Templeman is at- tending the Ontario Student's Ledership Centre at Long- ford Mills for two weeks- We are sorry to report Miss Ethel Balkwell had the mis- fortune to fall. and break tier hip and is now hospitalized. Miss Carl Anne Stewart and-Dr. Jane Robinson. Ham- ilton. were 'weekend! viSiturs with Mr. and Mrs. Templerrian.l. CDrra,,0: and' COP- • T Intron (fxpositor . 1560 Nen, dns, Iii, (1+m111111111 , I Ivo BY JOANNE RIMIVIER ty like to horse hat fot a white. urray, 16, a 4-H People from Huron Coun around. People have suspeeteilt but it was noted by Janice M exchange delegate, that people in Huron County. Michigan. literally horse around- hi Michigan. 11 hi a recent exchange wit Huron County. Ontario, 4-H members, including Janice, stayed at various homes. Janice stayed with Lisa Corl, lb. on-what else? - a horse farm. town- fairs The-week-long-event is held 1111— Bad Axe, the centre of the county. The fair opened with a big rodeo, a popular event. There were two huge barns of horses: more than at any other fair Janice had been to. Monday was the day for horse tricks. "It was funny!" she said. In the egg race, the rider held a spoon and an egg with • his or her mouth while riding. there was also a costume race, where both horse and rider were dressed up. Janice was impressed with one rider who was disguised as an Arabian knight and his horse decorated like an Arabian horse. COUNTY CENTRE The fair was about the - same size as Stratford's although Bad Axe has a popluation only slightly larger than Sea- forth's. As the centre cif the county. fiad Axe has three shopping malls; and several fast food chains,: even a MacDonald's! 'However. 'it reaming an agriculture centre, so the fair featured sheep.goats. and calves and crop competitions. Bad Axe is the official. bean capital of Michigan, and bean competition was keen. The town hosts a festival each year. and even has a bean queen. Other than the popularity of beans. Janice said the crops are "exactly the same. You'd think you were in Huron County. Ontario by looking at the crops." Dairy farms are much bigger in the Bad Axe area than here. Most farms have more than 100 cows. Bruce Boneschansker, Ethel, stayed with Larry Gremel, Sebewa- ing, Michigan. whose family had 300 cows. "ItWas one of the top 25 farm's in -sizeitt-the U.S.." said Janice. Her host Lisa was involved with her horses for much of the time Janice was visiting, so Janice spent that time on a dairy farm. She helped with the milking and was amazed at the difference. The farms arc coinputeri4ed, so when milking a particular cow. Janice would press the cow's number into the computer. and the machine would know how much milk to expect. "The milking is so Much more mechanical." PUSH THE MILK The farmers also try to get more milk from each 'cow. "There's no quota so they push the milk." said Janice. , .An obvious difference betWeen Ontario and Michigan is the school system.' Michigan has four schools; grades 1.3. 4-6, 7-8, 9-12. "They don't really understand what grade 13 is. They think we have their four years in our five. [explained grade 13 is harder and leads you into university." She felt Johnny Nielsen. a Seaforth student who goes to the University of Michigan. would have a good start in their university since he attended grade 13. RIVALRY Competition between Michigan State University and the University of Michigan is keen and the rivalry exists throughout the state. Everybody who is anybody owns a shirt from one of the universities and cheers for it whether they went to school there or' not. The Bad -Axe people were very fond of potato, &tips. ,Janiee noticed,- 'They eat potato chips like we eat potatoes." Another major difference betWeen the counties were the addresses. Instead of concessions. each sideroad has'a name. so Janice thought her. hosts lived in town rather than in the country. While in Michigan. the 4-H members from both countries got together for a picnic, a birthday party and a pizza party. "They loVe to party!" said Janice. ,Before the exchange. the Huron County (Ont.) group met once to get to know each other and confirm plans. Len MacGregor of the Huron County office. of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) in Clinton was the organizer of the annual exchange. The 111 local delegates were chosen f=rom 50, applicants. They were chosen by the number of clubs they've completed and how well:they have done. Janice has finished 11 clubs and will receive her provincial honours next year. While in Michigan. Janice looked at the other clubs' achievement books, and felt pride in the Huron County organization. "Our books are more defailed. Their home economist does nothing compared to ours." Throughout the tin-week visit, both Michigan and Ontario. the Huron County residents learned a great deal about both the areas and their people. Janice said they "had a lot of fun" and were constantly playing practical jokes. proving that people from Huron Counties like to horse around. Visits Huron, Mich. wo; ri,amii!-of rdt F -000 i ti '.Alli. Janice Murray The county fair started Augutst nuring the week Janice was in Michigan. As Huron County, (Mich.) is fairly small there is only one fair in the county. much bigger than our \Air the co-operatoe InGur0/**111,10 WOWS UUS! BRUCE SMITH Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK iN0 eaBUS: 348-9975 A83: 348-9975 ° the cai0PelalOig "'"" lidintAktf AND .INANCIAl StilinCtS LlFgatidiVIVAMOilitISINESS•PARNI ok FLOWER ARRANGING COURSE In Dried & Silks 6 weeks - $5.00 + Supplies Starting in September A Iternoon or Evenings THE FLOWER BASKET A.R. 1 Hensail 262-5928 1st House South of Heneall on West Side of qr #4 Highway c'ov`• 46061 loSere Our We Id' WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 SEAIORTH Our repair experts will have your appliance in tip tap shape fast. Call as to. day. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HISARTor bOWNTOWN VARNA" VARNA 21103 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 12, SS Abi Stafa THE LATEST FROM PARIS — Nghia Le, 18, Vanastra look like she wants to be a model but is actually participating in a relay at the Dublin Summer School. The school. is hosting people froin Huron County this month. (Photo by Rimmer) OVER AND UNDER ,Ruth McCreight, an assistant at the Dublin Summer School, helps two of the students. on her team in a relay. Houng Le and Markus Roth are two of the youngest students at. the summer .school but they wanted to join in some of the fun. The school will have Huron County students for August. (Photo by Rimmer) Dublin has official visitors CORRESPONDENT MR. DON MacRAE 34S-2842 Two representatives from the Office of Intergovern- mental Affairs were in the Village Monday afternoon. Your correspondent is having ' difficulty getting details• bin sure wish who ever is in charge would see that the cats and dogs are, kept under control. PERSONALS . Mrs. Harold Schlattman from Matilda Street Dublin visited in Stratford with her sister Mrs. Gladys Keiller and Harold's brother Gordon on Home St. She also visited with Mr. and Mrs: E. Healye in St Marys. Mrs. Louis Dillon has re- turned home from Seaforth Community Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Mike Eckert is recover- ing at home after a mishap with a power lawn mower Mike had the four fingers of his left hand badly mangled while • adjusting a power mower. l• ‘11111=111, Held in New Dundee Enjoy Jordan reunion zi Mr. and Mrs. Allan French (Marilyn Ryan) hosted 'a Jordan family ' reunion at their home in New Dundee on the weekend. The family of the late Joseph and Mary Jordan gathered for a day of reminiscing, swimming in the pool and playing cards. Many pictures were taken. Those present included Mr. and"` Mrs. Mike Coyne, and family; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fiddema and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Coyne and family; Mr. and Mrs. Clem •Schoonderwoerd; Mr. and , Mrs. Pat Devereaux; Mrs. Jean Thomson; Kevin and Larry Coyne; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams; Pat, Char- lene and Pat Delaney. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ryan and family; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ryan and family; Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ryan and Kelly. Maureen. Margaret Ann, Gary and Greg, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McDougall and family; Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Joyis and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanley The day concluded with a delicious smorgasbord din-. ner. Everyone enjoyed the day and decided to make it an annual event. Many thanks to Marilyn and Allan for the use of their home. V WHO NEEDS AN ARENA? — Students at Dublin summer, school fou other means of playing hockey In the summertime: JUN) Kaak, 6, of Mount Carmel was competing in a relay for her team. Martha Looby, an assistant at the school, watches a member of her team. (Photo by Rimmer) Published as a Community service by Natura)ly... Seaforth has variety of stores you would exp ect to find in a growing buyer conscious community. Naturally...The best money saving d by local retailers buys are offere f ocal that lal Prosperity who realiz e means more civic improvements. Since most a Alton Are , your y have their family neighbors. the interests at heart, too. lly save gas monies, Natura ust short and there parking j from where you want to shop. step MAIN