HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-17, Page 5i Nrw4"161o111 TaTts1 E. 0 CIA I LADIES—This cut shows you one of the LATEST styles in Cloth Coats. Having purchased a manu- facturer's stock of samples num- bering over fifty, we .are now prepared to show and sell you the nattiest and most up•to-clate Coats ever shown in Wingham. We can give you a lined Coat for $5.00, and have Coats in Friezes, I3eavers, etc,, rang- ing from $3.50 to $12.50. Extra value at $5,0o, not two alike. Great range. Call and inspect our natty ,coats. . Fur Jackets are selling well, 'but our stock of Thirty -Five Jackets to -day is the best se - leered stock in town and every coat guaranteed, Good value at $28.00 to $37.50. We invite your inspection. JOHN HANNA. 1 1 TAILOR HAS v Burglars made an attempt to burglar- ize Re Knox's jewelry steers on Weduatee day eveping of Net week but were frighteaed away. Mr lieleh Lowrie has gontato Elom to learn tho businese with W. P. D. Norris. M. Toppin, Of Athow, was to guest of Mr. told les. Horton last. . DOWN STAIRS in the store (next C. N. Griffin's Grocery Store) and is preparqd to make your Fall Suits or pvercoats in the most approued and up-to-date style. . Special attentidn given also to Ladies' jackets with New 0 York latest styles E. C. CLARKE. "driellloWAVVII4AVVIillbivarrtwove0146"411~1100/1",4 Oct. 27, 1899., ers! et t e Best• Special Prices this week in . • . . • • i :11171 TiiIINBIllin,Y, number of relatives and Womb; gathered at the home of Mr, 030. Bryc to celebrate his mother's 83rd birthday.... _A. sumptuous dime' was eerved by the to • host and an onjo fie time watt spentby all preeent a. Bryee's home is in Ciplealear Galt, and she ie now visiting her son. Flee is extremely active for now: - son of her age and has tevery indication that idle will live to celebrate a number more birthdays. LONDINBORO. Mr. S. Woodman Is buying a. carload of turkeys to bo shipped next week. Mr, Goo. Axton was in town on Mon- day calling on Mr. Omelette iu the in - interest of the grooery trade. Owing to Rev. Mr. Coupland being away on Sunday the services were taken. by Mr. Stevens in the morning and Mr. Webb in the evening, Mr, and Mrs. Palmer paid a visit to friends on Sunday last. • Mr. Geo, Snell had the misfortune to be kicked on the wrist by a horse ho was clipping ou Friday, which will lay lei -a off wok for a few day. The regular meeting of the council I was held iu the council cite:nib= on Monday. Messrs. W. Geddes and W. Cole, of Belgrave were in the village Monday. wnoxierien. Mr. A. Kea() was izi Wroxeter last It is poor policy to buy INFERIOR RUBBERS at any week ou business. • price. Do not make the mistake of EXPERIMENTING.' No, 3. at $3.20. i with RUBBERS. It is too cOstly. No. 2 at $3.40. : 1 • No. 3,at $3,75. . : I • , We have a full assortment of the very best makes in all i ; 'with all the latest :tnprove- - • : ments. 'kinds and sizes from Men's Heavy Lumbermen's to the ' i Call on UB for your fall , wants in Cow Ties, Lanterns. , Axes, &c. Lowest prices and - - ; high grade goods. ' a ' • We are sole agents for the ; Genuine Lehigh Vaeay Coal. ! Costs no more than ether 1 grades. Prompt delivery. finest and daintiest Ladies' Rubbers made. See our stock and get prices before buying. W J. CLEGG & GO N. B. ----Bring along' your repairing and ordered:work. Satisfaction guaranteed. .. ,, . TO - ,k cola iNAt +It • P .---.111L4111. rern•Cdr41.4-W4-1.'-:;.C•23-!--.C.42;.CS>.-4.(eaW4-'-f;.C6-1--i,%tVA")V-4-rbs'V--Aki-2.-4P--z --.' 10.)1-.-'---..).*Itk :-*'4.-.5 - , • , . . SEE WHAT THE • . T - I ' SOME INTERESTING PRICES IN t • e innerware 97 piece set Sem-Porcelain ioo * " ; 97 - for $ 5.00. . .. ..k.25.1 • - Heavy G Striped, - 7.00. g nd Gold ,Lines, .. • 8.5o. g • g 97 '; pion ated and Gold Lines, - .9,00. 9 . " D- ty filled in Colors and Gold Lines,iQ.00. i • „ • % IOC ' " orence Pattern and Gold.Lines, 12.5o. % 112 " 4 4 • ' 4 4 i4 : 44 4 • •,.....-.-"'•'111 i ! iMajolica ardinieres, 5 to io inches: A job lot secured i 1 .to ell at wholesale prices at , 'i GRI FPI NI"§ C4145.cdirIAMCIVFIS-W4W4M.1-^,P.-;9-1Pt ,jno. Bugg & Son Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public 4111 find us in the CORNER STORM, desirous l)f securing by fair dealing and bon. est values a share of the patronage. The prestnt stock will be offeied C4REA'i'L1t It:EDUCED PRICES: Ibusefornishings, Cntlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil Always hi stock. Special attention will be given to cur 100103F3'.11r0-......Na> Having had large experience in cities, WO excel in Pumice Work, not Water and Steam :Heating, Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing,'Steel Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings. Call en us. We shall be pleased to make your aequaintance, feeling ra we shall gain your confidence, • DIAMOND PORK SHOP Opposite Post Office, Says Fresh Beef and Poi k, Lamb • Bologna • Pickled, Pork, Headcheese Breakfast &eon • Sausage Smoked Pressed Beef Side:Pork Tripe .corn Beef Pressed Tongue Mrs. White, who has been visiting friends in Mitchell, has returned home. Misses Ellie and Smith, of Brus- sels, were the guests ofMr. Oliver Smith this week.. Mr. George Schulteis,of Milchnay, has accepted a situation with Maelvie & Hemphill. Mrs. Robert Gibson. and Mrs. Brown, have returned home after a visit with frim?cls in Chesley. . • Mr. R. Black iamaleinginore iniprove- ments to the dem. The new electric light. plant will soon be in working order. Fifteen lights will be placed on the streets. On Sunday last Richard Griffith, son of John Griffith, Esq., a the 6th con, of Howick, a lad of about 11 years of•agei, took a bottle of gunpowder to this bush and then tried the experiment of stick!, I Ov, • itt%13 (0), \-4504"6.r...!; .,..111140.'a'''i(iiit'r"`Y;;Ii.i. 1, frVY -711 ppy,:-of 15i):.,!;:i 4. • ' Mc. )4iirriatrair no^ mar laakvaltsr, ,4a A NOVA SCOTIA. VARNER sum= 4,6 Time 14,; FOR FIFTEEN YEARS. initiated and aftex oilbac • bushvas the risiten it er ent fee/dead Sige Consulted. rear Doctors, But Um Only B�. a sumruns ptsupper. Au imprurlits, iletThey Gave Kim "Was Throuali Stijeotof - ions or norpliitie-lir. Wantonsia ' PU gr"alne, s()_ s'. °P.,eee194131 "e"11444 J?Illsg?outis vo:x yea iv Dote. tlas eoutributoes. 'Bettered Ulla to lian e:4th d, ./1,,? and listeners and A, most enjoyable elm WS Spout. ram the News, Truro, N. S. POLIOS MAGT/irliATE'S Suntima 1VIr. Robert Wright, of A lton, Coolies,'- Jones parke ceaeaussa Namastaake. er Co., N. Ss is now oue of the hardest o1,011don, died suddenly in his private working farmers in this seetioxt. But office on menciay afternoon. Re bad Mr, Wright was not always blessed with uet be m feeurx very duri.,r,r, the perfect health; as a matter of face W1 early part of the day earl heel a cernme some fifteen years be was a martyr to alum with bis partner, Ivr.r. purfuni, what appeared to be an incurable trot tble. also hie HOU, LI ga1 to Iii Leta% in In conversation lately with a. News re- general, leaving them to causele with porter, Mr. Wright said; "1 ani indeed cian, Dr. Woodruff, who " his physi grateful that the trouble which bothered forniud him that 1io Ind heart tr mble, me for so many years is gone, and I am from which old re•rAl .ottou euffered, quite willing to fan you the particulars for publication. It is a good many years He then returned to his office end cen- since my trouble first began, slight at versed upon several matters a business. first, but later intensly severe pains in An hour later he was dead. the back. Usually the pains attacked - COC.NTEurBIT 13114.4.—A very danger- .1 me when working or lifting, but often mks two -dollar Canadian counter:lot bi11 when not at work at all, With ovary, has made its appearance and has been attack the pains seemed to grow worse, circulated apparently quite widely. It until ffnally I was confined to the house, hewever, not nearly so good a emmt- and there for five long months was bed- erfeit as the one -dollar bills recently dia. ridden, and much of this time could not tributedand is much, more easily detect - move without help. My wife required ed. It is a Dominion of Canada. note of 2 to stay with me constantly, and became July , 1897, xeries. The vignette is nearly exhausted. that of the Prince of Waleson the front, During the time I was suffering thus while on the back is a fishing scene. was attended by fear different debtors. The back of the -note is particularly Some of them pronounced my trouble badly printed. The color is a muddy S lumbago, others sciatica„ but they did- brown. The paper has a greasy appear - not cure mo, nor did they give me any mice and the ink has a purplish hue. relief, save by the injection of morphine. For years I suffered thus, sometimes confuted to bed, and other times able to go about and work, but always suffering from the paiu,until about three years ago when. I received a new lease of life, and - a freedom from. the 'pains that had so long tortured me. It was at this time that Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills for Pale People were brought tomyattention and I got two boxes. The effect seemed marvellous and I got six boxes neer and before they were all used I was healthy ram and free from p . It is about three years since I wa ured and during that time I have ne r had au at- tack of the old trouble, d. therefore I can strongly testify tot sterling quality of Dr. Williams' Pin Pills. Sitio° they did such good_ worl or mo Ihave recom- mended them to s eral people for various ailments, and t • pills have always boon saccessful." Dr. Willi s s' Piuk Pills cans by go- ot of the disease. Thy re- nd up the blood, and strength - ryes, thus driving disease from the sy m. Avoid imitatious by insist- ing t t every box you purchase is eli- des in a es-repro:bearing the full trade ; Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale ple. • WEST WAWANOSH.. • 'Council met according to adjournment, on Weclueeday, Nov. iist, inembere all present; Rebve in theech air. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. . , Treasurer's statement showed balance; onhand of $26.06 filed. Zanies Johnston asked chtuity for JOhn Schultz, $10.00, plaited on motion of Thompson and Me- Quilliu. The taxies of Mrs. J. Alton was refunded on -motion of McQuillinaud. O'Connor. With regarekto complaint of George Smith re -approach to his gateway Board agreed to take no actin. in the matter. The clerk was instructed to issue de- bentures re Mtinchester drain for i)105. The following ehecka, were issued:, cherity,.$15.00; Geo. Tisdale, gravel•account, p2,1.of John. O'Connor, pipping road, eon.r 6 1.00; Robert Thompsen, geavel .account, 98 one; D. Kennedy, gravel account, $3.43; B. A recapitulation of the casualties in. O'Connor, gravel account, 3.7i; lesscs- actions end deaths in the regular and sor, Clerk and ReeVo, selecting jur $4.00 each; Winicipal Wold, supplies, volunteer armies of the T.Taited States lietweeu May, 189, and Jane 80th, 1899, $1.06; E. Morten, inspecting, $3.00; D. - Carroll, gravel aboount, $117.04; S. Smith, cOntained in the annual ropat of the Adjutant-gel:era oftbe 41:11ln shows a. bridge north Bormdary, $9.50; A. Johns- grand total of 10,070 men. The casualty ton, grading, gravelling and etc., $44.42; W. Burkett, repairhig bridge con., 7, list alma; egeregates 8,454, of whom 38 officers and. 458 enlisted 311011 were killed, $5.00; P. Kearney, repairing bridge con., and 137 officers a11d 2,761 enlisted mere 6,$1.00 ; Joseph Edwards, gravel accoant, wounded. $1.68: John Kiepatrick, grading, gravel- ling, ditching and etc., 008.24; John ing to the hag a lighted match into the bottle. The new and result was an. explosion and a badly, ens the scared boy with some cuts and burns., Medical aid was sent for 'but Tonne/the the boy was more scared than hurt. However it might have been. moral serious. Miss 1VIaud,Gofton, entertained a nume; ber of her friends one evening last week* Guests were present from Whigham; Brussels, Genie and other points. A. most enjoyable time was spent. Mr. Thomas Kay, of Glencoe, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. tilmord, last week.h There mei in the es...wheat 0g Oatarie- .. 58000 Sabbath schools: with a member- ship of 425,000. This an increase of 1,- 800 schochs durin,g the past twelve years or at the rate of 150 per year. When the thildren are hungry, what do you give Spice Roll, Lard, ?ow,&c., them? Food. always On hand. • When thirsty? Water. Our prices are -right. Orders called for and. meat delivered to any Now use thesame good' art of the town. common sense, and what. .Your patronage, solicited. ' litlm. mu palsip would you gi'vethem when . . ., i they are too thin? The best ' fat -forming food, of course. Somehow you think, of .1111.1 MILE Scott's Emulsion at once. OF - For a quarter of a century it has been *flaking thin HOLSTEIN DAIRY' children, plump; weak child- emospiti is pure , and cold and costs.— . 6 • 6 • • • • • • I HRtE OEM'S .A. QVART. ren, strong ; sick children, healthy. soe. and Um. all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtmista,Torertte. • AN EASY PROPOSITION Beauty ana style without comfort is easily obtainable, etenifort with. out appearance is equally simple. You never saw ati ugly pair of "Slater Shoes," yet inany of thent covereet.comfortably most unlovel fy The combination of thee two— tendert and beauty—are mile* to be had iu the "Slater Shoe." Made in twelve shapes, on 'Matt modelled from actual feet, all widths and sizes, leathers, Stylea and colors. Every pair. Ge -year welted, name end twice *naiad ou the sole. 42.00 ANZ SC/n.00. 4 ..• 31 5;aki Only h SON. • Bitozaw Law.—On Sunday evening last Rev. ,T. C. Pomeroy, the Methodist pastor, preached one of the most force- ful'sermons in opposition to dancing and. card playing that hes ever been. heard in Southampton. The rev. gentleman said he woad not argue the 'point as to whether it was wrong to deuce or play cards, but each things were in cpposition to the laws of the church, and the laws of the church sliceild be lived up to. Be expressed the hope that those who want to indulge in these paisihnes would withdraw their names from, the roll of members of the church.—Southempten Eaacon. FLEECING ran Fetztarens.—The,:e seems to be no end to the s. -homes of small - hero swindlers to pick up a living from • the farming eoummuity. The latest . plan reported isle call on farmer and beg poverty and request a feed of oats for their: horse, witieh is randy refused. When the .louation is aefily stewed asvey in the waggni., an ...th.ar rrdar is caiLd on. ad tho same oh a stay is told. When the bags erefilled the artist chives to the nearest village and sells out. After leadieg up with liquid refresh- ments they start in hunt of freshvictims. Let the farmers be on the loekout for these vagrants. YotiNG PEOPLE'S PAPER. A copy has reached us of the first uuniber of the Young People's Paper, published by , T. J. Shanks & Co„ at 1rinL-8, up, Ontar- io. This journal is intende.',. „ the young follteeo ., Canada what the, Yontli's conipanion or Harper's Young; People is to those of the United. States, so fax as the much Inver price—half a - dollar a year—will permit. Ties :num- ber before" 11:4 cousins an 1i:to-resting selection Of short stories, aw cdotes, accounts .'of travel and adventure, glimpses of natural science, bits of use -- fill info, illation, . and other matter especially :suited to the youthful mind. In an article addressed to, parents- par- ticular stress is laid on the .imptattince of seeing that their children are sup- plied with something better than the trashy.and degrading literature so com- mon at the present day. ''W'elsh, brushing and gravelling, oon, 2e $38.50; H. Glenn, gravel account, $3.20; 3. Miller, stone hutment and gravelling, $18.50; Mrs. Robinson, charity, $10.06; i I John Meletau, gravel account, $11.60. Council adjourned to moot on Dec. 15, at 10 o'clock. "4 Fair Outside is a Poor Substitute For Inward Worth" Good health, inwardly, of .W„ 5, MoCnosnx, Clerk. the kidneys, liver and bowels,. is sure to come if :Flood' s Sar- saparilla is promptly used. Thls secures ti fair outside, and consequent vigor hi the frame, with 'the glow of health an the cheek, good appetite-, perfect digestion, pure blood. Chicago to Montreal, mid poseielly to Ilea:Warm:bleu. with dizziness, tired feeling wee la poor L.,061t Of APPEAR° " Liverpool,fer both passengers wad fraght and loss of tippetite. 1 was completely roe is soon to bo established by a E.CW traUS. ::41Pae P:115kg1,(0Mttt.,;:sacal,l,P, partation line that has alreaey been in- rilla built me up." teem: A. itiseeie; Old 1 Chelsea, 'Rear Ottawa, qua. corpora:ed. witithin°11telatre"he lhlan‘ro sbneeln ail.Tdabwleads Miss Agnes Grieve, daughter of Mr. anvil run down. Tried llood's Sarsaparilla •1Win. Grieves /telKillop, who has been t.nching in :Mallet, for the past two m sinttlizttitrearrsertfoloterstarticedt,ttLItronmetou, Ont. A. yr', has be= etiga;ead, torkiVr ni n. 9, icst Wawanosh, for mitt az at it, salary of T113 11i of title :eel ien will fitul Mies Grieve a 1 :!.r,roty,V1;,- competent teacher ani a 41. nrti.; (timable youiti; lady. 4 •• InttreatiegNewa Itema. Seven hundred Chinese loft Vancotreer in the S. S. Empress of Japan to retnen. to Chien,. Direct traussortation by water from • w ,. '4,4%