HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-08-05, Page 20HEATHER MepEUMON MAUREEN HUTCHINSON
Leo Clab Liolsaw Club
Now Canadian Chb .
HLhm F
9n1&d of Wivivebw
$100.00 Topnotch Feeds
towards, contestant expenses `
to C.K.E. Paigeant; $100.00j
1st Prize Commercial Hotel; y f
75.00 -,2nd Prize, Queens
Hotel; SO.00 - 3rd Prize,
-« Seaforth Motors Ltd., 25.00 -
1 McGavin Farm. Equipment, '{
25.00 Vincent Farm _Equip- ° '
meat 'Ltd.; 25x00 Me- a
Laughlin Chev-Olds; 25.00
I„ .t
.. .
Geo. A. Sills k Sons Hard-
2S w 00 Seaforth
� ,.
25.00 Canadian Tire Corp; r
Sieniforth Dbtrict High School Seafortb Junior Ftarmen Contest donated by Ken R. -- geafag* *910 Cub Seatf "ll Wt11MMIS Inrthate Seafw l Iaz%a '
Campbell Farms; I dozen
carnations donated -by Scott's
Flowers to the Oueen.
` Seafor thE Agrl"c u
OFFICERSFOR 19S0 Robert Broadfoot, Brian Campbell, Kenneth 'Coleman, Neil Dolmage, OLD MacDOIJ'ALDS - George Townsend, Eric McIntosh, Randy Wilson
Past President ...... ... Ka nethth Moore Robert Fotheringham, Kenneth Gemmell, doe Gibson. Francis Hicknell, PET SHOW - Jack TurnbuIP '
President .... lots Hodgert, Hank Binnortdyko, Lyle Haney, Kwln Kale, Bill Strong, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Paul Carroll
First Vice President.... . . . . .. . . . . Robert BrOadfool George Townsend, BIII Wallace, Jim McNichol, Rosa Ribey, Gordon PENNY SALE Ken & Lots Moore. Ken & Doris CerriodMn
Second Vice President . . Robert Fotherlrlgharn Pullman. PARADE - Brian Campbell, Art Bolton, Norma Riley. David Kemp
Auditors... . . . . . . Arthur Bolton, Alfred -flow WOMEN'SDIVISiON TURF. CLUB - Phil eisbeck
Q Past President- Mrs. Helen Thompson; President - Mr& Lois Hodgert; First. DANCE- Bob,Fothiringham, Francis Hicknell, Bill Strong, Kien Carnochan
Vice President - Mrs. Janet Vincent; Second Vies President - Mary TABLE S, CHAIR - Bob Fotheringham, Ken Coleman
Fotheringham; Secretary - Audrey McLean; Treasurer - Jane Rimmer. FAIR QUEEN = Bill and Doreen Strong
SHEEP - Goorge Townsend
1981COMiNiTTEES (Ilntr11lt1teCttairrrnsatj BUILDING iMPRO14EMENM STUDY - Executive of Society
HEAVY HORSES - Gordon Pullman, Oliver Pryce, Ken Campbell
LIGHT HORSES - Joe Gibson, Norma Riley, BIII Strong
Russell Bolton 1951/52155
BEEF - Francis Hicknell, Nall Dolmage, Joe Devereaux,
Arthur Nicholson 119WI54
DAIRY - Bia,Wasacs, Hank Binnendyke, Kevin Kate, Gordon'Pappte
Robt.''E. McMillan 1880161
SWINE - Lyle Haney, Stuart Wilson, Robert McMillan, Francis Hunt.
Gordan Papple, 1982183
EGG-- CIAlre Reath, Or, B. Thomson
Harold Pryce 'I N4165
Earl MrSpadden IN6167
PUBLICITY - Ken Coleman''
ARthureolton 19WI69
g Coyne
GRAIN & FiELD CROPS - Ken Gemmell, Bob F6theriWdEim; ''LOW
John Murphy1970
daces 1973174
PARKING, Allan Nicholson; Wayne Dolmage
(SATE KEEPING - Jim McNichol, Kevin Kale, Bill Hodgen
GROUNDS 8 PROPERTY -Kan Moors, Joe Gibson, George Townsend
Write,tttssecretary, Mn. Sharon Flanagan, R.R. 91, Dublin, Ont. or pick-up
' Kenneth Campbell
MIDWAY - Ken Coleman, 8111 Wallace, Bob I:othsringham)
at Mn. Lola Hodgen, 132 Main Street,, N., Seaftirth, Ontario.
W.D. Wilson
KennethMoofe 1979180
INDOOR CONCESSIONS - Ross.Rlbey, Bob'Broadfoot
Rules Et Regulations
& Prize winners to In& &mount of 55.00 or over are required to (save
19. While officers and directors of this SWNtty will use every available
1. Society reserves right to award monies not taken up In one section to
membership fee of $3.00 for 1982•
mesne to prevent accidents in and about the grounds, it must be strictly
other else aes, providing entries merit i Prizae.9.
Payment will be made by cheque before December 1'. Cheques must be
understood that all persons going Into or. upon the grounds must personally
2 Articles for competition In Indoor dbpartments Including one, to be In
cashed. by March 1 following; or revert to Society•
10. Alt clock Send' articles exhibited must be bona flda property of tete
assume all risks of accident or Injury. from accident$ from any cause
showroom before T2 o'clock noon on the first dry of the exhlbltlop. Sept. 24
and properly located in thein own departments, and all stock to ba on the
exhibitor and all grains, seeds, fruits, flowers and vegefaWM exhibited
2D. While Directors will take avert' possible precaution under the
grpunds by 11:30 o'clock a.m..of the second day, Sept. 25 except entries In
must have been produced on farm or garden of exhibitor; any person
Circumstances to secure satefy for exhibitors, the Owners themselves must
Case J which must be in by 11 o'clock Sept. 24.
Infringing on these rules shall forfeit .prize money4
11. Judges will be particularly requested to hive regard to merit In all Stock
take the risk of exhibiting, and sho6ld•..ony artfelf be-addolently injured, lost
a stolen, the DiractiA will give ►il assistance in their power towards
Payments of $3.00 will constitute a yearly membership and will entitle
themsmber so paying totmmplete In any or all of the regular departments.
and articles extilbited for competltlbh and to withhoid any premiums if they
ra y", but will A t ,hake any payment for the value thereof•
A membership permits one free pea to ihegrounds, a{tdcart be used either
consider the stock or article undsrarving, end that a first or second prize be
21 • In case of bad or unfavorable weather or other reasons, causing the
Thursday evening of Friday but only' onto.
not given to a third class animal, or In sweepstakes If they consider the
competition not sufficient.
receipts to fall short of paying the expsriese and ail prizes in full, a t
Additional pause will be allowed is follows (not mere than three panes
per paid up Member):
12. Any exhibitor or attendant who le' guilty of creating a disturbance,
proport)onste amount, exclusive of tnembenhip, will be dedtuctodjI
such prize@ to" We the dilesdorx to balance the aeoounte without 14n to I
Horsell (nett two), each 2 animals over 2•- 1 pan
whether by openly criticizing the Judge or using obscene language to any r
the Society. The Directors toolflat this oourooUthe most0461tableSid fair t
Cattle, sun,4 Animals over 4 - 1 pass
judge or officer shelf forfeit the right to any premium and may be
thatca ibealgpledandanydeductionwlitfallproporilonatelycrrall those$
Swine, each 8 animals over 8 - t pass
suspended by Society from exhibiting.participating
In the amounts collected and not leave the whole sum to be r
4. Entries to be in the handeof. the amatory not Mer than September 21.
Vehicles puked In no parking area shall to towed away at the owner's
debt to bear heavily On the Society and thus Impair Its Usefulness. '
M additional fie of, We will be charged for late entries on Thursday; $1.00
22. Dedslori of the Judges Is final„
will be cherged for late entries on Friday. Late entries for Indoor exhibits will
13. No two persons' will be allowed to show on one ticket.
23. Directors are not responsible for articles left to the Routed lipase after 6
to those after 11:OOo'docka.m.onSeptember 24address all entries toMrs.
1Shsroh Flanagan A.R. 1, Dublin. NOP 1E0.
14. Any member showing cattle shall give hls'orher animal aname, and any
member exhibiting an animal In more clressschat one (except for special or
P.M. Sept; 28.
In case of error or ornioston in the Prize gist the DIrWofs will^have the
Juding of ail,dasen both Indoors std outdoors will commence sharp at 12
Qoyp prizae) shall forfeit all prizes awarded should any be taken. No, prize
power to correct the same.
o'clock noon both gays. Gesso of livestock will be called as they appear
bad* or models allowed On. animals in ring and no prize Tickets or modals
in tete book'snd animals must be In the rind within five minutes after their
allowed on Pans until otter such animals are judged.
POINT SYSTEM - In all efassoo excW Ladies:
dans Is called.
15. Ltlrntock pirsde at 4p.m. Each exhibitor's hard must be represented or
1st -10; 2nc!4; 31'd.8; 4th -7; 5t"; at"; 7th -4; fkh4; Otill and 10th -11.
5, ENTRY FEE: 15 per caret from ail winnings from S5. UP. Merrtbarsmp
prize money may be withhold.
only deducted up -to $5.1X). 15 percent deducted over 1550 oxcept West irm
18. No porton allowed In ring except ludges.gr Managers,, and t1o'persbn
Horse Show.
allowed to speak to the judges white on dutyraixcW-appointed officers.
Q All parties having paid their subscriptions, and only such will be emitted
17. No member, being an exhibitor In any den. shall as t M sti judge or be
le compete.
present or s000mpany this judge white that particular class Is being juddW<
7. No*Wb fa welt b*4MWWOd tho prlvilegeof etrlklnp out entries nW@ and
18. No articles to bar removed from showroom before 4,06 p.m. on third day
of fair. Exhibitionh ll"Ibedalsiedbyspoolatoreat40p,m.ofthrtday
Ulan one pr In any ono section of a due In Ir d1gor dopa mant, or mon
sod none will son to admitted except those hoWng prasaa etld emitted to
titan 2 Olies In any section of a don in livestock.
ronto tie goods on exhibition. Ff'
,.,.., . 11,11 ..
On behalf of the Ladies Division of the Seaforth
Agricultural Society I welcome all exhibitors and spectators
to our 136th Fail fair,
Due to the enthusiasm and efforts of all committees we
are pleased to present this 1981 prize list.
`- As our 1981 fair will be a three day event the
Homemaking Section, Elementary and. Secondary School
Exhibits will remain on display until 4:00 p.m. Satgrday.
My sincere thanks to my executive and to all members for
their co-operation and support.
° May your .day at our Fair be most enjoyable.
Lois Hodgert, President Ladies Division
Judging 12:45
Committee - Gordon Pullman, Oliver Pryce, Ken Campbell
Section A2 Clydesdale
Section A-3 Percheron
Section A-4 Belglan
1. Brood man with fool by side, .......................8 5 4 3 2
2 Foal Of 1981 ............... .... ...6 5 4 3 2
3: Filly or geldlnuc 3 yeanold:.:..:.:...: ; :. , :.. ti . . :e 5--4- 3 2'
y5� -4 -3 2..
5, Filly orgaidlog, t year old .. . ......................6 5 ,4,_ 3 2
6. 510000 W-- W: $5.00 entry fee; one entry from each exhibitor - $15.;
$13; S12; $11; $10; 39; $8; $7; $7,
7. Township Special: For bast 3 horses from any municipality, not
necessarily owned by one exhibitor - $12; $9; $8; $3.
8. Beat handled colt led by boy or girl 17 years and under S5; $3; $2•
9. Beet heavy horse on grounds ....................... 4.......1111.-. ........ Badge
10. Light draught tacit In Harness.....................35 30 25 20
11. Percheron team In harness........:' ....... .........35 30 25 20
12. Belgian Teirrtln harness ..........................35 30 25- M
13- Clyde team in harness...., .................... . ..35 30-. 25 20
14. Commercial team In hsrnaa..................... .35 30 25 20
15. Single commercial horns In hams .................16 10 8 , 5
16. Four -horse tandem hitch ................., ........10,00 per entry
17. Unicorn hitch...................................15.00 per entry
M clamse 11, 12, 13, 14 It there are more than 5 entrtse in a clrn the
doss maybe split to light and heavy at the discri tion of the committee with
full prize motley paid.
Committee: Francis Hicknell; Joe Devereaux, Neil Dolmage
CATTLE: All cattle must be free from Infectious or Contagious Dls.wes
such as Ringworm and Pink -eye.
Ail cattle must be negative to a blood test for Brucellosis, within 60 days
of the Fair, except:
(a) Steers
(b) Spayed heifers
(c) Brua11oo1s vaccinated animals under 18 months of age (vo c<-.)Certlflcata
to accompany animals).
(d) Animals from Brucellosis Free Listed Herds (owners to obtain form HA
r h
4 from their local Health o1 animals 13 enc office).
(et Calves under 6 months of age.
. iood
tam fes aretc be taken by local
erinarieor their
approved.. technicians..Carttlicate must -be presented before--cattle-,are
Sc. B-1 - Shorthorn
Sec. B-2 - Herford
Sec. B-3 - Charolais
Sec. B-4 - Angus
Prize -money paid in each of the Sections will be.
S45; S35 -.S25 -.S23; $20;:.515; $13'; STD: SB; $6
'There must be at least 3 breeders per breed with 12 animal exhibited.
All exhibits must be owned by and registered in the name of the exhibitor.
Note exceptlonsln the Breeders Herd Class. If qualifications not met, 50%
of prize money will be. paid.
LIGHT HORSES A-5 Section .
Judging 12:45 -
Committee -JoeGlbwn, 8111 Strtulg, Norma Riley SEVEN. CLASSIFICATIONS FOR BREEDING ANIMALS
Entry Fee -15% from all wlnnings from $6.00 tip (Breed Competition)
' ' Class Bate of Girth
I. Catrlaua torn in harries/.......... , ..............20 15 12 8 1. Bull April t , 1980 - Dec. 3.1. 1980
2. Road team In harnsee .............................20 15 12 8 2. Bull Jan. 1, 1980- March 31, 1980
3.. Single Carriage (horse ..................... . ......10' 8 . 8 4 _... . 3. Bull' Jan. 1, 1979 - Dec. 31. 1979
4. Single Roadster ............. . ..... . .............10 8 8 4 4. Female Jan..1, 1980 - Dec. 31,19W
S. Goniltarrtan's road 1'100, must two horse shown 5, Female - Born Jana 1, 1479 - Dec. 31, 1979, with her own 1981, natural,
in does 4,. ......................................15 12 10 8 purebred. tattooed, calf at toot. Female sad calf Mall bershowrt 10 a unit
S. Registered Hackney Pony On line ..• • • ... • - - . • • • • • • • 8 , e 4 2 except the Calf Is eligible to be shown as a single in class of'Breeders Herd.
7, Single,holenese pony, 11 handi4, under.............12 S10 8 6 6, Female- Born prior to Jan. 1, 1979 with her own 1981, natural, purebred,
G. Single Haimeas pony. 11 hs[1ds Q over < .............12 10 8 8 tattooed calf at foot. Female and calf shall be shown As a unit except that
9. Single Hockney, potty. 111 hands 8, Dust • • • • • . • . • • • • • • 12 10 8 8 the calf Is eligible to show -as a single animal in the class of Breeders Herd.
110. St le Ha rosy pony, 11 hands S, under. , . , ......12 10 8 8
arta 7., Breeders Herd - Aroup of 4 animals bred by the exhibitor, both s@res
11..TawnHackney ponies, 11 hands&over .............20 15 12 8 x rspreesmid, must be exhibited In previous classes. At least one ordinal
12 Team HrtiaM ponies, 11 handle 8, Over . ............20 15 12 8 must be owned by the exhibitor, Limited to one exhibit per exhibitor.
13. Team Shetland porlisle, 50„ S under..: ........2D 15 12 8 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS
14. -,Pony rape an track ................................ 8 _ k 4. 2 ALTERNATIVE II All, exhibits must be weighed at the show prior to
- showing with the birth date, show weight, and weight per day of age for all
calves and yeatltngs.being posted in the stall.
" Seaforth Agricultural Society authorizbt two entries per class in a
maximum of two clauses in Section "8".
NOTE: For tea purpose of the Bed Cattle ClaalflatIons one entry shall be
Interpreted as follows:
„ Ail registered beet cattle Of one breed whether owned by one arson or
mtaratharror�eparstfn (Indivitj dailyllr'Joiht►ji)-vfitch tiramilnlatnrofon orfs
faor in Ing unit are =sidersd to be production of one farm or
t breading unit.
Palmer Farm donates rosettes to� grand champion female, reserve grand
champion female, grand champion male and reserve grand champion male
for each breed. q
Toronto Dominion Bank, Sesforth, offs re a silver tray to any one
broader with the most points in any one section.
t � I
{,� SHOW.
Yr ESTER N r S o RSE SHO ` -��/ . Oommlttss: Bill W111soa, Hank BlnrlarMYke , Gordon Pappb, Kelvin K01e
Thun:,,Sept•247p.m.,sharp Sec. C-1,Ayrstein
Sestorth Fair Grounds Sell • C-2 HoAL
Snow Chairparois - Norma Riley, Havey Ho00art HEALTH REt7U1REMENTtf-HURON COUNTY FAIRS
'All Cattle must be (vee from Infectious or Contagious Diseases each as
Jr. Entry Fee: 112. - Prize Money -'17, 10, 8. d, 4 Ringworm and Pink-eya.
Sr. Entry FM: 33 Prize MOW = 20, 15, 12. 10, 5 Allplitle must be negative to a blood test for Bntcellorls, within 60 days
{� of the Fair.
Harvey H09W . Ring Steward. 4PS" 57
Each exhibitor pays $3.00 membership to Setforth Aarkultural Society. EXCEPT:
(a) Steels
1. YUfeeterrt Plaeattn • Jr A., Sr, (b) Spayed heifers
(C) Brucalloifs vaccinated animals under 118 months of age Ivacc, certificate
2 8srn1 Rata - Jr. A., Sr.
Sr.' to accompany Listed
3, Command Ellminatton - Jr. A.
f i F�ofa' Sending- Jr. A., 8r. (d) Animals Free Listed H@rds (owner to obtain farm HA 4 from their focal
S, WaOtaln Riding • Sr.Health of Animals Branch office).
d Keyhole Raos -'Jr. A., it. (e) Calvesunder 8 months of age
7. Hunt, Sets Equitation • Jr. A., Sr. Blood sample are to be taken by loaf partklpating vetarlarlars or
S. Double figure 8 - Be iertifape mustoved technicians.
Qshara) Rulas - The Society reserves tits right to Cancel or combine disease Certificate must B presented before Y TOtle are unloaded.
111 ��*,• i
On behalf of the directors, ladies division and secretary,
Mrs. Jack Flanagan we would like to invite you to our
136th Seaforth Fall Fair.
Being the sec6nd.3 day fair in Seaforth we have planned
many new events to make it fun for young and old alike. In
expanding our livestock 'section we have added a sheep
class to make it the biggest yet. New signs will lead you
around the grounds.
Mark your calendar September 24, 25 and 26 and come
ID your fair and support agriculture in our community.
Ken Coleman, President
• i r• .lS^ irr-
1. Female- Junior Heifer Born Oct 1, 1980
From a dam with at least one record April 30. '1981
with a minimum of 120 B.C.A. for milk
2. Female- Intermediate palter Born May 1. 198(1,
From dam with at least one 120 J.0 A Sept30.19Wrecord with a minimum of
for milk
3. Female - Senior Heifer Born Oct 1. 1979
From Adam withal least one record April 30.1980
with a minimum of 120 B C Afor milk
4. Female Born Jan 1. 197,9
In milk, dry, or not yet Sept 30, 1979
calved for first time. (2 years old)
Must be either from a dam with at least one record with a minimum B C A
bf 120 for milk or the exhibit must have attained a 'production record
equivalent to a minimum B.C.A. of 120 for milk.
5. Female Born in 1978
In milk or dry. If dry must (3 years old)
be within approximately 8 Wks of calving.
Must be either from a dam with at least one record with a minimum B.C.A.
of 126 for milk, or the'exhlbit must have attained a production' record
equivalent to a'minimum B.C.A. of 120 for milk. if the exhibit Itself has a
m '
production record it -must qualify onilsewn erite
6. Female Born in 1977
In milk or dry. If dry mMst be (4 years old)
1x•1 within approximately 8 Wks of calving
At least one record with a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk.
7. Female Born in 1976
In milk or dry. If dry must be (5 years aid)
within approx. B weeks of calving.
At least one record with a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk.
6. Female Born prior to 1978
In milk or dry. If dry must (mature cow)
be wilhin.approx. 8 weeks of calving.
At least One record with a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk.
9. Breeders Herd (bred and owned by exhibitor). Group of 4 animals but not
more than one bull. Each animal in the group must -have been exhibited in
ale of the classes for single animals. The registration' certificate for each
respective animal must show the exhibitor as "breeder" and as "owner" --
-16 both cases;elther as an Individual or In partnership. In other words; the
exhibitor may be a `joint owner" of an animal and/or the "joint breeder"
of an animal. All the animals must be from one farm or'breeding unit.
10. Best udder close
Judge shall designate best two udders in classes 6, 7 and 8. These
designated exhibits shall compete for first and second best udders In the
show. Prize money to -be paid on first and second placings only.
Seeforlh Agricultural Society authorizes two entries per class in a
maximum of two classes In Sections C1. C2.
Prize'mbney in each, of the Sections will,be:
W;'$35; $25 $23; S20 515: $13: $10; $636.
•'Theremust'be at isnot 3'breodera Wth at least 3 imTrnafp each titeach
breed to quality for full prize money. I qualifications not met, 50-/ of prize
rhoney will be paid.
SPECIAL 1 year subscription p The Huron Expositor for 'winner of/ most
points in Section C-1, C-2.
Breeding Classes;
For thepurpose of 1116 1981 Clasaification an entry 1hall be Interpreted las
All registered cattle, whether owned by one parson or by more than one
person (individually or Jointly) which are maintained on one farm or
breeding unit, are considered to be the production of one farm or breeding
Where the saline, or common lntereata we Involved In Met@ than One dairy
breeding operation such operations we oo widened so One Breading Unit.
Group Classes:
The registration certlfkxate for each respective animal must -show tete,
exhibitor as "breeder' and as "owner" - In both canes either as an
individual or In partnership. In other words, the exhibitor may be a "joint
owner" or an animal and lot the.:fofhirbreader' of an animal. Therefore the "
• animals must be:
1. Owned and bred by the exhibitor, or
2. Jointly ownifd and Wed by the exhibitor, or
3. Owned and jointly bred by the.exhibitor.
4. Jointly owned and jointly bred by the exhibitor.
AIF ientries must be owned by and registered in the name of the exhibitor
Production Record (B.C.A.).
In those classes where a certain minimum B.C.A. for milk Is a requisite
for entry, either R.O.P. records or areeords issued under D.H.i.A.
(Standard Plan) in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario,
are acceptable.
V °1