HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-17, Page 4"'MOAN TIMES, 1 1 'O WANT LATE WAR NEWS, OA Mint your isuimalki to thrive work wellaanllloolevcall, feed them Hca B GEUM, your horse is out of condition feed HERBA.GEUM. " la you are fattening calves, cattle or 4440/111 feed there I'IER:OAGEUM,. If you are keepia cows for millr, but - tee, c'r cheese, feed there HERBAGEUM. 11. feeding Herbage= animals get about one fifth more nourishment out of the food --fatten one fifth sooner, and 'weigh. ono fifth More than others the siame size. When you want Ilerbageeimcome to GOLIN A. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. THE WINfillAM TIMES. $. B.ELLICTT.1%1BL-ism:E ANA PRorRIFTOR. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1899, EDITORIAL NOTES. Hos. Clifford Sifton is addressing meetings in. Manitoba, and the North "West Territories. Hos. Mr. Latchford was elected by over 200 majority in the bye -election in South Renfrew on Tuesday. Sin. Cliarles Tupper is stumping in the ^west, A rumor has been current on the street here that the leader of the Oppo- sition will visit Winghaui in the near future. AT a convention of the Liberais of South Ontario held in Whitby on Tues- day, Hon. John Dryden was -anent- ?newly renominated as the candidate in the coming bye -election. THERE is being built at Bay City,Mich., for bTov., delivery, an ice -breaking tug 115 feet long and 24 feet wide, which is contracted to make five miles per hour through ice twelve inches in thickness. It is growing more and more dangerous to declare a project impossible, but twelve inches of ice and five miles an ]sour are hard to reconcile. WAVY municipalities have been delud- ed into the belief that in a multitude of taxations there is increased revenue. The City Council of Los Angeles, 04., las decided to tax all vehicles. It fixes the yearly tax on bicycles at 50 cents; each, single rigs $1 and double rigs $1.50 each. It is estimated this will give at total incomeone of $ 18,000, sufficient to keep hand -s ee errsteadily employed and leave a surplus for aiding in there - pair of streets. WHILE no definite arrangements have as yet been made for the •forthcoming bye -elections of the Ontario Legislature, it is understood to be the intention of the. Government to bring on the elections in. all the constituencies now vacant on the same day. Elections will be held 'therefore in South Ontario, East ,and West Elgin and South Brant, As an appeal is now pending against the un- seating of . Mr. Breithaupt in North Waterloo, no election can be, held in that constituency. No date of polling has been set, but the 5th of December 'would, it is believed, be a convenient day, and the elections will in all proba- bility be held on that date. THE Minister of Agriculture says that there is some difficulty in getting Cana- dian manufacturers to prepare exhibits of their products for the great exhibition in. Paris next year,. This does not arise, Hon. Mr. Fisher says,from any antipathy' to the exposition on the part of our Tnanufacturers, but because they are• kept so busy supplying customers that they.really find it next, to impossible to snake time for the preparing a Creditable exhibit. While it is to be hoped that an endeavor will be made to get over this drawback, it must be highlysatisfactory to the people of Canada generally that the prosperity' of the country- is so great as this statement proves. And the de- Velopment of our immense natural re- sources has but begun. TUESDAY was judgment day with the Court of Appeal. The first ease dispos- ed of by the court was that involving the election of C. A. Brower, in the constituency of East Elgin. The legal- ity of elle election was petitioned against by Charles Easton, and the trial Judges, Mr. Osler and Mr. justice MacMahon, itcid that while corrupt practices had been proven, the matter of agency on the Dart of those .guilty had not been established. Mu. Brower was the Conservative (,3511(i(late tit ileo Provin0ial election, March 1, 1808, when he was returned by a narrow majority, which, on a recount,. vas increased to 20. The trial Judges 0011811 -bed flim in his seat, and the ap- peal drei(letl Tuesday was against the decision of the trial Judges. The ap- peal Was based on the question of agency, and s majority of the Court of Appeal held that the agency had been astabeelved, and the election of Mr. 'C. plies, therefore, voice. Mkt L.ADYSMITH STILL HOLDING FAST. The Canadian Contingent Half wily over on Sipiday--. The Niello1sou's Nell Affair Explained -Col. Baden Powell Making things Lively nt Mar:A:ing. London, Nov. 12 --The Allen Line steamer Sardinian from Quebec, with the Canadian contingent for South Africa has =twit at St. Vincent, Cape Verde Islands. St. ' Vincent, Cape Verde Islands, is 3,968. miles from Cape Town so that the Sardinian has (CCom- plislied nearly half the distance to her destination. London, Nov. 14 -No messages have been received from Ladysmith siueo Nov. 6, but yesterday heliograph com- munication with the beleaguered town was established showing that Gen. White was holding his own. Reinforcements to the number of 12,- 802 have been reported as having ar- rived in South Africa, Of this number 6,000 are already on the way to Durban from Cape Town. It is expected that 11111e troopships, carrying 11,000 more men, will be reported at Cape Town to- day. Father Mathews, the chaplain of the Irish Fusiliers, has arizveci at Lorenzo Marquez. He tells the story of the surrender of the Irish Fusiliers and the Gloucestershire troops at Nicholson's Nek, The men he said, would have held out, had not some subordinate officer hoisted a flag of truce on his own responsibility, The officers and men of the capturedregiments, FatherMathews says, were furious whenthey found how they had been fooled as the Boers in the locality were not numerous. Hotel Burnell, The Belfast hotel, along with the con- tents, was totally destroyed by fire on Monday morning last. The origin of the fire is a mystery. The building be- longs to the M.C. Cameron estate and was occupied by Mr. John. Hsllmlton. The loss 011 the contents is between $600 and $700, and on the building $800. There is $300 insurance on the contents • and it is said that the loss on the build- ing is wholly covered by insurance. NEWS NOTES.. Nearly $1,400 worth of granolithio sidewalk was .put down in Exeter this year. There are now 48 inmates in the Bruce County House of Refuge, 29 men and 19- women. 9women. The will of the late Senator Sanford!. disposes of property in Ontario and Man- itoba worth over a million dollar8. )3e, sides this, the .Senator .owned property in Chicago and gold fields in Mexico. • The succession dnttes will amount. to about $50,000. . The Orangemen of Listowel and yi}n- ity celebrated the 5th of November.on, Sunday by assembling and attending,ni • a body, divine service in Christ church at 3 p. m. The rector, Rev. A. P. Moore, conducted the service and preached a most excellent sermon. A syndicate with a capital of $10,000 has been formed in• Palmerston for the puirpose of baying up . all • kinds of farm prbdnce, such as. butter, eggs, poultry*, etc., direct front the ,fanners in that. vicinity and shipping it. • direct to the consumers in England. Tlie syndicate, has already started operations. ° • • . Exports of butter to Great Britain show a marvellous increase. The first eight months of '97 Canada exported of butter 28;668 cwt., same time iii' 1898, 45,500, 1899, 117;850. Exports'ast August were . 150 tons per day,. -.6r 'six times as much as during August 1897. Canadian butter is rapidly whining ` its" way to the tables of the fl nglish people. Now that our butter ib becoming the• fashion, let's all do our share to make the quality first class. Butter is an article that sells entirely on its merits. ' • Within seven months Janes J. Jeffries heavy -weight 'champion pugilist, will de- fend his title. The New York Herald say his opponent will be James J. Corbett. The match was practically arranged at a meeting between Corbett, Jefferies and W. A. BradyMondaynight, Corbett who bas been desirous of fighting Jefferies ever since the boiler -maker defeated Fitzsimmons and w011 the title of champion pugilist, personally. asked the conqueor of Fitz and Sharkey for the match. On the advice of Brady Jefferies accepted. The date of the contest has not yet been named, but it will prob- ably be decided early in , June, and it will take place at the Coney Island Sport- ilig C1ab•, Corbett looks remarkably well at present. An interesting case which is probably the first ease of its kind in the county of Grey, was tried last Tuesday before His Honor Judge Creaser as a surrogate court judge. John Reid of Hanover died recently, leaving a will, of which H. H. Miller of Hanover was executor, When the executor attempted to probate the will, William Reid a son of 'deceased who resides in Wiartoli, objected and entered a caveat. This led to the action in the surrogate court whereby the ex- ecutor was obligd d to prove the will in solellln form or by sworn testimony. Mr. W. Reid, the defendant, strove to NOVEMBER 17, PK RORN. --In bower Wip::Ii^in. on ' V. 10, the llrtimt r Smith oi' a rim. tMirmorr.---In 1V1L' !demi. on N(:v. 13 he ti'ire et A. L. lit miltoli ut' a daughter. ii(ARRIl:1e. Iktailllik1N—Mil r xn.—At the rexldc .ice of the brides }averts, Hullet. en Nov. 8, hr Rev. E.E. Smith A. NeSt'len, of C'iintoa, toFleru, cliut$h- ter of Itoht. Miller. Co .1 18 hitenAY+:r..--• At the residence. of the bride'Ik parents. Mullett, on Nov. 1, E. (`oats of Montana, to Miss Wile, eldest daughter er Wm. l e kllellttel. BAuRETT—iinnrmsx—011 October 18th, nt the manse, Tarbtttt Algoma, by Rev, A. Y. Hartley, Caudated by Iiev. k'..T. #Hartleyfather ant 1 brother of the bride, 1Xr. A. H. 'Barrett, late of London, Engteal, to Mies Louie M. S. Hartley, second 111u(;11tcr of Rev. A. Y. Heriyt AuoNT--If W germ, on November 1'ltll Malcolm Lal , uged ('3 years, 0 months Unci 10 c1 AIN -In Wingham, on N 1301, 1600, Em - a Saint, aged 80 years. KEnn.-At Nile, on No 0, S'tmue 1 Herr, sr., aged 88 years and 11 months. iur,A.Y.-At Whiteehu ch, on Nov. 1, Peter I1nlay, aged 07 years, 8 montes and 18 mouths. Cm: ..-ln Toronto, on Qot. 80, Mrs, john Cl formerlyyof Goe'rie, aged 54 years. macer.- nlgitam 011 November loth, - 800, W. riot, of Carman, Man., in his doth year. A KTY In Grey, 011 Nov. 5th, John Askin, aged 08 years, 8 months and seven days. Bmursraz-In Grey, on Nov, 8th, Herinina, beloved wife of Albert Berfeltz, agent 00 years, 1 mont lid 10 days. F ox -In McMillen, 011 Nov. 6th, Sohn t on, aged 80 years. Hems --]n Wingllum, on Nov. 12t1e 1800 - Ellen B. Helm, aged 84 years and 10111entlis, rannEra.-[n Seaforth, on Nov. 6th Caroline Ewart, relic of the late John Farrell, X. D. The Whitely farm, on the Huron road, Tuckersmith, between Seaforth and Clinton, was sold by public auction at the Commercial hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday last, to Mr, - Foster, of Holmosville, for .,14,700. The farm con- tains 100 acres, and has on it a stone house and fair outbuildings. :t i' Stop llghin 'r1•dlla,,9r. l,s,a1'4??�'R:��:1;s edY�"�� Every cough makes your throat more raw V and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. - Cease tearing your throat I and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in ers cierrg tctorai From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in :the throat ceases; the spasm weak- - ens; the `cough disap- pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con- • sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer's Cherry 'Pec- toral Plaster :should be = over. the lungs Of everyper- son troubled with a cough. Write totheDoctor. - Unusual opportunities and long ex. perlence eminently qualify ns for . Rivingou medical advice. Write. _ freely all the partleulars in your case. us 'what your •experience has been 'with our Cherry Pectoral. You ;will receive a promptreply, without , _ coat. Address,nli. J. C. AVER. ;Lo 'ell, Mase. MORTGAGE SALE —off— .Village Property. Under and by virtue of a power of sale eon-. tained in a certain registered mortgage, (which will be produced at the time of sale) there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Joseph Cowan, auctioneer, at Gbfton's Hotel, in the Village of Wroxeter in the County b1 Huron on. Thursday, the 23rd of November, 1890, et 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following property, viz Those parts of the East and West halves of lot number' 25, 111 concession, in the Township of Howick, thew in the' Villa a of Wroxeter) formerly °welded by C. H. Willits, deceased, and particularly described in the above men- tioned mortgage, and consisting of upwards of three acres of Land. There are on the premises, a comfortable frame house and frame stable and sheds. TERMS 01.' SALE:-Tvrciaty per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the bel• ince in 20 days thereafter. Further terms and conditions will be made known an the clay of sale or may he had on application to the auc- tioneer or the vendor's solicitor. Dated this 1st day of Novemis•r.1800 IS, VANSTON]H, Vendor's Solicitor. Good Farm for Sale or to Rent. tiitett44, four mil(•:+ Eton Winglianl, Ising the south halve a of lots 21 and 81,1st concession of the. 'i'ownr:hip of Morris, containing one, liundr i d acre t. Goss, )sank barn, 00 x 40. (Iv,exl intim1iou:i', 30x88with.. stone wellai*. The farm 1'd wd•11 adopted for mixed Perming. weil watered and in Kvxl l-)11' il',,'. nice 82,500. 1>Aly to It. A. GRA/IAM, Wingham. have the will sol siA-145 on thend AI.KEN OROS. & DUTTON that 9hn testimitar dick Hort lonow IV he a si c» Irse;`, a;r l,;ll, 1 and illnese. when �} Its.'I'l In I - "I, ,h, I. II V N 1111111 M1.- Wit to doer erre pentlA V2?' (:IUA:3I 'MAIM1¢7.' RE'l;'ORT." 1 Winghilul, November 9th, 1899. Corrected. by Peter Deana, Produce Dealer, Wingham. Flour per 100 lbs..- .... 1 85 to 2 00 . Fall Wheat .... ,,.. 0 03 to 0 68 Spring Wheat ............ .0 63 to 0 63 Oats, new,,,. • 0 25 to 0. 251 Barley .... ...,.. 0 38 to 0 85 Peas ...... . ..... . .. 0 55 to 0 56 Tunics: s, dawn .......... 0 08 to 0 09 Geese, " 0 05 to 0 06 Ducks, per pair• 0 40 to 0 1.•' Butter ,• ... + < .' 0 17 to ( 18 Eggs per dos • 0 15 to 0 16 Wood per cord 1 50 to 1 75 Hay per ton ......... 5 90 to 6 00 Potatoes per bushel . 0 25 to 0 25 Tallow per lb .. , , 0 03 to 0 04 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 05 Wool .............. 0 00 to 0 00 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 6 00 Chickens ........... 0 26 to 0 80 .n ,•K'�.)1' Ory tor i ABNER COSENS District Agent for Mutual Life Assurance Co., the only mpaliy in Canada that pays all its rofits to its Polley holders. Conipare our ACTUAL RESULTS -with those of other Companies. Accident, Plate Glass and Fire Insurance business also transacted. Money to loan .on farms at very lowest rates. In office corner of Mimiio and Patrick Streets every Saturday all day. TRUE LIVING: PORTRAITS MADE AT - —� M. E. ZITRBR1GG'S. Family and other Groups from small sunbeams up. to 16 x 20, actual size of photographs.. Pictures copied and enlarged or remoluited. - Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church,. BANKERS ANP%BROKERS Geo. Skaller & Co„ Consol. Stock Exchange Bldg. 60-62 Broadway, New York. LOTS OF MONEY. . can be made through speculation with deposit 480.00, (thirty dollars) upward (or 8% margin upward) on the Stock Exchange. The greatest fortunes have been made through speculations in Stocks, Wheat or Cotton.. r • If you are interested to know how specula- tions are conducted, notify us and we .will send you information and market letter free of rlaargo. - Usual commission charged for executing orders. Government, Municipalaland 'Ha lroe. bonds quotations: furnished 011 application for purchase,sale exchange. CIDER AND JELLY M ! LL 8 Take notice' that the Wingham Cider ;! and Jelly Mill has commenced oper- ations and will run .;;IEvery Day in the Week until the 25th of November, BRING ALONG SOUR APPLES and have them made into Sweet Sprup .11 or Jelly. We intend- boiling down the. a older to apple butter, for which we will charge only 1 cent per gallon. It order exceeds 50. gallons, we' Will furnish• cus- tomers with a free kettle. - Hastings & Ritchie. III PEL-TON'S `PUMPS We build our pumps to last for years and have them .in price from $2,50 up. Brass CS linders and Galvanized Iron Piping. • We have a fall stock of the above cods Call and get prices' when in need• of anything in our line. ' JOHN PELTOIIT, Opp.1#eattie's Livery • WESTERN ADVERTISER LONDON • 1 :1 :1" n :n' :11 1 1 Brightest Weekly in the West, I Reliable Markot Reports. All the Heine News. Latest general Cable News. Bright, short and continued stories. A clean family newspaper ---twelve and sixteen pages, 75 CENTS PER YEAR (SEE O'Ll7BBING OPFER), DAILY ADVERTISER Great clubbing offer. "Daily Advertiser --AND- TIMES ONE YEAR FOR $2,00 EitTAKC►P116, WrllsrdtrIvitiwl. anon among I n your Lice paper, or rut9• 13lc' or h A'r P se. Shop op - II THE , PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE E,CORDIALLY INVITE YOU to come • in and examine our stock and get our prices. We will not ask you to buy, but we can satisfy you that our goods are right and prices easy, New Candies Mixed Candy, 4 lbs for 25e - Bright Mixed Candy,3 " 25e. Gula Drops 3 lbs for 25e Conversation Loz., 2 lbs for 25e Peppermint " 2 " 25e Chocolate Drops, Caramels, %&e, Almond Nut Taffy, 20e lb. Walnut- Taffy, 20e ib, Peanut Taffy, 200 Ib. Chocolate. Caramel, Peanut Crisp Taffy, Cocoanut Taffy, Iceland Moss Taffy, 20e lb. Walnut Maple Cream, 20e lb. Almond Loaf Cream 20c ib. Date and Fig Cream, - 20e Ib. French Cream, 20e lb, Jersey Caramel, 200 lb.' New Raisins, selects, 3 lbs, 250 New Currants, 4 lbs for 25e New Currant6, selects, 3 lbs 25e New Lemon, Orange and Cit. ron Peel. New Oranges and Lemons. Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, Cranberries, &c, Canned Goods 20e lb, Good red Salmon, lOe per tin 20e lb. Sardines in Oil 5e per tin. 20e Ib. Sardines in Tomato Sauce 5e per tin, Kippered Herring in Oil, 10e per tin. Kippered Herring in Tomato. Sauce, 10e per tin. Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, 3 for 25c, - 15c Bottle Catsup for 10e. Stationery Good big writing pad for 5e. 100 page Pad, good paper, 100 Note Paper, 5 quires for 20e. Good Envelopes, any style, 5e package. - Good business Envelopes, 2:?;c package. Good Black Ink, 4c bottle Red,Ink and Mucilage, 5e. bot. Large stock of School Supplies. Groceries New Figs, (i lbs for - 25o • • China New goods arriving every week. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Table Sets, Chocolate Sets, Toilet Sets, and. a , splendid assort- ment of Fancy China and - Glassware, - suitable . for tl1.l• holiday trade, and .remember our prices are lower than other dealers' eat prices. JOHN KERR Macdonald Block, Wingham. ;a�sa'3>az''a3x.iz3c�,a'_ S `il iNfaii mill 8 -3-3 rig3gav__gg DSc p� ffig2 `F�r,,.i:5' � � ' l �s§_s 3�>:.�c=�a==__Is �_�r3e0s�' ii 111 Inv ■Ila■ 1 P11 :11111: .1117 ■N I: 1 alsey dark JEWELER AND OPTITiON WILL —TO-•- Y . t Macdonald .Block About 1st Dec. ..Keep • ur eye open for his large stop of Watches, Clocks, e elry, Silver ware, Etc., for hristrn. . 11 111 "ill mull: mmlr i 111- 1511 1 r rmnlr i1e; Ci11:; l lar, rluulr, 'Ng inh1:.Y .Ilan.• pill) rlllpl :1111 .111'1 .11161 ■nm n al■.Y. . :1n1: .Ink lr .1: 1 •