HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-08-05, Page 10ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN
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Sun Life Assurance.
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Company of 'Canada
for 21 sears.
Rained out at Glen Abbey
pros would come to Seafank
for their practice round.
and I hope the boys realize
On the greens
Wednesday- They all made a
fine showing and-managed to
bring home several prizes.
Our Juniors are proving that
golf Ira k great way & spend a
summer. Tomorrow morning
is junior morning a practice
session: for the local tourney
on Tuesday.
Just a reminder to get your
tikkets on the draw for the
coloured t.v. and to sign up
for the mixed Z bail on
Saturday August 2.
away. We have such a beauti-
that school is only 5 weeks ful trophy we want to be sure
and have a winner's name
.engraved on it for 1981. Todd
Doig will meet the winner
between Todd Morey and
Charlie Malcolm. Rob Core
managed to defeat big broth-
Greg and is new waiting for-
the winner of the_al Nigh
Brian. Cooper series. Fifteen
junior golfers from Seaforth
competed in the Sunset. Jr,
'Tournament in Goderieb last
by Corolonne Doig
Arena 7-9 p.m.
PITCH IT IN THERE Eileen Adamson
decided to get a little lawn bowling practice in
Optimist Park
Optimist Park
Optimist Park
Optimist Park
so not.
(Photo by
1 p.m.
7 p.m.
8-10:30 p.m.
7 p:m.
8:30 p.m.
I admit it, we did need the
rain .badly ...but on Tues-
day? When I woke up l
couldn't believe ms ears and
eyes. I had been looking
forward to the sound of rain
for ages but not now' Tues.
das . the practice round for
the Canadian Open at Glen
Abbey and day of junior bus
trip. No one can saj. we
weren't optimistic An the
kids were reads to. go.
There's r no way. it would be
raining in Oakville and by the
... time we get_ there the sttrovill
be 90t. The rain, emitietted
Lash do*Raswecovercd the 2
hour ..trip AO, appall. ct aching
the etitirse:w4CloSed,.Th
was:111 , a - prolo 'sight and
there wasn't .aboot to be an •
infitia of them. either. When 1
appeared at the .Willcall and
asked about the golf clinic I
was informed that the course
was closed, so I asked what I
should do with my kids. Well
they thought I was some
suburban housewife with my
3 --kids in the back of the
station wagon. You can't
imagine the look on their
faces when I informed them I
had 40 anklebiters. "No Golf
House isn't open either." So
no visit to the Golf Museum or
Hall of Fame. "We won't
know about the golf clinic for
another 5 hours if you want to
Optimist Park
Optimist Park
Ken Jr, workedextratatd
Glenat , -Abbe), because after
caddying. for Milo: `each` day "
be Welq.10 Man Of. the :pt*.•
asking, for nsed
explained 4t?Qut our 103Pr-
tunate ,junior in is trip And,
many Of the pros gave sou,
venar new have a. bait
for each junior who Made the
trip. Some famous pi ayers
who gave balls are Nicklaus,
Player, Graham. Crenshaw.
Trevino and of course Mor-
ley. Each junior can reach
into the bag and grab a ball at
randam. Bob Breen, the head
"pro at.Glen Abbey also gave a
souvenir button for each of
our juniors. Several of the
pros assured us that if we
made the trip next year they
would be ready rain or shine.
The Canadian Open is over
for another yeas and a hectic
week has passed. Hurricane
8:30 p.m.
Arena 7:30- 10 p.m.
High School 7 p.m.
High School 7 p.m.
Optimist Park , 1 p.m.
Optimist Park
Optimist Park
ThOrs„ Aug. 6 Adult and '
Beginner Roller Skating.
Sat., Aug. 8 Expositor vs Van
Sat., Aug. 8 Roths vs Firemen
Sun., Aug 9. Roller Skating
Sun., Aug. 9Turt Club vs Firemen.
Sun., Aug. 9 Travellers vs
Mon., Aug. 10 B.P. vs Teachers
Mon. Aug. 10 Queens vs
Tues., Aug. 11 Roller Skating
Tues., Aug. 11 . Clinton vs
Atom. Boys (Soccer)
Tues., Aug. 11 McNichol vs Scotts
Tues., Aug. 11 Ken Smith vs
Tues., Aug. 11 Browns vs D. Emm
Wed., Aug. 12 Expositor vs
Wed., Aug. 12 "Kids on the
Arena 7 o.m.
What's happening is a weekly column, space donated' by The
Huron Expositor. To list your event; call the Recreation Office at
Men's ball
FRESHEST bread, rolls, pastries,
cookies, donuts and over 60 varieties of
Canadian and imported Cheese.
ZURICH 236-4912
Bakery Et Cheese House
• •
go to ,the mall aid.
We took a vote, headed to
-McDonald Is—and—then—back
home to Seaforth. The Kids
and chaperones were so dis-
appointed but there no
changing the weather.
IT IS A STRIKE? -- Grace 'Pepper chanced the-
weather, hilondiy afternoon to get in some lawn
(Photo by Hook) bowling, practice.
• Turf Club wins
$1,000 for
Wed., Aug. 19
8 p.m.
Advance tickets 7:00 per person
at Mitchell Advocate
The Seaforth Men's Indus-.
trial Ball League helped raise
about 51,000 for renovations
to Lion's Pool with its draw
July 19.
Andy Markson, Huron
Park, won a S200 grocery
voucher and first prize. Art
Henderson, R.R. 5 Seafbith,
won, second prize and a 5100
grocery voucher.
Bears 2-0 to move into first
place with one game left in
the schedule. Mainstreet
scored one run in the first on 'a
singles by Bob Beuttenmiller,
Larry Dalton' ,and a double
by Doug Fry. Neither team
could manage much, oftence'
over the next five innings
B.P. Bears threatened in the
fifth with miners at second
and third only one out but
In Monday's first game in
the Men's Recreational Ball
League the Turf Club scored
four runs in the second inning
to beat Travellers 8-6. Travel-
lers started ,strongly scoring
three runs in the first on a
walk and singles by John
Cairns andRick Fortune. The
Turf came roaring back in the
second innin sending nine
players to the plate and
.scored four runs. Four walks
and singles by Joe Dick. Jack
Mcllwain provided the big
inning for the Turf. Mcllwain
had triple and a single. while
Ets Delvecchio had a double
and single to pace the Turf-
ers. Both John Cairns and
Woods each had a double and
a single for the Traveller's,
In the second game the
Mainstreeters beat B:P.
Wins booster
viorbeetle atta -90,1ICe
Seaforth Community Centre
SATURDAY, AUG., 15 1981
Cadaydevastated 62 Johaat,
again but won't return until
the-Buick-Open-in-a-month. It
was last seen heading for
Atlanta on Monday morning.
Men's night on Thursday
was a blind draw with Cam
Doig and Ron Beuerman
teaming up to telt - first place.
We're hoping to Itaire a string
tournament tonight. This is
always fun so come out and
join in. The Men's Match
Play is moving along. Harry
Jansen ousted Joe Dick 2
and 1, and will nowface Ray
Scoins who advana,..1 whea.
'Ian Doig forfeited his match.
Cam Doig defeated his uncle.
Rod 3 and 2 and will now face
the winner of the Marc
Robinet vs. Gerard Meiding-
er match.. We want a winner
by August 27 so let's keep it
moving. We already have
over 50 entries in our Men's
Invitation and are looking
forward to a full house. Of
course-_.several: Bermudians-
are returning for the annual
Jim Henderson R.R. 5
Our ladies had' very few , Seaforth won-5242 in the
golfers out on Monday after SDHS Booster Club 50-50
their tournament. I think that club draw this month. Seller
18 holes and all that tearing of the winning ticket was
around took its trill with last Debbie Henderson. 'Tickets
Monday being a holiday noth- will be on sale again this
ing special was planned but month.
this coming Monday we're
hosting both the Sunset and An Expositor Classified
Maitland Ladies Clubs from will. pay, you dividends. Have
Godericli . Be sure to join 'us you tried one? Dial 527.0240.
'for some fun golf and socializ-
ing. Some of our ladies had
Barbecue 5-8 p.m. Pitli-Chops & Corn oh the Cob
Bar Opens at .3"0.M.
Listen to PM9I3 tor details
Once the kids were home it
was time to relax...that was
until the phone rang! Guess
who's coming to dinner?
Mike Morley!'Man your panic
•ations. Since mum's in
;cotland could. I cook dinner?
No problem, after all I major-
ed in grilled cheese and Kraft
dinner college. Two hours
later Ake, the family , and
.some of the pro caddies sat
down to',probably the only
decent meal I've Cooked in
years. Needless to say my
worries were unwarranted.
Although Mike is a well
known,P. G. A. player he's an
easy going guy whom you
certainly don't have to •im-
press. Mike spent Tuesday
ni. ght and most .of Wednes-
day in Seaforth. He played 27
holes at our local course
shooting nines of 34, 33, and
31. If he had stayed longer
look out course records! After
golfing on Wednesday Mike '
just had, time for a short
television interview before
heading for Glen Abbey and
the Canadian Open. I manag-
ed to attend the Open on
Friday and Sunday. seeing
Mike hit some super shots..
Unfortunately he didn't play
' as well as he had hoped. We
are looking_ orward to having
Mike back again next year.
joined the tour and were off to
Listowel on Wednesay. Both
Liz Canino and Jean- Stewart
made it to the priii table and
we congratulate them. They
all had so much fun' that
they're going to St. Mary's
August. 12.
This Saturday there is a
mixed ,2-ball beginning at 2
p.m. follovved by a pot luck
supper and dance. The 2 ball
is, part of the fund raising
projects for the Clinton Hos—
pital so sign up and give this'
project your support.
. On Tues...ty August 11 our
Junior tournament is sche-
duled and we hope to have
over 40 junior golfers vieing
for trophies and prizes in 4
categories. As well as the
'usual bantam, juvenile, and
junior flights, for the first
time we will have a flight for
the fairer sex. The junior
match play is moving slowly
couldn't squeeze across the
tying run. The mainstreeters
pushed one more run across
in the sixth on a walk and
double by Fry. Both pitchers.
Ron Beuerman and Gerry
Hetherington. pitched good
ball. Beuerman had eleven
strikeouts while Hethering-
ton allowed Mainstreet only
six hits.
In the third game Monday,
the Fireman continued their
hot streak beating the Village
3.2. The Fireman scored one
win in second and third
innings to build a 2-0, lead.
The Villagers tied the game in
the fifth with two runs on a
double by Ken Swan and
atriple by Bill Price. The
Fireman scored another run
in the bottom of the fifth and
then held on for the victory.
Don.Hully allowed the Village
to only six hits for the victory.
The Firemen only managed
six hits off Mike Marion.
- In the-fourth-game-Monday
the Queens and Teachers,
played a slugout with Queens
ending up with a 21.7 win.
After three innings, the score
was tied at 7.7 but Queens big
bats sounded out 18 hits :and
scored four in the fourth and
five runs in each of the fifth
and sixth innings. Bill Kuntz
paced Queens attach with a
home run, igale and double.
Dave Broome chipped in with
a home run in the sixth
inning. Herb Shoyeller, and
STeve Webster each had
three hits for Queens. Gus
Feeney paced the Teachers
with a home run and two
singleS,Terry Craig and John
Mark Nash each had two hits
for the Teachers.
This week's action now
leaves Mainstreet in. first
place with the Queens. Vil-
lage and Travellers all tied for
second. This will be ail
decided in next weekend's
final action before playoffs,
The Canadian Open was a
mad house. On Friday we had
to pick up passes at. Willcall
again. The look on the girl's
face told me that she remem-
bered me as the mad suburb-
anite with the 40 kids, Trying
to talk our way into the
clubhouse parking lot was a
lesSon for Toastmasters In-
ternational. It's nice to know '
the O.P.P. are not to be
swayed. We ended up in
regular parking in spite of my
best efforts at pretending I
was a pro's wife: titan
Fri -day and Sunday were ,hot
and crowded but we saw
excellent golf and were well
into the spirit of a major
sporting event, It would have
been great if Mike had won
since maybe next year all the
mincing, 9-1 a.m.
Tickets available at the Door
Tickets -61.00 per person Advance tickets by phone only
Rob McGregor 262-2339 or Pete Martens 527-1890
Proceeds to Arena Fund & Community Betterment
4, , Licence Pending
Phone 527.0240
9 p.m.
7 p.m.
otitis SAN 0.1.1.
mowrima oa'
Starts FRIDAY! STRIFFS FRI. AUG. 7t1). 130
Th *Minis
considered sultabie
4or ell once.
A.A. • Adult Accompaniment. Unaccom.
panted eilmilltence is restricted to that* 14
years and saw. Chlitialtrentiei 111yeeforney
be teftnittill 141,44w,sinial
United Attilr;
k , •
PAR K s"ut $2474"
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