The Huron Expositor, 1981-08-05, Page 9exchange student staying in the Brussels area at thehQUIC °Ulm Knight and one-el the differences he found between Canada and his home country of France is that people here! have less mind problems than in France . He had his choice of going to Canada. Germany, Italy, Greece and Holland. but chose this country because all the other countries are near Europe and,he thought it would be better for his travels to go further, He describes, Canada as a "very nice country with very friendly people:"` Prance is, a smaller COuntry tint according, to Steplititte "WS ened country „because tO hava111qtrq 111,AhP because SO. many m probles,' The awn yPO-ung In .n have beett dept lut$Y with anumber of attivities: since t!lky got here. Last week they were at an international" Youth Camp which inclUded petiple from riermany, Denmark ..Finland. Italy, U.S.A. Jabon (an African country) and one girl from Quebec. They had also been to Niagara Falls. Toronto and the Bruce Nuclear ..Plant which they didn't renhylike-berauSe they said in the explanatioti of the tour they only tell about the PROD._ OF Out CAN. #1- PROD., OF ONT. CAN.*1 CABBAGE 2i 79# CARROTS PROD. OF ONT. CAN. #1, PROD. OF ONTARIO FRESH ROMAINE ItilMERs 2.49# LETTUCE COW *° La 69? aa 49' PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FIELD TOMATOES ion of the Royal Conservatory efMusielbeidinigyth May She is the,. daughter of mr. .101014.rs. ScitiAcf4,i1,(1 0,.sbo' is' a pupil of Mrs. Edwin Martin.- Brussels, She will also receive tor Oracle VI 'Mane Celifieate. ' atva news FROM THE HIP' BONELESS OUTSIDE CUT FROM GRADE 'A' BEEF FROM THE. HIP BONELESS-INSIDE ROUND STEAK 24. lb. fine markets... of fine foods, FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK SIDE RIBS SCHNEIDERS 500 9. PKG. FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK HOCKS lb. SCHNEIDERS Uf „ MAPLE LEAF ENGLISH STYLE „ SAUERKRAUT . 900 MI. St's BACK BACON 759. 'Lb9 SCIMEIENS BONELESS MUM Go Mow MO COOKED Patirsitglitogs 1,46 Y MAPLE LEAF STICKS - 3 VARIETIES SMOKED PICNIC y.•.*Z4)0 LIVERWURST 1!): •igir SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT ROM WED. "AUG. 5 UNTIL CLOSING. TUES. AUG. 11 ei(E . RE MOVED Como MEATS SCHNEIDERS CHICKEN LOAF, LUNCHEON. PORK LOAF. MACARONI & CHEESE, QUTCH LOAF, PICKLE & PIMENTO. OLIVE LOAF MOCK CHICKEN OR HEAD CHEESE 1 75g 'PKG. MEDIUM GROUND BEEF $.17 E D R MINI SIZZLERS BONELESS-FROM THE HIP RUMP ROAST COLOURFUL PLANT6- POT *4.99 PROD. OF ONT. CAN. #1 FRESH WAX BEANS..49 -1- PRODUCT7171---.1. A:"I'M CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, GREEN THOMPSON AND RED FLAME SEEDLESS GRAPES 4 C R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna" vACUVVI CLEANERS sales and service of most makes • CB RADIOS AND ACCESSORIES • SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES . • MOFIFAT APPLIANCES • WOKE SENSORS • INSCT LIGHTS AND FLY KILLING UNITS V-0 IVO -044 • rHAND-E CRAFTED GIFTS 482-7 1-0-3- Correspondent MRS. ALLAN McCALL 887-6677 ,. Mi. and MI'S. Emerson Mitchell were greeters at the door on Sunday at Duffs United Church when a num- ber of former residents re- turned to the special service in connection with the 125th Anniversary of Morris Town- Ship. The service opened at 10:45 a.m. with a sing song of favourite old hymns led by Marie McGavin. Elva Wilbee was organist. Doug Fraser, Councillor of Morris Twp., -assisted-with-the- responsive reading and read the scrip- tures' from HebrewS1 1 :23-39 and Mark:27-38. Mrs. Marg Whitmore or- ganist of Northside United Church, Seaforth contributed solos "Jesui every hour, He'll give you power," and "1 asked the Lord. Rev. Charles A Swan spoke to the children on "Saving others" and his sermon Was "Perfection through us" based on faith from hebiew 11:40 "God having provided some better thing for us, that ' they without , us should not be made perfect." Offering was received by Murray Dennis, Jim Carter and Campbell Wej and dedicated with hymn, "Your work 0 God" and prayer. by Rev. Swan, A brief period of fellow- -ship And, light_ refreshments %Unwed the service in the church basement. PERSONALS The &immunity was shock- ed to hear of the sudden passing of Cliff Ritchie on Sunday evening in Victoria Hospital, London. Sympathy is extended to the family. Mr. and Mrs. Roily Achil- les attended the funeral of a relative at Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mar- shall of Coronna spent 'the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hackwell and took in several of the 125th Anniv- ersary celebrations of Morris Twp. Rev. Charles-A. Swan is on holidays for this month, church services will com- mence on Sunday. Septem- ber 6th at Duff's. Among the many friends and relatives visiting in the Watlon areas and attending the Morris Township reunion in Brusels were: Mr, and Mrs. Phillips Blake, Kitchen- er; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ennis, Whitby.; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters, Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, Mr. Jerry Dressel, Bracebridge; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills. Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Barry Marshall, Corunna; Mr. and Mrs: Ken Moffatt and Brett of Guelph. Mrs. Mary Warwick, Blyth spenttne weekend with 'Mrs. IsobelleShortreed and enjoy- ed the festivities in Brussels. " Saturday and Sunday.. Master Brett Moffatt is holidaying this week with his grandparents'Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss. An Expositor Classified Will pay you dividends. '14ave you tried one? Dial 527-0240. 0 BEAT THE BAND NICE 'N EASY HAIR COLOUR' ' ONLY $2 99 • CLAIROL SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER 450 ML ONLY $2 39 , L . BAND ' lt,ON DEODORANT . 50 ML. PLUS 25 ML. FREE ONLY $1 49 • . ) COCATAN , SUN TAN LOTION OR OIL ONLY $" • ' I BLACK LAG HOUSE AND BUG KILLER 400 G. ONLY $2 7•9 LICORICE ALL SORTS 350 G. ONLY $11 9 SHOP THE TRIANGLE IN YOUR TOWN 44, MAIN COSINE* CLINTON TRIANG LE DISC 0 U V MAIN COSINE* SEAFORTH .s ,-79:77.71-777. •t, "-""- THE WIWI EXPOSITOR. AUGOOT 5; 1941 African 1 na ns Port of lions exchange program Canadian girls were one of the highlights Jean-Mieltel MandenKue of Africa liked about this country when he visited Canada as part of a Lions International Exchange Program. Jean was born in Cameroun, Africa but is at school in France and is staying at the home of Neil McGavin in Walton until Saturday August 8. Jean decided to come, to Canada because his fatter who is a Lions member was here last year. He had his• choice of 8olag to - O'i,rritagY.:0FCa_nada. Sitleatte fact that he likes, tire girls. he says of Canada, !qt.'s• a alit', wit**. It's a Vier, les Toysaltoher,i1es0._44 i s 0;"*,a; 3111 ,city , He it,40 Itke the 4iffermit 4150s 414 enjoyed - .444 Priokis LioR Knights cottage:. In-; • In-; describing his own country he said. "Cameroun is, not big like Canada. We have only 8 million people in all the country. There are two big towns, Douala. the economic capital and Yauyncle, the political capital. He said Cameroun is a good country for tourism and gasoline. It is very hot and humid there. Stephane Mortaud. 19 is the other goad things. but not bout the bad. They golfed for the first time. and also waterskied. rollerskated in Woodstock and attended the horseraces. On Friday. Julie 31 Congratulations to Cathy radcGasin WhO received First COSS- HonpqrA. in-,thefOrade Rudimen$ iIteor-tE)Auntirtat- PROD. OF S. AFRICA VALENCIA OUTSPAN ORANGES 4 LI. 9 PROD. OF ONT. CAN. #1 FRESH GREEN BEANSI9 # • PRODUCT OF ONT. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FLAVOURFUL FIELD TOMATOES Mcclavins held a birthday pans for Jean who turned I8-that day, Jean will be returning on August S and Stephane on August 9. First class Walton pianist EXCHANGEST` DEN Thi0 yogic, Lb*, exchange students from two coimtriet Franco ,and , ' tw‘,atticient0- Were:et the §rucceick Flying arty held alt tile' home of (** Ten POtt':00 WeOstet0Whight. Aintkitight:antlemily, we re thehocla for 'SlootTorfelytorlaoct of France. qn4.44aii Mcc4eviil 0010)4 were• the. hosts for Jed -Michel manderigme.ot Africa.ln `the lack row are' • , Jim Knight, Stephane Karel), Knight, .).006-44fobellnd Neil tvfoOavin,-. in. the front row are Dona Knight, Heather mcGavin, Jetfl4M004vin and Marie ivIcGavin. (Photo by Flannety) Good crowd attends Special Walton church service