HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-29, Page 6we used to play ail sorts of
frame in the car while driving
to go camping up north.
We'd come up With all sorts
of neat things to do and it
was surprising to see how
fist the time vogld go- One
of got ,favorite fiatfleal4
W4S1P,P141Y 24 questions.
Wed spend bouts. trying, to
guess the name of the,ogrspo
and, .asking ” all sorts
questions- 41441 that'person
"'V hen were they born?"
Are. thy, *OW', "14q—;
"the0 is it a female'.
"Yes"; "Do they !We in
Seafarth?". "Yes". "Then I
know who it is!" "Who",
"Queen Elizabethi." Well,
we were close!
By the time we were sick of
that game it was time to
either stop for a snack, meal
or washroom break. Once
refreshed and ready to get
moving again we were ready
for new games, Riding on a
busy highway like the 401
was always more fun than a,
quiet road where nothing
ions °aligns that begin with
Z was particularly hard but
by the time you get-16Z, who
Singing can take forever
-while driving, in a , car. We-
11-111d. tx1- Ong tons of songs.
.that. would take 14.-Mintites
!h and by-; the time we.
"finally got Out of the' ear. you
heeitise your
Vic. was .so- •likalSe from
slughsg, We would sips 100
hordes of . beer PA the wit.
kitr tiny' before we Would
get tired of it!
Kids need games to keep
them going while driVing'in a.
car. If it weren't for these .
little games, they'd be con-
stantly asking quelthins, but
they do anyway.
While driving along a road
kids spot things interesting
things to ask questions about
such as "Why is this town
called Lively?" or "I wonder
if there is a McDonald's in
this town?" and "How far do
we have to go yet Mom?" or
"What time is it?", "When.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN! — Susan Dunlop, an employee of the Van
Egmond Foundation, recently celebrated her 25th birthday, Friends and
&dew workers had several surprises cooked up to celebrate and a huge
sign in front of the Van Egmond Huose was one of them. (Photo by
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can we stop again", "Stop
the car! I gotta got". and
"Could you please stop the
car now. Uncle Fred, I think
I'm going to be sick again!"
and "If I said that I had to go
to the bathroom, would you
make me go into a bush
again because last stop I saw
a squirrel watching me!"
Sleeping is always the best
way to see the time go by
quickly. This is the way I
travel now Aasoon as we go
through St. Cdlumban I drift
off to sleep and Eve miles
away from a restaurant
wake Up again. !guess I have
food-sensitivea nose!
Travelling can be fun as a
family, but then again it can
be a real pain. Wherever you
are intending to go, it is
always a relief to get there
before it starts to rain for the
next three , days of you
holiday. Who says summers
go too fast?
Bi rthday
Happy birthdy to Kim
Swart who was 16 on July
JiaPFY !.?irt!144 to Jeanne
McDonald who- will be cele-
brating on JulY 31.
Congratulations to Marilyn
Miller, August) and to Steve
Pullman, five-years old on
August 4. Also to Lyniie
Penner, 12-years old, July '
Happy birthday to Men
who is II on :tidy 29.
Kids, teens,
PATRICIA illtheta
In the summer months,
people are always planning
their summer holidays with
their families or with, friends.
A summer vacation -4!$11.410y
401041t!.0 going 0!.0.kr bra, ttr R9AaiPU fOr. se
w, to a „plaCO far
,SettfUrtit, Some
P • 40 AO* ,t,1*
_ e for then $.1400:010,
She 4:000. *00, of the
sUrOnte,r, up thate--1)theis
lit spend 'diet summer
it across tate Buren
and to. the United
States. Quite a few 'people,
consider it a holiday„ to go
camping -in a crowded tent
traitor or tent for a few days
of the summer. Whatever
you consider a good holiday
there is-always the problem
of , getting there on a hot
summer day in a ear with or
without air conilltioxiing.
Travelling is no little kid's
hobby. There is always some
problem with how they
travel. Some kids fight in the
back seat all the way to their
destination with their brother
while others will talk all of
the way. Then there are the
kids who will go for ten miles
An4 then...wantto stop again
for something to eat or to go
to the bathroom. There are
lots of problems and lots of
good points about going on a
holiday with kids and I think
Fve experienced them all.
Everyone looks forward to
going on their holidays with
their family. Once the work is
completed and, the car is
picked up and ready to go,
you can't help. but to wish
that you were already there
and'unpacking. The thought
of travelling for hundreds of
Miles in a car in 'the early
hours of the day until dark is
not appealing to anyone.
Therefore it is almost neces-
sary to think 'elfthings to do
while travelling.
When we were younger,
The third meeting of the
Bugs Bunny Club was 'held
July at David Pullen's
house: Tire ;pledge' was said
along with the roll call and
minutes of- the last meeting.
There were nine members
present and one visitor.
Patty Coleman motioned
that the Bugs Bunny report
be put in the local' papers.
The members voted in fay-
A few groans were heard
when the leaders told the
member that they have to
judge rabbits for the next
Recent'visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Regele wore
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton of
Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
ford Thornton of London and
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Kistner of
Mi. and Mrs. Harold Mc-
Callum and Carl. Mr. and
Mrs. Paul McCallum. Cindy
and Colleen of #1 Walton and
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hart-
man of Brucefield spent last
week, at their cottage at
Manitoulin Island.
Larry, Marsha and Randy,
Nevers, #4 Walton. Mr.
Randy Johnston and Hazel
Nutt of Stratford have spent
the past two Weeks with
Larry's brother and family in
New Brunswick.
Sympathy is extended to
the Bennewies family in the
pissing.of Lena Eterinewies.
Mr. and Mrs. gOti *Cal-
[urn and Chad visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stephen-
son and girls at Varna,
Summer going. fast?
Travel with kids
exciting happens. I can re-
member riding on the 401
and turning around waving
at all of the truck drivers and
other cars. We'd act like
little idiots waving at all of
the drivers, making peace
signs, etc. through our back
There are lots of games to
play on the 401. Eye Spy
With My Little Eye Was
about the most ridiculous
game we - ever attinepted
because by the •time the
person had guessed what the
coloured object was, it was
five or six miles behind
Another we loved to play
was "The -Alphabet Game."
This was-great for long rides
with no stops. The object of
the game was to go through
the whole alphabet finding
words in signs that begin
with an A first, then B, C etc..
Fmding words, places direct-
Terry Smith, another lead-
er, suggested the club go to
John Juno's rabbit operation
.near Clifford. and a - Bull
Testing Station near Harris-
Darryl Smith thanked the
Pullen for having the meet-
ing at their home.
The next meeting for the
dub will be held at Tom
Jorgensen's August 20.
Ken Siertsema adjourned
the meeting.
/iiron Expositor
During the disruption in Postal Service The
Huron Expositor subscribers and advertisers
can pay their accounts at any branch of.
Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce.
Just give the invarce,ar account number.
Payments addressed ' to us, can also be
handed la to the local newspaper, offices In
Exeter, Clinton, Goderich, Blyth, Brussels,
and. Mitchell- for 'pick-Up.
Help us to help you during this upset.-
Thank you
Bunny club to
judge rabbits