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The Wingham Times, 1899-11-10, Page 8
• --�3''a htivis xear�ived a ocp�• of illi# zliar>GSNaa'. cN +sil 1tru1 C da :calender laublislled Miss Minnie Higrgins iutellcls havimg afternoon of Dee. 21st. Paxireulars w111 We are pleased to report that P. W. be yr Wrl ,hula an Exanduation. i11Zetland school on the at the Berliner Jollrrlal awe, Berlil) Ont. Galbraith, of the Guelph Mercury, is That Throbbing Ihteatlac1h about recovered fr0111 leis recent severe Would quickly Dave you, if you used ilhless. 1)r. King's New Life Pills. T1ousauds of sufferers have proved their matchless 'Q BOYS AND For choice incl quality m Rubbers, merit for Sick air Nervous Headaches. MEN _ Mr D. Stewart intends l and build up your Health. Easy to take, wen. othin� later 011 `4 B1 10, 1890' resiewootorieektmoo, *woo** ' : io). ' +/'. ",r ' ;,�A"''.rA>>>> .\<' `NM,'<►,<i w 0•t r - V go to W. J, Gniti,it's. They snake pure blood and strong nerves lrlvilig Ills. Try them. Orli 25 cents. Murrey baolc o -wax farm surveyed into town lots Mid will if not cured. Sold by Oolin.&. Campbell, y .We like to get hold of boys elispoee of it in gnautities to suit plu- Druggist • who are hard (3l1Clothing, be_ C1lil,Sers, MASTR'A\�'a1N<)FIXX. —John Wilkie, of Brussels, has taken le James Vint, of East Wawanosll, cause our clothing is made to stand the Weilr and tear. Large not move his family to town for the corning last, breaking lis right axle and stock at right prices. present. clislooatiug the same men at the elbeiv. I TER D1E$ a GOODS e situation with T. L. Jobb. He wi11 fell down stairs• at his home on Monday Fresh Baltimore oystersserved in any His face was'also badly oat and braised. style at Jas. Mel ehao's 'Star Peest Now 'is the time .uir- Mr. Villi is 74 year of age id ids iu- to select ant. your Winter Dress We are --Court Maitland, C. O.1. meets this making a fins; display of effec- (Friday) evening, Every member should tine novelties and stylish fab- be present, "Matters of importalleo wail f 'Th be discussed,. triet agent, has moved to town and tak- the very' newest fashion farcies racy or winter wear. est are Mr SF Wiisou, the ue�Nox0u Co. dis- and \vill meet the require- en up his residence in W. P. Brocken- ments of the most exacting shire's cottage. buyers. Black and Gray, —II. Davis, Collector of Customs, re - Irish Frieze Cloth for Tailored ceived a H:tucltoluo black thorn walking Costumes. Black and Colored stick from a friend who had just returu- ed from Scotland. Cheviot tltings, Camels Hair —R. C. Sperling, of Dauphin, Mau., Cloth in plain and Fancy. formerly of Wingham, was called to Homespun in. Plain and Blanchard township recently, owing to Fancy. the decease of his mother. Tweed Plaids in very pretty Messrs. Walker Bros. & Button shades have reuted ,Das. McGuire's vacant store Ladies' Cloth in Beautiful near their furniture store and will use the same as a store room. Shades. —Last weep was another reeol'i1 We have 5Q remnants of breaker in "the growing time" with the Dress Goods lrotn 3 to 6 yds., Tnuxs subscriptiip71 list; Tell your fresh goods to sell, regular neighbor about our elubbiva rates. price soc, 6oc and 75c ; pick , miss Sperling wishes toaneounee that her classes on of lot to clear at 25c SALE is prepared. to,restune 5 vshe iolin and piano. 3t, SATURDAY morning. This -The firm of Skelton es Guinn, mar- isa great chance to get goods ble dealers, has been dissolved.. Mr. at less than one-half price. Skelton will centime the business and NEW GOODS Joseph Guinn has gone to Victoria, B. a. We made a specially for- • —The brick work on S. Bennett's new tunate purchase of Ladies'very factory is moving along very rapidly fashionable Jackets in- fine this week. A few tdaya more sire quality and new make which weather will see the brick workoom- pleted. we have just opened and are (• —School teachersin the vicinity. of ready for inspection Wingham•••are invited to send, to the Stock wed a:.:sorted in Car- ma—Es for publication, the resultsof pets, Lace' Curtains, Gloves, Hosier), Underwear, Blank- ets, _ Fur C.iats and Capes, Boots and Shoes, Suits an& Overcoats. All goods sold by us are re- liable. Shop early. Ii. 9N D 0 00 MINOR LOCALS. Campbell's Headache -Wafers guar anz teed to cure headache. --Sunday Last was Gay Fawkes day. Local news has been rather scarce this week. —The harpers from Loudon were in town. this -week. • —Thos. Friendship has removed with his family to Brussels. —District news will be found on the inside pages of the Trues. —F. G. Spariiug shipped two cars of salt per C. P. R. this week. It will soon be time for the muni- cipal pot to commence boiling. session next month and intends to man - monthly examinations held , in. their $0110016. --Wm. McDonald has resigned his position as first assistant in the Ohesley school, and will in future devote all his time to hiss newspaper,. the C1lesley Enterprise. T' juries are giving him con It is hoped that the i prove more serious. —It was reported in town this week that young Grant, who performed oil the high wire in Wingham. this summer, fell from the wire in a Manitoba town and was killed. rable pain. Les will not lI[ARRTED. - oazts—Totsu—At the residence of the bride's. rurents, Wingham, by Rcv. W. L ve, I. fr.i1cmr, Woods of St Helens to Miss Bello, Geeon,11 da ter of Mr. T. L. Jobb, DI1tI?. cOuosTn.--In West Wawaro-ib. 27th, John. Meprostie, aged. 70 years. Hilao7cs-At 351 Georgi' street, Torcinto, on Oct. 81st, Ann Minks, Widow of the lute garvey Rineks, aged 72 years. O:t. Cook's Cotton. Root Compound Is successfully used°monthly by over git10,000Ladies, Safe,.efteotuai. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- posed: Take no ether, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Primo, 21o. 1, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stain s. 'P1l }eand Coo2sollcd CornpnnyanerecommWindsorendedby. Ontall. Nos. reeponsible Druggiiitil tilCanada. Ne, l au,l Yu; 2. r•,r saki ltv Golan A. CampbellDrne{+st . Parties indebted to the Totes will oblige by settling their accounts. as early as possible. We have some large payments to meet shortly • and require money to do it with. Dr. Macdonald permanently at home and can be consulted. by. his patrons. —The new grauolithic walk on Joseph- ine street from the G. T. R. crossing to the river has been completed. This •.ilew walk has made a great improvement to that part df the town. —Mr. Eli Elliott has purchased Mrs. Alex. Robertson's farm on the Bluevale road at $4,500. Mr. Elliott will get'pos- Done Farm for Sale Situated four miles from the south Halves of lots 23 a of the Township o Mo hundred acres. Go. r b frame - house, 8O2 farm is well atop watered and in g Apply to M da b ufactl7Te brick on the farm. — 1 Rent. inghnm, being ..4, lit concession containing one burn, 00 x 40, Good stone cellar. The r mixed farming well condition. Price :8,600. R. A. GRAHAM, Wingham. • WALKER BIOS. & DUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Ni;,rht,calle at Buttoo Block, or Fifth door south of School alqube. Shop op- posite Meodonald block. THE MILK OF THEA HOLSTER: DAIRY is pure and cold and, costs.... THREE CENTS A QUART. AN ITEM OF INTEREST. Farmers, why pay 514 and 6 per cent, interest on your loans wnen money may.- be ay-be bad at 5 per gent. Payments exude to suit borrower. °hal)res low. Agency Ontario Mutual Irife Asenr- anoe Company. At office Friday afternoon and all day Sate rday. ABNER COSEBi S, dlacdonale Block, Wingham. I BARNEY FOR SAM The hottest horse may oft be rg cool, The coolest may oft show fire. Slow or fast, trot or pace, Barney Wilkes is one of the best drivers in the county. One year ago he took first prize in the gentleman's race at Seaforth, and on the 24th in Brussels, Barney took first ,a1 money in three straight heats. Barney has no mark, but has shown 1.8 mile in 18 seconds bene and again. Barney is pronouneed by vet. and black- smith to be sound ire wind and TRUE. ,LM PORTRAITS. MADE AT. M. E. ZURB:. UGG'S. Family and other Groups from small sunbeams up to 16 x20; actual size of photographs. Pictures t:opied and enlarged or —Six weeks from on y will a remounted. Mrs Wm Netterfield of Lower Down poor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. Christmas day.. Only 51 days more 111 r 1899., Wingham, had the misfortune' to fall and break her wrist on Sunday Dist. Advertise in the Times if you want Mrs Netterfield will not have Much use to be in the front iank of the proces--or of her hand and"afor several weeks. sion. MOOTCACE SALE —The Tlar>;s and Weekly Globe at —Last Saturday as a good day for our merchants. The snow in the fore- $1.85 till January 1st, 1901, is good noon prevented the farmers doing any- thing with their ternips and large num- -W John Hanna and family have got hers were in town daring the after - moved into their new house on Edward noon, street. —The Lucknow Sentinel came to hand —'tax Collector Robertson reports last week in an unproved form. It is that the taxes are corning in quite freely now an 8 page, 6 column paper, in place. thus far. of the former 4 page blanket sheet. The Mrs. P. Imlay, of Whitechurch, is change is a great improvement Bro. this Week moving her household effects Bryan. to Wingham.. —Thos. Macdonald, a former resident --The regular lnontllly meeting of the of Goderich, and the son of a famous School Beard will be held on Tuesday Scotch shipbuilder of the early part of enext. the century, died at Termite on Wed- obt. Maxwell, the tailor, has mos- nesday evening in llie 78th year. De- si into Wm. Nicholson'. ew dwelling ceased was father of John A. Macdon- 011 I'raneerl street. aid, traveller for the Canada Paper Co. ---The plank walk in front of the Dinaley house is in clangorous shape and . Wrioxzirtn. sllotaa he repaired. Robert $lack has made some ileeessary ie w granolxthic street crossing repairs to the mill data. There is noth- ' e Sete set fn feont of ing like being prepared for the high the.; s <-. 91 " ° water. —2',a0 doors. such windows at the The Methodist Sunday School here has eerli's hotel have been brightened decided to dispense with their annual Vit a flesh coat of paint. Ohristnlas entertainment for this year, ...If yon want t4 rent t71' sell and run the eehool financially = tentri- 1 ticriis from the ehureh members. Senor,., or if yott have any stray anis, Peter McTavish of the gravel road and edvesretee came in the T"] s. Sohn reetune, of this village have re - Malay Winghateitee Were Bks- turned home from ltianitoba, end Beig Leve on Monday evening the Orange entertai i mute. Isar leen put aha at l 1 . yk'1,, tri Amite to It A0s T t WAt.111tt— f`ott etre Milt AND Anhioatsuiontd tri Ade lra) Ome ," the rt one's geode* woo • Roto. liy Montt 1ttt1tbead, `tire ere. rime &toed not admirer of Ow notion's idol. Rho ph Nod bieit l k •ove' - d%ii l< -Mewl • 133.42l;rrw Village Property. limbs. You who know this horse can g write, name your highest bid, and if accepted will answer a ® 1 d J CHAMP i ► CLOTHIER 1 IBRIJSSELS 1 Under and by virtue Of ti 'iowor of sale con- tained in a certain registered mortgage, (which will be produced at the time of sate)there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Joseph Cowan, auctioneer, at Gofton's Hotel, in the Village of Wroxeter inthe county of Huron es Thursday, the 23rd. of November, 1899, at t o'clock in the afternoon,the folioiving property, vfx:-- po Tnose p Iris of the East andWest halves of lot number,5, in concession `A' in the Township of Howick, (now in the Vil`tagK� es�f Wroxotor) formerly occupied by C. H, Willits, deceased, and particularly described in the above men- tioned mortga o, and consisting of upwards of three acres of IaSd. There are on the premises, a comfortable frame house and frame stable and sheds. TERMS 05' SALE:—Twenty per cent. of the Marchese money on the day of reale and the bal- anee in 20 days thereafter. Pnrther terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale or may he had en application. to the auc- tioneer or the vendor's aonettor. Dated this 1st day of November 1800 E. VAeneroNE, Vendor's Solicitor. or the roan who sells me• n's all, g, wool Tweed lined ULSTERS• FOR_ 'e91 I 1 .. toves v V V sii, v.,v ✓ If you want a first-class stove at moderate V W prices buy a Since starting the cash sys- sem, have been so busy that I have had no tithe to drive Bar• ney and hence .offer him for .1 sale. • In order tobe still more busy, will pay 19e for choice butter during the next two g weeks. es A. R. SMITH. When you want a v. U VI4. r nd Jewel 7/ . A Cook Stove. Srores of them in use in. this vicinity, N and giving perfect satisfaction. Ask your neighbor about the qualities of the Grand Jewel, A Every stove .guaranteed. YOUNG & P. UL I n l�).› l��,@�* �ye� �,r'�!‹ ,y/,,� ,g��!♦�s A � BANKERS and BUSINESS MEN Everywhere COMMEND . CHATH .&:M :, ®NT. - Canada's greatest school of Shorthand and business training. BUSINESS MEN requiring book-keeping or stenographic help should write us.. Only thee Qom petent reconunended. '7=i mime teStre 1101311111 0.11.4. ill Y110q.01V u.Z Pr tutu,. cea sv Qggdua:l eokaiifeb. 16. 1599., Meagre. D, McLachlan a op:, Canada Business college. Chatham, Ont. Gentlemen:- It is with -pleasure: that vre testify to the qualified+ tions, as an aocountant, of Mr. Bred H. Bilk at the time we took hila into our employ after having attended your college. Re at the start 'took hold of the work like a practiced hand and has alwaysg#.ven usthebeat of satisractiou; first, as an accountant, and later. as manager of our Shelburne office. Your truly,. • CD .2 •l TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX OF OUR PUPILS secured good posi- tions iu 17 months. We can send you the list. ,We allow railway fare to students from a distance. Good board at $2 per week for ladies, $2.514 for, gentlemen. or catalogue,of either department, address D. McLACHLIN, Principal, C. J3. C., Chatham, Ont. Suit OR Spe Overcoat L. ')f t25 ' x you, can not• do bette call on Robt. Nf axw guarantee to Ie- ' you both in fit, s and price. We make it our special study to keep up with the tines and to please our customers. Call and see for -yourself. • Yours truly, an �)I ?)t !,4 From 5 to .15 yard ends, in Tapestry and Wool Goods at cost and below, !1arains . ill EMNANTS . Yr THIS WEEK OF CARPETS fPfeI obt. •. Maxwell High Art Tailor.. One door South of Brunswick. T. Lam►. ®e Mills 1� tli-Wol°"AW.t/710tl .ii•Wkgs' &-R"M— i^ 314-W -Di laiii • ni 1 V4r 14w nab ■ r ■ AT WIN•HAM. ivrahlerBros., proprietors of the Wing - ham Evaporator, will begin operations here as soon as the trop is ready. They will pay the • highest market prices for all kinds of apples, according to quality. ?aoikere We and Winefalls included. Panties having apples of any kind, large or snail quantities, to sell, will find a ready market at the beet prices going by coming to our fatitory. MAB LER BROS., Propretors, SIght is Priceless Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. WE EyO © E ��� ��$..rV�/'-kOL9+++ .. Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. Try. us. Prof. Dorenwend OF TORONTO, THE l'Aluors Hair Go s Artist 18OOMVMI. I He will Brunswick Ho Wingham FRIDAY, NOV'. 24 With every kind and style of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WIGS, TOITP- EES, BANGS, WAVY and. PLAIN FRONTS, SWITCHES of all long hair in every length and shade. Hie art styles aro known end worn by all classes every- where. 33e sure to visit his Show Roonut at the hotel and see his new designs. He will, free of 111® wet Limon tie Gentlemen ''501,0 nu .*.•, t , 4 nln f 14, Wank n n;il